______ B2 TeCndie hmin hrdy May2 ,16 LOWIVILLE Three distinge.tshed lapaneue tdents from MeMaster Utiver-, Et e p a sJapanese Students Mre undays .d Mltri Chndpman fi.. 6 BAtLe. Bt e Ch9mo rrck Mt m l we F6 pe eove-Visit in Area Home fi andM. Lrence Bell of By Mrs. J. MoCarron Get ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B Mrs. F. OgI.rs al hmso rkehsar etofarta nFrd3. hC pol aselyBniByMs F .Coln NlodadM. Bn.r .S M d Hed S- Ede-fthe MtAtý Meatherigtan dinnergtests 1 Mn Il Hhnc O G.. Ki Ors W.sie -t.. Rmhw-ttbFilt e ig . ane M Oke o ih vekendt-ai tht-t tcttge nr Weac gla Io e:ojI l li t e Mi- Mrs enr %oohrae eiei vr Hoptln Modywe asigaVrinlo . They caughîît-Vtte Jatck Davev and Ton Ml hall~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mi toi, niîh Et-f MidoMt- .%:oheîAedetan ilileweked Grneola'h hs ik ndsrteomtftpie n 1 rnhoNi E Mr ndi.Roer ndrsnabthhmefia e'N 'bout ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~S B0 t-hti' 1-gtt Lea-ade, plansI th., oettkt-ed[htep for. th oiilt-ttheedof i egntslsed nhseysRbrto acin h ltisntt-sd pei h eeedhpeleewllcniuet K. Juhit,.t-,t ht- n n u ciMg ht t-et A Lqiigh ~ P - Op-si Iingit,. M-. Git, and Wil~~~~~v~a kii.i. ibiUCAi ItI fiI fihe adence xhl %- i IVU[, Mi. J.htt.î,tt- plail aIf ildf piaaosl tand .tt M. A ,ptcta,t' Mi,, Sttht-t LAF SILLS ONLY KU 8RA» s -' tthta er Mei, rt, t eT EETmll H ET Th-i t. a tt-tt- 1t~;t 1 i. Mt-' Th'tt t-, \ta t-oin .' t t-g. M % V o r o h t , I t , a , 1 11h th - o st- 1 t. a h t-t ei , Rc-.t itl tit-c- Il e du atltt, at i tt-[ &Win 't. at-kmatlv à « P àv pT,mt-t-t-ail Ag toic 1 ul Sth1 batl t-a O a me, ,re o tt en F..ta çl Sh% i and t-t-,'e A t land int- saý il cia Dr t-h n ru-d othate HMtetti B DT SH R Th inllç f heprilouROAS R A S l43c t-t-t- n H t gth c t,t t un ht a r, et.M i beiM at at-ta.. Mat ttt-l Hotett t-hct-ni PRIME RIB LDE ROASI b59c PRj Ru RcS Mak St Mr. B a pon!o ht-% as co ttit ALLNed, BEEF HANc SafrHm ha n1ýi2 S-t-at- aQ SHEOtetto9 D ~LVR or NSO b cola--e. Sh. et1;e hd.. . . te 501 ,tP-ePc M e W. MPhet,o more W IE N E R Hkot SIDE BAO2-6 k 4 c PO K U AG 3 t-tf :t-K arpt, , t -h ito Fair .4ý- kg6 Ate t-' M. -. Brou n. cnvoter, S (h Eu t -t Mi AT A&Pv open lBA'tRghV* acChisOAV.ty fi a Jacquest-t. Saott, EXTRAd 97LE L JApe elR ndeu PAIKP.- SAriAlO 5 L ., rit D. p',tt.11 Ms J.Hlt i a euraW E E S '«ýo 'fhtatettf, p tutil p Ai . B- n .d , Ri.d P. *p S - I ECO BA O >Ilk d 'v~l th Feeaao o gr.iti. .R AUAurb3 D Aýscni oneoo 9 %Y l I a,~A aS bigI tArEi PtDUhet- edMt. Ht-E A tt..B - te. C S eVE S li. es.kl &Eii o ...i.d f ft-,t- tht, M i(SLL- P CIAL 1 1 W E K' p.~ Ph aete~ce.t te..ee t 't. J e -cdpttttat andrm 6OUM kapt, 5 pkgK H5K et..tt.et Ii .et. Otectttttt.,;r ýt al B C 5 9 WH ES It- IN a.A ciblrabjects -ret JANEed PAREER t C.Ptttt.t, M deSn.M c BgP 37-S VEA..L4OT5 d FRUITSfu CANNEDe /000 5Aft-ri B.g. Pt-t-.le BS.n S BAVE, Pr, p,79 Se edMt-a Ht dt AE E ADitJe P.,t-..e Reg. Prc tel 97c 5 eBAVE SeT . . bl . .10s i i i a su a d r l k . . h-t adfo Sthi %ci , itt ', li-. FRES SPA NISH BAR CAKE! ..eh29 Ft.. i I, Mt i t- in Sttottt t ittt CHOICE MAWL HUE 1-bpg8 cJN£PRE O .r, ucttt Si', S bi Mr, (CAupon Worth 23. ,lutid.B Thte--.,- M- wt tîtorSwe tutr Rail Prt-e t.r 37E1 A T f t r 4c 24Ofi OLUE ED PIE D Ccth .S,t t-tttt LARGE~~5 h 24OZ COFU CA 2t2tt art. t tt-t M , t, Wh't Swan * W U W U Finith P.ck., Reg. Prc ek 4iteV 49e-BAVE andGaid-__________ TWk9o12504 5111 - c Ir mot-tt atd .t, baPnquet.c SERV IETTNES.1 th -l . Tn , % t-t- a . h e.P i... 0 d'APPLEu SAUCEr 4u 55-e the9 AC, AOW NO PRICESSAL tldtt ,t. tt' ita, tc fuit onîw CBLE Ja.Rli P«k. PilesBAV1I pli~OJ IC dOS Ve e 1< lion Sr, tttt-- r l nH Àub AP "IlPEA h!. eltttt...t--.t ' QUIEY 4.. sOt.i e.gye. Prie.eltîtQa.tt.r. titt dttCAE0F2t1N R-AEe. MARGFA INE R 3 oio-f2l7NI W t,taa tt,, thnt. htt-it Je-t eek.r AppGnlteed t pt B.~ SteBd t.P eBCS P 0 BO. R S O e OFFi DEAL rie p g . E4 Pif Tho,ttl a tatt-.tt-dth kl op eht,49 Bttt-t.ttc 2 t 65 Mesh ,,- t, ,, tt tt ht,t T FAS Tf9 T J...I Piskir ...Pi. 9-AV 4 S3 uit e an petn it- ,ttît Good, -ri (Wg. Pt-i 29 tiek.. et. B-e AAVE Atteh.dt g2 cli bars Mitt--,, MThn if Th lc..t- C A T A&PU E Foi~~ Q..-ttt t ydA CAtSEt- OF. 24t TINS 0&c4 Rite,6F. t Bi. tu te Attn 't-t- FTh-ît AP L SAUCeBAE lB5--o fies e A P BiLO , F.ee t2î.ttt leader PFtltc ,itebPt- mth t ."i A& Fao Store Locate all REDEE ofFe ! r e eig. Mct'RIN f2 lt-tt-e WBBs t9c S-i pet. at-esai 5ct-r tht- PeAS-te OF2eINtd34-SVEM Woodser i, i ant-t-t th t-lbtt.11.et FIAS COR IS UN t :OF BAUDEAL) 2A 1d isN tks6 , p aet di--st ee progrttat -AC GRD SOts 9 WthFe 5 akg f adAd tah ptohtetn TolT thtP 4e:i. Ihoe s.~O dM t*Z08Bt Jus 's- >ira sl -i. 23,Oy ul fFtt i