4 The Casiedian champion, Thuradnay, May ldikl 1964 Red Sox Summary Skipper Aims for Third Spot A sprinhtîng aofat-o',lft-en and infit-tt, Dit-k poit-s wtth pride lt-w rougir edgecs, thlet-e nu one a hau ut ofa-il t-aaditiotred t-g>, ta oquaet-tet-of hord hitting in the lt-apte that mitt ha abte ta ailî mat-k a hangtt-'MittnRed ýr-guair.n lt>l haut-ma> Btake puh t-us atound. tha teomus grc I Sauly ei-e tt utîtv itti. .an ,t-- Bi11 Ctîr-e. a lot of drive and hottttt and lit-i t-,nrt eto Civia htodium teet-tviep Git-n Dont-t tad aong tho>" mmhty important." tarc tenight lTher',dol te open hall hiina., third htasean Don filatt te Etara ,hein reaular Ht-lieu Cot-tv te-; Cet-rit- Dot-a MaCatcheon iili Tht- mentor t' stiti undteided termediotv Basehatl teaton again0' hc in tht- oeuflittet- fosre, wth wo fîl fiet tht- nad lot- tht- op- s> tht- Hamilton Cardinal>. Agenr pruht-îlv John Zttppt-u fling one enin '!une pitthiag astulenment, Iwo wet-h'of rggred wrkouto t h wretang vaci 'I ha fgrhac ha prohahty thaekt-Rt-d Soxmt-ntor DivkJTeaie ufedjbi tl shaaldgowih n epeeaad Clemenîi ,opiimisîit-ahout his wdpe, esa, vtan hie Wavne Husn. 't ltun'>s chantest hi, ut-attaon G "Oipthn gtb ite pahbab shouj haatd mh Hllat hiereports, 't'm imiagalt third hobv u tsgetn etrle oad ha tbt-a naIldela'- s-potoldt'upn-filvau-t mt-t-an 1 nI Geraswl epi teieytaI e r hi a iiue my ut-hait." tacinni mie th Suxpithe unt tsehaho e thou'> Tht- heslliog Seatleaderlfeels ledr Whe cglndo a ht-arethet- n of ahe game." kit h erllag vt-Ilft-eed ha stroag1 t-r, ha> iv hepelul hbthi lit-leit t-et ut-okot-s. "Wt-t-euldha-ve ix .300 hbit-eru an the t-ou hi> tert with Deug Hyt-t Bîi Car- t-lt- Don Cue, t.Bit-ht taglis. Gît-n Daint-t tad evee rnuli John Zep. Sî..nning t-veut-h his fine-.i Dctk nutd'iit-rtolithna ek Il t-îîh touer t-t-> ot Tiwhars l.it-tlitt- Doug Htl»" Inteh- Merchants Prime for Opener CapueEhbto Victory ,uo iopîueplat-t-a pt- .t- cetreo» lit-lt-ltr dreppt-d Tervproets Irom tht- Ct-mphell>iitt- -Photo hy Mit-hael Baron et-rp co-t-'u, frot-te euior >t Ft-îît-î's coti l> .t- ie amp rth-w.enx bre i di MILTON HARNESS RACINO DRIVER Jim (Red) Halmes lu show> dt-ring tant years "open house" Gt-rh-t-wm trogu tht ht-ti t-Il .,> t-t-lt- ht'lu >- t -ilo hr Tulh ati haoir s 'edi asr the Mohawk Raceany, Camphelilt-ls t-oplaiîrg t-e une of hobbies ta tise rowd tchai ai- y 0-u; rhîrtrt-dtw î-.e --tîeEurDtdt' Wtnntag Sun Iended, and E. P. Talr lait, -haut-mon af CT-e J ot-ket- Club Lsd. Open hue wiii be bseldi eqein t-t.n t-t- fort- ent- d o-til3t-i 2 ine to llIl T..ewuiksanduan ero ded siuunday, May17front2 to 5t-.m Two exhibitio>traesileeld, plusaquestion and ýýo e. dueîpt-,IyîcîIîrtivt te g.o thubaes 'orthe M-rcanis in answerioeiodlforitheeisiton s> re coleepop anddonoit wil bae s>ed k0t-..dciiie h-t-le vulo'-'a anvd aîîto2 - Ill îîtîope o theithehbatentof the nis>th. tlu l'-st-t-ut-t-r,condition,-e. 11,,, 'ighth, A',i-et-a-tsaciitit,ion Krng huatit-n inoiildtr's ihrowlta-__________________ %ncoedîand îi -l anntl-d oîi aet-k antdatolonI-t tht- gîPlie lot- thet- iing rt-n huto Ta ilgeS d erzt-Ik'-n garetii- rtt hio',ibset-'il' ce st-eod t-nd pup-upt-nd at-forct-tlhe- pî,,t-it- lae qu ltr --oeeieg iuit-t it-t- hitlin ihilu iiih uotc ciiihen Campi- hroaght t-P AI Wingrove sailliAtinO , R u fr W ie o! t-t- niîl l poli il o>'i ýlfi> -l> elhi- picked l lit- ne uit--t liw out Wtacor r -t- Enter CountyAcinO f R a m fl lit-t- ihird bat-st. Tht- t-tvolt- t-uit usd lt-o, tht- Cumphelsilie tart- Con>phtbslit iîlî h rt-prst-n THANKS BRtAN da.Iisorfengcths TaireLead doîîîence t--tlt-ti îî tht- ronut-adroe aiedrieIo depenttt-e t-dhî Iwoegoums inHilon Coinv Da ti- flrsped mosrat ati Cumphllh-d t-k-s I-- ,Iildîet-î iial an-sdht-iOglt-- fît-id ht-aithe Guelpha et-oite led-. fimer play lii t-is cso, euh Son- hli xc etie lfMit-n Ms>or cr m nte okyi Mi t-r îîreyptdiu.t-ciin ihe uit-oit- iwdJoe'qtuv--railiiAssociationeoo'ishioe-ton. t-t-to- tht- et-wiliur Villaîge îinvîirîpes. i'tit-vi----ihokov I l Mutet aguit st-v thtah v-au - Pltaers Tht--s-ht-dl folot- tt- tian ,îtheltt Ct-nudiue Champion lut- tht- aen'idt-ratiun vhown noan owTu prl#it Foot- Gueltph it-ht-'t-int-leditm at-w t-t--t-' fullouts. Tht- Bas>- vî-ltpt-p-t- lot- tht- woeettul cO- îîgrtuieotion i>i poviast-lir, cv atk,-iIc Ook vt-r ^John Me a- mltwt-I plut- tht-lt homt- et-mrs' cpî'iait-iel-nd-d lo eut- Assut- Ihreegh tht- mediumî of yoer on c.,,î Ai-StarKeet-t ht-Id Campbelliîie te six n 0eManre'oious ht-it-aine t-t iîllea oe-r tht- pt-ti sausco. ot-'wspt-pt-r. H* O but- h À oît-trîîî A oa btis. Ot-n Henderson ted tht-> a h. 6.0-andthe ]Jttnior,vtilhtbhome tl- tt-uId expressi> lt-ike I utuorîrîr An xade atItbnt oi 6, Watcrdon lne1 rak wîh IwoBillEietdohi- onThuat- vitnOtg>il .0nd oot-'ecrilofvour *-alImurt- YoRs eytu Minrbslalgopn \ --ipamtn bel 4, Gt-e-ot-eton d tad Elmetrlt-edg- At Win. Stourdt-t-ufiernws»> ai>t-p.w. hosira cisilswh a .Wtis sig eatoto Ma19 butulv tl. Dokailît-. loI 18, Srump gott - o-e S aRbottau t-limg BAPdTAMS ,-o.-eptimsaîlv re-eptiv oad st-w- Searetary, the luer Miltun etiet- 'v to.ed. Hm ions-Jle1 ere ahto1 u eussad Mlo ile okvAsc haet ht-r fit-sit- t-n t odire îli A%%t-î ut-oits - ýMa- 20 RotaSkie Sbtnen ut 'gonoli e nt Gt-c-gt- p h e1) qJMoliMieeoctvA' Satrda, I 23 acordng eogetwn;ue t-tt B rp Youuog Dut-t Heileroon vt-t-ted 22, Dent-t; o> liat 29, Brumpicu tht- prelimiat-rv Icatgut-stht-dcî- tn. dot-t- 10 t-t Gt-utgetiuu; i ot- lompht-iviie aod an tht-et- Jel 6, Woat-rdeun; Jli 13, Boy-r rt-latd (hi. at-tk Il% Bull Rit- dot- 17 t Ot-kaille ;Jut- 20 t-i innns rtired arinle meo in et-- ingo Jli', .Ouka-itir (2).& mooadoillGeorg-etwn,-ht-irman, Bu-lsgot-.Jut-t26t-ti mi de.H tukou or h Ait-tv garni--Mu 20Oîîî et tht iet-lion Mincrv. on; Jîls Il t-i Wuierdoîvon. oui tht-te hanteil, fl o n ee IoBraptun; Mot- 27sin Dîed, Tht- eupundt-d greaupilies i>is BANTAMS pop ep in lt-ont af the plate t-ou Jat-e o i Oukaille (2) luJe- i5 ',t-ut-iilI h-it>hrt-t-k-fuit-, - Mit-on riei',e ilhbepiru n tui grouudot telfirt. lt OGkvilluI1 oie.dot21atGenreit- six poutm--uatîs.mit-le baumintn>intnt tgrct-pieuntandtii Tht-t-t-l-o Ht-rt-y Hamiltotaow ioiJoue-27tai Milt Ju \ 311 vqadst-ivt-ghl m>di.'tlem an0 td lit- tht- t-oint- t-t-lt-t-soi> pt-ii lto tles> a> oefeective in tht- aii Burlingtonanod Jul-9uilWitc-i mil ueiejnuý t -t l- oni Satîo'do t-lt-t-iot-v ii th1 I l e thtt-t t-aemv p st'da t-etding le Mr. Rit-hmoncd. ilîî grîcd.TK vBol-uit- du-t Il mtidt îrdeit- tht-e a.eI n ai-aDot;ow . .J..iilnI.L ~' Tht- preposed t-ht-dult-' 1cr the 1 zHon» gt-ntes- hi.» 23 Bt-t-ily sioglt- aod walhed tne. whult- JUNIORS Millt t-ins t-t-e tv lellît- tn; it-l 30, W.iit-iiIi;%ii e tr>îvtiking oui lit-t. Jot-h Rohs>riv Fitrt leur home fuîmes: Ilt- 23. TYK n Brlngon Jne13 oge-ret ase fial th-t-t t-i Ht- ut- Il S 8, ia ilt ont Id.I Ai homa- - Mos 23, Gt-kîîîe itlo dont-- 20, G:îkîîît- (III. Juet t~up t-a toisofre 00>t-. Aae-Joliet- r. i n oi 3 J>ît- h, Broamptcn: icat- 20, Gt-k 27. Ct->nphtli ldîî 4. lt-ailt- Cahelivone n si am out-ouIl Fitatt-r. aeygtos u'U A L-PU R P4'~ sit-.; Jt-I 4, Bramptpon; butsl 1(2); dola 1 i l. Icot-It->.le' hs>t thuir te is he aigris Okt-ilIe. Augusi i. Sturaptes> Awt-otgon>t -,-htt26haiCamnp- bc t -flgu oener agamo1ins doAntier Jolie 8 inBoling- lt-ut- ,v -t- M.» 29 >it-l 1,- t-.It o kilt- (1) Geurgtown on Camphelvits> on ion tad Janie 6 in Oahrill- Bruapton: lone 4 ini Ot-hîlîlc. tut-d7.i Cî-îî-u-'îîr ba Mody tfît-rnoua. Mas 18. ti Jolieb26in Braon>i:ieult-Jin i îlurlîiîîli ii iur t-ia Wtt- 2 ______30,? L ( E L Okvillr JlI' 24 in r Sî-spit-: doi- dî-J-i t-i St-t-inco.K R E dola-30 inît-kllt 1.- aiuîîlîîîî.îîJciv7.lOak- aI Th t- litop lt-tt-ti, il h T,îko :1 ili (2).#IIUII ioiicit- iIll y.aîî i t-, t-til NMIDGETS ç hellet rgt-t-tar-I eau-i a't>t> lei cîi> rît-îîîîîgî Field Se u.ws _____O______F-- OR twe oîut ci th- r--it-i fo flit- t-o., the loclt-t- t- p l it-l- Lv______________ Htion Couvi>% titie Miltoni Tilt> hot- t---t-- Lit lly w ontS-t- aR m L u il t-w.. an [ho lt-ir urî)îîîî. illuion (2); Moi 30, Bramtio; Tht- cei loed Hatton FRTE50CE PEE WEES Iiîîîî h. Georîgelto: dut-t J0. County Miner Souhbait Assoca- la t-evit t-uant Pt-t W>.'ni Ailîli .lt d andt irl ut- 27, lt-et-lt-vt-n eut ht-gin ils îirt-v tt-sou ONE DAY ONLY s-it-. flcMdt-ut stti il; pti Act-v at.oi-t- Mat 25 au Drit- h eaîoaîoag May at-twit 14N S EOO IA il 1 ume iant, ai1.30p.m.,, 1- Jol, 13ai B,,mpo:Joett t-t-w> rt-pretatiag us rotl r-t-EC N MI h-t-doîiuthe fi,ritueîl 17oalgcrlîrîîlî.(1;Juî2,aîwînît A soiation ply Pt-NED Hoîrne get-tt - IlJ2-3,îîîl StlIl (2) JlJ bol 3.1 Gt-oit-t- Go>t-s anoüneaed thi sateh AV '1. mit-n Mu> 30, fît-.rt-îcî ii» t-ct- JcI> 7t-i Wt-tltrîloie Tea> lt-en Hernhv, Drewqeon MAYFR 27 V HANDY - MIXES EASILY Olt--- t-oit--lit- Cedur S-prin-gs andt- Mollo> il ht-se et-ms un- ait Martin' lt it-t- t-lt- st-so tad tht- preaf 4 lt-fît-l ivlati ltîingr oar st-tplot- ls Show Starts V EASY TO SERVE up htlt-t- t-rat- t-pettd. t-tpt-a- IN inIl st-it>O it-d Pt-t wt-t At 3 p.m. divisicav. V__________________________ Lot-aille wli lt-rd tht- commun>-~ NEW LOW PAMII.Y PRICESVFRTFE WTHV AMN i tquit-i. Pt-a Wt-. Suan> tad ADUITS 90n - CHILDREN 6O0AcMIERL Mit-le» loagh n>il ht-t-t t-quit-i. Pt-t- Wu iood -viat-w gomsi V RAISES IIEALTHY CALVES t-tice. ut-ill Hraha tad ltu-o>__ f] aht-t rt-t- Pe t-ad GENE CODY & FSE Surgom.Mollo> avili t-ute FSE tomsni etred in tht- Baiow and KIPLING BROS. Pt-t Wt-o dit-isions and Ct-dor VHLST RV t-prit-gu wli be ru>prea-nit-'d t-y t- TRAINED ANIMAL VHLST RVN t-qui-i squ-d. Tht- kuiilta Mid-b DIARRHEA getlt omi plut- exhihition an>t- Aleague garnes eutl t-t tel fi faisad the home tuants C R U îaill looîk atltr t-t- n>pt-t-. St-uit- vqet-t-l t-rt- aill lookitie for oddî- t-at-t-t-lt-t t-ullp Mi. Garet-t- i - Truined Animais en S ad Circus Actn AStI AT P' . . . WEAT à PIOOIT VIMUAN 4T48 STASf Henderaun of tise Canipbelnilte Mert-is RORBTIRNESanoadb-sls llaffe , t-m aI otkmtod, vil ai trpîagou 001 tl tise Mearcsent I a. . omapitieioa lgis. îtfat- Dange ntat-ted vilt he Guelphstruams E I~IEM RI T dutel lb. puni and aus year nlasa tietitr atflan mîith tise WW WW Grl -Roiel of 01s Owr iebçougnlpr Lee~ Prp glIf téb ~u*rnda AI er thay tank out l3osi fîhey H< tsn ~ iamilton, didni put ln anybody Wiho ccauld lire Milits eu Sttl tma$ted thlr have c>tused us troubte," 15e sald. tvay go a- 16.5 pro-saao exchihi-, t ion wittavec- the Geporgetowan Or t'ieldteg wen ttretty nloppy," GatunSunday arteraoatn. he cttmmented. "but tis abr bat- bi Ht'l'y swinging tra Don Cottie diantond" palet a 16 hic Sonr attack, au the Bill Currie fard a triple and a hbtrby Broate St. t-ettdent cracksd si .figle ta hetp the Sont a ttacu attd a home t-on and tht-te singtes ta Marty Scliuzai hal twa singtet. six trips ta the plte. John Zappas, the tinit batter up A quartette af Sas hurteru in the gnie, ttupped a triple and timited and unulemie Giant ttae- Btake Ingtis. Deuil McCutobeln up ta Il htt dorna the aine Gîa Dn-.Bln Mliie isn a ut-e. Rouble tefthader Brto ane c rluot.Dugn t nduf Son Nltyer wan the molntrimone- Wane TcCimhern ou ai t anletd sit-e, retirtng the anti' six Glatit siagî1neT-t. r R oiS hittern he faced la a tvre inaing ge s atl> Saphomore lt-lv Ilt BOX SHORTSt Art Melanuon Fletheratloued ontvaonehit and annaaacett tii week he wootd aaunearaedi rua ia his tut> ia- dehanitelv he oat wits tIsé tera nings and veteron Wve ilsaa in the verv near future.Manager hurled tao injier. olitina ti oe Clament reports that Art vil oaearned ruai itet atowiag hetp oith the- eoaehing far sura a hît. Righthader Brion Me- and iflits hn satands Ip. wal DuPfe morked the huit three ni- graduat>' mark himsetf tatae a aings andtiouillar hit and, part timet-oie ... The Red Sox th-l aneat-nd ras. tomlut hast tha Georgetomn ýGiants Ban manager Dit-h Ciement utas for tan exhihition liamie on Seul mare thon plaued wlsh his Icamsdall aftenon at the fair arounds. hittinu la thaganme, hut nagln Game limre la 2.30.... The neut dl "the Giaîtîs mighi have hben Sour teague game wtt! ha In meahar thonr te viet-e trang. Georgetown an Wedneday ... MILTON TENNIS CLUB NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP THIBI PLAYING COURTS Applleulleai.n togerthea with fans ncheld bu mallai as amien es possible ta Box 567, Milton, Ontario. PhRASE REGISTR AT ONCE APPLICATION FORM Addreuss............................................... JUNIOR ( ) SENIOR I MARRIRD COUPLES ( ) FAMILY RATE FEUS> Janior $6.00 - liS years and ander by Jan> 1, 1965) Senior $10.00 If peu have phoraad- Marîs>d Couples $12.00 plerga. fil in faim Family Rasa $15.00 anpwos5. ~~hS~0 Il0 ~u0 - 0 FOR NEW LAUE LEAFLET FORMULA FEEDS 0 DI VISIO N 0 F 400D FLOUR MILLS LIMITED MITON TR 81311 ý b . -440 Il E- 1 1