2 Thse Canadien Champione, Thuruday, May 14ut, 19641 Indic TaIk, Articles At Bethel U.C.W. Meet Dy Mm. A. BaIl servedland asocial time enjoyed. Tise aftemnoun uenit of Bethet The generat meeting of Bethel U.CIW. met Wednesday et thse U.C.W. wshetd Mondai even- honme of Mrs. Clarece Ford. ing in tihe eburi basenment. Thse . MILs Giadys Fmatberstoe unit presidien, Mrs. L. Lester. presid- cotteener. castductedi thse meeting ed. Tise meeting opened mitis tise milh epeeed mitis thte singing siegiflg of tihe hyme "Happy thse of thse svnm "Best Be the Tie Home whien God is Tisere'l. tilat Bleds." The rotl cail word Tise ladies mcme asised te caser mas 'uam,. . agaie this year to tise Perey W. Beverat tisani you tords and Merry Graduation Banquet in tetters mere meadl incladlng osue . frotta tise Fred Victor Mission for Reports Glen qult eybd reaived and a A reporîof the pa.sosaecom-. ?.tter from tise Susise Bcoot mi meeting mas given isy Mrs. at Hot'eiy for tise seming macis- E. Bail end Mrs. L. Chamisertain. me wbicis iad been parcisased by Tise fistanciat report mas given- tise Hornisy and 'Besset U.C.W. isy tise treovoeer Mes. G. Robin- Plan Tes so.oe tad buies rp Plans mere completed for tise Mr.L.LoiI rthed siness n a nat Blossom Tea iseig isetd Ind ý istra. wdafiý, an tie Chorcs on Toesday. May Tnisemeio a toe e JiaZp.. Tsepogrmmiilunsh mas served by Mrs. J. inctode Mes. Jordison et Brump- Ficisel Sr. aed Mrs. John Lister. ton as guest speaker and avari- MlateruDies eu dmoioa nu ie y Sympattty s. esiended te Mus. TiseC deaeoto mu ienb merson Ford in tise resent Mes. C.Faieone.nis death uf iser sisIer ai Fort Ferry. TaIsan Idla Miss Margaret Bail attendrd Miss Gladys Fealiserstone gave a dinner Party in Barrie on Bat. a very interestiog talk on tedia uraeatig en a triend and also displayed severat artici- mus mI o .,,vise attended teachee's es of lotbing oen isy tise people cottege vias isoeared mils a pre- of tedia. Tise meeting ciosed sentation prior ta ber mamrage -aaphffe seitt tisebeasedietion. Lunch mas Jane 13. A "GL.OIOUSLY SlICCESIUI" open bouse mas held aitie J. M. Deepes Public Stisool on Wed- etemumr~reieao.eeee . nesday evning ai last steak, wvitis over 80 per cent parent attendaece. Displays nI mars kv eaery tild te the scinool were out for parents to inspent. Cisildren accottpantied tiseir parents MOiFFAI and sbowed tbem throogh tise scisool and Sapervîsieg Principal t. W. Poster reports that sonne ~* a ,.Of tise eooms bad very tlose tu 100 per vent parent represenrattoe. A Puppet disptay in J. (atara , DIV or ft W Bosreanis roomn, drew lise nttettiot of visitors Cbris Macro, a five-year-oid kindierqertet stud- a ens, Mes. J. Matro and Mes. D. O'Deil. Sisown stiti tise visiters is Mr. Bosman. Disçcaçse&diut LudksMetns - Tise WMBS and Ladies' Ad nghtdne.w hist bei hed I4ORNBY met an Tisursday afternene. atith Audtoim ofBro e theihome o Mr Grant Camp- Scol iofrprhsn f Ichifor tise W.M.B. meettng. itcisen. Scouts Tour Power Plant Plans are undlerttytla hve a A capof tea adsandmiches' ByMNin. . MCartn The afiteecowas spenttIying Aprettv aproe was made its coupe ofcar.loadsgo ta Kitc- oere servedlat tise closeeof tise TieFirst HorniyScot Trop twto qits fuoaaielt csent ic appliqardl pocisets ot il ta ener talu lin etise cetebration meeting and lise tisanks ta tise and Leaders lef Hortisy Sator- 10 an accreas depaI. Tea and hold bhe stov card, and mon- of 5 Yers o amllgaatin Ofhosess as xpresedby Ms. ay mrnig, My 2ai 9a.m forcooies ercservd b thehoMe.ta celis.Mr.and rs.Kin filre societies in tise Western Norris. a toar and a bise te lise Noclcac tess. ~aie living tn London, Engtand.* Division. Held Raie Paner Geeeratieg Station at ýDona the storeS sciici sstept Mi. ced Mus. Ted Rohinson Item MNs. A. Allen oas le charge Mrs. W. Fraser isetd a verY Douglas Point. On tiseir ay up this district oe Tharsday, May 7, ta Londone ta attend Jun ae-! ut tise Btadv Bok "Tise Chsang- successfil sale last meok. We are they stopped aiIntveehuon foc tile chimocy se Jior Lesley's ditg ,tnd tlia vsiit Mes. Robsert- ing City Cisallenges tise Cisureis'. ptcased vse iv sot leasing tise luncis, fallasced isy c Itike tbrou ogse ravcs. strass bu tigistoieg son', Mothar in Ediehorgs, Scot- Asuisting ber mere Mes. W. Ken- distrct bot just clecoseg oui c tise havis and sorrooodisg taises. aed tapplcd. Fortunate'tc no alther tant. seds. Mrs. G. Robinson, Mes. lot of things she did net need. For sopper tises sîoppcd ai damage sucs donc. Bthdas greetiegs ced gend Beltiel andt5Mus.Roberts Mes. E. We arr ptecsed ta report Mms. Mitdmcv ohere bhey eniaved Caacere Dere ssscta Chartles Hill, May 14, Case rend ti s ripture Hebreets J. Psoatt is istprovtng cIter isr rcoasteti chicisen legs. salcds, hors Maes thcvkv lac tise sarm re- Pct Drets Brook Mav lb, cnd Faut 13:1-14 and Psaim 9t mas rendi serinas operstionineTorontoaHos- pie, cake mils aed lti. Tise Il sposfram the rsideetsaoftsis ttaecy Mav 20. responsst The prasers were pitl and ail iscpc vise tsill soas iScouts steve accampaetied by Me. ceea doriof tise recent Cacer Congratulations lte Me. aed Mss. takese is Mes, BitS and Mrs.ibcisome ain. and Mrs. Patptippance, Mr. and Drive. The ccevossers ee wel Jamets Brown wbosvere married Ailent. j gte Maleah Mrs. Tom Higgiecend Mrs.rene receivdcnd sere wett avecoronhctrdav cfteron, May 9in La lAId Tisere mus a goodattendaate at Saaeders. Tise trip wcv graatty objective. Hcrnbv Ujnited Cisarcis. bme. Moreis wse in charge Nassagaweya Presb5'terian Cburcb cosissyall. Mes. Len Kuertaig mas isostess q Te',Naath Trafalgar Ecbre of tise Ladies' Aid ateeting can Bnutday Meettifofr tieMet- SeweigtUnit os Tharsdav evesieg May 7. pceîy an hatardas eveeing, aI nesaedteeeeting sit a poemn ers, Dcv servire. Theservice of Tise afternoen seottg unit af oison a Tuppeescare party was 1 NortbTrafalgar Community Ce- fer bbmhm Dcv. seriPtue atnd carsbîp for Chsristian Famitti Hornisy United Cisarcis met aitie field. Mev. Jean Huekies dm- Ire. Thom e are nlie tables in pra"f'. ,Bandas cas osed. The temeishome of Mrs. Albert MachnettoCt stitud licactisefl atic- play andthe vienora ws're Hclc Fta plans erre ocde for tise 0cr Failv - A Housebatd et receetty ssitb seven ladies pro- les. There ocre eigbt ladies Pro- t ngramn Mrs. Roy 'Brecak, Fred ctintateMsncLdeGa-sent. sont aed-wtneersof thsescOtests Worismaead Chares Timbe. Catrigtobrateitadt5w vre Mrs.Eltts, Mrs. A. Maesh.Lunchoavscrcd by Mrs. Jacks - , ~ - ent, Mrs. F. Hall ced Mrs. D.,MilerMary Watttstaand Fran MrCallost. A toveis lunch a-tv 'ailler. W MadA bt Affane' scrvot is tieste s Rhumer Bride Tise baste of Mr. Arnold Hasu don vcs pened ta frietds and Esquesing Records $2,019 Deficit Meai7nstam hars Carat n A slight deficit onfile 1963aop- made ta mdure bhs onpaid ta- Ttln eeu forth tons ita .tlatteor arolsaste miations oas recorded te tise es,"te reportacneiued. uigteya a 56799vl iclaeu hwr Township otf Esttesieg Aoditer's dot Paid Over wihttlepeniueat $i8 Tisere scas an attend anse aI report. released revenusv. The adcerso tepoted the 796.Of ths mount odu ist8ho aitlook part inthe var Acatitors; Lever, HosSîn. Chog- > hare of supplemm tarr tan mas toicungdbchre cioas games ptayed. nonand McaGitirave oted thenat pad oer na theschons and BMne o epniueso 30 Theroomstwas prettiy decat- deiit cf t2,at9.93 wstar dedovsed ounty by Decemiser 3i "asi re 206.1 Padtth onyote ated in pink and misite. Carat troaithesurls carrte dlarsiad: ttored bv reclatons" r t raews$155.02 sas assisted in opening thsemats ten ro ersadnsssr lavety tilts isy Leura Hoodee plusms stiandes anth sur-:9 wc. stila tise greeting eards and plus no stand A$1,914 Jody'Brostt mio mode tise bride's tiapaid Toues h3 ftI V ra et Carol tisanked everyane for 'erpr al atnini.' 3 Fcat liy F e A wisc1thir isecotifl and practicat gits. E. A.,RWNIG tise uepaid taxs swcs novU l L t Luovil stas srrvedisy tise hosto-vesrr stand at $144,391.57, represeetiveW o YY f by T ow n, Po lice he hwrasranebyMrs Millione in totalt32per centaofithe coret, HHodn DoenTon n yeer's lev." fite faIlt froe 1963 stas a nombr aI maticipatities stere Lar Hodn te aI ur opinion, bhis is a pv. aveîtde ets presentation isoeored scitis sitnitar crrtiicates. Fo Brid nu England teetiulty dangeroas statione and ofai acertsfisate frest tise Caead- te accepting tise seetificate Mebr of St.Seh siseatd be a malter fer canser., cen Salety Cooncit ta Polire Cisiet Ciir Andress sated tise police idnihbr n A detertned effort sisaaid ise Ras Andress by Mayor B. G. deparîimeet was eat tise Orly wrfreýadhl, iCiddrntetaame-group responsibte. He praie Rnuua b l0l ing ofMiltae Council Mondas, theoworkof the citiaens in oh-rýeFtu ST. OEORGWS Mavar Cilstd eoîed Reeve C. servieg safeny rotes and tise scrisl Kigo Apr E nga A. Martin isad acscepted tise eertif- et tise rumni in providing mod. nil, I aLL ,,,cale larti town ie Toroeto. 'ers paître eqaipeet. Tise tasI .. Guelp isas tercesm Martla Recelses tIl loal fatctity was en Joîr De0I.U CooeMatncil sed ted!Tise etarifpae i v tuI D A YIg i HoId Joint Service ofleSft oni p ad te te lTcalrpliaes taficse agi Bp M. taHOLItDAYdsa OsB y m yU R isearjon 1 esisg service mas bcid in St. George's Cisuessi ant B po nIo aS tbe Guelpis Lise Ciserches. Rer. Kennetis Griffith peced tbe sermon and theahir redered Imo antiseos. Teeeav a gond cangeegatias. Tise B.AC. af SI. Gentes, beit tise tent meeting of tise sects ai tise berne nI Lyte Dates. Tbee mas a glood attesdaere aI ment- bseraand vistrs and lise speak- er mas Boy Bmiths tise County Raad Buporietendent whis gave a tais os roads and tise cisarges ptanned. Attend Featival On Baturday. May 9 tise G. A. Oreup of Bt. Georges aîtedced tise Festival ai Christ Chorcis Cathedrai Thcy suer vra cniav fil, ni.i d Mission hvt.sp book; tiîsuin sewing and tise isonser for c flt attendanre. On Batueday. May 2 tise J. A. Grnup of Bt. George's atteended tise annuat meeting in St. George's Cisercit, Guehpls. Tisera mas a Itat attendante. On &umday, py 9 Wieelga Dwigis eA~ Sam of Mr. a"d lusa. nq«alasee&. Mda-l ae Allasam ce0&. Md ffl. îba. in St fiej' Ch iti , -11W B. P. 3. Jeffaires. BEAUTIFY MILTON IN MAY I CII% Bissell Ru@ Shampae a Bianeil Uplcsseep Shanspaa * Windexa Glosa Wax 0 Spange Mage 0 Dastisana Swaapteg 3; Compoaund a Pails aed AIl Tear Cleae-ap BSpplies ý LET'S ML LaN-up, BIAuTIFy MILToN Yaae CIaa..lJg, Palec.lp 44.adqaac WE AuE 09B4 TNI8IY AmD FRUA Imm SPECIALS We are Opens Thaeadasl and Priday bais aUnsiI 9 pas. BOYS, CF ke1,d Colton C Side Pocsets PANTS :Eîc $2a:tBa7 .... ...... $.3 LADIEV a ZpFront 9 Fashitcned trom Bail aind tisl Cltts SLIM S REG. $608 vIaC ....-20... $3.99 LADIES' 0 Bach Burton rupTuua REG. $3ý98 _S . 81.-.$2.44 Slhms ta Ca-Gedin at a G=1 POIISHED COITON - TOP AND BERMUDA;SETS, B zes, B-tO SMettb nu Bats $-. Visiting Heme From England GereCody et Farini Suar. eeV, engand Is vlsitlng mitis Ma sister and isrotiser-lt-Iam, Me. ami Mes. Fred Atexander, and hîsm- tIsler, Mes. H. A. Cody nI "ent Jobe, New Bruswick, mise is peesently staying mitis tise Aies- anders. 'Mes. CofY miii be cete- israting bier 8tu Birtisday se May 17. Synspatby is entended to Mes. James Marsisall in tise inss ofiser metiser Mes. E. Picisett mWho pas- sed astay in Ottama. Frans Nasle BesasAwlIs Mr. and Mre. G. Mac Cennel et Fredericton, Nem Brunsicki, visited last Wedeesday mitin Mr. and Mes. Wm. >MeFadden, n tisair jeureey hoe fntra, tiseir isotiday aI Bremnsvitte, Texs. Mrs. Win. Danies of Hamiltoen is visitieg mitis Me. and Mes, Ray Cripps andsons. Clselstemsd Sunai Little Metasie Anne McFadden. daagister ef Me. aed Mes. Stuart Mcpadden was cisristened n Rusday ait Omagis Presisyterian Cisseci. 'Me. and Mes. Brseis Homard and Saron et Btarpers Corners and Mr. and Mrs.Wvill. MeFadden mere gueste at lier borne fetteoing tieservicm. Visitais ot Sunrty evnetg oltis tise Pettetterios mere Me. and Mes. R. Petietterie: et tiem- viest. Me. and Mes. Bans Raid ansd tamity ef Onsagh. Me. and Mes. R. Wbeetisand and tamiiy, and Me. antd Mes. B. Dates. Tise se- casios ruas George Pettetteriots birtisday, TRUCK RENTJAL DIAL 878-9237 MIITON ANYTIME - ANYWI4UR Mms. Balvstock Dies Suridoyl*t Arpnient et Miltoen and di- ciidree. strict tee tise paet 16 years, Mn. eicd 68 Veaec, Agnes Elizabeths Baversteck, mit Mes. Saveratpcl :*b~st of Het- RSette Baerrtscs. died Sarnta Attgtaat i, 1 fflUaWs Bundey, My if aI Hutten Cesten- stocks iait bren M'à'led i6 niat Maner. Bse ssas in ber 9it1hivears, tact Augult Belore con- veer. ing ta tise Milton dintrict tises Tise Baverstecbs Isrmertv tived bcdl tivecn S atela, Allandate, seatr LestItte and isad nvet tIc Elmeate and Attistan. ocvsp a mrried couplessitej Thetailerai srvicemwas eld at Hatton 'danor about imo rears Irons the MacNa and Soat age. She is surri ved by ber bus- Cisapet, Milten, on Wedaesdey bandnand fille cbidren, Jask and aftereossaitb Rev. J. L.Griaam Frankof Gait, Norman ofMiton, af Bt. Paut's United Chistei In Jins ot Mêgas andt Mes. A. Att- cisarge, teterttent mat je Low- Press (Leuise) et Bcarboroags. sie tUnited Cisurcs temeter. Bshe is aise surnivedl is 23 grand ced tise grosdcildeen served as cildren and 41 greet. grand- pattisearees. THURS-Mftl4AT. MAY 14-15.16 "TIIE HAUNTED PALACE" In Techiciolor stit Vincent Frite also "HOT ROD GIRLS" Cisoc Convors - Lerte Naisse Mailce Satuedae - 2 lam, - Ahane Pmaram M014.-TUES.-WED. Explains .. i *NOTES: Oasly ana eomptete psertfosmance aacb aigliL Boom o pens 730 asoe starts 8.13 pasn. Ali ale SIA. No * elslde taider 14 adnditl anlenas ateanspaafd lq [ aparent. (lldait Ealeetateimeatl Il New Directions in Gas Cookingla brings you new futures ... new ideas ... new values! st Modern gos ranges gise yne ieat tbat's senti- Av tise, kect tisais imorediate. Tise isursers, tise This is te lime tBu Bradte! hîcîler, the acre ail revpoad testuntl le yctii Yaa'ne naner sau caine lite ihit befote- n direction paou gtt auoation w its in maisi effective, persteegi coetrol misere you PRICES un eeynie iL Mail "W unu.o su 0flo -And tise mnufaecuera eft oday'a ps Sel rang= have dreaned up a danoas maya of ARE THE LOWEST 7 makiag gen caoins aen more, enjoyabilt. Ticyre ai! on dpanow.Wecaun tisernNew EV R OIFFEREI dha DIREIIO INGAS ODKNG.Jet OtrCiOa soa cusna ai ymaa gai lhau Ba-uduag cor UNITED GASLmITED sdb red Sos porm phlàM ewr, Dh.utg stre or pou fus Couupu.