_bp mippoC~ i4 AMIl MONEIL 90Menbesao thelo nHgbphy wa thrd and DagmrClas9E wilin thcassmes- V, trucakteintpaced secod as Vn Cbewha second n thecoi, -, Tueday whn boey tavooldoaoitemedaedciv s o nDoree The suedtCoutil laeosaed te trckan ied hapon is.ig ai issad a 4r. Inthe ecutine ofi nexi yeat'r SC.u fil 4 ereow a otlo 6 seio Miiso min e r Septomber. The feeing of the pons Mlo 26 ctn27 n ao Mrhwtfi secods. côaincil s t a orevgr a IEri 1,.LnaCuer ihaftnd a gampaign can lie woged ut theo second, Shao Nel wi a Itgining of the new schant TueMil grswechmp- fr adGwe More wi a lel . Walde batai, an Doeen ar-Preurul Creats neyIneredat. I te anam Beys WInners Coach L. Darby prooenîdîthe diiso w Mnr wer asa Wnesi h os dvsons CWOSSA crets ta mombersofa î Wadewt hefrian Elz ecJh Sw e tw fists, Miton's hockev eam laoltaeek. ah McClr ihascnad Bruc MoDuf tw iss renar Memer af the team are icko atidTh ollwn eewn Hosn a iead a 4d Jey Marshall, Craig ýBrash. Roger ne n hejuio dviio;Gloi Robno w iss 'Ne Draise Wildioog, Jim 'Keane, Tam Ram. Calardwit afirt ad se- athrdJoh Smpsoa third, shata. Wayne 'Brash, Jahn White, ond Lyne imbrs ithtwoPet Mcuff a ecodRobert John iZoppas, Richard Ranalev, seconds ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 18 ango ed u-LeafisGr ikn e- Roger Johnson, Bordant Wheeler. îi un..cd. Kent Babcack a fkrst, Jerry Jack Kiervie. Bruce Mct)affe and o *'""Donc a bhird. Toory Deslaareo 'Polo Motîife. a hI 'Rick Randoil a third _______ '~ Milton Hieh Toma Faîî a first, Gaoy 'Thomas A T hird, Sol 'Lataon a [trot and PROMOTE CLEAN-UF r L R R I Joîhn Zappat a hIoMito Lions Cluba meonbers or. PO RTRA T ' StsRegard loe ahge tige fascryn 0F THE WEEK John Sîtlor sot a nota record il n the front ofLdwatl1 by Marie MeNei! i ta he 880 o'llh alîimo of 2.09. main inteectoin lasttcek. The J. Sullivan, teachor ai Milton The tram is joornrytng ta hano bunny and ocrampanying High. bat a hIbb Ibal tIs Guelph bhit Salardav fao the signs.urge al] residenîn la hurry poale aal .oatdorbar .orkCWOSSA B championshps. aod juin the "May ts Beautifica- - tsalktag. Laestî'ook ýMr Sol- Grade 12' hold o ouccessfud lion Maaîh" compoign. Soummage Solo" fat Frtday and w lîo'anaalhodhl5 milos frota Sol- halordon. An appoolotanwmade HOME ICONOMICS STUDENTS tram Miltan H'igh Sohoats held aon a Toranto in 15 baars nd ao mombor. of the sludool 'body aosaccessfol feshin show and tee Taesday ai lest weeb. witb 44 minute;. Ho bahk break ho laolloot oaylbing tramt for coato INSUJtANCE manp parents tnd iriends artending. Mantea Stephen, Raltyn doriag tho joornoy 10 vot and Ia camic boaks. The appoat a Simpsn and Diane Brown model a vaiety of smmeoowear Io slretoionotaht gra. tarît anoîtored. A tatal af $104,45 Ihl mas saten doring nhe fashian show. Ail the girls wadelled Ho wan bora in Toronoa- Ken o'ailî' oT r ade2owgtbaa t tbeîe otan creans. londod Sî. Micbarîns Collogiole o.r bis store. The grado 12 cias Itaoro honald, ron 'Mhar to bave now ta ciad apprasise (whre h nie, rak a irîn se 3 350 ho'ardsthIbir trip t olicb taro ta ochooli. and Unir- Mantrel and Otltawa. R .F R Student Council Adopts erstlcoo Toroto.AtU.of T. he Th RdCos apnteR .F R 1O-Year-OId Korean Girl the too nytaClab. boaolio yfralir Ecas A 10-noor-aldA Retsoned Karoas g irl1, Mr. Sullivan firt l.agbl ai MW iinanriilv adu LEGION NOTES I, on F oIr butaadlhuIse 'on *ie vymmuE LY SPECIAL ie docoai la The Citaec-af-thr-Yecr Banquaet Milton ta woob bo droîdd o Milton Distrci tailI honor Mise todîîil h oa Wrd-ý como bocin. Ho Ibinho Milton High Schoal. ts nardo nnig Moy, 20. A lita- Higb nlodrts showa groalc inter- jolboiigîratbroficksa-oreaalotaIrrtaî' ba h jut einio:te ai[n'aîî gidn Ia sui. tHo tos aI 2 0 s uip e te' rcve nablrin oa trt Moagootonw' Bar oloudrîts ho taoght ai SulP l stiaP 10*th aordIa- Sbap or [roata00 momber 'iMr. Sullivaloacbrt Malbcmolic lue"I YaonnDuk nwonl a ticknet, boîlar do i naîr. tîl sta rt'î'toc aI the CbontClub 100 FI Relis 7$Lb. FSI Test IIII described ast alm AxOr and coach ai tbhe 000000 Ilw O O NS OR ýndo lie. qaioî in il bc illart: Theairl Ho aaoiboes laMtenta ttat the isnoable o l ait catan ta a obicin dinr babits boey devolop in bigh ncool$29 PER 100 FT. haveoshnoto aI tho Milton tan bare 4. Alsetolao tailI stay wtal Ibota - i bher [roI a'at I îby aro planning an Aasilîorv I o aoi fotthially nowta ibo test iee Dance Joor 12; wtîal o r a de-o'ifi bobettr oquipped tehaadl AT... laeoph problom tan o n hi onanndlfood Io taîls o laba anonad. t. laorn h ea1. lbacks Io Somse of the boys tal jaîlcryM K H R W E thboca tacot tu Niagara on Soarday afior- Mr. Safficont "pot fpeeco 260 Mai. S. "It Serves Yeu Wight" TER 8.9222 dont ooanî.il IIa ta participato in the '40 "People tah tan datan lhr Mopc bhal agoood taronîîbaîr $16 a ommaswt ai8 Cboevaux' Ihotan Leait ontanlfiial" one yer ai eas.adte. Thî itîepold tu the olt International (joint Conaîla-ilSAl Dok Ri't Faîhor tan a farmor oorrtaanvt' 10onor 000 tr dead., in NamaHae. Kcung Sang Namdo D-Day Nootaweohtail iatooe for moyaon. bot fallotaiag the dolails of tho notaiag ai the deathn o aii. mavedhis ioam- D-Doy Films plannod for Junob6 f4v ai throo tIlr tans and Duh ond 7. Alto. comember the D-Doy il) e Seuithe api Logion Chorch Porode Jona 71 Rit loOroa ] ho Kaio orI I , 11100 lntad Fol io e.Tîto tooco ogo ba dot'oloprîl"Iip î orO ti vcr'actoliit laboooolosio and natas n able celobralicc tho Fîiibl Anainoon- Io inrtidr [r filsn iawîl t1of a 1914. wîibh spociol attention Thanno ta tho Fanlor Paren10ts t 00.llnclo World W.îr t. Plan and tho goncros'c of tho Spring Fretta s flic alt giv- Milton Ditr110 Higb School S Iîî en la tho lasI offîiai Logîan dentiCouncil Dk Ri ill ncabo DanceoaîMilton Bcancl 136,Sai- able te o ciro woany cf tho nec- 1ardor. 1.î23. Wolob noni Weck's asitso lita and an odocolian. IChoapion lot deloils. Thoogb tho plan tha is attorod _______ of a wanlhly cra grani of $8,1 clothing.tspeciltardloaloîîoo ndl The largeol oîîoah of quartz. an educolion. (70 faîortsa ound in Ruttîo. You'll Feel Light In Love/y briiulin bruhe piki There breaI ~ ~ ~ ~ . brse [g7i yGe o aovrlifle boo', the futuîre i.î forecer ... and rare-free. He doirsîli <101 $.Q 95 Uo0 Il hat "colirgo' Ilv lIr 111111 tiietrl. a coolege edîîoaîtat taiO be Fa biîî. Ofly l ut loî doa! i-aÀiir 14î mmllll ýýiîoî'ýeh/iodrgree,ci-rît if yoa'oe ot iiîrre. Ygalifeoigae nturgas, ohen yau slip inia Hastsb vro rrfîdl plannaing noIr. Pappies.Theycomein darlng styles, and subile cainoîs. They're right fer eoery casat occasian. And Husb one ot Éite tuoit importent things yau caus do ie te hie e mii properly plamard Pappies are camtortabie as only pigobin can inn-peaui . . ad appoint thr Trust Cnmpany as y0cr rercutor. Enrieucn, ceulinuily of Wearothese eatrywere. Scatcbgard troated ta repel miter managemrnt aend prrsonel attetiont ta dettil . .. ail these sire yuurs mbee yen and dirt. Huait Pappina brasb titan te e tiflî. Eatsy n appoint Helto. & Prrl Trust tn lnok atlrer youe ufeairs. Vinst ur Trust Drpargient yourbudgt, oit.Get his relxed eelng tat omtie... find oui tar yeersrlt hem yen cent leep 70cr 50tn't tuere bright, wbrther Witt heieg righi. Gel H'ish Puppiti. ifsteor caîîrgre or for a stari in is esen businrss' avallable Dow ai Depoui.e Jve.îineîi. J"o n ut1' yl11sî IJllPaln î/îîîlîîî v-~oî i" i ce HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY Assois exceod $30,000.000 499 BRANT STREET ___________________________________N. t. LITTLE [ORNE SKUCF, IMeuniger. Sarclai Represenlelive. TE0 AIN $1 NE 4-1841 VE 7-2097 (residencel *ln Te Heart of HaltOu' COVIM -IF lbedyao.ae OUES litSaturdoe *tO - 12:00 ee The Canedien Champian, Thtrsdey, Mey ldth, 1964 9 Ï aEi DOWN THEREUHWAT gant Linde Botes dooing the foshian sowtagdb h Grds9 10OandllrlsoycomMilton Dtisigih Shools fatr [ek h howadt er cld ',springfanîy" andwmanyofthe irls'aoutiltoaoqht the forcyoflarg cr fpaet n friondt whoaended TrHESE il SHOPS AND SERVICES ARE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. SHOP. HIERE FOR YOUE HOLIDAY NEROS Open 6 Days A Week -- PHOHE 878-2962 PLAZA MOTORS SUMMER SPECIAL 64-CUSTOM VOLKSWAGRN .$1.720 i i'-ALUMtNUM CAR TOP BOAT $ 219 35-.P- CLLC MOTOR. 1 491 Tutal $2.098 Summifrer Package Special for $1.998 * No hatrdo is batiful unlas lils * LET OUR EXPERTS GIVE YOU A LII RANNFASHION LII D e' T HS HAIR STYLING PHONE TR 8-2501 FOR AN ERLY APPOItYMENT And Ail Day Wedn.sday 0 FRIDAY SPECIAL FISH AND CHIPS SURF RESTAURANT It's May.Home Values in Every Room at.. FABIAN FURNITUR]E IN THE PLAZA FatruFrn iture DiteYuu DIAL TE 8-2091 NEW STYLE BARBER SHOP Tbur.Fri-8.30 te9 St. -8 o 6 MAKE THE LORI-ANNE SHOPPE YOUR HEADQUARTERS Specially Reduced ta Clear-Summer SPRING SUITS AND BLOUSES WATCH FOR NEW SWIM WEAR ARRIVALS SRE OUR GAT SUMMER WEAR COMtNG IN DAILY ut The LORI-ANNE SHOPPE PHONE TE 8.9512 *L 0 B L A WC S SPECIAL! Ja and Jill taparmesewsed PEANUT BUTTER 21 ,lIb Jaer 75c iHURS.-PEt BAT. NYLONS - 29c pr. GIf ' IlNER - REG. $2.9 C 99c POLLOCK SHOESI e ljtse nsorts, J aed J par. setsabtnhn tels, hiss,sist, T-shirts ud meesp ither Itemsaat way beionormearl prices. Why Nat Drap te and Brou"r a White ICOUNT ON COIN-OP FOR WASH-DAY HELP FIREWORKS and FIRE fit cols, s itle t1 e useour seIt-sercen C A K R R E E m tachneot ash la oodry and flatt dry CAKR R EE PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE MILTON PLAZA MILTON PLAZA SMOKE & GIFT SHOP 0 Open 24 birs a Dîy * 1 SAFE, INSURED WINTER STORAGE: STOPPS HAVE TOUE WINTR GARENE CLEANERS ANO uQx-sToRED FOR ONMHT $3 _ s39. TAgLONS Pie. Caieuni Charges Fast Depsni Serie FREE 10 0% Muelspruefieu un eery Germent 8711-2972 Pre. PIU-p