MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL ,.,aked Natala HospiaI Day on- Taesday and the bild- in9 was open for, ,,,a, io if a"lyoc raed to cp in an.d se th. b a h,spitaai orxk.a One hospiaI staffe, phi'îaherapia, Stuart laaaaa (staridnaaîaqh,) ,cîhowacaua o in the neaphcot eapyayyym ih hre atients-one qettnq he dahe,-,y teaa.e,,ufora soe bake'l o q ec muse exercaae on the qaadacep tabi.. an.d oneaeaina , leqailment in th whipool bath. Study Groups Report on Prol"ecis To University Women's Club Meet The B. ,n fiU- i Edto El aaa R, 'iesca cmntieu cM r ni, > S hel o S c F i NI El tilno a rnh F .i'u i i . B a n EH S1 eoNa,7,ihaalil0taaýII I o1ýL ain Ma, T. o.Ii.,,iI Ili, Ait ~ h, B o,,,,i,,k I l'aa,..afi ,' M,.'ab,,,i il,, Milo a,,, ,Ioh \NIr, W G .h9 ý,1 ", lort(i 1 ,a ci ,aîaa.aaî, lor at c'ain h.p.'.i , fo i hk , ,a, 11, onte iMd,,,l Booki aaîllju l a ndyp. -a ' cl.g,, . Maaeaia ore,!,il ;1giaaaa,,,,,, ia'fliy aadi.a en,'ah a HPaa oaer a fo aa,.acaob.-me bl.ý, F ,,a jol -, B., locala,' _______________ e________ -__ Mi-_____________ E.___________ andI Nf, K 9.61 Nb.aa,I r, i ' a D. L ,1 Racirli 0,f Topicc nu lhEd,u,,.aaaId aar aa-iaaoa.d ba 9,. ,, , fia. OEITUARY Prominent Banker Dies in Springfield 'A il,, alid Il Si,, ai i, da ,A I j 2h' H,., Il,, IIt ih , S I',,,'i .1 1, in, , . I, - , , 19I 1 1 opn nw Il I, i ni TbDi, Enin R HN 1 R 8.997 av aIN ST iLN EW'"lECT qRICIYi Us O BSIES Pixl lac- ,I, Tlaka, acla i .li *usa ADOTiONALOUTET PHONETOR 8I99TS 184EAINRSTON ELECTRICIY ICE CREAM Now Througli MAY 16 OnIy Royal 014 Pashaoeed ICE CREAM Haif Gacllons 85,,,",>,,.i0 jC Royal Old Fasheed FREEZER PAI< 4 'CE CRHALF GALLONS s3.33 'Il i7- r hite 911. Thev La.( Reg. $4.20 CORONET Royal 014 Fashiened ICE CREAM ICE P 1 N T.S CREAM PINTS 3 9c 3 R89C Reg 49, I.m 3Si l17 POPSICLES --49c (2SKDili DRUMSTICKS - 65c Re.71 IAil MIDealer-Disnpoyjngth lbRy#l ig. Cmiè Skis THESE ROYAL ICE CREAM SPECIALS ARE AVAILABLE NOW THROUGH THIS SATURDAY AT LED WITH'S 0 SUPER SAVE 'g SHOP and SAVE ait MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED - SMOKED HAMS SHORT SHANK SKINLESS 5 lb IM ,id C red H iko ry Sm ked Tre d lbI M ild Seaeened - Fm sh SIlc d i c S ra p BACON 59' BOLOGNA39I BURNS' S.P. - CRYOVAC PACK COTTAG E ROLLS 5 9 i Pure Pork Sausage Meat 16-oz. 39c Compare a 61c1 R E SALMON SC Compare ai 2 for 39c1 NEW ROBIN HOOD Packet Pack CAKE MIXES 2 pkgs29c Compare ai 33c! - 101' a-oc. Celle, KRAFT Jet Puiff Marslimallows 25 e Compare ai 79c! 10 0 Bll an PALM GARDEN- BJ Gs t.ci9c Compare ai 35o1 15-oc. HEINZ KETCHUP 29C Compare ai 23c! - Cruslaed 20-oc. Tins CHOICE PINEAPPLE 5 $ C o m p a re a i 3 7 c - Fa o r t uallR y 4 8 -e x ' T o r . APPLE JUICE_ ses 3 0s1. Compare al 73c MIRACLE Salad WHIP Dressing 32-oz. Jar ................ 5 9 e ai 3i1el - MIRACLE FRENCH B-x. s1.91. AD DRESSING -a--29c Super Save DONUTS 29dz Eeaiver Lump 5-lIa.* bag Charcoal d45c Ide&[ - Large ll. (Plus Depeulil Ginger AIe2oR29c 1/2 TINS Compare at 45c! - STOKELY BRAND FRUI 28-oz. Tin COCK1(T AIL 39 e Compare at 97c! - Special 23e Coupon Pack . .. 1-Ib. Bats 9 -m M --,-1 - ai -le e -l Compare ai 29el c 12-.0.- JAR 23e MAWL 8 7 2 New Crop -II Long White CALIFORNIA Potatoes j1O L89C FLORIDA Watermelons Good @f Size 8 C