Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1964, p. 11

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Boyne Forum Turkey Banquet Home, School Council in News »p MM. C« flteewr and people. These more nsuch 1Mrnrster of Edunatron or Ouenos 'Sain Finl Sr l oveig enjoed 67 aIl presenr. Pas-b ai se Sxt Lnflo- 'Frrnndsnithebcsorryrgotearn, S Sr atprndohr eg M H tharMrs. Clarece Feacoc rea 20nwvctonlshoshv ta Miltons pitaon a rtotnrloHsra Jtomoornloh Ih M H p S hoposh, is0sotrsored tW 19hepoednîne 16 thllio su nsre Lwrec Mh honlîh,ý donts hor hy 1970 rt rn s-strgnarnd A - aTon menbs rof theoosecurîne tre Mil b 2 miliron ems-an, rmoned atParsFae, flei umne of rhe Home and OSchoot Assoora- byljet tobeih her faher. WlAsionaof Fosoy W. Mors-y Sohool nige sohools arc e hnghoilr in rhe oorrhnrn parI of Ontaricoand are pteased ta bear thut Mr. Law- attndied the annool meeting and many s-hildres fs-ont isolatnd rence Is doing nioaîy. hanquet on 'thorsday, May 7. of The menshers of lioynn Forsi Oakvillo Home and Scool Cron- parrs of Ontario arceabhe tu take > Foruman enjnyrd a hot turkey han- cil or Loron Skuoe Sohool. Mrs. adovantage, ni rhose. quel sernedt *y the Omagh Ps-en- Maons ps-ssidaen mac M.C. for The esocutine for 1964-65 schîcol hytes-tan W. A. ladies in the S.S. theoovenis g prograns. year for Oaksillo Home and roumns on Moeday night. A note A masned nohool choir consisr. Sahool Coanoil mas installed. of traks wasede-edby the iaofhripletrio ront ie Mr. D. Nacock is c onverge of presidient, re- Doaglas fos- the local soltools gave rwo numhesc childs-nn's s-eadisg, representing fine diener. AIl adjoas-nedi t0 csder the dis-notion o m. m. Pe-y W. Mes-ty Sohool. Boyne Cents-e mhes-e pintas-ns Bas-nord. Ms. Stewart prsernt- Thosrt attending the banquet mmre shorce 'by Ms-. and Ms-s. ed afie perchmwhichs-ad been cnes-s principal S. Robinson, Ms-. Gardon Rayot of ýlocal placen prepas-ed hy ths- Han, W. Davis, Fonte-, Bert King, Msc»Edna Bail. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0bf-s s-s.........,.. g lépsiàsgi Ms. J. Williamson, Ms. J. Bo, Mec. B. Groxton, Mrs. D. Han- KILIIRIDI cnck, Ms-s. D. McChecs-ey and s. Ii. Ms. C. Patteson. OPEN NOUSE at s-he Sonshine School for Rerarded Childeen os- Hornks- atts-anred ahoot 125 vs- AsMs. Gos-don Robinson and Ms. ron's Association. 'Here, N.H.R.C.A. presidient Dr. Keene-h MnCaolnp. robool principal Mm. BR C.Patteson atteeded th nul P. f. Jofa-es and financial chairman Ray Banner dlispas nnerai of tbe articlens mode kv s-ho Fea urig Sainey up kit meeingand banquet o> theo Hal- cilîdren of the schonl. Uy Mri.WllIMm Watson Fsisndsmwih hem acpdy s-on0 Coonty Tubrcnrosand Tesca uhecu meaicer.Healtb Association on Wednns-rm s-osm c-,nss-co-i9ooo the home o> Ms-. Git Joyne TaondyevnnMa ,i tePn dop eening mith Ms. Joyne and Stocial Nems Boom. Oubville. About 160 pes-- soid. Hasppy hitday do oas- littho s-s Williamnon, 13 on Maiy 18; Mr. Roe Par-etas lucnymies. Tho Cancer fond compaige for sons mosris uttendonco t eon- Theo49th onntal moetinrgof non- fris-nd- Dok Van Bees-t, 7 ns-arn Charsf- Hill, 14 on Mon 14; Bob-, Ms. John ýNykos-ak mitI host the month of April bas hrrn ion tho dinnor ond reports. Many ion rmo o> Tos-onto West Ps-esbp- aId on Mon 10; Sosao Taylor 14 s-ci Hilvoo., I4 on May Il0; Ts-r' tho nosî pas-ty Jange 2. s-omplored. Coptule Ms. Gerosos promient dontos mos-e prscriot,I i"ria] Women'n Missiosury Son- on Mon' 5; Bilîn Leris-hs-, 14 on races Culs, 120 ona 13: Wans Thegraes -7 ut n te Fi-Hars-dand aed canouncs-rv Msc omongtmwhonm wrefour y.ungudotesmwilbcfednTsrscay, Miv9nlnicens WrigbtOosunMan Lawrceo, Ion Mav 4:ad Gai Thegraes -7paros ho n-William Altison, Msn Carl Gos- ms-n and one yoang lady Irons the Mac 21. in Omagh Presbyte-ian 13; Jots- Locc, 9 un May 18; Ka- Kuicas-, 12 on May 14. day assetnby ut -Kitbside public soin, Ms. Harold Juckson aodic PItillipincn and Nigeria mho as-o Chas-oh or 2 p.m. sctot mitb Gary Young an s-bais-- Msn Polos- Watson s-nIlo5nsd $3 taking diptomun en tho fiotdn o> I A large congregation moshiped ma n pndthe pjora y s-th ilae dendt and Nutririon ut the Un-'ut Omagh Ps-eshytorian Chas-oh cingisg Birds As-e Srngdng, Woods ivossu cd) q Tas-osto. t avt Sabbath wi6 Bs-n B. A. Nov As-o Rieging, and Jesus Suds Ufs A Tuppermore domoos-uîîon Repos-ting Ms-. O'Brion stoted dO' MInrstc. Many nanrtors ut HEEWILB Shine. A Bible reading tboGotd- muv Aid Tbdrrsday s-ts-irg ad blale dspie ail] tAn mos-k hein ge dsed for Mothers'Day and neeHEEWIvL- s-n Bals- mus s-sad hy Cos-y Wio- Lho homo of Ms. Afin Shîaw, dons- 10 figbt TB.I tors- as e ct n clds-sn mos-e prsented hy boomor Iotlomod mith the Lord's Pans-o Stie-t. i billion poople ibs-oaghooî.. hrprns o apiat îr-ys-r and tho National Ans-hom. Bîrtbdlan grs-s-uuîî aoid bs-nI wos-fc aftlis-lsd milh hi-, dinos-no. tAts prsnt b- aprsEN -Nom thal tho Stanls-y Cap play- visites go tu Pat,' noînoso l- Tbs- Eons-s- Sools s-sport mc G R B G otfvirO00 the iîtrtssest rn fInsk- bs-atîng Ass-r- s-s-dbt birilidzt Maî givnn cd Hallon Coonîn lnas s-sy ni alImnt nil, homecos-, lhree 1 4, Bas-lu Gs-rvsais n-ls-bsaling s-s-c çncgralalatcd os- honing lAs- Aigh. L .E M Gos-don on and Jons- Os-doris-o bs-rd Ford hcciainga dirhday rfI Canada, avois- $350d for 1963. C O L L E C T IO N Irodt revine the nIes-est by1 May 15. The goonl opoakoer Minn Bes-tha, prescei ting o short vbil . cai 'An tntrnio WiÙth, lAs- Coogratulatinons 1 Ms-. and Ms-n. BReynolds, *he tedneadM N A ,M Y 1 Star o> 1he Ganse' omd6 WilAin Foird s--tclalîog thons- guidance-ooooills- for tho nids- grades &-7 prs-c'ring c los emdcling anoiinsna- Man 19. nI T oronto ncoot, man a nost Conraeareg play entillodi 'The Ds-nlopmeol Mcn dM- sl IM ioOltes-sscin> npeaks-r ond ctrssed ad evcn Mi. nd rs.Robit cMulen hathil,,nnecdacheveentGarageNormally Collected Monday ofMs-n. LMcs- ic".e !dSAc- rs. oI Milton Hs-ldbln wcnsss ddn- ippreciation, as-osplan-s-and af- * ons Couli on as-s- pand ut r 16e us-s- b usvn nday wcdl Mî. and fs-s-ion. Parentscsetthe paItrs-s- enCu nacptet iteMs. Bob-s- Ms-AlieIn aindclatm ol good living il bs-cy espoct Iheir i Phone Milton T! 8.9731 WILL BE COLLECTED jons-ph Brs-no Mooriat Hospital. iy nI Ponton Street. sbifdroo tu ho gond cildoons, shiTUtAe AY1 BUSA, MAKERRe THERE WILL BE B.-k SoERîn-ndes NO MILK DELIVERY1 -. MONDAY, MAY 18 I MILTON PARK FARM - i DAIRY DAIRY LADIES SPECIAB neagot hel an o xiiqwn-pt hi bowling seasor- Thorsdop. mis-h a one-pin diifeenc dedlarng the winniers. Bdith Cr-des-man (lefIS -ba- rhe year's hiqh single o'îth 331, Aodrey Mason had hgb average wnith 210, andi Gladys MoKersie was high tripie- ouih 770. So Light She Can Skip on Air NEW MISSES by Litile angals need a htaoenly shoe, and nem Misses iiush Puppies' are it.They*re teather light. sa cozl" comt shte jus> hales ta tahe them oit. There are sîzes trom1 1/a o4... and she can havet ham ina choice of ,,-lus ?opies colours, Mct oulit love her'iush Puppies'too.The- hardly ever scult, brs-os desait in a wink. And thal boorcy cr0 p e sol stops 6cr sîlyping ion. No brcised hnees undesthatpratdress.TAoP'reeoOtmaerrpeen.. witA the samre breathio' brushed pigshin pou have on >rourHush poppiesl.Comeondown 'HusB Pupples? Only I200 MAIN ST. IRst 0f H o it. The Canadian Champion. Thursday, May idrir, 1964 1 The first hear rîooo inCano Can.rda's irst ahoription li- ada mas ai Anoapolis Roval, N. s-asv wa stabIinhed inQuehon S., in 1004, nihon de Moots a-nd Cit n 1 779 wheo a group of of- Champlainoclrieîd a setlemn icrs-ns andcim-t-haosose up a there bs-lor- tho tounding of 2 000 bock lbsas-c. i3cehoc. Fineos bs-ns-un, piiovidcin ________ di-i induntiN e stmi Mount Logan, ooailv 20000 s-d to cost 11,202 poer employms fs-s- and Caniada's %%as in-196- , nea o-r 25 torscent of [ocst asons-dsd in 1925. iccvs-oll ocs-rhs-od. now is the time for ail good furs to corne to Our storage vaults!, KNIGHTS Dry Cleaners 300 Main St. Milton CALL -R.8-9941 PRESWOOD'S 219IA Derrerses Ome - Rrctsmelta Spesiati Hi-Spot - (Canadran Drn) - 12.as. tins Spegiait DINNER ROLIS 27d' CANNED POP- ------2for$1 Gordon Bteu - 3 hos 4ez fie Spanrat' Armour Star - t2.a. ies Spesiatt WHOLE CHICKEN - - - - 99c CORNED BEEF- -- - --2for 89c Ctark's - 15-a. ires Spaciati Fine Varratres Servies Jar - 12ffas jars Specdai B -EANS and PO RK -- - 4fo-r69c ROSE -_RELISHES -- -- -- - 3for $1 Natsres Bal Cterce -15-ca tires Spesiait Traies Staedard - 28-9x. ires Speniait CREA a ORN -- -- - 7for $1 PE A CH ES -- -- - --3for $1 APL DOMINO-6OZ. JA OW NI y ORANGEADE DRINKS31 ORANGE-PINEAPPLE Instant Coffee 95c Closed Monday, May 18, 1964 Open Ail Day Wed., May 20, 1964 EATO N"S HEARING AID CONSULTANT MR. VAL SRI wilt ha in MILTON FRIDAY, MAY 15 Phone TR 8-2371 FOR AN APPOINYMENT AT EATON Sý STORE CLINIC in tihe ps-ivacy of your own home wicvrsh yo promor! EATONS Hoos-,îq Aid Consoitantr bas s-qoîs-s-rOt ta 9100 ou an Audiometrs- Hear- inq Test and Analysis wis-boot chas-go or obligation!I lie- i, hrcrhlp otolifid ta givn vagi ys-oinssionai adoice on any type ni hear- in prohlem. He wiii alsn show yoo the lainst advances ie this field and demn- strate nom instruments tiras nom malue il possible to fit virtually any persan mho needs hearing heip. Att Valses Etfactiva in Miton uli ~ îDMNO STORES LtMtTID B4t., May 16, 1964 2 éB~ M ON

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