Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Apr 1964, p. 9

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I h~t -ïnbo ïk14mp01 Tree Planting, Birthday Cake, Magician Vol. 104.-No. 51. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 3Oth, 1964 Second section.Mark School.for Deaf Anniversary Party PiPtifm iT's ouTi Octerio Scttooi foc te Deef students Doug- 1deywec e big dtay for tte chiidren as a Icce pienlico cecemony, lec f-Iemmond, Garet Weiîe, Dency Dinsîmore.' Cari Wof. apie mono for te bitttîtkd cepper, and an noce ing proocent Teddy Scitot and David Weidcick oitler ccp eh tteir mmnd tol incicding a maqician and fims cf schoci actiîniîcc, heipeci thent hiow oct lte candie on their scctoolcs finit kictttday cotte. Tttocc-1 celettrale lte firci ttîrttday of O .. WATCK OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT WEST END MEAT MARKET We Itctîc Red Bcttcd Boni Open Thcr. and Feldtsy titi 9 file Sere The Eat End, Tee ROSS HOI.MES, Prop. MAGICIAN JOHN FOLEY, ntho is efadaqalaeo nai S hecl o the Dca ai Belln ville, eclerlained children fconm O.SD. Thrsa hoin a iiia at he co acepted ics fîcet etodents on Apcil 23 oneea q.Hsiacork bruhî c o o actazeeeto etodenis lette Plant and Rernewrz h orcce lee lclni cn font SUPERVISINO TEACHER Mise Minnîfrcd Maloe get inie fite ect, witen Mcc. Lyon Burniam' ciecscsetccu te piant a o- miemocetice lice et the O.S.D. ttîcîhday pacte. Mite Maiecîee cs clien wlt Mcc. Buceheni and ccc cf lte cledents front hec ciass, ccîlh tte plaque ltai eccempanieectt of lte ttcee cen trIecu. Tttcy hope îo make [he ceccntony an ancoal onc. j-rn BV Roy Dow..e A troc pltotiog ceremooy. eciat brithday supper and u ccoioo ptogram ofmagie ticks, filmse and eticfc - il me il aplit ty busy bot eveotfot day for bt.dcnts of Ontario Sctteet for tie Deal, Milton. ce Thors- dcy cci btst tccck. 'le occasion wa the ticet ttcrttcday of the sctoet. It a Accul 23, 1963 ochen the scheot tirst opccd te,84 junior tdents icho tcooserred tinere frtem tho othe- O.S.D. at Beltecilte. Loin Scplcccber moccc somswr cpencd ted tecoinece front the cfe 0 Ontacrio eet cf Higttccy 400 were cccp td te theic tirset clases. Ecrolteet et the scholt ceeno ocer 160, je 19 casses. WIch Anticipation Ait eck the sbodeete bald bccce cciicipcting the ptcoccd hirihday cetcbccticon. Bf Thortctcy ali wer perting "Happny Birtttday 0* .... 0e Ycor 014' cards;o thuir topete. After clases that cttcreeecn, the c.iceecoom groupe filed] outeide te thoi front ot the Junior Scot, wettre threc troc planting coc- mntcien teck place . The oideet sitedoote and thtir Éccelles Mcc. L. J. Buretim, N. Onychukcand Mer'. J. McDocnc[t etticictcd White cthcrs watched , thrc Rcd mcilles cbout t0 fcct igtcc Iccccrcd iet prcpaced hiles je flic grcuod asc cct ent tes- scd ineactoetfctof cartc. Socio gcrdeocr Rec Poetetc lent at helitg hced doricg the crcmccy, aed c ttccee plaque cccocred ttv cococcior Bill Robtt ccic piced feiceachtrcc,hccr- ceg the date codithcnacmeorithe sio'deotnticeh pcctiipctedl ie tho piceties. Ust Pupils Mcc. Bocottcme etodceswc Wacyne Currctt, Eliaheth ttocok, Josepht Lccoe, Mcrjorie Mat- ticocc' Danici Pcre, Chacrles To- ttcc ccd Vciccticc Qceglite. Mr. Onyscottke pcpiic iectued Dcc- gil-s Eltigece, Vec Henry, Kcth Hociter, Rohert Yong, Wacyno Copland, Grcgory 'Bigocit, Cecil Deccccntc, Knoctt Hutter aed Rachtel Tcscicr. Stodccte heipiog M rc. Mcoei eccr Jimmy AI- tee, Carcl Benton, Shaon Cccok, iode Dcieoii. Micttaet Larcke, Dicnne Mooteittt, Jotte O'Brien, Licdca Rueit Dicne Shaotzancd Joane Stcphcee. Scieot soporinteodoot O. E. Kecncdy ecid it wcc hnped the rcoe-piccnting oldhcbc acouai ttîrtttday tinte creony. ccd il iscepcotod ttiat wlice thec iceto tckcc ie sencior eidcctc in tho futue, the gracdctict cee,4 eouid do h [honr cicch yita0r. Blelhday Cake At cotopet iode dieiiic Mis c. Vcn leigi hct c eocicl îitidcy copper pccpcied cor the pupile ced st i o ct je flic crcil ditcing reele. Toiepint i off [ccc itt he iicidaca alre o neo tor flio jui.ote col dicing romiad a cieciier t cic for e cch cable ci ctedecnceccd, je t ic coulet , s ke ehcrt hy Neci Decciit. Siodecticseccici cycd ttic de- [[cc ckes asc itey hîîed ticeogi tchoie chinet, cwicciing Éemomenet [lcc coid ttgtt tlic cadc i e an cljvielu. bix bocyc fi*cîcc Micc Scîdic Pciccs e conc c1 [c doriciidec Dccg Hcm- icîi, Davidi Weldriok, Ccci %voile, Gcccei WciteDecy Dientcrc cit Tcitît Sci.l tcitti tho heip ci c Chacmpjion piiicigecphei i boitgieout fie litde i1tee Showt Pilurce Aller flcicper aed tlicLs oe îîîîicb ci cake woco deccîci ctiicoiii iîoc heded ic ic ccuditciii i ccie ce incceclîc peegicitie ctiîec and filmnt et îetil cittocccoîwec hoiee. Sop- ecîiîcg frrinciiiccMiss Wieeitccd Mcineo taccithe preo foc ÉleflsatO.S.D. buscicesc ad- itiiiiitu A .0. Briticit ciccced Itle cociiîid cide., - iiioiodittg tecîtcpiictue citaiaieticii flie otiidcen o ecd. Prizec wclso c ccccid ici tho heci dococclicîce deeeg flio reocîrt iChrc ielstces cecen. Accihor ttigliigit ci flic ccc. rne wa ace ictcgicicn. dcc kept Ite caudiece li literiies cili, iml amies c Iclcîd Iole.citoý t iocîiod iithîii,kt. Il. .-c Johnî Feo.. cio [c doit ceni c gcaduat, 1), 0 OS.D. ai Belleilltean ,v ccccktcgt ccpinriniit tliciciti Roccico Ty1noccchcr [ccl but to et on flic [ccfi graiunî %va. rite piîocociiii.1t. ci oueia îcpevrîe îor icosie te the ,ipitied otiiet etc .Lîccc fil, tu- cI'ieci Secei duc îcît uite Oclti [iii,, lui ic, icchee Micc N. Pit ced Ilýpitg iiisieooter Clcy Meecîcce ccptcd ct. Proideot Jody Sceco. vcccpcoc- idecct Nancy McKnigttt cod cor- ority ntcntttcc Pot Wiiimnto ,Jayec Pooreto. Lic Evans, Soc Jcrrcîtt Socan Bradd and Soc ,Baretteot wore poocont for the precctation. A TRIE PLANTING CEREMONY ccae part cf lice ficci irtitda y'ceicitatîions et Ontario Sciteel for the Deaf onitorsdaecfectntcci. Aitoon. teacitet N. Oeeechol.sciaccef i nîe chcidren docc a [ittie cpadle c'ck aound lhnic tree -c oncf îhtec piacteci dotîcîc fle ceeoce. A BRONZE PLAQUE ccci picrec becîde eci et te ccro Oct1 Mépce trco citer thlic cinoscsocf O.S.D. students dcid [heo liia cc iiciitinq fTcîcsday Oece, iCcîlet Mc.. JCoit McLDiiCei iceipo d clodenicsteaie Ilice plaque ini fronti of a ce elied [c fet [ccc cic A RIRINDAY CAKR itectciicq thte scooi firel ttirlhdey, ccac cn place ai caii table at copper- lime Thorcday, andi O.SD, hakeî Neci Donlini must have heen pîcîle hoce in lte ttakoctop fiel day! Pal ilimen. Jayce Poarsîce, tic Evans, Sue Jaîroîl, Sucan Bîadd and Sue Benthitt smii. pcoudie ce they citen off the cake fient ttei tablie. FOR ISTOPI R EA L VALUE! Listed Below Are A Few of Our Many USED CARS OVER 60 CARS TO CHOOSE FROMI VACATION SPECIALSI 1963 PONTIAC Station wagonî One nîiih V-8. ccclccnic [cii I959 BLJICK t eSait 4-De. radio, poci-trclico, cccl ttclc, Soi cch o cli exta. cc'cclers. Lie. Ni,. 9310!X Lic,. N.7l17023 ThOee One 1963 ACADIAN Staion Wagco, 1959 OLDS Cco cîi. A .Iix ylt, aulorntic tr[ams., totivcqippeti modtielcactiyfur radcioe.tc, sc t , ltt, , .ti ;il'l oad îc i l vi t iî Ile wwec t-hoi Li. No,. 933iX- Li,. No. b1iiic8 1961 '4.ILIIXHILL Sîicce 1959 OLDS Scdcc tII e utep- Wagons ped eor Ordg pcauce Lie No,9tX93267X I Lie No. fûIt Milton Motor Sales LTD. 388 Main St. Nîkon TR 8-235 a 1 1 - DELTA CHII SORORITY Ocone Oakcciie, Boe Chapter. cnsed encouh mccey e [cpchase a speciai typewrcttccforcOntariocSchoociforthe Deaf, MilIcon, and il ntac peenei Thoîcday ecenîno docinq tho echecie Octet itclay ceieiccctccc. Fienkîn Schnecier, one cf lthe cttipired elodenle ocho ciil use lte tyeccccteî. accepteci il on itchaif cf lthe echoci. Sitoce ccitt Delta Citi vico- uctecidenl Nancy McKncehr and prccideni iode Sacîn et cte cîccocîteccen arc Fcanbcc, hic taher Mis Nanc Petl and tpinqecer Clay Morricn 41

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