*~ ft5 l i. toie conversation an 1 hase 1under their ves- esec hut fre1 herisc e hesalci. sveIrgs- - EAE5F WIWIE*FC L9WFDno ndeuhî thel Ceescif bure liste 1 metter wa- it he eaesc etshe Canadias seho puise Fceel &rM EUw der WVNeFa midoigit cil ecostiniaing ail tise lhcic slard egaiest the wisttes et and thcs addcd as a wa-ca PARK FOR FREE MORE THOUGNYS ON i. The ssemee cerne op a-iî)s Licncs, shocecd thet noyte meacser lsleil voes - e tact passietis gessece the lact Ihat Deur Sic: NASSAGAWEYA PETITION fis-m figusee Yes Cessecil, who shoseld have the efftery ta lehec' sheeld lias ignore - Ihes- ail thc secs icetcc fessght uedct hlay I exprecss mi, tahs se have. applied fer the avaiaishiiî questioe Iheir acties. shcssid hase shame Iherrseises and sonme cyce dicd tee lthe Bcd yos ha- ste papesf lopet ecDccBic atem evstilldensteem w moet-c cepivc and appcili-e Ecs.igtî. May 7sh regerding osic Cossceil-.' Tise Wtsmec cf Nassegass-s h ssie l m hch hss ilsing militai 5. Assmsîv Cersnai fasecil eidea-.. Ifthes are trbtistcpcc 1 t me- opiion aesaec ui icioiIthCc1nenn Proas farmng o r eor c etif oui. %sitehs licn the% i o ic fcot seaclites~ laseMi îes li eîPci cîcsssseîee de- ecsi.The poeai sitesescvhae tctc ietcsptee lI mîsss lîiskafilWe.ittcsttscevs ailongssroundsofîappatse heca sscsseseed hv thc Tass- e souc 1hs mccc eseces ueh h uoneîe esll oppotunsl fcîditt ltt ic roIcsesis ofMiltneaetslet )spa initial susess etf5 îissstimý hpýpt-easofsome crtt ex-eaislgeandptesevigf thivtle-hou Is, tact-cptle 1ý tasheidaect edoh sisdsconaft afrecstisMi hieteedecc Masarpsî osvieadhi-hiuf their foe-eears. 1silii th' cedle tepi il uns t th a lîsan tht-î Pond at-hea cesesteeciavr. a spcssese ad thr obi- Mn tctssiae levrec cCite e nc .il- es mcstcvtscetic t -, teilot cattelîs tcsidctcd ie thc deit Ihal lise sasse mesies MrRosssGordonstatced lie br- 1elgetertPosalonastam. plest- acd sh ftit se ehscg Yct set-e teea ýasci et imîccst ci tite 'weahec fcciss-5cbw atectalrdacecesthtes se BIt cd fils etd tes-siîst-e: pes-heps Sin iiecpcs-cteded hesi-,. atd te tioltShe ulag Tite\ caseoi iacdasutlicsesiciits us.tueetciie iofec iltceu caleîcem e thele hliccecs -sib' tes rlend cating asoend sfurCvcnia1' heeelilkniemean ec a->c a-i e si h e T thsss ce a ane sec ae oril ]lathvescîî pesîeshle t-estrgymsu.H lal a ore lemeoireithdhe thueiTheclatt flie Union Jack'. h eSe ciiieet-aaihct-i hpo ee np isesticcesisc is iaiieg dec-e s ler partie es -sc oeh -I s hoee a-es hae lIts iaîe l tac icetiîd-h Rc nsgt scipcdeediteemetit Muesl te peple a sie ecesited nsencse; ltey aec cspressing Icaads, imseif mites he -cci- hetd ceeîcgdteitiBermuîda as ilielCaadiae iksg Ceelel Pn ec. e Tthe p i lton itlits mh cî it etct arao opinsio agais Ihet ofessiacIBe a-htitl ices eci.thcticcit Centnnil Prk.Thepon itslf ou thi te PopleWholauch-ý ly Eecause of etri appecielaîlc ci titalt 5tltpltsc eeaiditccessiet andsîohcd cd tem cati sik fitemt if tev a repcssaeiqcalificd achiicî. 6. Tite aid scitelI building, tl ruralCansîianstmane s chos seiit pae.fs-etfisitsucs: ckîsi ril teeitsowcrgcrdcorileicin-c 3lf .S. 3iscsdagecue for-ccs let-eedmiwillprevidc al te Ibilis lsjt.eet-i itiee o ie lit ses traers le focep hase ecppls, cîlscstss-. as etcls.a tous- et- live mac sssspells.t ticgs eeded in ste pceptsed Cassîsices qîsîe aPai t-esc lthe 1 eeectcses lthe Uniont Jackt lctkd tait cIc "filtre ivs-scur tt haie Thesîe lespasers prcesrit aite pechape a-e cas it raid a-iy unsil sec etrcture, %villa, lte exceptione cscemics iels.ed, let lis rires- tIn me se bc- a .pieee su btoire, pet-manct lisitgspiti nei atl meeting coldeci itelpchsccsieg reeentis as mcey cs 80 eitildccset of tebsemesl.When Ceseseil a-as csisaitî-chaveeandl]ethe, eed semeilicpsiehch In ie boee tce wmumitlcdtcesisiinwithwere Peltld I edscasdeiol asked se whita use tl pccpced coil tsscIetteslhese incthe îsresd. Mitonesouilidsfhait ec ie itaes lon ccceccd ai- titece. Oc. canecceec sciy sshta pu ih deecien nose ste cccli look iActce snd the-tics-c1p- malcsshecgi titir ey pes- anetd bueilding casn scddenlv Planscertecffecsd. A fucstccin- le eiess. olk hM. -M N 1ec tieiceltek ais cIsc P5g he ment cf Paie Laite hv ltai ece mccc t-csecd: iestead ci lsecomeueteeeitle ie e treepscc dicalice cf money wasage -aadscd I cecpi mccede hr.M eto filegiolJckegascd.l nta but cae. iete pecdt-s cfsie e-c itcig plccsucc. lte Couia- pecicd cf scccy. titis as a limie mites anextonels shudb opiet n lie colnad vs o[i, sua people stes I sec tese. lors' faceseshe-d stccse. Thte 4. Dc. B. D. Young did lies qus- ccc saiplcs th st lite dieliselt fis. epit-ise pcsesc sic che .steila sonne ofshesid elot-e-b Titis "udi -xli sitde cesees cf lThe Peoplc" ccme tles the leBcIity cf smrte cf ste pihiis sta csty aegvesitedi ce hie admiraitle tssse ltheit fltsp le es fesse We adpe yoe t--se asucel ltcagit ccd aed ccca andthe le ncde le site. faecrsetsc a nation le mit-cc-e cigit estpse is cc sc ececi eîcfiteseceegav sgeeaues: S-e slated seme of cenuc ltlich in h e fciteo sie and siteid hc ps-ced cf Ihai culd vecyvter]lcsc usithe cffec coento i cuegv Ceest., lite people wccc Ilcrsast hev 7. Pcovision fec a -Rond Super.- wha Phn prftr liesÏc The seaple ]cal ce pace made hv tlite Roei i Hd Ficet- crsil ted Sec teegit.b it tadt lcld ýhlm pceeeenlty tit they isseedesî's office. aise one of Yocas sets t-ru or pt-atci is ssecfenieed in macs Mille Lsd. Crainteils unmilliicgess la dis- wecte egeist is. Uefccluostcly. Council's ceqeit-emens - cnd a K<. Roinsoncs ce tits siciia .ci I teed steasueppot le reqaieî cesse te comee's pscicl. dis-iecoecss ecsts aes-I h liio aets rsn fat- ste sec building, te5-. .Cmthlei cie - esto te i i ts t i eit len Mr.e Dset- et haveim pesen icccmeceic c litedII people, oely meitecieg hie ca-e feehie. Pet- sonneiosscureceatoe :.1 apiil.in o"u lfrtecnr ineg. Dle sin ets cet-saisis ohesc sas b per eqest fo a-c atefrm, aim. buita as ne pressuce waes lies mc b in lelte samne cfflle moliis seeale eechceel t ,maiter meeeg flart- e o lcec pptied, eishet- mccc pt-iee cf- building, yet if S.S. 3 st-e sssed OUR OWN PLAIS felisses sOie esemplt emie open ic-site d feced foc titose mite pa-duc-d, lie a-old eely ta- a-o miles fromt Dent Sir:s ifur sicr npll-nes te Heciese 1cmul bcfi-temncpa fie n 417 MoticntiecDr., Tlsc5llcsig pentema itcsal. A ignaeec nea docmescid. Apoint-aiseditcîthe qstite f oCdaîc Ip aessies Milles. iil siecqs lis cecîaiely mct-e t-elid tesn e csisc secs te pcae toftl200 is sIttL rle iabou It lit nmiei - eu 1 a nl e Il: fic%,ssis i hol oo it AH ENJOYARLE TEA AND RAZAAR at Halltor Ceritenntel Marier cei Wedeesdey eftensooe eed eveeineof last eekdew lae cod. The M arierAulitf sPcesoedhOe evetad repotted the tea end bezees wee cuite succes tel. Aboee tea coeers Mrs. Art Wilson and Mrs. Walter Heywecd serve tee Meeet tesidents, Mrs Ccetttsi5 and Mr,, Harvey, a, one of the tea tables. OUR READERS WRTE herei e sevite efe- el The Chamspion etmore thae cital. The Na--agzimces aetn nai precci the tiag issue and ât lihe Robin Heed Perk hae tii- :d ccadccs te put theit- thoghts onpapier. This coltnai is ce sesved for reeders' epee - eodeorhail. Lettes ae las S -Thecccts-dc chfiiitcat paige is en itis eck. Hase t c j geeet A VARIETY Of ARTICLES, a-est cf thea- mede in lte Heltee Cenen e jarlMeset hcdicreltclassesmereefferedfortsaleeor as pcices lest Wednesdey et the etecel tee and bezeet cf the Helteli Meset Wemees Aceisete. Shoeassq seete cf the artitcleseoffeeedaeeW.A. preset MsS A.Allen, Mts. C. S. Leekie, ana hecdicrefts coneer Mts. Cliff Hill. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM 0F CORN SOUP ~ f Ct-tF Cl CD A/1 sFRFNC1 DRt 1r $1 el.00Jt ROAS T URt-EY DINNFR Wl cP CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES FRESH LtMA BEANS MIXES FRUIT JELL-O FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878.9061 LIDO REISTAURANT 18i Main AIR CONDITIONED Mwlen thte pr-escrit garsages. a-ie re pres- emehis sthe Stpcieiecdeet prse Il usas cstliphieeiep fisc tsi ecce is mst eededa-the i i easststs 1 i-Thsseitesîacî liaiot spevisingsithesper- 1cd atsinisCttdian flag wted itighcayssofibiisteesymicopiis. t i hecaîse ltev itelievedCanadac t eo se speed cleer $30,OfO cf ec.egit su have a flaf cl bei- cite. th axa ers oeyt Thesý Aid ses haie the British site ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nr apers tict cc the Rets lEsipe bt lest Ilmav bcthitcCouecilis q1ae-sithughttil dide nt-eptesesî Cae- ed itecasîse il did neci se lite .tda. 2-These ssacscgitheBRed pcssiiitiin leS.S. 3. w lesisige et- thte msee part dilut Attention Horsemen A Herse Feed for Every Horse *MASTER HORSE KRUNCH *MASTER HORSE FEED *MASTER HORSE SUPPLEMENT (FOR MIXINO WETH VOUR OWN GRAIN)ý *NEW MASTER COMPLETE HORSE FEED (no hay needed) We stock a fuil fine of~ MASTER FEEDS (STE WARTTO WN) MASTER FEEDS *II Dial 977-3512 - Georgetown S Let us help you get that car. We cee preitabus itcp pea a ict. Ces- Seielyw mu d tse ta. Ycc deet hace te ite c tegalar Scotiaitenk castea-er -le fatt-if titis wiii ite poste fitet ber- rsmvico epetience vviti ast- itasi-then cSCOTIA PLAN LOAN ites itee desîgsed espesialît- for pea. Witct iid of car de feu mecs? Witetherou mentea Ram cara oresed ct-e ainae lcm Scetie Plan sates appît-. and, le a-est cses. te tctr itseif peecides eil the secetu Reeded. A Scebia Plan Car Lean tce ite e vesy ptaciicai wey les et te gc5 the T.ttt. SCst-iIt.e vvinicti And ihat, ancîlses good peins; you sas mîke the isd of cas deal pou masS muScaot asy fîneccci marries aI acl beat-ese foar SCOTIA PLAN LOAN t-en ite ar- rangei itefoecycu got-arshocpping. Ycar Scelle PIan Car Len miii he iifc.isrcd, fer avcen more secatitp fer pcc. Remea- bter, tee, c SCOTIA PLAN LOAN le cisc an excellent mep fer peu to coniselidate el[ ycer datis or la kuy these nec appliint-et. tatt-ieiigt. et fer peatcalip cep motithile paîpese. Se phone ce sisit face fearcet Scella- ittancs mnager sceen. YeiII fiss imt a mcit inýstadi t, !)- let httt se p you gai ihai cars -teek. eflýW* RMN K THE BFINK OF NOVAI SCOTIA lThe Canadien Chaempion, Phesdet- May- 2lst, 1964 es safcstcflegc-ititdeepilocia-s bec i thetfastac.Md out inte as steitisssiand fisc.ithciagsIo iteh tL) eLpsc tn einflestised. steis "item ecaiesea" Let A lss.ciieusital did ersiide- us aisce "0 Cada" ascoeevried. National Asthem anaith v stisl tise setecces aîsd the îsse- keeplise hmsc Io oil fi mets sse.I ritetio-sts Lerticet scat Ih lsseitttet,, 1t atacsassÉeieilisegli its ad osoef flîeesi. Cci haisOu fîsît- (Ofsîee e sol ts cal pacis cf Casadc, hase a Cisaaa.;l tu a chitase cf fiag. Les tii Yout- cnv ci . Canadaeb itt ca-hisa- cf Joü endiick RR.6, ilto. 1ia iseedese citey feougt foc, ect i- etttshi coiate falteesa Do- FLAC 156SF tsic flic tise iritu e 1tî ste tia arie -iti aa n thse cte-55t55 ciý papes5li-5te% ii Harune ssc iittdatakeisofsiti CanadaefurcCan- -n 1s-e,.th, fig i SIiisi atiasi t2 itir cil lie, tsi, ot.i1h, s u k i -tLII l itt.sý1 tst tis flis i an i t-ittli î ess ss abutsintii i C inelintiite Ulûtedts itîceentl tjý, riti n, est-st-tes lui k ss ite Caa stit ad'a esocssleut (iii. Pet-es Wsmdt. QI Mais St., Aec. ADVANCF. SIGNAI. 5.-st sîliti : Sua-e iht s bas iat hitierted ne sic 'm fiie L ist-est hardiea cnake. aIcis teeci st-e cala Mt- ii St. %%len ecs dive sest ce tis hi. Ther s eee sofficieci sinie fat- a-ete titee ttc cars ta esake tiis tels tocs. hefece sthe site pues md agate. 1 îî-stîte lite ta sOggesi fili a 1f-eci-n ec de-acce green lighes ite sessialied to tib iis reasce - Yssist- tieit.v 1 adv Driver. TrHESE il SHOPS AND SERVICES ARE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIINCE SHOP. HRR FOR YOUR HOLIDAY NERDS Open 6 Days A Week -- And Ail Day Wednesday PLAZA MOTORS FIA PCA PHONE 878.2962 ;IA PCA Aseîhorized Dealer FISH AND CHIPS VOLKSWAGEN EEG. 75c SALES - SERVICE 45cfi Verified Warranty Used Cars SRF ETA AN Phone 878-2962SUFRTA AN UPERSONAL TOUCHI LOWE.ST PRICES ON PHILCO Nhait-do si beautifuî unless lIts RADIOIS - TELEVISION * ight for pleur WASHiHO MACHINES AND LTOREXPERTS GIVE POU A APPLIANCES At.. 1j1DNEW FASH ONIF DE AT 1NS 'F FABIAN FURNITURE HAIR STYLING IN THE PLAZA PHONE TR 8-2501 Factocp Fsassiture Direct te Yeu FOR AH EARLY APPOINTMENT DIAL TE 8-2091 mOpen -U~ Mo.Tes..WoaI. - 8.30 te 7 NWSTYLE BARBER S OP ous.-r-M8.3te 19 Sot. -R8t 16 SAVE! CLEARANCE 0F SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS Skirts Blouses BLOUSES B3LOUSES BLOUSES WATCH FOR NEW SWIM WEAR ARRIVALS! SEE OUE GAY SUMMER WEAR COMING IN DAILY at The LORI-ANNE SHOPPE PHONE TE 8-9512 Ys SPECIALFOR THE WEEK LOB LA W S THIleq 9 iSlipperettes 29C KRAFT jPOLLOCK SHOES1 MIRACLE WHIP W ocryhidngclohang, diress- esia hirai, ssh s Thn 3p ss, oais SRhy No Drap in and Bilcase a While ICOUNT ON COIN-OP CHOOSE NOW... FOR WASH-DAY HELP FATHER'S DAY Il c et s f e ta ue u s elf- ervc machine t*ws ardy n l r GIFTS *0CAD PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE MILTON PLAZA MILTON PLAZA 411 Open 24 lits, a Day 0 SMOKE & GIFT SHOP SAF, NSREDWITE STRAE: STOPPS HAVE POUR WINTER GARMENTS I~~O~ CLEANERS AND EOX-STORED FOR ONLY . .....s395 TAILONS PIus Cleanisa Charges Pms DepencdabIa h@avI MER 100% Mothproofinq on Evemp Germent 87U.972 Fm. Picik-up MI