ONTARIO HOSPITAL LAUNDRY MANAGERS Assogatlot 01mi-I1 Noraia De Castro, Elsa idgeoia[ei. Nora Madaaie[a, De. taga. wece ireed Ia enerecaiomeoi by sivea! dollaors [romn the'n eG. CluflloflTorono, sandingehind. Philippines. Shao in the cicrore are Tom Wilsan of Mîltin -101000 ATTRACTIVE VISITORS frem the Philipice bslands atteoded a mieeing eft[he Ontario Hospital Laundry Managers Associa- tian in Milton an Thoiedlai. Taie of the 00000 ladies, Loisa Lîcop and Advlaida Fooiaoilla, dacced the "Paodog ha lac, oCandelight dance. Tent Circus Here on Weduesday Featwre Animais, Vuiety Acts Elephantlo lioas, chimaozoas , er Perorai, "Biaiohe h fanc- a louned horse. cuill hc loo- lot Elophool'. tjncycle Ridre", Étired ni VWodnerdau, Mav27 Girls ooaaid in aaSouth Sas 1 %vhen tho 0cicus 00010Io Mil hSpctalolo' The 1idiag Mech- ton,aandolthe sponoohip of the'aico. and tho "Pari- PoodIe Milton Lioo-o Club. Trouood acts Promaiode". ia oîmd co iooaiperoro o'îl Allooolthor ilensgarn Il0 matland veA iog cec- fint tho -hecw wull go on and lonnie. ait ho MIl Place. Lioco Club offiiais are holia Lairgo voa s ad trucks oll roIl for geldaliodonea oolh eor- iei t.,uonnoilvWedA0rayaci f-îorances. lent anîd boi îo e0topthernali Tho Goor Cocir and Kipliag foriii 2.0 ieromace ..o. ComiooCiroaaawIlin ils 261h animal tor [00as. hopt [eoludoîlin theaIlaol' are abreasc'oern times andis re- 'Goe.îu andols Seviîgîg on tho seoeiag Aaiorica's 000100 infini Acrial Loddoro' , "Kiowa Kaperslation of o Tort Ciroas. clubhoa- with ýHapî Ed', "A Dariag Trac- luoials nold. TrILli.SMITH IGARDEN TILLIRS market gacden a il eas gowabg yourtlowni e ý PrpssSs"ot*Ches omo es oCi Wsisllg tmalal goelo haire seith paeril.é - h hoti aI hodHtics .dep ooveo tondtos 0151>' - , ilîne. F"n1 er"tiloefiis eaan ~129-" -ta or1k good op ta 301 vlide. HPt Eonger Cetsafer a.emadnctimsed Puyeoys l No/tonr Co-Op Supplies, Milten di Geretown ,Air RetoIu.ti»s 7 The rogular meeting of l [h Msilton and Area Newi Democroli e Pai ufedModav eeni il heinoo Otto Konig, RR.2, Siooî.tIll. The exeooilie meet[ing, conclue-! [col h> Poo'oiolov Murray Kereigs han, was held in Aolighlfulsu- raoudiro n. he l'o îoorohiol Ili A vol saisl vreput 1 olhe ociail oooog ield Mav 2 eoaseooivod, and tentahtive' plans. becld li o iia vn Co CI, held in hc crlani aoni. A nuieofrioolations rioing cooi the Api-il meeting ooî'i revioei-d oeil ;ippoieov' belote, gaieg f oioord lu the Riding Coli vention inboAl-.îdlthePro- incialCioventionjiniToron io in The Iool eeting was heid indi-.oad the sjoi for dis.- cassion, 'Ta tion unicir an0 NDP governeoeo ocI ooiodl] tho tie aio.ilohlr e an wil reqirei ,n'eh emore lime lo air cieou oje.s anid reoalve the m0alan od $175 WORTH OF PIREWORKS dhlîlooli quoestions which %oreo a cow doflos oto 1000 wa McPhai andRoy Wood aae Crowd of 1,000 Views Campbellville Fireworks Aooido'.iitdoi los oooeors 14 ofthem atheoss 1,000 fooi îioi Ceoiphollville - explooodîthe ll clubha, ao hall p.iik Moedov evenîvg, for, eooo porchio'.dîChoir liroeork [ho villige hasohoîl cluh auxili- iîîiee [hoe Haod Choril Co. arv. onul 24th of l ofiro- Thoe heu one prioooioegod dis- eoîkodisplao. plateeoîh $100 aod a'.second Roi> WoodoaiBert Watson, ît 75, or oî'.lecio. th, men le oharge of lightieg th'o rw lnasCut rckol-oand sporhlero.aod olhec Caadfu.,Cet liooee'oohe, ceorled $175 eoorlh Thooo,,do pullirodoc tho weil op in smokhodrieg [he bal pi-k oc-le en thoe oig. hoiloog show, Thev hoad ciliad visiosiam0fontOiii.lliv vpoîîooooî men0 holping Choir, Hallo Cooîlîý Lü ,ithPl and llie veno accidents lo poroLohi hoî-.l'ieok\. mi ho ooenig. Ahl liroewoîle Il was- a 00100 ci cnl tho %v.ooieltoeonidhoîîArl he ladlien heW.Ahiîoib %or cenv ît rodslaed, hohind ;I biloellieg oold drioks n eil0- 000111 oîîoo [liai kool oo'oe îlo.i Islîheie tufie isvbn es[oetsioo-hildoen oeîoo font ilv 0001d. One %vooieî un0e i the danero' aooo. aiîd thN Iou eAO 40 ol ,. Taie Sectios pop ceole'in the eeioig aed lhei Mr. Wallon suîperiod thoel\'i'ooilI l in gioiîl iiphiv, eith Bert Woa ol, Io Gorge GodA anod Tome Mi'olîoll 1While 011100 îîoîohod licon thou aoeîiîe For tho aetil dsl-pI-il c.ars, the~ Nooîoo oioil fi- î.Wood was in charge oih Ferriolstindîlîoodlthehll Jack McPhailDîogAgoe Jak Aiaeioed olrlJoungoe oihoods Wood,. Sianî Prloo anod Hoî,i aecîoolsA diehliîigce )i!- Moîlh helplîg out. or coued I3 yooegolou'. pohool M. Wood, eîho' hoe licrk a.top onecor! Theo i In' ine unihelle d lu- oeri 16vr onlvhuulgin, il lle hit N4OTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Destroy Weeds Notice is hallh geven la, aIl pacsons in possession of landin aaeordonne ai th the Woed Corail Ant 1960, Sentions 3, 13 and 19 -Thot uniess noa[ous weeds geawingonaie lands, wiahin the TOWN 0F MILTON ares destirocai by date of Jane 15, 1964 and throughooî the sosson, the mnin[epulity I entc %olspons sai lanis ani have the aioois destroyoi, ehargiog the c0555 against the land in taxes, as slot einthe Act. The no.oiperusioe et &Il ehiizns ls earestle soltiti. WILF PINSON, WoodlInspector, Towe et Milton. o'ent "phhhti ai Cai-ellville bail pari Monday eceouco, as oched the Bail Club Auelary's eclial 24th of May display. Jack h w ih a fe of the oket thy let off, is the time for ail good f urs to corne to our storage vaults! KN IGHTr'S Dry Cleaners 300 Main St. Milton CALL TR 8-9941 HALTON SUPPLIES MILTON PHONE TR 8-2391 GEORGETOWN PHONE TR 7-2271 ERIN ---------- --- ... --PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES: Bock your haler twine now and take advantage of good supply and top qsoality twine. Twine could be in short supply again this year. JUSE~~ FARM iFENCINGI UhLNE 740 .. ...... 7 LINES 748 ....... 842 948 ....... . 1048 ...._ 1036 Hog Pence _.$1.32 Roi 1 1848 L[ght Pol $1,40 Roi ELECTRIC FENCE mire 80 Rod Coil $5.10 ONE MAN POST DRIVER $5.30 AUTO-JACKC STRETCHER -$53ý25- - FENCE $1.18 PER 000 40" HIGI4 $1.22 PER ECG $ 1.35 PER 000 $1.69 PRR 000 $1.95 PE ROD 1848 Heavy Pouhtry $2.25 I 2060 L[oht Poils $1.60 Rei WOVEN FENCE 100 PT. ROLLS 36" High, 13 Gaooe 2' Mesh 42" High 13 Gouge 2" Mesh 48" High 13 Gauge 211 Mesh ... 36" Hioh il Gauge 2" Mesh 42" High 11 Gauge 2" Meoh $14.55 $17.85 $20.35 $24.10 $27.95 Addîtiecal Charge for Cutiiîiq .02c pr Fool GATES Ec 8F. 85c Slnd. Liet 12 Ft. Braco -$1.20 1 6 Ft. 10 Fs. $23.75 $25.00 Clothesline .... $2.25 12 Fs. $25.25 $27.00 7 PT. 7 BAR 14 Ft. $28.25 $29.00 STEEL POSTS $1,18 RACH 14 -1 .30 $32.00 4jàNOIR 10..-- 41.20 se.o LAWN FENCING L13ll Single Scoti 28c $2' 1.42" Single Ses-oit 30e $21 11.48" Single Ses-oit 33ce 2 S36 Doagis Scoll . 37c $3' j 42 Doahie Ses-oit 40e $3: LAWN GATES Gabaiird P' 3 FI. oi 36" High __.$11,95 $1 3 fi, ei 42"' HI-h ......$12.75 $1. BARB WIRE 80 ROD OS Light Barb Wire $7.35 Heavy Bas-b Wire $12 GALVANIZED WIRE 10 Pound Rail $2.00 50 Pound Roil $9.95 STAPLES 1, 11'4 Per Pound 22c 4.50 100 Pounds $2.00 5.75 ?.90 7/8 Poultry> Staplos 4.10 Per- Poujnd 26c 7.30 1.75 0 2.50 - mu -t