BOWLING TROPHIES and eoerds moto ptosented to the top îesm end lte. leedinq bomiers, wieen lte Milton Pcteniepers' Bowltng Leeque iteld ols ennoci becquet lest oseit. Shoon in nte front are Norme MecMacpitp, tadies' itiqit aerage; Pst Home and Veine Rabbins, mem- iters oit the oieoing teem, Anse Jeobson, o member oit lthe minnong tecm end elso the oinnoc oit cte ladies' itigit single; Glena Sheroood, minne ait lte ladies' i,9 triple. n1 lthe becit nom are Fred Rabbins, e membe ait lthe mcnninq tem; Btoto Jecktson, monnon oit lte menis itigh single; Jesck Reynotds end Ray Thtomson, members oit the misninq tem, Reg Grep, ooer oit theo men's itigi eciple and Mite Betordere, minet ccf the men's hîith average. ST. PAUL!S MR. AND MRS. Clcb itocoienoenjoyed e baneot in the hait oft Horcby United Choncit on Mondey Mey 4, ocîith the top booctets titroughoot lthe seeson rececing trophieî. Shon standing are Lenty Arit, ojîner oft the men's 6,96 trile, Theime Boaslteid, ladies' i9gh triple, Dale Brandon men's higit aereage and Helen Watknî, womeels igi aernge. Soptt? aeg memitoîs oft the Tom Cetî mwinons of lte Chempionîhîp. They nctode Reiph PfW, Bobt Mdfitet, Erne Arbi' and Pei0 'Kent. Erne Arbic tisa, won the ladies' higit single, mtth c 292. Bill Tom, ceptelo oft the oienng teem, and cd Litt o'ionec of te men's 6,96 single, more absent eit the time of lte photo. The Bruce TrailDuih uher Build "Blue-Knuckle"' Bridge 'laspectersHqipe lTlsfrdcofcacerlesf artiles tcomsplotecccith w %pns, a0,.n it Ansatlcot light ltoo'l lba isht on theflhluce Teoil In thsdis- mintm,ct.cctngs, ncelv design- ioshoc' c', tcing planood On' ticto, militent by Mec. Edîffi ed sigî, cool a lccc',îît ! Voco MoArtli, Hotoon Cooccîl' Austen Lloyd cf Haccslloc, fri-cl Gc'cpc in Accoter 0nd Wcto- VWood lc.pectcccand lie c, the direefer cf lthe Hcesflsoc lme down hace itîco Pc,- faibciocoog ccoopc,-licn cf ail oonty rescl queo Brce lil Club.) sticos dccoiog the ost,,- Anlther .,len. "The cee soi s I ooocd on TheIrouoi BuceTral CIbgcoopj toa' iton suocco', oin1 thc cclhccospolc',ocoic throochool Tit fsosooi B-soo Taj Cîoi Mocol Nomo 0,-cc and Oca, fcnc the Cooot',." Mr. McArlhurcocidi is c'ispocsibli for biliding tic oct a hocc rot e for0 tccheî,-c, .*lcadoo 'loli dteheins ofs BruicTral fccm G,-ioc'b',I e dS, -n ct. vl ie i h . ,i ex trougi Hcmiltcon, 0100 the esý cn codoot loplcîs tu1 1t icl -plI tu ,,,,sh il cccîpltevtct i-s cacpmneolt neaAncster, co' ocg d gîo,cooititobc o col,-." lthe Dondeo Valtos to Webst',t ,'. un ali:wtonscc' ci flic lî,ojt Lt, the 000,c d' Fails Ranine, and folioscong Oicý Il r-in,jccof ci Mlton andi cli', - c,,tcch o esîcapmenent tRook Citp,o l., lici oult tkc o. tîcip loitld 1 lOi cîcîttc .iîtcîîgtt,îîlî is'ola nd throoogh Bocto l, t ho- ooconact ficCtnlubrrl artccof llthecllcoc and il to Mouet Nemo, Rallosnk laio,,lM.oeGlito R.R t, coc',ltc0d ttlit, wlIltt p Point and ti l ctCon'vation001 Mittll c' NE 4-2770 oîc Robin cc.c -c' oo'conoe 'thohîom Aiea. hloîîo. R 3 f.*,îcnchttitto.e Iio gf,,o,. Att ocicients ,f Atiiadv thene are tlln mtles' of lia Placei, BI,îdc 11 aoo e utc , tc lo',i no Irait open0 Io lth poublicîoitn fil ttc H ta o oltiîcgio. 637- itth Coum Wook d o , po Dundoc Vctley, and eccotocti', 096, oho .11 c icbattu îtî flicmlcioCîntWct'po1 teie witiite>0 to 80miles of trit in the cjciil ut Mounto trat in iti', igioo. Mnibri i teclb *Duriog the pool witîllr man', opencI il whlto acjoc'li "CANAE entitosiastii people itave Oicomc in hikoof cnd thc ooldooo', Ao- iciereslcd in ti, plojecl. Onoac ocmitînotcp iS lc oo ocoThC U gcoop in lthe Hamiltoo Cils ,ic-kdutor fu one ',ocjt' Mcmbeo, ch C U cio itas, itn woo'iing ocoldoot", OOclc nuit-o, I ot ollcf aocO duricsg the coidest sointot' wcO- meetings. Adctîo', tho toctoo.î 1c end',. Thii "Bioi-Knocktc 0,oc,'Tot tic '00zi P.0 Boo',lit Bridge" , sbitin Jcoocc',,l mlioti. Presents 1 v ~~PLUS cealstrI fi c'Iadt ý:,Iw flnnei Frot, .. .Cliffy Shorct . Be Ry Pen SHOWTfME B P.M. Cherry Cream Squares Tickts ce saie dit cf showc (Malles 9 Seirvngol ADULTS $ 2.00 Iioî occcoib, , rolor CHILDREN 75c (lancer 12) 2clis fillcitchm %.cfer ttg4ti and otter. Poc',',liact' oi',ets mixsîtr in bc'oNo cf btto- Icoiroct scq. ccake pln le i talatssoon traon sîitOt Sprtokto gotolioco loto, c, c- L !cap iturl', miocot et-; lt oOîa 5 otiotc,ioolif- 11', 0as1O', gclcîloci -oeoo Cooot (o,îcoc,, 1 oup siftu ciîtsga 'ýsc mtixture oosooicimitO 1 liclIpoaI timoo rind in ccke paril. Cirefoît', sprio cr ohol',liho on top. 2 'teespoons lnccoc joice 644 comcinjng chie',,- mis Hi plot (514 cult wsipping ltur-coî nd ot s crn itit - miniong crcîmit misxtur'e. ifieant Oii aod ',i,'te calt In i (20'oz.) cen sCcd quares. Citaici' Chrry Pie Titis r'ccpc prepccred et Filgpcialin' forc li',issuies it Fititeg Dc' j," Foocd',Ser-ic Bure'auc. Erosilon, Weeds_-' " IE pet V tl 1h ýW d er S divoto, cho l h o Coincern Esquesing Council bueukerStresses ýococco1o 00tic;ltco0c Doag nlaoir.cprescntand d I b% t' i miooîc L.ooioo At itiir ccnîiceomeeigcfstCotcl sngH2% faocdîith ct,nil m ngrof, Rutitcmaid tclîc,' plîce .olccillat,o 0,00 weoek, -Eoquesinigouvscil togecisor e',lînoed area cufiing to Bccmp- (Canada) ao Cat%itic di,- lia ilo bî i t ot o o n ojolo a wcilitActocourocil 'equested thelotoif, 3-, posc ctmed thecoimportnc lcooc1cîci i,,'1 Credui Volley, Coccsecoation Aiîit Cccîcccilo,. tW. i ',tc',îed 1ij'a, hccc o îttoccittoioc' oti tod',t'oy woeeds in Fairy on too' 0,-cc (Terra Cotlci Ili,, clubtitcc itii 0lsl o eol, 1'Cooi t 1R. R. Parkter'of teConere. 'BrminîioC'e Goreowon I cîl"colokipeoioo.ccucanOr,t.'j,,lO,,,,,.oo.ot ion Aoltority pointiol out tat coe ilito ct sotogo'îIooîct',',j'îoîioot oIntes, to lOOeiO'palifii', teicft The Rleuve ',cid lie hctd 0.,t iunlgîicoo) lat.c. ,li oc l (lie Psoyinciah Govenictseot ilccwcommuaisccunec.ot.acn.! ixpoi o kotnia o do,,I aai pay 50 percensiof lthe cotit. cclheo front- F',qoic',ionoccocont. t,ll t 1 le,occ',cid 00LX h. In iti', case, iti iecomised tht SiholByLc 00 ton and 50 pecenot ity ltePion-.Cuclgv w edns fl ic "Ai I hav tic sai'coin cog 15.0 o h aîcicdifions c ctpoo c 5lcl000 ico tho titis, yoa'd ,cIrglo er eh inadStwriw v t, oc.' occco.oîo n 0.'t runig sitais if wn fil a bill" . ouots. Appcocch 0000 lits iob i %;, p, D st o IR . ent oneeI et cbîcîccîc boom tOc prvnca go gel thc prodcto, livre bu' ilt coo, ocv 7.ele notent.if pcttc, Lioo o 0' iOOOlcoii Oofi otOlicO oo 1 Notice ho hereby civne toca somtigoiftesame pcod- Exuctttî'emnvolirvI , otOOOO iclî,'tto land, inccedcemwtth tr ood atc oe oto, l nopott' c' cc'oîco 1 Indivniduel Cas Heip Section 3, 13 ccd 19-T tona Lit eGhienWiMinsCere-itc 'Ic ococcoh the sct lire- Mi*.Sincot ttcli.oOt tlic i gicteeqeeonil tory. Mr. Parkere sssuiedi binab vr hi oc'ni heacoa. Titi reco ccoatd lookint 0 il, wiithoit loid of c c,11t fro tho tir,- chiefM nciaiyo titi elciotace cosis ineahvîd ici m Geocgtown tetling of ciid-n CleteChute, Siogf and Sfico titi original pics, suoggesied tw soitong af litîccc in, the îold ,Ceecrefe, b dii ate of u ocrtiieeoars aga. Do va No choct. B L O C K S th otdsendbthe uniiaet 'Witct are ot, goisg la do ccli ccd hcne che moods dnst aioî ieolccou loned on - y psM e J. COOlIE (Ceecrele Blockcî) aclcist the land en tases tic,' demaciedd Jaick Coricoshii 'of ko lue LTD. Ths ce-eiperation sf cil citis hall' of cî',îdools cf Park St. EasitONo'.coooNtplhtt NE 4-7763 on Gien Williams. Hi cacimcd lthe TNsawe vrp fld EVF.NENCS V. cao.Ot.flway wet otllecoayhtci evi,o eetinog Apli 29th aoîi h tit ownship fihtid adilo it (olcoieo botiI ti tocto, M-1, CALL JACK HALL th sioe. Mc.I MILTON TR 8.6365 Co- ien, Lichie deniîd icioing E.iccIgirl wccitcclon iertot,-ic a soctlconoosytody,ondddd iO 1 goolOOcs TherolIl aîil wsprivtocl aod. Roy Gacol, ane- t. 101 iloo coil, 0000f0 aItiti depotalion bldc of stl cas an ',cctu h ti ccd refuse toing . -cied doGtwo Ic Hascc on i' gctdiî. and hoe 'cggîe d "h HeAogminî c., v c, poitiis il coolvert. oocitoto bltouse',o chIc,', an ,,îI Courci~'lot R. Lcwon .poiated ottc boomsor aic eotol ine out t lithe Dop. of Htitîocvs Ootmoî cîccd ccc îtoo flit csi in coo~ , hs ll ait O' win l cocoler hruzs cd R cito-,îoooî oo inpring iticanni' filled wlith olt. î00,0 h -,k Il oo Acmb coinoco Alter- a lioglhy doitateil w i pie wor. Htco',e' Assignaient toc',' 00010,c aod titi coanicitla iconnp lochest-' on oh,,,0, ne muet on tit opr >PS vnith thc urvI,,kit, ,o', uss.Lnchîîvas I atopavers onoFcida',. otcotonlcothc J. McMltco oft hoe BoIt Titi phono Co. annooncîd oh,- cit', Tio a(oo'phicr t', 75 finies', oft he cront ctirve' IoEsqueing'îI deui c', ch,- dcliiit c',c',t. 1 s l NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS To Destroy WEEDS Notice is hereby given to ail perlons in possesionc of ]and, in eccordeece ccjîh te Ontariooct.eed Con- troo Act, 1960, Sec. 3, 13and 19, tht uness noxoos ceeds etrowing on theot lands wothin the Municipelity 0F THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE are destroyed by dote oft June l1t1h, 1964, and throughoot the season te Mucicpeiîy tney enter- 0000 said tends, end have the weeds destroyed, charginq the costs eqeinst thte tand in- taxes, as set out in thc Act. The co'.operaf ion of ail citizens is earnesfly solicited. Wcsd Inspecter, R. J. MEABIS, Municipalicy cf Town of Ociteille. >A'S GRAND OLE OPRY" IKINGSWAY JAMBOREE 00 THEB QUEBNSWAY, TORONTO IONNY JAMES UNDAY MAY l7th neep . . . Lccie and Lci. . .Le Wrren cee Thce Blue Vallcy Beys ...Jchccy Bcec'qsc The Club Kicgswcy Thie Club Kisgslecy J am. Jemb ee boece ls easy toe relach. FOl. Torocto Il a7-5122 very Senday te B FsI cw the mapl belear, Each week eoec grcdc Grand Oie Opry Sheci CLUB KIN SWAY AfeE o.r BXPBEISVa.V LAEONTARIO 5%- - ay, Mmy l4fls, 1964 Cs5 A, ý. iccolocf the adcll ioot îpolaonooc .o Canda, the noccho,o coc ptcnt Ilio N c alo aieo,cdn Caad in ', _13)K oi oa , coilo Il PERTY OWNERS Weeds Il persccs cn possession of c Weed Cocceci Act 1960, hat uclessccciccs weds lands, wiflccc the Nassagaweya e 15, 1964 acd thrccghocc ccy enercccpoc saillads ,cstcd, cha-gice ctce ccs , as set outinheAct. liocs ls ecî'ccsly selicfocf. E. McARTI4UR, ccl Inspcfce, cscfy cf Haltcc OPEN MONDAY MAY 18 DROP IN! SEE THESE DEMONSTRATORS THIS WEEK. SAVE DOL- LARS AND ENJO-Y THE CONFIDENCE 0F A NEW CAR WARRANTY 1964 CHEVELLE 300 Toe dccr six celcndcrdemccstrclcr. Acleecce wash. SAVE els Mdctwcspecd wprs, white mail ftes, feul whliel s dcils Blacc itsh red iccecee List Poice $3,084. s 0 1964 CHEV. BISCAYNE Four dccr c ghc cyi cdcr deonstrtr ce atc ra dco SAVE whice maIl lices, feul whecl cliscs. mesltets and to speed wilpncs, teirrotr. Ncw Car Warraefy - Lisf Prise $359 s700 1964 CHEV. BISCAYNE Tmc dcte, sixcclinder demecîcceor rdio, eshers SAVE andfmwospeed wipcrs, ceo, c whitee alf oirs. Nom Car Warcccfy -List Pîten $3,110. $600 1964 CHEV. IMPALA SUPER SPORT Te-e dîe, bcrdtop, cuometis transmission, 327 co in. V8 coton- ocsh itola raîlco, po- t.coeonq, 00-n hocloo fIs er consoln, cebeel discs. înor.see e-hile mati tires, padded csh,fined wicdsltisid, 2 spoed ceipsis ced wcehers, siesit, back-ep iichts,mirrc ad seat belts, blck itih red îbcet seatns. Newe Car Worrcety - List Prise $4.345. SAVE s800 REED-REDFERN LtJ. III ~-~"-'-"--~. >R W1s.E.~.,s, se 115 ~ dA1f.~, MI, liii lfl -J c U. L a 11% ciii A KAA