Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1964, p. 1

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One-Night Bliz to Wind Up Pool, Campaign; Seek $8,600 Tuesdcay, Mreibers of local service clubs and many millier volceteers More volotteer catovassees are stili needed, aodfyo atsmerroldecrhebseaeltyohothaak '"t.. ersîiil carry oot a "ote-tighr bliro" ocat Tcesday seelesa, May 19, woold lica ro'help oct, caîl Aostan ledacoh, Notre Pearco, CarIlof the corotrottea that bclt tha pool. Nom mar so alose ta, 0cr ta attempt ta olnd op tha Miltaon Commrilty Swimmieg Pool f4iltu, Gord Coilltsoei, Morray Hood, Aociy Keilry, Mibe Ledoorh,lgoal aod ooly a fere thocsand dollars cs seeded - plainie dotr't patgttl The pool food oaeds $10,000 ta "droren thre mqfl- Chcck Geroais, Gord Straoo. Le., SeitIt, Jom Bell or Dace Brush. jet cs lown, ohen me are so trear thse end. bat's dram., the mnort gage' octstatdrrg on the year-old $57,000 structure tn Rotar gage --foreotr." I Parb Resodeats base already receovc a coroulat o., the mail, ot I lsoorrthacost othepool antdts ecpr. Donations ao ho Thespool acal ost $57,048, Ofrthss,constrcthonof the P oo fod cbheiairrrae J. MoribeLdthsaid tha "blitea maiI* mode in cash or chelqon, post daoed reoaes or pacroil dndcctorts pool look $15,170; fifration plant aod plcreborq $1d,038; change pcad tog be oa ocasa $1o0 ros the'. $10 600 or ta a 1al theocgh Y0cr Place cf tmronnsot house 010,913; gractl III1 and trccking $d,280; alectrocal installa- He reioded resrdeora thas a0030 docotion le this campaige W acbn aktq ba ologapo M rrons $1,1 93; chalo loch fenea $1l,45 eogineering $3,438; hold- eetrtles there to a fatttly ticket good for thts sommer seasoni. Do. for sectral vears," Mr. Ladocrb poinred oct. "Nom meote gor the backs $2.776, pocoog and Iaddars $2,500 and miscellaoeous (paint, n>~ ations reay alsoe ha csad as inc00e too dedooctions. pool, and ors oeed oas proceo ho the cromds that flocbad tharo postage, saod, scrory, soif tests ao d mitdom shluotera) $1,335. fle nûabîau B001tamptDuo t'VVol 05.No.1 MILTON, ONTARIO, HUBODAY, MAY dbh 1964 Tose y- mo Pagts-Sa ao Ceets. &e7ilde rwTwo -Hour Counril, Bard TaIkc inFh baemn of BruHic SFails to Resolve Differences Chir . l leeniofN lonPubieScoo BaM Sl 'l0zol pufrseo oo thec bu cu rmeoooc Bioaesil os l.IlÏl1Ioul - aearcnfg LOuncml M Ndon creu budget oocorprse badasui an aaet iehm lM Milo Noni zcdeai te oar oapas omte c hlu tra odasla- Doro Deaut Ornl Si ý. *ie ,II Bor ogh dei a .P nore rerped he le Pc u cdbab reeeo. wuIacna ees PA. ra.'Ing .,own lI. 1hPlsie aSp,0 trach p drsci ar e metn sis are ubbrigzo ut ieýficMlo u 1 len.dsuso agc 0ke Oh to p' bugtadte epedtr ocad Marmn C. ownt anod Whe h iea icxrdci oi stlcichon abouto todcol osst f sciitheslire, trck1ol' luac cacaps. o- o ur o e prea. '":ci bat oporoo hessicooî il 'c"'s luas,0' a, l iee.b'sossdils, ',tol,,d',,plot Mra D. E. Martinoandlicicail cd rie minute00 s rate, toch a, lacs, looslot r or,c slie liucti o s cr, elle o trst " iue, of os o.oiala, utd a lI. idr olt, sb'sts csd Co tair G CAdsa n, af a l -otoancate resghi busc buco goso. tod.st," andolsablsl srts, Slo',s. Ccooo.lloebAddiasnsesso.d bs.O o.,soolsircooe n sut lle roocoblcc'yqcicauo.tst lcaouotCasio'GAdstro- PRETTY GAIL 'THOMAS, th-yaar.old Moss Msltot Chamber of Tb0d tso,sCha,oiers o lits, o'C.lo A.c artinb r00eçle tacte'ncctinsb i,;, onorle s, re s u, bo s Il osîso ott,oosu,s so.hspnth rcsy, hou Ibool turodirt ction in00 csoot Commrceos otocefThh local reoatsepegor. bo'ot,îaololi d al, ttso eo slruoî Iotlosoaooheouoiylevesopeti oto e sacoan ise c.sau c oncur l ao,ositMeptoiion fesora roci' t.theugt avpeco a ophis net- mate the Chareber's "May is Beaotifscatioe Motth" project. ifl. ru, lsoi glist. Hecils, sseod dasolaoiotg blts, lic cru, asenur cospo-cpia quren ere Ahoce, Gal gasall setfor a soper-cîeaiegmith bar lamewn___ Illsoosoioa e c-ieaon oegoops"*Wbo.elshori'ossl,c1,soc soirlOoono îtot olsurseauide orcd sgoipersolt foc bue gerot and gardieners. TheaChaerourges eoary residet to cleae, %aa necsostsin aoosiî oood bc uts, Boiood huas o hile, ass' lIts, CooeiciL, ut sctlig tSe the, guauo'.s poapocu rocre, Mc. puos s'ocre, and aloco tbis paint, plant acd light cp, ro marie oct tome a mrer heactifol -Tcecdas' Smtilc Wba us isaoo d osaol os an seltrusion. lo casl itss c lî" utu, al lhoi a'oc sesil o oat, coppue front tha'Johnoo ootsd Ibis mua eeqoied mua rspocîad to ha capitolieed plactolrioeaed morb. We'rr cote Gail is olt o o baer as outlol blaic lotusa Wb Y, OpeneMeetslao d cri,ottýeli9out [)cir ltsO Bos, cisos bclrs, boae es.'ooo Thesesnc aoor.sacs, rud appcocad ooîp il oood bcudtlaedftateo rut- parti, Ceiipe Ceostuca, of coure! Couroclil C. icison ncui l.ooin, l zi,ae,o. sîecs, 078 luhsllsd lo ac pita $20.000 îoo flic gutueut poeposa ges. Ho ccggestd Ibis hcd beea Bardoc rieutsoaeeeopen ta filssaso.oe s %%as lo ir, co' c'apenducds; $5,500 toc puoo.kua mont bc dsbeesocc. Ho ioqoied u miaticdastatditg tribarc lad .5 ,oosOs. O'il opcioccoothu'tco-,s, aoi flis Martsin Si. sool ast; il courir sas Lom pcopacud ta tosha preacritdiftiooltt o t,c LuolIc'bbioicd auotbtc aeoot inthe bd- D utc Rs,v A. athhpon-gt reos labtlord plaot reaiate- Stagnant in Summer? l1,1clir,.th.Solane Oci,ý, tac .s.s. h seamua s i Trsteze Jobhnson pcassed for criricllos, nd nv ourcilorCoucil ta p'ocsda tha fuida ta oclctoto Ocsolmoole cver tbe coslno tire site ct "Pond -Giift WiI Cost Money"oïi r c.clo-' a 111,IM ' "Tulo.ost. oIs, tresUl pend Ha eo,'lies s 'v.sas'so TP4 Tooieg ta fita plans ta de- s%%ll si .oo, CouesscleOpas'htcso.oosotuulleOt P: lIlOxdiIio - alop jv tha Martin, St. scool a Plans Opening Blst epsized~ us tce rcallo.d lacs buoe os, ci look at o: 1 Lfaapiesed uatll p i scfl ob ohal ,lrcx rth onsincin CuuiliN u il , ethc seo poie opulie Mc loba MiltoeLsbt'u'voaurdis plan- o. the .Iojetinlssao.e'Ioo'sscentciocmsOu J I B. coloa mitewsS tfr a 2bad ss,loof aiIbis sattol oses b tu ally opea tho. oao Cutudsso Cbampion. o csioc a notba oft lit, uh, hnbssigcamoa Muin St. lshsoscy holdn dsoarte iPo.ople aboold relsus, hai ortl pr'loa t acru %vs th, ol,op Milton and OcBt'iile offIciaIsrale lnbudigaewo, fin rteî,hssmoofibuand,,a,,a:sseo.sasssbl os libbtte," haomtsofarkblslad. mOlmneattaor aoaasallaandiscus- f elleiao.sîtsuingof $10.00.tI ,,,iy ac lol t o More Lît oin Dso.ob, For 11000 j% rhb1ko 'oc.Isotalr.l Rtitt'ataasiisgakvilleat ficttarlaiii noeloain hsiuin"tuo.S ancsit e oidoIt îatemlIo tr h Hscc'oecuicoailtol'ots aegiaio Obcar A. Stars ta Rani> J. aoecdtb Willi'am Doigoc li.to.d th %va0et, coul ho. stuc' iasceLcpuaprescriOli î,,desotu OItI M. Mason, Ree'e H. C. MeM, lcPa Chtso re thcidp ingoo Rfobo.rsMub Mcý t. Y. Dîo.b oator inthe und ai ohe ponda ibis cooetoltss',Ion. Deoll'seto.or i-DapcpRaes'eoA.L.Whiigoandlispotresutbehtoidg adMcs G.C,ûolod o.a LIdasLcho.ble i a I pIplycfoi tll cellrjs, ga1 CooooiOocrW.E. Ford asmei ove ruotheoarcdouod peoceed The bard lcocosd Milon Ha- o.' cn b.d bhulule rbie talc s stirisleo rtorcl Osto Aug00 us solicitor J. H. I3saaso toma ý%1 orie ah ddiion ot tbe grac o.i ucr dmioiotraoir K. O. Neditoas. Procpoascil huilact the bigb dro oossbo do.,laote ioorl caîld acllia and piannlng dîseasair E. Caac sooi sculd tha halance of osubcud sic 1 tooab bont t fro miag. ose building. Tbucoin Jota of .I tho. lobral, Na No.cd i D sc sso Rtopreaoaie the tar i Mit. 195,. iro osoctiooa cocld chies 1cr [lis adoi rc.in r4 c l Io Dasa X-s a iii ha Macos' S, G. Chîlst, hsioi0 Suptoobrhccu.poocp ole cepo.oîo. ta bc. ouiti at hi.us io IX C d eieec0 C. A. Moctie, Dopai> s) Ili c. aoi publio. ao.ho stod- [itos moclo Baoct A. Ledacittiancd Conseil' or N. Peance, as mivlo s tsalici' Pito itir o c o0 Éle ui 'O n C ustom s Port Here~ Smr K. Y. Dkk, clerk-Iaoagtr Ps~olve ilmuud ilrN stii$900Short ao.: Il ldiscsons ~o T oho.t~ ohtu D. [Lile. rsl u oiad ho corsrs son the ', ~ ~ ~ lco ss'aaldc Tie tit miil bce i lot e ug à,~~~~~~ ~ ~~ C erDie C;nec liilinOttawat) hl 'sou aksd larcri.s- Msaan's formatoaplicatioa for secondcocstctu,tie arhoytheTowofMilton, 1cr goocq ohroaoh 1963 moîbur traffo bu dubo'oocd,haut soceitovis Milo In il acras ,s, ekbha De. Hueca C. Huclup. lares luciflica ho.l'e - and it aonacoo, cod ie lenias ne- fataliro, Tht amvard mus, accoptedi h Maoor . G. Cholda on bhSaîl af tht tomo ae ch turnnd cuiedo' 0tstao ,a- uap asdte$,60oa 1 ivcilu, Hultacas M.P. a'adbc utis'aIlssg parit port cf tBe Onaio Municipol it cert o Molton Poloce Chon> Ruy Acdrest The coacor rtcccomncded bat ol hn dosplayed or roi budget il aoold hcan coddi- ti st.,e Husald On iusca Bet, one0. oi theu Chumr el- dt Whitu us the Hoasu .1 Couor. and fOBsvitte Bote aeBohaged chir Atdtnss arorshlome haldoq tht amurd, rehole Police Caoablc Kooti Robtsonr i.o Pob- liaita Maorsoipul Bourd upprocul, ILool oubntc'bdrom .,2 ; I Isto s, on wo t0ey iogoo sbc et an hs,:iidlat n St o oeuadCntaleBl atro ok n oie "laefi holtiutrouthe hrro.ioa b ed tio bu,( pcro.uol a ie s ' utedn fi n ua mcccrts oaau t , e de a t is r c. es t tBe aoetoad it Ocrotm n "îu ocsd c a ot uonuh ra occa cou.' $4.591 loa tho" eesdran ou'pucacareioon. Solucoooootso u n c prc ,r , is tur Dr, flurlev ar lterti- Rore.a: fi e a ut u h flic p ar- r lthePoliFore."ubastos,',tWuoaelfi flicoIltud buimoa4,dWbahisto Caoosild Murduauscsadua'a"Cooouca Will,' IlLkig a],.OlrIia, a, ad sggetedliewoud lok ini ,oinc1 .. r Off, marne Vandals rtorsstr.tr[liesgoal rloitcuthumaller , lcOttawa Oscritdtmuto tolîcusaotooi anhroqueot sorsosit0J. M. __________________ M O' ' budbls.Town, Race Track Go Dark for 50 Minutes Vuotiloarotli lot, oo,olooto b o s h .. oOo 'ooot fIIrooo I .0ooo i..oool ioo g l piorol.rî . ls, la, .othoo,'ce ',l o iot l, Ioiooodso..iscigthe toIcorIoj, MI ittttî .oOIllei.oo P5oto', loOtbo Itl b'o. It 0' 0,000 00 soln zinodto osflc'o L , the 'oruaoorfoi a it o us, rol ioti s . l or u sitre o . 'cl i ol.t0 oso.slotooiOto'O', .olo Illesprrrrs, fiO ol tl . octortootjýhd " lootilos,'o Anontros vtsc r olo ro c , i.b l loO.o.too,.s ' ll a-.t. 'osto o L Ir lOt'1 s00l IstParentt c'se , 6of000 xr,oroo,oo Moolotorl 0000 r toloso .ooroiao1os, roa soo \oo oî' ro, " lt Ille --cs'ro r imaoto.l, apora tu dI a - Raucoco, Coroirloo'liille '. 1 o io'o uo î'oot0o tlle o.o h l , ' Il0 lo poioo ,' ci, firt bru o , o r,,, , 10000 aïrooli ro tît purblic ta huit ual u nooeo lgi, I. lotos i ooooos obas .oioc Illro ck ballo s t Foc.,boin Iol o.s,v tl lrrsa'isootsbtec fAsstielel e nig Ii's rOo.sîooo' .00 i00 "i 'Oo, i ductt 50.00 and0 oî'îs,îr soloi, oo p o r o. s l, 'rroobÉiieoe'i-,sota cosolît o h o Ibri ir, .lrlr ', a'.0 C u Noroo'.'01.- -ko, oî Io.'rb, 27000,oO it.' I orl.' On of0 o il, 0o'15 diO ÉtatI .o rot bit scat' , oro o, I b olo O 1 [ll Or w ..'1 . OS. .0 b Polic raii gI lleL. Tid,,t ,dac s.,r mars, utsd Os L 11 .all tomrcc',c'.lAfuir bit 'lie North Hitosi arco mli morts. Speedars simall driserasb sa,.om braadMto dosa. Candcae Ncc. qaisholt Boss star> osoBoabie moni aut aid has foilis ta absenta Hvdro litocaerercplncd tibrti. ta home', thcooghu tbc di'h,rob tiIs mmBaaied ais patoInSl ani ef. sln5 alin: saIS il esunaiiaisad Oddlc arrough. ia iBis break- -sciirpli asccaryone lu bot ntder foirt so Bnep shua BlId>ai- m i.te paoahhe. dlrwe tOc lies ccccied st fI W»S CAINIVAIL WIhR ie Mibtono aIl last viral as thoIsand or givet amay free hy tht sponsoring Miltaon erohoots The "sho"ce bs ooo. le aSt auauuWikni o ld [ca arin usdvl occnt Mal elog adace b gtso as den glial floakad ta sec Match Midway Showi bigpassasl aurhordl mcar boCo'mrcd rpospd tiBIsrigpopervamaffiausiaffeade anrmen ld'hapuO(l& Pr tdetanhcssisislan thla.PMooaetcctcidtoaMari dididn netdd nattasatl th sida Plaza grounds. Ail the gaoaty end calotr et the sho or esbter, mith Be., Marris in charge. Thare mare 20 ridases 12Ogb.saie ,sasce apdBeu"sl dciILthlsa isa ae asiihnacaUai osa osof dtsa ojds ase in, this 6igb>, liia saposars. Carter *operatar eon t amdhnths On she carsivîfl and thap sans detighmnd the poaag- dritean unie the ruase cac and fisnir pattel effarsna ai Mii- recard anse tIse issasasa?. finit holica ct ohea sthe datte 'bpi ner 18,000 rida tickets mare entier puochasied cne f c a tm ies. th tisaitalightc otroe uhoord totoa as 40l, 25, and 7, and n BaSUn>y misalid rniog. I Ml-s- - -M

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