lu Tise Canadian Champion, Thursday, Miay 21st, 1964 LOWVILLE TIGERS capsitil top bowalitng istites s tise Inclaittial Lcague season isy iseino de- clatnd Inop tees lso tise ansaiste lar tise finals. iSisat stieirmind-upibanquet inthne Unio HallI Mim astoo Sasatsey are, In ise iseti Sta King, Jack Ktitg, Cc King and lîm Powell. In tiscfront are JtnCouison and Ron Colson. lndsidal trophiseerpresented forthe man- bsers-ofltistopîean'n teestowitisa lae trottyfortsetopeamin te final. Egg Marketing Plan Cati Producer Vote in June Actingostiissi.ssiic eL,[) fctiss,. iiti i'ebisicry and 9:00 .nistu 5:00 p.m. luac Ontario Psiiii tssclic' A- \L-,il. Coastisv Votsng wsill talle place sociaion, (Ils, la"'s , iii sit y5le ~ i --~ . in the offeh- of tha local Agi dueli' Marsketing 13,I.I,,i ss ils îiccîsî..sss.î i ngss a fine p eu lu, - e r.-t . I h edis,îtl.-î % ssid loil,' pitsoi nio ,Ila i ase o laeCouteiesproviion .i ame, iting,1, on si l"., 0iîiss s agiiii- y.iviliisaemadeafraalitional Pol- propesedrsiaisiislssner i i b'sl i0iooliss, lise location of aalend ol san [sIil, ,csi,iilioieii. a,,s ssischisnilscasinounced aiala Tisa vasa' %,i,],i iss1 bs s ', EeItiisi Aelsiser Commis- tar date. June Il yisisis'sisi to 26 Ilbson lssIn isddtion th plsn ooîi1 Muai be Produaer t-ie peepassis ds ai .îî 1) s -t idei5iiiaiiiudlisiiiisthetni,. Eaiiytoereofeggtteiliisc puigi linCa its.i isigiici.-' ' seii cirgeas qoaliaid tu voie on ceriifyina, f.sii ile Psss.iegistiainn lie isa po- -' ~ ~ ~ ~ " ,iss, ssi sîskîsui e91 us iloci ciel les lirns oflthepro- il'I s nas lIr th iii ie posail lagiatcon. siisiass.tsiscs "'l [lie proposeti Library Notes ib' v plan %vereittaisis litante tee t niisîiî, t isa n p p eti is uli etnsfil ho Yous liîirasrilc the biglit ciry siteI iaima'nsald an ofciai ci' io,.oiati.intil.' IsIiics îîssingIleaai otIllestiiss,Ie Ontarioli.rinPcedctnMu- Adams toss .-ivvoituiiiu-. it.lloiilsse ivis bcisopenslsrmin iing Bar. Tise Boas Id l, tsi bc on tise line 55,.5, n sa ishe,., gis il, sic lin tise isois ai tisc Milicsn Pubiss Liisrarv'. No Iaitgei ils tsc have' tu denaesd a tlisps ii U5 aici step to tsite ti risiit Ill, tossoil ll- -tccssisci sa ie 500 lcc.i'In . l r cd t. socsus ici sdbars tok, îs ,Lss t 5 o a il , cI tlils i Anal ike c d Ilc sisi nc ti- rancs.,,, susc. Nasse fer I;discoi terces. ti'iiisiýii ,ise, c soc. St ' ssi. c li nai sî i i ct , r l i t ras c Hase s,, -s u u iI noos'sitclyi ,iIl il-cii l petiatai us ci i' ls, foca, dse 1 usa tis iiisid tis, part' tnI' I il , s ,,i , , ils i c l ,s luneitsiiritsi issu sîls01cs a msisenia ns Cunis, sI s' 1t, i. yoiirnîis i - 1sii 1' I. issai yoor is .in nt'sci iiic lot tiîogis? N-i 1', ' is A LFONSO0 FRUIT MARKET Mill St. Milton NEW POTATOES - 10-lb. ........79c LARGE PINEAPPLE 29c ORANGES - 3 daz. . 99C BOLOGNA HOT HOUSE TOMATOES LEMONS 29c lb. 2clb. 6 for 29c ASPARAGUS - 2 bunches 29c LARGE WATERMELON 79c BANANAS (special) GREEN ONIONS - 4 Bunchon CUCUMBER LETTUCE - 2 lioads MUSHROOMS 10c lb. 25c 3 for 25c 25c 39c lb. "CANADA'S GRAND OLE OPRY" The CLUB KINGSWAY JAMBOREE 100 THE QUEENSWAy, TORONTO *EARNEST TUBB* AND TEXAS TROUBADOURS SUNDAY MAY 24th SHOWTSME B P.M. Tickets an sae don af shows ae the docr ADULIS $2.00 CIlOREN 75c lande, 12) The Club Kiogsway Tihe Club Kinsme Jem* Jamboree bonesue sy 0cs. Fol Toante RO 7.5122 boree s easyto , l i :ry BSundy rt 8Sp.m cw the meno belom, Eeelh moob aoteo grellai IO.K. Funds for'Camip Pool HatonRegLQoooeNat Autisority wioekmeo mli scono bo isasy planting trou lat-naid tise Dave Murray reported tbis week Con sider Merging Scouts with OakviIIe tha peopoigriesb pluste Sisa 1255 rvtero mlii $ pluso Bp Bob Wathios age, ,,ise Di.strict Counil -oIda l wa ged to apoint a p-o- sed wttbingoess to assume con- authority lands. Tise trooes arc Scottng in Milton isas t-eaci ac use g he 'Hall as tisey sec icl co't-tatt and keep tise trot of the affatrs of tise iton avaitasle thrtougb tise Dopartiment munitttsf decisnt.-.dsbasd l fit. Ecstv fmdfpog-ess Boy Scouts nier rtie ternisot-olLands andFt-st.odthe or alfiliate sitis tise <OakvieDis- An important segment af tbe In an interview after the meet- licd tise local Execttve isave Coserv'ation Atisot-ity mon do teict Coancil. Tisis ws died meeting% o-as denated to tise et- 0., Bt-ian Hatield eopaeded un unly to ateprone tise me-ge-. tise ptanting. at a puic meeting last edns eticoc a Cimirtn and Secr-et. tise affiliation situation mitis Oak- e-a o e vsns niti cosasaasoscmamsts day eveoiog ln tise Scoat Hall. atn.Treasurr fet- tise House Con vitte. Uode- tise preposeal setup. atteildea bv tsccoty intecstad militcc, te relaice fisc rcently m.c tise Mitton Scout <Iroaps, of ps-tsns. inclcing tsco nesmen. -igtied Roger Young aod StîiMai sehicis tises-e at-c tisrce, wsutd be Publtic apatisy. and alack oSf Pcrdy. lit-ca Blt o-t act-taimed Iltte to rtis tie poed f sposorssip isave creetel a fin Chis'nsmao. ad Gladys Lewi, aod tiai ao1naa >pl Day dt-ine. hcuariotden tise local Boyi MAtI lce cedtepitis Tis sisoat'seogstptod u Scoutssisould nolisavesoat y ofainceýof Secaea --Treasureir itiseltos40Scots and Cts Acting Cisairma 'Bt-ian 'Hat- isem. Besde tieesse.2ts c l ustcetsadc o tsi field oîtltned tiseadvontagceis a w x ýv3e cmoe hac 1ýi affiliatlion isi tise Oaisvillc Dis ef Vicýlci-man Loo Betise Mooey fort liaS"-u trint Courncil lise major une ttc and Brian Hatficldand Financ- Tise local Groces ad leaders ing tisai tise lastt-r gt-op veould 'iCisaiemao, Pii taniser. Inl pot a lot of lime ad efft-t entc assume respsi.sisiliv lo- tise ac- additit'on tise constitution o-as papie- drives and th .i, ne seccl al.ais receisa tise neededICemmittea mttteings. pot tist-e quartiers of tise fonds- supervisiooftaDitrictsScout. Oko Swmldg tutucmaiosaionceoaltseSct master. and isave 'accent to ail Tise eo Enecutice o-as asisea Hall, sciics tant yecr cot t in es- lise Oaissille facilities. inclual- e dea $200 teailo- ors cens of $1,300. top cames ald 'training coursnes.'; e rcet at is 'Milton Scoot Tise Vice-Ciairman ntaled tisat In eft'ect. imculd receasetiscCampy.Tisnlsadiseeo saisec tuil-as ncosiuional forScout lccalGroaps fronma gocîtSy am-1 -cdissentio,isut wascdet cdc.-aps toawn real etateand canflof ud-aiing aciviicn1pOisen ilas exolained tasisail mas c toma-y forsod- anal ailco- thise 10 fore fallylol- a pievicits reqoeti for litteoca les cf lotet-eted citiecs, sacisas loveth ie principals cf Scaaling. 1 vvstance isad not iseen propeeiy Service Cluis, local indtries, ro-sasted to a Hoaue Committea or Chat-ciscs tctpons or Scoat Cootrol af Hall meeting. Tise major portion cf Groops. Tisa prima-y faution liI e itarn for tise takeover. lise tihe 'etiaetted tuom is to pay for af tise sponsorsisips In to pro- Miltn Croups moud be asnensed excnavation cf tise port site. nince vide a naitaiî meeting place for a yeariylcec ommenserae ivsi'a gody amoos OS tise mater tiselboys. Sinceno sucsloal o- t tise cperalional ,conts cf tise Mi- 1il,s and laisour miii be donated. gaeizatioa isas evidcoced aoy 'ti INDIVIDUAL WINNERS in tise lndostteal Leagon bsomling sea- onSotHlas o-i ngise Aiets ais oiiiyide eetnts cagmvmnt, tise Qaki le District Cooocil ._c-,id a desio ou iseli out fin- tise bilion Geaaps isaveScu a cI s s h ais uiir ni.trs nteSotn tI e sn o-e ltosoted at the conciadcnq banquet and danse Selt. trot cf tise isuilding. Atiougs aeeielly. sicoorse encept to ask tise Oas- ,rd elu.kGvaswnteeso' hgsileil wh filette solal is no inicre-ence dTise Hoose CemmIe votedi1 t- vlte District Cooocii for atOll- cdy Bc-ecî o h ceosiii ineteemt wih ll pesri sheu o ls.1 ppcv ise espndure, aite lation. As tistisody lsasep-es- SuKing taking iqsaveage andCec Kng hgh trple FTRAFALGAR MOTORS GREAT MAY CAR SALEI STARTS 1962 Corvair Monza 4-Spenti on tise Floor $1,981 1962 Vol kswagen Deloon 1500, Blask, Ses-p $1,586 TODAýY 1962 PeUgot al-Door, Station Wagon, focnptolal $1,267 1962 Chevrolet allions isCssi Sid., Vnsy Clean $1,649 1962 1961 1961 1959 1958 Fairlane Volkswagen Dodge Meteor Volkswagen is-Cylieder Sie and 2-Door. Wite, Deie, Black, 2-Door, Bloc. Wite, A Good Clous Biue Very Clean, Aiso Vese Cean Nice and Cleesi Extra Clean Automobile Rases Gooti $1,479 $871 $1,298 $895 $495 1960 J 1959 1959 1959 1957 Rambler Meteor Dodge Meteor Ford Fairlane y fatss Station Wagon, 4-Dor. is-Cyl. Auto., 4-Dor, VIS, Sîdl frans.- 4-Docs. Tusrqioise, 500 Bite. 6-Cyl. Auto. Ttas Vesy Clean Reai Cean A Good Car V-S, Automas a ess. Clsdr.Aiaeî $1,178 $968 $588 $981 $495 (E!la Many - Many More Good Used Cars to Choose From COME IN TODAYI If You're Looking for Handymanes Specials -Corme in - You'II Find Just What You Want at Low, Low, Cost! 1-TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 MAIN ST. MILTON LTD. TR 8-2369 I. y M amoisoottm.a CLUB KINGSWA r1 leBRIB 'T0onva. 07. 1, ~ro HAILON * LAKE ON1,7ARIO ':a 1