Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 May 1964, p. 8

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* -The Cendian Champion, Tlsstsdap, May 21st, 1964 HALTON MANOR Spring-Like Seting for Bazaar Warden Gallagher Opens Event 2- Bly Misis Musel Thospom 1 Richardsn; clair desin tickets, t6eManor.,Blue and wihite toweI Altheogh Mottter Natune saii lMr M. Forbes; mesibership in se( - Carol Rowney ]Miltons fit tu tend nais shoinsis stpss Humeo Manne Auxilian5i Mr AntAi y- Miss Huttusan Mil- ilis prtofthe canthonnWPaker.Theîtiio hidithe onec. Tatti.d Doîtey - Mes Gnoss nusdes,.May13, the aumosphere petniiy te mairetours ofth Georgetown.eCndy-dish - Jck and inn itedingsins the isoihine Manor unni the directof MMeî Me'ClarcosMasn Cnockeny set irnil li te Muee were deeMdedly A. Sykei. Superviing Nurnse. - Mes C. MuMulien ýMessin Toi ihne of the iier seire. The flsay Tes Rsoms tg --Min ZeigleMarsor. Pair auditorium had becst besutifel Th, rea-nisito nias vii patron- Pilîioasen - Mes. J. Hopkins, Iviteenneied forlthethind asesel, ced inboth rtienoo ad ene Miltons Ce andsauern - Mes Besoin acd Tee, hield in the oPine sîing* Veny atetrtie tic tables A. Milln, Miltn. henTrbhîs snso and evnisg. flitedbein setup bnihe on he floni-spege- Mci. Fned Tnisn, The flnneispie nfthe auditni. t he auditiuans d n e Ailtn >Bnnncsand car-rnigi- im hed bees divided jets tieni stage, Delicios aliernsse tee, Mes C. Bokill, Georgetown. setins oe for the sale et ,,ctdnniceit, nelisties and cie Bnbn's k.ýInîtmn sirut Min. H. gnnds acd one fer thi servi> liens vielle ennedt by a smben Wilkisn, Mtons Toy pncdle des cf aftenisi tee. A wihite pinket nI lies enden Mes. A. Wilsn - Suis Pallie. -Milles. BnOceh fence andaswhîite lttiee gtena ,înd Mni M. Hisiend a oens- - Mes. Clone Wilsen, Geonge- decnncied wmuSv ns epalstd the ers. In the etternen thns penn- 1 ntsc. Tee inneel - Mns. Riebet, Inn sentions. Lange annangements ing tuae nc Mns. G. Galoghfenj fRR. 4. Miltin. Silcen bracelet - 77nI ofettiiel tIoers hcd been et Bontinglen. %vire ot the ' Ms. Ogo Ccedo, Maoirn sîtf. sespecded len the nsitieg ty en ef the Consy, Mes. L. Whit- Fenininel -Mns. Bnuce Bind, nces oflenleed nibbos. aed icg, tile eftihe Depsty Reevei Miltn. Pick towe ici - Hilda letiie wnnh deennctced with cnl- et Gekvilte; Mes. John Eliilt Matine, M. Cntsb cnd suinnen oreedeni.nnils ffloeteenttd bn iethetReese ofGeogetonin nt Ace Contey. Milton. afliseel te the vis. Longe tain and thec ivonin eseidensi Mes' Smeal di - Mn,. Chinlie Wnil- imibrells td hertptoed itheiA. Cntoiing Mn. J. Huître ad ses, Milles. Pick traelet antd rii inens of the 5stre vlMiss. Hantesin. Thoespeur- ea-ng sri- Mn.E. Suief "BETTER HEARING WEEK" ,s hniy enseinedin Canada tis wsk, and free assiîsace is offer- a large sntib hetinees thesi. ing tee in the evnisfg inere Mnî. Miltn. Ladies stippeni - Mes. J. 'C. A. Martin, %vieiotthtcReee Cîcinenne, Bnonie. Plastie knil- nI tu har o ineariii.ennnp îfîough thc Cîncian Hsiîinq Soniety, 60 Bsdford Rd., Tornto.i Extend Wetctste Miîscdpeeteanostigbg-Mi .Ctin e Onaio Se oý for thn Seat, Milton, is aso eqîppcd to ofnî informstion te ohîldeen ccd suts Pîcpl 'il tinnile e to i d Hotes cn ctositîene Ctinbldi-ens.A Coier,- Mars. nîîd te ýionlwoninnui h3in lntss RobertiAntlll, audOiooi serices sdnise fcr S Allenprvsiiofnthe Haltno Mangement; and aneîidenBwaMlo.Ncl n C.SODi hvia okwl oeo h qimn vial in the CS.D.sedintinin. Manoir Aîtilicnv eiteeded geei. et Ms W.eslln o t, ic tcMlo.Nnî n icgsto thetcaeenncd of visit.ite,plvdsts oe ic-_________ ors acd residestpesiest, and n., epie nthefMnoiree hen callcdnnMr.Allen, theILtr ci Ko.g Fn tetenoon Mes G ernstendent et the Mason. u-Mn ý., N. .Fstrad .G Allen ~ ~ ~ Mr eitnde e ntss enl Il ccd in Ohe , nisng b Bill C o m m ttee R es g n s .. Arunestet] da wlcore toaBnEfrsh. ýMrn. M. Cettin mc the ý an exresed hans t al]lilois' ta-ronicshien. C o m m itte r" titiddTiit. u igi, i ecae.i% fnbl vrkds ir i rý Mily Idest aCiipulic -1- mnîolrtitt ion, tien hein efforts is this din tr iteemc B".-I cnii li IiOicn Cli Lini li, aise, descnihed th16'Ii 1f, e oîfiers sîhi hetpnd geaceinsîs asd à iii li li i.,în,îl i'iniimi,, ILLn CoiiMiîd iîket henlelits bit the nesideets had nliienl isiimcin ysand the ia1iiinnnni.siepitui TaiîîiniH. .Jnlnsniodet. dertedlî[to in inthei Mnnnnoe îheu a gneat de ELECTRICITY t,,il i i i, i .I,~ l , p . ..B , i,. id il Ili, rli ,îiî tî.i t huei iîi ltrin tii lases. ilvof'fgratitude. keteolrIv , l"dph -I 1-ro'u tti, î tiliiliennii .istoigenieiallo pr[lie. arîtintes ahout iii be oftenei i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -piao iiiiiiiii iOii , nioiiilt nt, fS aitîinar, Heinnieoni anset hescens this hocien iill IS OUR BUSINESS oudfo Ips li f heltc;IletOoiDI-lon b c eteed as aserv liii niiiii.liiiiki -J fioille itui-CbmittedlediC, A. Martin. flceChairmancso lzsnpoitbeadîwr- u caTnere ihEetl -ki -ui tiheii i Dnpîiiiceni. the Hilion Macor Ccsusittee nior ,sti elthe s esn sttb Teee ettEetl îl "rI -nsaeing clsent. eity. Calt as expert for iiii.. I ii iiiiiiiii i.cui.i.. Sunltiiii, Iniîeil MaingemeteandeGontllo Thisteialthe penny draws fiii.i , ,, ~sI3Ce, i, Ille ptublcîlîîî Tuol, e edol 1 enler, the Wendes et Halte * HATING iii,îî >*ie~îiî leliititt Mtctoit tiii iti-ine lthe tued hnt eLe neto table tted hleuri set arp infi ie- nL ta A II ie . Rente pupat , .. oîn Ileenicorpu- Councis bonnom Atteeclose ofithecs. *îfîN1 Mam , D'il,::\ Ronce lnliitlin surtoutol cnocii. but[i Ale fordith A heiitn ioe iitiledcsodeebMs NEW CIRCUITS liii, ~ ~ 1I IniiiiiliîPoie tutttnd oikednitotiii itiin ileeilettnhenini AIilniheoed the tollowng neu * ADOITONAL OUPLETS n t n iitiiiniini liiitieii çmeiiineeitiiitthe basaar.Mr. sitNeekleeeand cr-ings- OUTDOOR LIOHTS nu' lni i t niii oinenti C e Iflaho lieatneînelte a Mi- 13. Richarndsos, Kesnicng - Finet c Fi-ee Estitocie Cali -lâdLucil., Cttitltn Ssci Ietri datony1 ci,,.I atiillsnopened. Mis D. Peceson, Geongetown. il ni i 1,1 Oi nul a ic, iiitiilimcioeiliiiikil A De g Alicniiber orladnies and T.\telosn -Mes. B.Ouiakei, sltlf EAfRT in , lii ii(L~tiitIit Eîiîî,îýIin i i gen. genitlemen cd noni te fite ad- tloute. LemochSqeeczer - Mns. TH RSON i i lL.iiiii coiit n -Il nuit - uiiiinotcii.inicIL tat.gothe sale eossn se C. Wilson, Geortin)esn. Silien ELCTI Ieluteit Titir, i it lor scni plicli intiatli lui ted attracttve cetinies os is-nue ckime set Johs Iilthenles. Mli EET I liiS I . Reîoired or Nî, Salic~itor Niclînts ieeotccecd- lac. Asîtheyentened thvilue n . Pink dol- Bric But nerf,_______ iii. l,,îi Si.ýn R-, iii Min,ii ltit cd i ncuinctiIdboiiaet2t- eeeied bycneeeeptiosntcotoit- il'~~~~~ iiI i i, i l. ic, alim huIttIIl trne -tihe on tinndt3 Iai teetitti taies Mis S.Alien,____________________ w n i ,,,,,,i uit id the lin L Onuth ie getiiil puritiis -crun chose intiMes J. HtI.ulîley. They wene 1 1, 'I -Lu.,nîîcî d t î ilp II ,lîrea, ao,tpite 1058,500de- ,tskni tu sigs thc r gisten winht îîiiî i ,.,i. i a SIi,, Publicn 'Sebota boilo Thei Smo tiig lins-r îîcoked atliei MnsB tzO 0 THIS W EE O NLY 0 ,i,îîieand lie neidesis scb 4 6 lankoî cfter the senines ichînsi 40-6I 100 WATT tinte kept hus atrt leneIta Teacher, Nurse Tour O.S.D and nîeîting. The connvesens ef, itcw table, nene: Hadicrn.ts, . L M IV F m Mis M. Hu cc ad Mes. J. Racilelli G E A cke tlible, Mnsi H. Woodlci anîd i Visitors f rom India England M, NI Brînric~M £cn table, M,, . A. ii" e in Mi i. i i i ' ilaii L i i 1 i pe foi, i ilaf lii 1il, \- k, 90i, i li1,, iiiii ,tt Fi,,, l tti -,, ri M t, Oli, i,,,i i i III i . lie r i11 1 hii "i. i,, O in HOIT CROSS SCHOOL ASSOCIATION B 1INGO0 NEXT MONDAY 8.00 P.M. ithe RIVIERA, Nuia 19 PRIZES 0F $10.00 7 PRIZES 0F $20.00 PLUS $500.00 JACKPOT TOWN 0F OAKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGISTRATION 0F BEGINNERS Thi e Ç' fo i n ii secool ynan commeIlcIig September 8, 1964, wiII be carried out as follows: PERCY W. MERRY TUESDAY, MAY 26th - 9.00 - 4.00 p.m. REXALL PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS K. H. ELSLEY, B.Se., PhM. 24,HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE TR 8-4492 - After Houes TR 8-961 FREE DELIVERY - REVLON COSMETICS BICYCLES MUST BE LICENSED ALL TWO WHEEL BICYCLES IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON MUST BE LICENSED BICYCLES MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. .... . BELL 0 BRAKES 0 FENDERS, ETC. 0 LICENSES WILL BE ISSUED DURING THE PERIOD 0F MAY 25o1s to MAY 30th, 1964, MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 4 P.M. TO 8 P.M. AND AIL DAY SATURDAY AT MILTON POLICE DEPARTMENT MAIN STREET, MILTON AT NO CHARGE R. ANDRESS, Chief of Police, Townof e Milton. easiîg e.Seo ek May 10. Res. J. K. L. MnGsi laceast oaeeIs~ se Ie, R.deliveret as approprrtel sorti Stak, uhlîl. teaoot pnhie t the ehsnnh ternie sud Me -Mes, B. Royal, Masse, Toise S. Lielî ployedth Ie orsau. tf4 set - Miss D. OJevîts, Masse. MeGosis neati ventes 0 o4 f Ch&~ The dnaisfor the qlltsand ter 66of îsalah ad hensbsox doit csosed aflury of excite- hiîins seonverse 13. mtanod theieineners r:Quilt L Is P, dnaw inne - Mes. A. Cellier, Mi non n S-yeir Masse. oi deain visssine oas nenidest nenciesst a peet- tiaasftdrd. s ua otBl itaynatons crsgnee aa i Moteiben Dcy ie, iittiegty oh- vsit thensesidens tbnsagheoi seredci i he Manor, Sondoy, the day. ]BELL LNES by Arnold Blachford, your telephone manager NOT VISIBLE t suppse IL mtai seemr atesuge brÎelgsg aP lsebeegs tn May, bst IL trucidai occaseed ts meba tha Ibhave sossetia lIs esaai hel SM elepho butiaerai - st like the geeuille pans of as Isobrr, the poueae bstk ut toshotgeo adevaucea lit telephase sensvice ha sot visible ta tse average poreson. tl asked, i supeet muet tstepheae maens sisalt say ihat 'phase styles have changer] aven the yoes, asd that teasuttoa bas Impeseeti akedly. balut luI glanerai telepbao seevice soesr the sasse single furastisa tsday us IL diil ttfty ego. Nal sst -PFe essospie, tleephaae tises Lodi ay npuo ssaitalk" us welas pesrpto conversatios, asnd carry chanets tiagnasos, draeings, muasical seules and eves bandrtisnlag as il fi beios %vrilltera! Agfala, tleptose tises ane aei ta negslute Inutile llghls ftei nusite o ant positions, se tu negulato tbe RIss of aIl arnatue gos Li% pipelines spang the Continent. Bat, as1say, many f thcsesapects arecOut appret tu te average CUSTOM MADE lii like 1.iiiteigiotItentioni igei t tioe speciat turc- phonîte lîittilmets thlti e ptoitiie lareeostuerîs wiibspeechbnr huarîg ifiiilitics. Tue bcndset io ne enetialcovr scIiLiss'iscnoîinIsctreiar pepelt %vn ish ILLspeaknfi lot, priisce, bot tar rhase isho, peehtîps ats the resolt of ait opee.îtio, Crnoiîpeak as loudiseisiltessnish;satnn urlainf lictmes. ut cou-e, ihete ls tho antiticici letyns. The basît set lt i îpiteil he.tisg cotins a rotary siiih titrat rcises flic ccllem'siiiiielecl Ioitesitei tresptit.l eitbc ofttiese [ ets ur te ,îniifieî.î larynxs coi po.ssibf toalie vu Ie1 tfile pleclsaitiee.plleits dît i esitutte te catI on Business Ollie aci 878-2301 asd itîqoîne about filon. Thecnetebeattas sf the 501h soslvenacy sf Miltoa Hydra, Eleelein Commisîso lu eealsll s sîgulfiesont client, ark lag as Il dures, a mllestssse In the tievelopmoet af the atlitp and thbe mosslty. Our-csngratulatiosto1 Miltson Hydre, Csm. infusion and thes staffl sn the nommlsslsna 50th Asslscerssy. 441 Ili I MAKE DRIVING A PLEASURE DRIVE A DEPENDABLE CAR FROM JOHNSON BROS. NEW OR USED YOU'RE ASSURED OF TOP WARRANTY. DEPENDABLE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION. See Your Car Now at Johnson Brosa CHOOSE CHRYSLER youR CHRYSLER DEALER FOR 30 YEARS * HYSE PLMOT * AIN WITH THE FAMOUS 5-YEAR OR 50,000 MULE POWER TRAIN WARRANTY YOUR CNRYSL.R DEALR FORt 30 YUARS I. AT.. McKIM HARDWARE 260 Mais St. "I Seres o a Right' PR 8.9222 M 7 c7t, ýý_ c) IIIIIIIIIIIIIM

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