~.j. S.RAL OLPpASE Are yen NotiSe te i.jgitGfs tseil nof waillg te biane those A»n OTn secal jatte donc? If se. rail An-, dy Oraliasi 3d3438. c-2-4136 PANER PlUOR, block mn te worli. UU5AO Bsimi. ireiii4es but aod rehlailî. Pa- -tics, nideseaiks. John Pries. AU peraaea laiang clalmes ag- Camphriiviiie 834-2672. aifsi the ESitaie of DAVID JAMi., c-48483697 ES DOUGLAS, laie of the Tow-n cf Oaks'iiie, ie the Cocnity of BIG 25 11. c-asher- xrce Haiee, Fainter, dacaased, who nec- insiailed ai Milton Laundra. died ai Milioe District Haospital niai. 191 Mili Si. Idi-ai for bian- ithe saisi Taowe of Oaki-ilir, an heus and oir big icaiis. or plioci the 20ih day of Ociaher. C-2-4262 1963, ara hrby eeiificd ihat MèqILTON UPHOLSTEIRINO-G- tbcy trsts liane Statements et Re-ephaisierieg, niip-coeri, cas- iOSSl- dlaims. properiy ne-ilied, tom bult forniiere. Free pick-up ie the lande of the endr-eni- and delinry. TR 81-994, 359 Mainî iaeed Execcear on or brlore the SI. c-37-3lW5-i .3016 day of May, 1964, alrier wih dole the Esecuior c-ili pi-c. LARGE GLOSSY PEINTS ol i-ted te distibale the Enlale, any stalf photon appeaiig en The honing regard oniy ta the dlaims Champion, 5x7 suze 75c, 8nIS $1. of nihich il ihee siiail have had Cash te accompany, erder. En- notice. quare eow ai The Champicn of- Dated ai Milon, Ontaio, ibis lice, c-i 4ih day of Mày, 1964. REIMER liphelstery - Re-up- IIALTON &6 PEEL TRUST & hoislering fiirniloi-ei-einishisg SAVINGS CO., Esecuior, i-o cieaning. Prompt service, 282 Coihorne Street East, hest quaiiy malerials, fine moi-k- Oaksilir, Ontario. manship. Bau-ey Si-os., TE 8-9741. bys S6E2NSW Y. DICIC. _____ c-49-3883-f Milton, Dataio, ils solicilir 6eri, c-52-3 ODD JOBS _________________ YOU NAME IT - 00E DO ITI BTilino (lferi and c-aIU Gen& i S ssin :Stormbccindoics 0 Paiting Cai Cooely of Bation, I ED STROUD To 0011: I TR 8-9937 Court of Geoei-al Sessions cf the Peace and alan thc Cocoiy Cocrt of tlie said COUNTY OFNM O ecilî be lield in the Court Rooni. in the eew ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Base Line, Esqoesing. COMMENCING ON Monday, June 1, 1964 al thr hoor cf 10.00 a.m. Dayiighî Saning Tite. of c-hîoh ait Jutc- eif the Feace, Coroners, Coc- .stables, Gaieri anA ait cîhers concrrned aire rrqocîird t taisr noticeand attend t0 do acd perlormi ail dactire c-hich, apper l aine tintera. ANDEEW W. FRANK, Shi-riff, Sliriffes Office, Ifailan Coonis Administration Building, Bse Une, Esquesleg. May 6. 196M. o-3 Sheriffes Salle of Lands TdNDER AND BY VI-ETEE OF a Wilof Eecuticn i-ied out of the Sopreme Court of Ontaio a tu me direcled c-heieic OLGA BEENICE MITCHELL ic Piaieliff aed JOSEPH ORVILLE MITCHELL ks Defendani. I have siied and taseloto i eecuico and nul cîfer for sale hy Pubic Auclion ai my office in the Ni-n Court 'Houer ic the Towinship ci Es90uesing, in tise Coocli- of Hal- ton, on Wednesday, the 10t6 day of Juste, 1964, ai the heur of 10.00 'ciocli ic t6e forencoe, ail the righl. title. inirreni and eqeilycf redemplico cof JOSEPH OR- VILLE MITCHLELL, beiag the andinided cee-hall ier-sti. and ta the fciioc-icg lands: AU. ANsO SINOULAR sia cr- tain parceior tractiof ]and anA prrmises. sitatue, liig and heicg pari ci the Nci-ih-rasi hall ai Loi I, Conessnic 3, in the Toc- ship cf Naisagac-cya in the Couai of Halîoe. mare parlico- iai-iy desciled as Iclliows: COMENCING aI a point Four Iiadred and Oe Foci 14011) South Foriy-fine degrees West (S 45 Ai-gi-es Wl fi-cm 16e EaerIy anale of s-aidi Loi Na. 1, Ccncession 3, in the Toc-nsip ai Naseagaweya. en the Coacn of Haltn; THENCE South Farly-fior de- gi-ces Ws(S 45 degrees W) Tni Hondrrd and Twercipline Ici-t 122531 pai-alil t0 the hcusdary rcad alionance heincen the Tcownship of Nas.aac-ya anA the Toc-n cf Borioglon (formci- iy Nelson Tcwnship); THENCE North Foit-iyfisc du- gi-ri- West IN 45 Ai-grec- Wl Fine Hundred and Eighiy-onnc THEJNCE Ncrth Fcrip-lii- dc- grcsEastilN 45drers El Tc- HooadrAd and Tc-eniy-iive leed ,(1225'); THENCE South Foriy-fine de- grecs East(S 45 degrenE) Five Hanr-d aed Eighiy-ctie feri (581') tc Ih- poict of comee- menai. ootainieg by admeasore nient. Thi-er (3) Acres niore ori- TERMAS C.sh lisp Eqtsis.. o ililcoipii C-2-l EtobiCoke Construction ASPHALI PAVING Fi-cc cssimaics. Guaianii-i-Acork. 0 Diieinis siS-hohi- * Faoi-c S Parinig Lois Phone 854-2645 R. R. 1, Coniphi-lIill-. C-2-2 NO! NO! NO! NO! NEyER hon-cc- froc- a fricnd'! It yoi-i- "a utile i-hort-i li pas-day., came si-r us. Wr'ii i-nA vi-ci 50flo- to c-ci-h anA .sit il oil coii nou i.. 47 icnis. Fu, simple, conlisîcit lai. And voos dacit loi-r a friad. Ai-k lo- a Mins-Loan ai 1S MAIN ST.. Phone 878-2171. CRESCENT FI NANCE CORPORATION LIMITED D. V. Mai-DONALD, Manageri 181 Maiic Si. E. Phone- 878-2171 , 2-4 Cars for Sale For Your NeRf Car... TEY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. TE 84380 0-1.41 .50 GALS 0F GAS FREE Wih psu-chose of' on or os-A i-ai doring May. Mall- vou-.iioiiad ai-k for thi- gos. 190 ENVOY $795- 19.S9 R.AMBLER 4-door c-iîh $1.095. 1957 FORD Faîi-Iaee 500, VA8 $695. 1956 PLYMOUTH $95. Immi-dicl- Ailis-n i-c 1994 VIEWMOUNT RAMBLER LTD. Daîrd ci Milton, in si-o Coocip Bi-anle Si. Soth ici-a- hospitait ci Haiioe, ibis 24th day of Fr6- MILTON, ONT. ruary,1964.PHONE.878-3441 ANMNW W. FRANKC.- SherilI, Couaiy cf Haiten. c-1-4 - USE CHAMPION PLACE VOUE WARES WIIERE CLA.0SÀIEI3 ADS THEYRE SURiE TO BE READ - IN THER CHAMPION -FOR RESIJITS Real Estate BARGAIN PrimaRe, 36eboctisn brick be»ao leur, large yard. 301 ElBawobd, Milton. 5%9 mortge $7.400. Ap- pi-ce. valuie 112,9w0. Beet effet, hi- May 23. STATNER 118 Braima-. TORONTO 7. c-1-2 G. W. GOLDSTRAW Real RElaIe Si-oker AIl Typas of ReaI Estale UL 4-2213 R. .). Inglis UL 4-2202 o-5U-Il URGENT APPEAL We hav a cluenI niha urgcnly necsa 3-hcdrocmn haine. ciA or ceu,iocaiedona good Inadiin fiaitc Ccaniy. nith ai icasi i/ý cire of g-drn and. A gncd Aco pavmnirn or ail cash con ho si-ranci-A if deredc. MES. MATHEWS Paul S. Starr & Company Limiled Georgetown 877-4059 b-47 REALTOR AND INSURANC E M KAI (C.nmIe.d Wanted in Milfon 3 iedrees i 6egaiow. ie aIder section of Milton, t14 bath- minsm, linished recreal ion relens. double garage. POSetoas- i-r han cansideraele cash. MRu. MAT84EWS Paul S. Starr &Company Linijird Georgetown 877-4059 C.2 $500 Down Payment One Mortgage $57.00 Monithly $500 donin payment foi- this 4- i-omn home ie Aclon. coaspile nilh modemn kichee and bath- Mot.A geood opportueity for yourlfirn homemith paymente les ihae reel. Poli pi-ice $5.800. Handlyman's Special SM0 down payasent 10 1 open mcrcgage fo-ibis large 2-niai- ey tramne boame in Aclon. 3 hedrocies. good sizrd hitchen andiing mrn, needs ie- pairs, deccraicg anA the cr cf a pi-ccd cwner. Mocidsly paymrnis SM4. Foul price 88,000. A. E. Mitchell Lid. REALTOR Brampton 451-6232 b4 Christie&Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Maie St. - Milton $10,500 ful piie, 3 -Aerote hiik bungalowi, large kil-hec. liing ia dinig ronm,Arycs. Tesris. $12.500 flt piie, 4 -hedroose home c-iuhgarauger.-ic. i-ot. i-lo-e Io schooi and shopping. $10i000 fl pibo, 3 - bi-droani Dead Stock DRUMOQUIN Thr Cananda Champinn Th 4 pda Miy 2l-d, 1964 7 PACONI Presenst Guide Badges i....iifl 1fz i1Pcli k. Pead Stock Kemoval Mother Daughter Banquet S,;j'..ýdl LI-MITBD Uigest Cash Priceslfor dead or By Mro.A.Bai ot1 ,l 'N%'u f, disahird caws and horsee. Ti, sitDrirqinio and'r Oidlfci-sesScII. Blo-oi.l Acocai Mother ba i dicî,sI, s.,illsiîsIslî.. Licence No. 30IC64 -106P64 lioOhih:obnqut N.î iehld . . h, Io" h.,.iL h Phono ZEnith 9-7950 hursd.s cng ii-si Cl, Si-. ' r ts c oa sil - io, AIn. N lO ,tSlo,î k c-SS-II Thi, cr 3S In-ol lot li t he .. T I d - -, ;~, s-s.. ic msIi-os, of thels, i ______________________ ictiuious hot m'als i-uput Ini the.. ,, th.. LItii ";. -o~ - ...i a ..,, ,,i. I ua l-isi l o guhic l iiisi .lolid th, .,si ..... ..h_ Walnut Ranch Ltd. DrUanMi*...îîidmSlat tllitomsi n stan M is.' Crippird anA Disahled Coma Peari Mcclaien sscsî.lî l Iii li, and Hci-ses Milton L. Doing Ilic ,"n Cath%, Aiic.. ai- co l s a 24 Hoci- Beri-aea enioii sI .îo Guides i- V 9 ~ l l oA so n ii ls , oceh Lic. Nos. 133-RF. 208-C-62 A oc i ucît di. (islha o u-Hll yC"sa'kbcihes o. Beii-, it Ilosiess badge ii Shaos Hill cnd Waterdown MU 9-1044 Toi g M tcshuo Kîrco Wil. lianon.SPEC UAL Aucio Saes The Nos ils Ts.it.liens? Coin_ Au__ o Sale muit WCu helci hingvroes C-I-L EXTERIOR PAINT Arrngemesclhi huetsccisilc, AUC O SALE A McýCropkp. ad Mi : 1 0HITE LATEX sorss, l Ths, l.idîiiietil S WHITE PRIMER Of Modemrnd OderStyle lus. 'hop .î it si-an Msi111 9 Fourniture Mr,.. H. Mann ling, lic sîsscs GREEN-GREY and SATUEDAY, MAY 30 lidiicsii .iiiulic "hi,]'!r RED ail perpose palet Att1 o'coia lehae i~~~~ Wh iîlcssus iis eOHITE HOUSE PAINT E GALLON MSIS. MARY MaItUGH Imm Ii Mis W hecsIicii Pi-a. v-. oîc i. i lîîl In lie, EN R 1t2 Popîc- Av., Aioc c I lic . M ai Si N DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Sec Auio Selis[ in tî ilicsiciîisii..iiilî ecksic. isse-s h lc ,i pîc..îîîcsî 51f.. U S.N Aetae8S O Atictioner:cgli .. 1l ELLîOTT & liOI-MES T13 nol eclirolth S-2 ,l. h, hcield .iil IcI,î Mciii, 28À o nn it :, l DOUBLE aîpl.iîl luti a-l t l 'il,1 îî 1îu rnss I AUCTION SALE I ...sic vvilh ih, lnicIisc iisu ss 270,CHURCH ST. STREETSVILLE I in iiva si-ci b li i , Iuý Enieod SympaIhy 10 MINUTES TO MILTON Wih icnstructions i-oni SmIo aiisiîic c isli Mi. JACK & ALLEN BEATTIE Li- ct. ciî isl.i 'il lic.u Of Willowdoii-, Ost. îîîotlîcî îît Itl.s ol.î o.., sii.l JUN s OC U A Y 1iisill sllheoo ii conteiisissi. FLsIcsI'l sus. I ). cîI N sf O CU A if 2 moderc honies. lit shc Ah- ssii bolllIs sîcîîîîî MODERN ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. i-loic Mili Foi-k, on . ch liiiciiii I lcii$ 5 A D U UATURDAY, MAY 23 ieldl ilic liMi.iIci$95i-il, I - nciimeo l t oYu'locL îk csils ii.dlîiciii .h.sp.ssip.iîs--- EA RNO - 2 chicrild,; 2 'lave'; 2 brick serai -Aciached honeefrii.. 2 TV:iil contentis s..o.i c-uîh gai-aoc. Auchi-n. largeur- Iv lourcd si- welsssnshcd hom-r ui mgroues, ining omi. as. li5 BELL ST.-4-hedroom horne,. 195 ai-i-is 3 syring fi-A i-rrrhî TERMSs Coi-h c-i-cr sciA. oAoc-lotOn on0 clai-gi i-si-i-ti pond si-es. close te WM. A. GIBSON. AsiclisCcr, si-i- lo. nlv 12500do-e 401 Highisoy partiv c-ooded. Calvin McImyro. fii-k. b-47 paymi-ni. Open ta olli-i. Cati Fnric $21,000. Doc-o payaienti Giadvs Home 878-2621. 5000. SCENIC PROPERTY-25 adi-is 96 adi-es. dii-. farmn. large harn, CLEARINC c-ilh cee of the besi oiec-i- in sica-I sîaîlIug. Fn-e $30,000. Hliion Coonîr oe top of the Dosoc ycymei $10.000 AUCTION SALE i-iiai-pimenl. Poil price $21.300. Cal] Ai-i Praccck TER 09447. Cali IN TWP. OF NASSAGAWEYA H6GWA 40re,1 -FleNT E frn -i 878-2095 878-6057 Of 170 Bi-eediag sEsses, Tracter ai--d i ief-m lIn mplemnts, Etooshotd odi oiing 401. Askieg oeiy C-2 -Etc. $4.500 lo- qoisi- sal-. Cai Bcb - LohingThe suanderijcu h.iii-ccivc-l' $1.1 FOR $50M00 - Yen! For lAtrct lAs Il LLn Si ..oi i-uc coîain $5.000 Tra- j. r... iloughbyLJ HAROLD) W. SAVAGE oci Ai-ciAi-ni coociog- plus Tc seiihi uci i tsihi-ioini 500 med-aosli-overcg loi- o Io 11, 1 27Coi ,Tvp. of N aga- Clay. - or $10,000 coserage for & Sonsl L.IU. unrra situaiîci os thi- Fi-il Lioc. $1.95. Si-lo-c vuc taLe voor Nainagac-c.. TusI. 31 m cil., ci-ni trip, icii ns lie a qu~ota- Realtors sootihsoo No. 7 llihis.ii. 2 Ie lion.sc-h oi Edi-n Mill, $742 FUALL DOWN PAYMENT- 64 Year Continoos Set-viceAY MY 71 Newo 3 - bi-drooni i-pii a-i-ie Commrniig .t1 .00 oCIi- ohail. the toliosi-sg: home cith i-arprirs fllp dc- ag i 7 RIEIGEE h oraicA. Nordco kiîohi-c oclus , aMi* 7 REDN WS-Ti esuhoous fn, lo-e o psublic Muni iilia- ownr mciig taiooccinistso l170 bruý,ciuf and high schooi. anoîher toc-o. Ii-i-stre vei- i-i.îc-s ith 22-5 Lamb, su ktcli. lowi brick. 3 large bcAi-ooms TAi--iic ar 10 hSîffliki. 70 Hi 310 Main Street - Milton sepasae AiniOf mrtsi. 5ý AbýreA cvus; SulilkA Lisccîi mergýi carie fu $8 1.1. inA Sufflk S.sc-ouiii-iu-sioi-: 878-6292 or 878-6592 This is et god lamil hocnie eg. Leicester- 3li u 1. hsPu C-2 anA psui-Ad ta ni-l] au $13.500. nimeo. TAe i-isii- i-ili ho -Idi ______________ Cil Anna Cas-on TE 84980. lois al 20. Thiiii.i--culeit lich. ii goud conitisonciý in r ~ New Condition mbbiso pi9.Te a' A. . L PAG 1crvl, d bic -bngaow,3 4 pot tanih- Eueiisii ion. Ai- ~~clipred blre si-le Si-aiý ei-up Membere of the Toronto. Ontario menu. good siaed famiy lkit TITACTOR Au iM.LEMFNTS- and Oakriiic-Ti-afalga- Real i-hi-n. foc c-i0 liki- ibis Cru.. Maxi-e.. Fi-i-i-o No. 50 s-si- Esiale Boards. Feuil piie 15,000 niib $4,5M0 soi-, good as n., 222 houpi- hi-i 5i Yi-ars' Conticooe Sei-vice D.P. t ona morifafi-. Coi-s ssii-i oiserIterntional.si lii- trac 1cr $9927 P.T.T. Cai Accu. sas- moweri 0si.î '63. 10 Il. oh.us MOFFAT Coi-ons TER ".980. hai-osn; 2-vhi liui-ci triteri ACRES & HAFFINESS Ashbrook Court Gi-i-goeatl 2hi illc po poîs $8.700 oup for ibis ooy home. Beacoil splis-icocl Adesign sniih droi of ail; S A.1. Asoi.tcil oiooi riciiy 3-picc bath, sui- 3 Ai-Aiooniî îycciocs livsing pei-r 2 pi-opac tans: Miss- i-cuideA vvilh tosciy ti-cs. cnc.ilarge-hithoen Ahi b et 1e Fci-guio-3 hl.y. pI-s.lIodfi. gt nceiî fenceA. ini-loding lai-g- home inclutnsiv-e..eideiacic iiei-iiiii-ciseoiscrnentî siie gai-Arn. cosuple of oatifiy bnild- cri-c. Fuil pisce $18.000 C ts 1 - b, cu," cnge iocihichecu or pIn. iic lo- $105 F l.T. Ccli Arisa h~o h soîs i,, ci. tro souu oniintv looct-A for scooi Ccir-nsTE8-980. cai-i. si-cciou !.îck-. pisi EDEpNg LooLLSe POWEE TOOLS - Tcableuaw; EDNMLSWe hov- i-ic. larine, sici i-aed scso; pointer; II: ill prsi:. 21 ACRES ccri-cge. lai-gi- or mtrail. fooA1iurnisg loAi-e; StiiiN. kili sc%%; IAcai Famity Erea -rsintoiai ai-A commerucisibr.oîorîcouios. ai kisuli -l huitAine lois is'0- coýd soi-. hua bools; pois- ln olls $5.500 oly. $2.750 Aoc-s pcpmeet ic sirnatioaI. Ccil J. A.Etio Vorgc hI.si i-i-iu c.bsuiing- 2 sii-cng stressonms huit pi-oside TE 0-9233. mai--ii. pi-risi,; iiiii good lixhissg. oioc grounrds foi- ici-s ocsîik sk the-year rouindcottage. Areai Fosr-pomptiandi-orrousi- ards;315.cv i-iii--siduIi-s.S boy for thi- fanîiy ibat oaoi- eice, Cal] poai WillooghAbv icti e Moshoha ciosci- t0 home. i-ipri-civei-s HOUSEHOLO F.OODS-Nst g- i-ioth-u Ai-i-c; Woi-Aîuid-elc MILTON AN A AINSTR8-98 ti sti..udio Qiots , L-e, hsu REAL HOME 3i-AMairsi E.uh cisi--ci uti-icce br-.ick. honti-. 5 large- J. A. ELLIOTI TIR 8-9233 12', ile nu-, lusit, i-ui si; i moonts-on 2leors, ii-aiariog mugcs i- ocui; it] kssu.. largr spa-king Lutchen. mali-tc- 9 Ccurt St. N. tac-e luri-ilur- barbcuci eosep c-ail *rcadieom, liing meont C-2 ment; ping pong tache x; i-icsi- met and diesg room. cactal lice runm eqsusycei-i; mni.sotsh- aninge, gan hcaiing and gar- e- aric-es. age, cere of toc-n. TERMS: Ccl îsiih cleorA I IESI ay ol i-cii-. Cali ymagy -No irenene as lai-ai is soi^.5 Ncc- oner gi-s poi-sess-ion Joet Tom Bradley uiiMs . WM. A. GIBSON. uociioei-. TE 8-9543 Pc es oIp TA 41478 c-1I Calvin MoI-leyre, clark. 6-47 FIEE CODE Adoptisson lActh N.sîssss.s Fi. c Cods, iiic lialo ssi sisisici p-i Ti- ais )nicimo . ai ni,,,-ciCi Ilon Mussca Aid Fis-, S,is. cusocithes osslt ofs nd riiio lireciieîrs irn h cLnA mcingic il efi ir. oui ie is il . scs ls . -I *Eluvaisir Seri-ice La-g-Bl e *Broadiacîn Halle 0 Fa, klaid Seting * TVsand FM S.und * Stepc Io Trionpnrioîîn and " Spaclous Latindry Faclltes Shopp,îing PHONE 87-26CR 8-2466 CL 1-7095 A&T REED-REDFERN Ltd. ILLWE B3ABY YOUR CAR* SPECIAL FORD CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH AY METEOR PONTIAC DODGE M onl MERCURY OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER SERVICE MONARCH BUICK DE SOTO * THE DYNAVISION OCLOCP IS AVAILABLE HERE NOW FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL TUNE.UP. RESULTS GUIARANTEED! COMPLETE IGNITION ANALYSIS. * COMPLETE BEAR ALIGNMENT SERVICE WHEEL BALANCING STEERING SERVICE * BRAKE RELINING BRASE DRUM MACHINING -HYDRAULIC SYSTEM OVERHAUL FREE ESTIMATES -- PHONE OR DROP IN S FREE SAFETY CHECK O ONE STOP SERVICE AND COMPLETE FACILITIES AT REED-REDFERN Ltd. YOUR CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE - CORVAIR DEALER HIGHWAY 25 SOUTH TR 8-2393 1 .