Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1964, p. 8

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3 The Canadieni Chsampiotn, Têtursi, May 14I, 1964 Iù lfe e c H a d ap i TB i h Stes 4Iee M for 'Continuing Education lad ifarenca i stili aur gai- physiciens, bringing fam ly duc- strides la tisa prevention and est handicap to 1ise batI< ajaIta-orn sriI ta tise tarm as case flad- cure af tuberoulosis in osr aires. s ulsercalas MsC. WMcrs. Tha toallser new cases The exsteof TB.ltis tlc- Kim altortadi -i- tieseansual wara fenmnty c ieis selic have attaed hometer, it isa orld wde mating af tha Halton Cansai bsesopcratag# inActse Milton, problenm -At east 13 million Toharculosi andF Heallis f Georgetoao n Oms ooille and Bar- pespae saffar for infect oas T. ato inOakvil lost Wednas- ingon. Draegthe yarth t. B.anda lIaattciaamls ian dayevaang. "Tha batlcagast a o oendaaca lt theacist clin- peupladieerocisyaariseeauseaof tbuohass voold aatmuc lscwas 991,actabed ancrease this dadd disease. greota srdec isotin Canada ove tha aileedanca at caincs Thaslsng theacraveadthse ond thrsg heut tha worl Mrs. dorisg 162, misas 474 attnded. puic for thai help duetag lise McKmconcludad inisarrepre-Oedah in theaCouty durag Part YtO tisa pesident aoted sanlativas caport, "if lise public 1963 wos caused isy T.B. tisa grasp losi oe of tisa mont aitlaege coold obsaris atndre- 19lsNew Cm"e valad and faiisfsl membersispy st~ ,~ picmemiser lise informsation publias tn suismitting bils Hati and tise cleati of Mes. Georga Samer- j Jcd ia popers ad bsooks coacerta- Edecalion Cammilîre Report, ville of Actan. "For marty yeas tee TB." chairmen W. Sovaga suggested, ste contrihutad fraaly and fully In l 196319 aem casas of T.B. "of tise 19 recasesadthcaa an f hier lima for tiesa uceess of cam teu1 ligist in lise Caunly, 15 deochin athe Cesaty. every siagle lisis assotciation." oftrhich erc fooad by faily one could hveisaan prvetd ilgh Retars N'FUN r-c-- preperaedocatonetatharigst A. C. MarnochisChristmas Seal BOLTON COMMUNITY CHOIR presavîed o vociad to hec, proqcom ce tise Milten District Hsigis Inda tels12mn ?If astisig teurs inoursistayt dacriseoescicasoltha Mre DevsocodCielhc-iest x-ray.' 5per cent averl91i2. As are- bers of lise Home ndt c ho ecui, mSofld and Maye Jeheis eo a siseoti chisn:c At St. Paults United Durin tise maclieg, Associa- colt of tiesa sle of Chsristmas with choi directo Mrs. D.Addison, s are Mr. BettyTwonniandldott Hsteaen.isopnioed dee welicepeflicarslio foro 1964rs5f marc6" Seole .ea 359315193150ovirsisededfor Rev. J. L. Gratham on Motisers clectcd, triti E. F. CoriserrY af tise figist afgeinst T.B. Tise par Dcv Roedav, at St. Pools$ Unite act kosille ,eomad as presideat, capite figure omooatad to 29.3 Concert by Bolton Com m unuty Choir Cisorri, Milton. Tisey %ve,: W .Bae tAlnrmiiecnr iascn sgss n Anne Morie Aikenead 3g aspast presideat, H. A.Brearly trioad theretur per centris- Higiside Dr.; Eliabieths Healisar Of Qakville cetucsiag as vice- aloi et 52.88 and tise retern par Feecstra, 95 Moctie St. toIn Dals pre-sideet. J. H. Simpson ot Ooak- lettersent 001ut of1.22 mare al Is rof ssi nalTyp , - ing n , Actng Har-ccp, Rtf. 5: Roeat Risys ville retornief os hisry tires- abelie lise ptmviaciol average. Heipel. 30 Coort St. N.; Risodo crre. Mcc. Jacks Rennia et Oak- Secial Service ond -Rhasbilita- hc CiiiuniChia ihihscth ru ai, Crsmsith Rural Scisool lips ted Staeey Iroe Piitips. 332 Mcc. M. E. Luau et Ookvilla report, neîed "tise mise bote i.'I ,aN-H '2 c- akt 95.Nrao arlopuewt eiaioec, rcod- Bell St.; Dorretl Sismt Fisillipa. cetoreing as Association execu- iseen aidad by lise Haltos Couitî l .'tctcc MuMillant \tove flic ventîrtt-1igI olor, frtop seingr, nd R.R. t. Ctsepielltille: Kevin Mac- tire secratacy. Taisaccoasit and Ifeolli Astar i et uel tisefi gc cccp saedeo nmý memisets oI tise chocir ocangcd vic Site, 329 Higiside Dr.; and Diceclors fer lise cemiaf yeer T1ý, -- uret te e ke musical cmedy ihifis idgetccg cscl coclai ravis Aprit Lttui-e Wilsee, 141 Anne induede E. G. Adeseson. Mcc. J. c I:\:"%Il,"Plc iglît.. Mile McGilligoccs Btît, sas une cf tise sher iigs. BIrd. J. Corras, Dr. D3. A. Dites. Hor- h, oc Ilho F. lt.ctts Chrst o _______ ld Secebiscie W. D. Ravage, Mcc. hphFtecm andcriecChi A doel sy Len McDocltteand -C MKmeACMro Iit.tcintle *tt.lcheleecl Appin W.Mcin ad . . WNo "'.eu'u,bctcel-, Mcc. Jean Smith Irom Tise GypcvA pon Dr. Turvey eî1oCcileMrs. Horace lts - cReir as wl as eillertndiri tf iRA. 1Acîtto ad rs. R. R. - Ni .1 At 3ýecc-d memiser et tise cll -cnd gceccp ccomiserc mccc To Co-Operative Bd. Ptclcc et Actee: Dr. A. F. Bull. r% :11 41aP Alc:hi. B.ctcc Steele, c-ceg Dettechcc lcctucec. H-ltct Coety Medical Officier B :.'uc : ;11 :-10LI Ai th Da% intheStepen us-Dr. J. W. Turver, cri se a of cHeaith, Dr. L.M. Stuart, Assis ancl.lt.,cd il glttlP cI hm.clt o f eeitm c dcal practtcetin tisa fermer tant Medicol Oflicac et Heollis c-s.Ih :ec.cgecc, Betesce White, Macrrie 1 Steeceto Cîtii.. Milton, bas for tise Conty. ond Mcc. Lloyd IIý ýrJSho rl,.,lson Jean Goodman ad' Merphoscutlle at votre en hert appite alcmeieof te Di o Milton . C. Foctar of harone Bette cutibted Tise îertct.ttcc h ciolletcad dosolc BoardtloflDicecct f HailontCo- RAf. 3 Compiseilville; C. L. Mc- S crapbSNeomaies L.I,,elvG..tlltedltcct.tttadtt- lellcitctflc show aithesJ. M. Opriti.ec e rvcs lFdeenlD.W .Potro T*ý_S-clst. 11i , he cian Night. Deeycc rsocct. \vas anotecectda heviec ilm F-cde oadh Dc.WCFrte e Finade, yr by Romt Borlieglon aed Mrc. E. Ronferd Stariilqoct FsTie. presuieet clmdeo Limeisc. jewellery from en- Tîce the ot..esmecthtra men 150 at Meeting gagemeet ricg to ,ln tiedisctcdc mveclisî mif a, Mcrc tison 150 oîtendcd lise wedding ring and wu ck. Dr-. Torve'. 1111va rcance meecltn aI lis Fine Room et tise roople's excisange 110 A cadem y of M uetc Stccnt uel1-memtccricoardý ctd is Oatiscille arano ond iseard prest- of gifîs. 11 Acaum ofi, Musi Studentsr, He", r aigtied A DIAMOND I A LFTM Give Accord ion, Guitar Recital lissorl___ n td adGF Aeetctdiont .n lctî .. c. JlI-ti Scîitîs. Brtctc Sîscîili c.s h to lk- Sîcclis, Sharon Tels. Atcdccc FIREseORKS MONDAI' Arthur A. Johnson O.D. C.t lbnaioa PI iiiIte audiu ion, ccl ,e e, ActhurSothckc,, Jeancoie Tîcle- G tecottckc, Liodo Soscilt, Edmin thos Etecoce oenfidttcncep Mclton Dccstrccc Hîisl St.hol MoI mcc.. Andt Troncs, Ruts Wald- Luccs, Boet Ms.Dt oe-hilclilie hel poars ne Moedoy OPTOMETRIST front, ccc, etetctcc .cc .tpccsccrtc.lk 1 113 ccc Nacc. Waccerc, Jicscmc Wil- lield, Rctcp V-cc Dorcîe. Secdy teigst, le, tise -coco-l dsplay of Miltoe cnd disct ctcdcotc ci cote, Delet es Wcighct, Cîittdio Jet - Stock. Robestrt tecitt. Brioo Mors, reok psntdb Ca - tile Ctotd-ct Accîlor tel Musce ian, Le,-: B3ieceee, Neit B'.td- Lindtt Gelette, Gordon Budcors, frtok rcec ~ Tu.sdly AftOrIlOOf preenid troi anuairectal ý urv Kenv row. 1Shaont Bcdmsrk. Oredo Cbilds, isclisilie Bai Clcub. Rov Wood ttd pA co ut 3d p entsc o t d frerît I. hs ec K C o e r . B ct Co r n , Se d o l e , D a m r G e z e rt W a llo n rc i e c h a re o f th i T u rs d aiy E v e n n g "re thclletlhvsalaic duels acd lete EtenJesepht Fur ianBrian jccc Macrai Blacklock. ofa____ihevllge____riayM rn g u p o ch tr ato e c i e r . l e-- G îcete L oint, G te etl ictd . i Iti l E tteeci B tcle tm tt, O c lac B r ucs . ' - T h e t o m ci p o e r m o w P H O N E 7 5 5 9 9 7 2 foredcviictcg artt voteeLiecidetectttLctctd LtghoAlancRoert Dsec. Ricktc Dcmcc.;prcdscthetown eearI v Batek, reteecstcd TV ancd tadioie Letît,'GîtiI Mch, Tonr Mccli. Mccy Rose Keilly. Bill Maxmell, crvening. Eceryhody is rin o~ 184 MAIN ST. MILTON 4MaSt Mla gottttetct,tand Joc Macceollc. tise Pat \IcNzieghton Mary Anne George Maxwell, Peter McCo-cig, k.cp ,thcod of tise doodelos 1 8cMicltcMlo 1964 Cttttdacu.c ,tet.techttctl> Pc ecteccE. Bill Pc coctck. dc Gle orge Merlete, Ingrid Scisicis, io.he;t Bctla. hicîr Peler Tris- Daccc Smîith, Doglas Tmîc ___________________________ Meclt I lI .th tltc - tch let Delisce %ahîlce Acte Wtts. Fccd Vttctlcritl Sctt William- ____________________________________________ Pin ,tctttlh tlthe ttt.ll B,,tt[ Wistîccî DactcclMee, Brc- steteKencWilstoDtolas Golttd cdl E. G-eux. T. tee:Ih . h, cc ctk.tE.ittet WihKcîlk%îîki. lieuce. Bill% Mcckell, Ken Ces- t Nt,itlctclhtlet-., dîtct M tIilt.1htt, 6ttedtidge. Santdr nec. Ge.r gePccteittkJimiSale,, direct.,î c-a G. DccitcE Br ::, Michatel Wcccec. Dale Declio. heeti,cctt thc ptedttttcccc t.,tI tttccte Donnac DavidAustin, Jim lrkie.Ocet Dec cîCe Pîcîîti, R.*ttltNtt tEt W.ttee Httl.îcc. Miki, Ic tehice Fctccrchek. Potclo, ctLa- BttOltke,tcc and' ecîtl Jo-tett Peccic. Jan- hceclcttcviticrecceclclip- ht.ttcil LleIo ltîhlîîtt (Cultiîtd tClltlletlîoc, J,.ltîtthcthJedv lettcc rtictg lise pregrant. clcea tl ct t.ckît t ,I t ':1E1 k:itcctMtal. tct THE ACTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Nt. i: te1-i . J c,t.ctk s.t Six Mol.,r Projects 1 Construvction Boom1 te .1 tc -llî)l l.tt Pla t l 1 h \ Gilet: l t. Ili,1 00 I l tt- t I . 1 l.l tt-îtt lîcl IcIlitec tlt Il lC I lîttît 0 oîl t ct . t li lt ccecttt îîccîlet ,: tric -1:: hit ie I I l tt1 ,'00 n rcio i. 30il, allatî,t Mnuiîtthulc Acc )îtî l. AttMtll Si. . Ilci- 112tc Ilttll lIclc I atr, t IINE-NIGHT BLITZ. Stî - llî c: t Ili i ît tîti po l e at llttic \il BEAVER PROBLEMS Nccte.cgcecYiiCouttccillha, sIsrc cîcisîtthems cctt Ille Flitis Liste hr tsree 201 aed 25 cîdercai an Ic lsc tsbel vise ][laiton Gacce Wîc- den te mi e ia eoer. Tiseri have seen isuilding dttctr and iloodina lise colvrtcs at tise cttad- Avay. _ _ _ _ -tc groduatien tise le dia-I arit colteilgcs. Gratis rsîîld keep o eopy af tiseir gradouation pic-1 gufreun as td fer lise Cisaspian, INVITES APPLICATIONS From Pacsons Willing to do Supply Teaching PROPER QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCB PREFBRBD BUT NOT ESSBNTIAL APPLY 10 E. A. HANSEN, Principal ACTION DISTRICT IGO SCHOOL - BOX 690 PHlONE 853-2920 ACTON, ONT. AT KNIGHT'SCLEANERS GATHER UP ALL THE WINTER CLOTHINGI (CHILDREN'S RNOW SUITS, LADIBS' WINTER SKIRTS, MEN'S WINTBB WBAR, ETC.) KNIGHT'S WILL STORE IT FOR YOU FOR THE SEASON FOR ONLY .s3.95 PLUS CLEANING CHARGES YOUS GARMBNTS ABE INSIJRED UP TO $250 CALL TODAYI TR 8-994,1 latian bave ometirei tiseffr tOais ad apre iufasl 1 knaw sueilservites etsit bs tse -C.a ry- Tomai'W patient or Bamili mis ay naped s. me are ainoaytI atalable -- Tise auditad and approved fia- aacial t.a te Mean t for 1963-4, naod a present basik balance et $47,97324, preseolly acailable for tise 1965 campalan. Cts.ai Speaker Guest speaker for lise eveeiag osas Berthsa M. -Reynolds, tise eble attenlane o0cer mil ese ordioatar ai tise CÇ10QadB .Clle ber th, TtOsnst =-aW a Dr. Campbsell Mackatbsw, chair man of tise Medical Adcisory Cammlttee, Zuntsajtaas efthlie Assocalt a i eat saressiaz filet "eradiratian ai tubercolosis is nase unir goal tisrosgs the islamentatlan Of gaod isaaltb fressures and mitis tisa re-oparatIon af evervour tn Hllon6 Coati NOLY CROSS SCHOOL ASSOCIATION BALL NEW NIXT MONDAY - 8.00 P.M. et the RIVIERA, Norval 19 PRIZES 0F $10.00 7 PRIZES 0F $20.00 PLUS $500.00 JACKPOT KI EEDS IW E MASAR i ID WEEDEX WONDER BA R For dai rndef lea- ladsý Just Pucll acou Iw -leva tInflmO 379'IfI Wl'li 1*ý_ ý - b HOS! SPRAY ATTACHMENT Fr, tiac lnttt altO -rd rcctttc t I ' csctccOat. lîach cc. tams ccd ,- Ilic el.. ectahît single atcc cl PartsmoWall3crcfdga.. 7.49 ROSE SPRAY WEED SPRAY JocttsRs e a nd j.cc...cim.ccordcctc, Gcarder Seri - att is9s 1.79 WEEDANOL ATLACIDE conetre,. dtcdetli. ,cnd Prclots, et tc. lts c .,-i 84-cc-... 3.49 ---Il DANDELION DIGGER ai! HOS! END SPRAYER ville' u " mie Ot aca, tta a ,.- ne. - -- -57 Chiekseee Killer la thse qaly beathsg Uyueus tiat offes Fou aIl Uses. Imsportant aivastmds faeleu sage quiet a themostat la every rom more living spae *cnamy Elecfric heatietg Es one cf the mtiny camiort feafldtYO of the famotas Medailion ali-electrie homes. For fuli informat ion, copgakaqtjjjqeddcirihatngconrctorilryourHydro. Pqu hyd&e EXT A!S% CASH ndCARRY R !5 BONUSCOPN EASY SCHUYLER BROS. LTD. TES 459 Main Milton TB 8-2849

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