The Ca...di. Champion, Tharsday, May IdOle. 1964- _na HYROIS TiIANK-YOU ge1 Ithit u W4nsa-ijm Dnar 'Mr; buis: cillu aaner Bd ùý_Iléve Th e commistioners andittefitcoyo tl as tonit lifte toi sincerely thank you ai the dinter in your TIdnÉ.ai anti yoar staff for- lthe toonderful ediiiic. - effort you ptaito Ithe wrof ~ Plcnte noorpt ou r Otea2ut and * printing, htgah an te ttnipal pologrphy nd Iextenti ooi- appreciatoo wý your hlfi suggestions yot mtade on Staff for itheir effnrts tohicti, nie * 9 the octattion of ont 501h Anoît- kot o-naet niIoat éSi ertat y. Yoo collective effor1ttyt uua odeflco ea atdded o eatly to oursn andi v hi oa ateta noea aartainlo know you iid nut have 'on* antoc mooh fin un ao-ar. Yoorst ly, We. ait oeil as. aOOi7Onc elo Mnoer ee eypioased oith the sup-J No Ilax -surtaf THE NEW CLUB IIOUSE for lte Halion Spartsteeet Association was officon y opeed onC Thurso E MADOS Snio Cnsevaton ffcerforHurn Dstict wa th gestspekeron da nneand mone fin 50 aterCded, hnn ring gest speaker fdMendow, Senior Coner- FRy vationetoCte-ata0fonftHieDoroonttegni rekrO oOfcfer ao HuonDisrictiadaaring the jtreeeîly boi failnis. Sho-nandingF11 Th rsday evuatîto ai the offiiai oetg toi the Haliot SporCsens Atssoiation nen club oboefnlonClbtnoCnmmnrKLn PoCoaul ho ueClub meerstand vtCot froteabaout ih aea fiflad get lbslieedte of- infonotea cu os iepaeaecu xctv ebr e eiPu oiocu loaI opeetq. Shomît ittpectitq ote ai te club's fithing iraphies are lait ta rigfli, Bruce pretidieet Bill Belley, Bert Raie th cb lubu oldesi member, Rae Marshall, ACO Coolson, Ira C Isonof th Haltn Sporsmen' Club Mr, eadows Geore Brekon ofthMurphye lubdMBphyIadSBilnShieds. onootiv unmmntmbnrs ingmit thetnme fCthhticCimn aieDeCbe Coultto h aCtSoime IbM.Mioe ereBnkea b rneCu Couloe, Brook Wendedaande Hoard Caulsan.piCnmenDlî and Goedon Tuck of Cbn BComer Cluob. HELP PAY COST ingitowtt preeot sonteofita tel V.O.N"s Servie toi COm unity aa okom there aira more custes. The North Halt11ihon At- Gii V.O.N.'s~ ~~ Servic 70Cm unt tt% knotoo caosan of mtattl tooiatiao Cor Relardeti Childi-ca 1 8, 'TaIk by Mvilton I.O.D.E. Gueýstltgttt-ioi.Oiaoiott iC-ohpigCanaohroeoh nt Mrsi- G. Wilson vas hoset i - lu llatt gaen vey tti otoret (iittp lar meting ol (lie Joli,, WII uit Coltedet,îlon Mrs W. 'itiut Chapter 100.E Tuni Thurte Dale gaot . dtltghllal readiogi Bt ABS COLLSON dt utett, Apaîl 30. The Reg etiît d "Whtolatom es arcaa T . 1 Aler ttrf igt iaaittlon L, iltaIiaorit. tlattaine n Icr job Utt t . ia H.siie Mattttiug toteoTl GetCa- î)i are(iiTllittitlzli Titi IllLt,îleln teItu i i l M .. ttghtolî .tu H . M.aibttt i.,adi-otm-in 1 .... .i lleEla- in,. Auiha, i Titillthaîaltttlorttt ktthecu! lna ol t i testi tula, Tis t- ad d i-.E.h p:-it tLl, nL hite h uddt.1tio1ultt oin1-1itmiî Ftu,tI a paient.tu lit,, laoitt aiui o I l i - ldý i.n, and I.,rdLe adasciltr.n a fi tljtttî,î lt-1 li i- ti me ti titl111N L i tltli u 1 tuok d'd lopinta tfl i menjo t, A t i ui titi ,, tt, -,l likti, tt In ti] flic tiibut- tih l cit p Folluoing îlhe oaa-t spakai illunîia lîtt,îîuîkîingtttt.ttuiîtlun. flicInemttiaeihi-ttt-etted DOWAGER CAR lehtttttteaeiîtitu Thiatht-tttti littas bi b heJM.Datatutriple lrioa A t vari-anteon e aom oi I t o it iiitrtdoiu-d itgtt loread h il tI lout Spolne 1 ut lho e-ig thoua daligiotiol nott- titan i t t-iîttt b engin ciru pc.kc .ii Ilit ,,,,in,, Ediiutul Cltit , Hîttut litoiti lt ita' fitrttîiibath leadatUttit ci lMi-1 bia i-îî-iîî tt ratriclt maxi ST Y U SIGH N OLDA Mtlt.Eult- ileabSentiorCoi- hile lîîltthat ttaleii A. .liil-iptittom ti. munti-peaatttin îtaetiloh-YOU e Ovtitn01ice li, flitaHr ilîtie, titi tutl uca, or itîtilaIt On Confndiernua ati aul torito tuoiîtgercri o U E DT EW LO E Cuotîi tltîîtt lîtlule Haltot ttlti,îauî.enuîtiteiaktu ouit Reptti-btîata bauîd tuttI Mt don'. Wimbledon ditrc s, FN EIN HEW E F E ttiattt tttî tii-T ituîtit î htitt ptua t pi- B. Clameole, ucrtiait oft o ci!î "Waiig out. Plcaset pattsG.D IL C.nv e ai c\tatu i Sul itlu,CtutliI etitî lahe t i hasu Fi tait e intertiie talt liuoitintu, lishingî, totti-atittui,'IC f D l tli utt t \,.,d, ,a et 7-ttulT ED WARRANTY S C RFO Antutotha iguati p ,ituiit t littt oa ît C btdî tI tn lug-u le ýr ttcHlion iuta l antd efliit miairTH 1 SE CIO AT ML N G C lb ia Gu iiiHotn g Club lb ia Ctt- alt Itt Th, i, t tt a n ut li îlot' l'un Ild Gîteule Cio titt 1tîî~î ulTO CiALES N au tyi iaî t< ia W -t li e bîtîlti ng ( t i x i utic gîîîîîp- S U N D A Y D N E P C A galetait, ,tit l atîtt î antd htiu tît I tut a i .1 uuoma 300 cclbmt-mhut Ioi tiattet am potllr tut CRTAM OF UHOMSP . lii andi ii Il tt ind -tt, , t." i ti.lii- i ha, a',t to io , t ,,I ,1 oni 'A Ih, titiIl, Jli, Ipitiîitait Pr' tai tii 1.itt10ititi [lia liiîîtît ii I . f l ,, lii ingtltii PIcItttîi a t-iaitttut Orendaci W ins 1 le b-, ititi itit, i l i eiii littitit Cuii j% S i eaii flicî, of2 [l, iaîîîîiî,îîîi aniti Gîaut le \iîti. tîtaul SI,: tttt ittt n M;,,týitt ,ot- i n UIniii lttt t-t ti h t-i ti 1i,,ii lutîudauîilîp i-tatd ticd pLcal 71T llertonial lia lb ttit l i tu t rik , ltI,,t 'IOte ,0o -io to ilth hlit toui liaVo 0,)5. W lc .i 11, -t ii 1- t iti--t i i tillai iii la t, i- t-, i l d lii tii,,it ])Il"- tuu o Titis wrrent prttects u cate for oan e fll ea anywhlnre in Canada ait a parlicipatinq garage. 1963 Pontiac Station Wagon Herets riglit cylutuder powet ln a beaulifol pack- aer nooompated by automait ransmission, i-aiia asfinti. snat belisanîd Liceutte 93105X s2 Reoahar $2,895.._ $ 1962 Chevrole This foti iloor holicday-boond tSIt ixyindet power, automic ril mirrand uidsbelol watheCî Tet drive bocente B16064 I Regalar $1,895 1962 Austin 850 Stn. Thist Cao door model mith blue ex, tin naluotlood grin comntst tttbt senad ecoea v four Let e 93269X Regulai $945 ------ LIneed m oneyl ide hre. for home repaiT Yde n chrgs. r an addition ctIy how mach or car or appliance you ropay! or fornitune & decoTating arc Mii Wommu~ ama ls aal&. r any uefu ai rpusi IDEPENDIENT lANCE CORPORATION OAKVILLE FOIRT ClEiiiii 'I- 1 3 S a, 4. 10A lia-i.lica ECARS TRUCKSJ mIIIIIIIIIII 111.11Iia - e. 1963 Chevrolet Convertible Thistcre a -cn bnouty i-omet vithi radio, whte eutls tdncsî eli wathers an i a t' er owoet. Eoiertor is auiamt clold. Liette 016073 Regalar $2,895 _ . 2 6 . 1959 OIds 98 Convertible Hete's a flup equipped package --aower brabet, powe Cieeitg powertmtdowrio,ower an- ftemen, doit mittot, motflet,. White eatntior holsîrty.o Regahar $1,9 ... 6 8 t 1959 Oldsmobile 98 Sedan Yest Atomaio taetmtstioe, puîh-btt raio, uit eootiai power tnerirCg power beakeo, mitolohteld matfl- ;mitttot, ocor ers, oloor mirrot, white y seh ri4Rg 'rcneB16007 r1 6 Rglr$1,795 -l5 8 ï -Wagon 1962 Volkswagen Wiai mtore Oca we t.aIt Weil pou ont o ir. ai tirtrmmed ecooepand he ptite rty attactive. rivtn a idarditraiet ît* t for a second Oit or qnu obtiy eà 325 Lente B18580 $945 Biguie $1,29S5 ...... Another 40 Models to Choose f rom at ~ MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 CHEF SALAD WITH FRENCH DRESSING e.l ROAST CHîCKEN DINNER WITH APPLE JELIY MASHED POPATOTS OR FRENCH FRI ES FRESH GARDEN GREEN FEAS FRENCH PUDDING FOR RESBRVATIONS PHONE 878.9061 LIDO RESTÀAURA4NT 181 Main AIR CONDITIONED Mîitn THIS SATURDAY 9.00 A.M. Your Co-operation WiII HeIp Our Milton Scouts Papers Should b. Our Ilianks la lthe following who Bundled and onoafe iteir vehcles - Milton Molor Securely lied Sales, McDuffe's Farm Machinery, A. Please Place Your (Gus) Mowbray, Esso Agent. Smith Papers on the. Transport, Trafalgar Motors. Streets by 8 a.m. For Collection For Information Call Herold Wilkinson, TR 8-6632 a..