Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Apr 1964, p. 27

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F ~ .----.--- ---- - - - .li u aigie ich aln.ti nies Spîdra ipanet, and the rIraIt w' eeig tisfa s atm ns possible vilS a tint oit mtont. PR G R SSAstefi da gre coner Inca Octîhar. howver. thetlova 15mb oeanaiay ofet flc an4ipal4ty' proposui vas flot tai ha riveillo.htird eithar. Uit vas repbrted the Fraicent annit ot of stet lghfing and hcathmig thc tava htall vas $&36. 'Thora seish ta, ha no rouaio ta doulht that utder municiFal ovoat'- sia thln enpensa vould ha greatly redoced if flot complttly tovartd by the profins of tae rantais of the incatndescant lghtn wUtite the service would ha grestp inRrattd.'. The Champion enhorted its readera ta ha progratintv and support the hp-liv. "This ta no limie fo aa partn y vint. pou ad faaih paticp. The appartanitp ta pot Milot amaag the masa pragressive navals if tht pravince and ta radact tht rata af taxation an tht siar time shaaîd ait ha rejected. Vota for tht hp-law." Vhather it as ltae aditorial admonrition or the mnod of thetlimai, tht $0,000 hp-liv vas carried hy tht "freehaldens of MitRon" vith in snpparting tht hp-loy and Rt oppasing in. Tita was in janaarp, nros. Uit wia nnt antl May, hawver, thot tht catnit in- strantad irt committ ta tMaore Il arrangements wvitit tht ltght aimpanp ta taire anaer tht linht plant an uat tsi neat; aUna ta, arranga for paver tramt Mr. Stevart antit thte nav aplant tis insîottad and chat tht atactriciat continae in the ser- rice of tht corporation." Wit thaoi datte, tht tavn set *hout ils plots for tht tcv, municipal plant. A site 12 feet vie was te ha parchasad odjntning ltait hatt for $100 hat tht visdtm of the mata. htrs shota throagh and instaad thep ogreed in mid-Jaîe Il inarcasa thrat ta tht halance af tht praperîp for the noma af $275. Tht praperty vas ta ha porl used tor o paver hoase vnth the halante ta ha leaaltad ap es it vas stiti lea, atong the creek hanik. K. L. Athen of Toronto vos angaged ta prepare the e¶ ecassîry plats and in early Jttne 1905 ha vas anthariard ta cat for tenders Par att tht machintrp as watt as tht paver J Meanvhitt tht finaonce commiîtee of taunicil vas receia- îng thair tenders for tht $8,0010 dehentîres heoring intrs ot 4 parcesnt. O'Hara and Ca. vas raccessfi awith their In Octoher il vins fond n rcassrp ta pans a hy-1 mw oppainting the etecîricion and hi., assistant as wattl as sertiaIlf ot their dattles. Etecîrician Rîrhp Ettis var appainîrd viîh the raspan. sihiity of operaîing tht îighî srvicce and he vas ta br phid e $50 manahty. Ma. Ettis vas asc responsihîr for thr plant, ils reairs, tht installation tof ail serances and the collectian cf tht manîhly acaaîîî. On bis shift he vos t0 furtiîh paver tram dask ta midaight. Assistant electrician Richard Mase rarard $40 a mantib and his shift pranided paver tramt 5 arn. nrdi dot- ligbt. Ha vrs nt ta palt inmae than 10 tsars dailp. hît if emeegency demaaded il ha vas ta recrire 20 cents an hor tor his lime anar tht 10 heurs. MlitIons popalatian of 1,405 vas paping toxts on a 20 mutl rite and the remaval of ptattorms tram schsot mrs rin wosoi sm costeraion in tht early 1900's. Milton ia teatasters bad agreed ta maise thai r charges tar a fitam and a mat tram $3.50 ta $4 o dtp and dwelliags ia the tammunitp vert in dematd. Chief Constable Bradley vars paid! tht hîndsomce ara of $50 prorlp for bis services and the tovo hal vas beln rang regularly, atlthoîtg far a vbite oct qies lonîg ini detaranct ta a itry rit vamaa vba liard nar thti tavn hall. Itîvas la ibishbackground the cauncit set out ils rideas for th osa receivîîg rtecîriciîy front thetolav. Cîtizns vert rtqauired tbl-aSe dit etra ta prient voila of tight and svitch att att lamps vhaa lOt il ara" acaoeding ta lava Sp. lav 366 passed Nosetaher 6, tIfll. Citizens vert aise remraded tht paver cactd be ibut sff for repaies. in tht case aI unacaidahîr accident. ar nn paymean if tht bill. Rates sel oat for tht popotor 16 caîdît paver tligbts vert 40 cents par tight per manîh for ap t0 tva igbtc s30ý cents for ap te rive ligbts; 27 cents for ap ta eight lights: 25 cents for ap ta 12 trghîc and att ricer 12 vare ta he cbarged aI 12 cents par 1,000 volts. MetIr osers vere reqirrd ta pap 20 cents amonth for therusefaamter. ntl Naîrtaber, vith*îhe eecîriciaa hired. the rater set out .and constractian undervîp on tht paver bouse. Tht Champion repartad r "Tht elecîeic paver boise is neaeriag cent- plation aid promisei ta ha a haîdiome building. tr viii be readp Par accapoation hp ahout Christmas". The predicîlan didî't qaite hotd trac but an Jaaoarp 11, 190, tht srne aewspaper vas able t0 report: "Mittaîr municipal elecît t ighî plant vas operatad Sotarday tata ing tir tht firsî lime tram tht ttc pover hoase vrîh nev equip. ment. There rs a trtmttdocs im peacemeat ta tht tightiîtg, vhichvas alvaps diraand useadpaarderîthe od arrangementt. There vereto nui mapighîs Par thr iimiîed paver. Nov tht tights ara britlaît and seîdy and there rs ptenty if povee to spart for txtra tights." c Il vas vith a setna ai prida that the Mîttoîlat aI tht dau centd end cha nevs. His ommuitwas one ofthe pro- gressine c entres thiai vas meeting tht iacreasiag demandi for Foyer vitIh an i ocreased poteatiat. Tht economi' ni tht measare voutd aise appeat ta hlm as he rcaiized tht proisioa of baaîing tht tovs hall locîted handity narhp. Thtpowerhtouse,ton, varctttland tritphitand sîlt stands in i Is convred farte, srriag os actervice statian onîtheeoslsrde ofîthe tow hal h on ig sinem ie hait long since Iran Pargote u h itretln ewe thetw lv ilrdings rîrîl axsts THE CHANGING ORDER IT WAS IN chat saine pert 1906 vrwth a spaîbiat aev manicipal paver hboase ia Miltas that tht diemandlis for additionat sappies of pover vert chorling o aev and differeat coarse tn tht prince. An at moiaspasseda 'dervwhichthe permant Hdro-Eltric Power Cammission of Onaio a as erîahîirhad vîth tht Prmnd Sia Ahdam Bock Ilrcharaa. ha Commissroa hegia it aiiti hi hîrrîdîr rras msin lansfot Niagara FaIts ta 13 manrarpalttes sn oth- western Ontarioaond hagan delisering paver il l1to10 Berlin (nov Kitchener). Toronto g01 its tient pover frisi tht Cota- missian in toit. Prata its incaplian Ontario Hndro vans hoad an ca- aparasian viîb tht iaioitipalitits and se il vos thot tn MayO of . 1912 Me. Yoles, rgprcsen ttng the Commission, lttanded a meeting of tht Miltan Board if Trode. It vas a watt îtlended meeting iîalading senerot monufacturers wha vert tatItmemblera at tht grcap. Mr. Yeatas lave the patticitors of tht proposeIllirratngemet for rc. oeivng paver tin àtaahinotiot vitb Milton, Georgetavn, Acnan d Rocitvaad frtram Guelph. Tht priat quoted for sncb povar van $37.50 par horst power in Milton. The grotp 'parsoed ils quetions on tht proposâI and vondered if aonsidertiot vaold Se gisto te soppîping tht paiver nia Bramptott insîradl if Guelph. Me. Tutti agrerd ta toik inca titis and diltaes telt tht quotailn caatd be reduced Sp this route. tn Jane af 1012 tht samne Baard af Trade connaned ogain and recelintd the eapecîed qiiotatian over tht Brtmpton riaIte ta the itrp s tisfattarp ette of $30.50 par horse paver". With ibis tht Boaed appointardu speciot conîmitîre of the Mayor, tht reena aod Messrs. D. S. Rohertson. J. F. Litîtae and J. Irving te rontact lacal matuaturera ta determine bac munp horst paver eah vîatd undertua ta use. Apporen tlp tht tommittren' efforts proîrd saîisfactarp as thap churîadl tht coarse and in SeptamSher 1912, aI i specia meting of tancit, at hy.tov vas passad la tuble, otae ta vhashar the ratepipeen vert in faveur if ohtuising a sappîp of electrit paver frit tht Hydro-Electric Paver Commission of Ontario. Bp Octoher 17, 1012, Tht Champion vuns ahle ta repart the soccetstal sale. It vos curried hp a maoirilp if 185 vith oalp foar alacînes marhing their battit against tht tiva's mine inIa tht provnial ipsîtta. 't'taitt tht electors raalita thar a daenet Par tht hn-tav vautd mente paîtin an end ta tht peagressvwhicb thetolav bar hten muhiitg ltîertp. With. out paver Milttats adantages il situatîian, vater supplp, Pire protection, roitwap connections aad îhipping Pucilitiei voold non ma ber tht monofacîttrin g centre vhich il is hnpad she vitI hecome. Il is unneanced flint tht Hpdro-Elecîric Comtmission viii rush tht vark if ciriîg etc. sa frhat ve shaît have tht power erp sani. Tht supporters il tht hptav te jubilan t. Action vans qoieh. At a cuncit meeting an rartp Not- tmhee 1912, cooncil agreed ta tht tenders Par tht eqaiptatît for tht distribation staîtion. Thetlendeers iactaded $3.650 for tronsfitaers and $2.060 for rvitchiag and protection eqîtip. ment. Tht tights on Main St. vere ta ht sîaggered vith tiva lighîs on each pale fromt Mtflihhonr Hotet to Commercial St. Tht potes vert te he plied onder tht suîpervision of tht sîreets andvwalhr commitr.ad a]tvk ars doac hpcoa- tract os tar os passible. lms tht meontime a hp.tov via ta be prepored t0 raire the dahastares te tatti tht coit of tht prajecî and tht Pire and tighI cammittee vas to uIs Brampton "for tht porpore of gettian information re Hpdro muttes'. Arrangements cre completed to distrihute tht Hydre. Eîrcîrit power Promt tht P. L. Robertson foctorp and The Champion of Jonatrp 23, 1913 vor orgina tht tovI fathers ta salI tht tîva's elitîrit tighî plont, possessiott ta bt giaca vboa tht Ilydro Flattera i r tarard ta. "It ciii hriag o higher pricr as agoing ctcat than asaadead one,oand if hedand teiîidît tl viii drîrriorat'. tht neospoper varard. There vos taih if tht pover botîre, jus caltan paonr nid, heing istd or o fiat hall. Bp Ferr 27, 1913, thetIranasirmars hod arird andP. L.ohertsan vassapiag he exprctd thtpowerîtahb tUnrîdaen forause of the scrvPfacorpvihin 10Odoa.The arrangements Por tht tightrng ci thetlova vîcîd ait. hac'vratr he ctapîrîrd qtî ne srta. On March 13, l1., tht nover v as toraad on "and sinca thea theastrerîs hait brea spica didtp lighîed. The hboseser. vices areagond,.htînot et aitheir best as thetp illtevben certain udiosîmeats bhave Stan madt. P. L. Rohertsn Ca. Lîd., Sas thr entra power sa long Sodi y areded. It rs hoped rtat the tovo cull sain secare nev indtustries. Tht Wittmoît boildings, vaaîed seime lime ogo. ha tht Edvards Mator Ca., are vautant and manitottirers haie bren tnnhiog aI thrm." It vns on ibis op ltîtistit nate abat Ontorio Hpdra come to Miltton. Clînatîs tnahed on the nev powerrsopplp us a lita tînt Par tht prngrtss ai Ihtir cnmmcniîp. Oisuppering vtre tht daps of thetîatov tondite and tht anl] nit t antern as tht incandescen t StnîS tnt tht badra drren mîtar begati îtr ns. scnie ntr dimenions inîte ht-ingi rdtr. THE PERIOD 0F TRANSITION T HE arrisai of tht nec pover, vith tht i ncreased hrighînesr ni tht hctSs and tht grater patentrot of the titatrit mimar vuns aridenced in o numhar Adminisration aI tht hydre c prraîr nns rastad viih tht municipal an mitasi t lIighî aid police cammitteecn tinnadtinthe rote ofadmnsratin Bp Mcrcbofiln03 Jah SavaIt cas emptcpeoi or a Internat Sp thetobrn ai tht rata of $75 amonîh andtoampsvwere Seing aaected onîthesorîh tasi side oP Main Sn., san îbaî aI sides vootd taon be Iightrd. Tht incrrused hydre aatabte vos aise catanmed St' tht shareholders nI tht uilpoog P. L. Robertson Co. Thte nevspuper ni tht dop raparîrd tlint tht ancot sborthntdtrs' meeting,.attendedhpoaot40,mn ca'tnth sotrcoand grratl pttaîedvwiîhîhernspectinoflthe platpancarpviî tht recen t addition ai the Hpdra Eletat povtr, hieS has atreadp resltîedrinoagreuîtpt ncrasrd output. A neighhar ing nrcspupor repnrad, praopa ena iorîp. that tht fator% vas csitg 375h.p. oi atîrrant -afactor eascriigthrnicarr, ni tht Hvdre Eiactriecorrnection ta Milton". Tht 1913 poapton ni 1,59 vor oise tpeing tht de- hnntarrr neeary Ior thr Hcdrc. The lis, ni $201000 i being adatrtiredbut "on oacortaofheasarcîityo rollyccad the high rites ofîroterrat ili ntatnhc rapacîrdîthaîthe amont reatiard ciii her astargeo rtit ud St". Modtrn cnnn rces vert aise raatniag camae alitai- lion ond M.E. Nixonas osdvtarin cetricaacoom cenners Par rent. Tht tava nuil hod ias aid puicea plant and C. .1 MuaS. fer,o2oraofthe H.E.PC, prapaaed thaî i bîcîtuned o aîtheCmmissinndn therrorvn aanrId, praaaedra'annîr lirapnplied triarh triwia' tiht. lli r rîrînral 'ni eud ,rî thnr L i Ne a tcanainat var hrrag intradrr.d tain, Pha ite i9. 19113 nsut ai Tht Champion iotd about the ne r nge ment ai ietding ait tht Hpdroaiccaunts in o ceaItule book hp tht tovn treauarer. Il hinled chat spectal lava commission- ers minht Se apporntd ta lobre charge of tht Hpdra and main- tenaunce crisis ni ralleettauncil oI tht vork. Tht spsîemi vas husing ils difficullies tan. A fiat hoor power beak in Jute of 1913 vons allrihuled t0 defactise in- sutors. Bp September thingi vtre rîîher cool aI tht tovn hall. Tht harri supptied tramt the stans gentratita plant vasno plant i the tovi holl to heait tht building. A velcîme Christmas prerra t, howvrr vas annotînard in tht DtcrmhPr 25 issuert n tht Conadai Champinn tht Parmofa redutîoos in the price ai pawer Noaernhrr anal Ilaaanthr îccatîrit tara tri hetiaPit irrtm fic rdrcîtran. Bp tht end af itr I-car flic ptniaî ai tansition i catîrpîrte. In tht aittitîi If thît pa naîte lirai Lighî Crît. :sionera, ar than cca anied, vrt'a aiaaîad Sp accaatona. Nomd vert E. F. Fort, Wf B. Clamansand tir. R. K. Ander- The stage c ns rat Par (ho av actal lpn deant qihcrit a tSar cors tn adoîin;rt he hî'dt stara incaiiplac folica nana hall -eritiry i ot at. Il cas tan tnztcpia'r' atrt 'lia Champraoi de tr ana i rectad the iatigtra mretiag ofi the crnnp ond cîirit miuter maha tic merntaioficaîation othar tin in tht irmati alclin tan tiirg Sy-aî. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION A DMINISTRATION ai tht Miltin Hpdrc Elecîrna C.Cnmmissiornncaanctîinardaos tsk In itr arin dit-s mach ni tht difficut vins invntard la the cllection of uccomrnt nd haifarîtheana poweriahatd hc acion dnd Scond tha w tac t s Earty ta ila lita the local Cormmission npprcra t tný tractivrih tht Eapd Brick Ca..i an ew firm thait vas haro0 Ferranti - Packard Electric Limited congratulates the Milton Hydro- Electric Commission on the completion of 50 years outstanding service to the community. FERRNTI FERRANTI-PACKARD ELECTRIC LIMITED TORONTO 0 ST. CATHARINES S TROIS-RIVIERES [PACKARD WE ARE HAPPY TO PARTICIPATE IN MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION'S 1914 5Oth ANNIVERSARY 0F 1964 SERVICE TO OUR COMMUNITY Â& PICTURE 0F OFFICE 0F MR. O. L. HAOLEY, MANAGER, MILTO N HYDRO COMMISSION c WE ARE PLEASED TO HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO SUPPLY THE OFFICE FURNITURE ovgoç ~~IN MILTON HYDRO'S FINE NEW QUARTERS ~75~iH ARRIS STATIONERYs AND OFFICE SUPPLIES MILTON.~ 182 Main St. E. M I L T O N TR 8-6962 lira. Canadien Champion, lhurîdap, April 3»lt, 1964 estahtished ouiride the tiiwn. It was a typical action for the timeas mrore and mnore industrr ttooed te rte hydre tetwork for itspower.I trasira nee,,iry ta rsk courittoprisaa hyttasthcmmision caatd appaintannspectr ofwiritg. John Sactrîl. ch., had tram tar the local staff an elec- iriiarnc'.îradviiratn fkrc,r 1111 thatatnlsrhe moed icAiMilton i ' t.ahe tr.li.rin Aprhaaaaatd laratispsitio. l'iapanir di tin ct et %iti Air. 'aviell' plans hecatare in trtar he Corrnrrrrrrin had racreaipplicatiotr for an rirctriiran and Thanrar Booak cr eagaged. B iais trmr titare wec 35 çt,.rnirs ot thecal comirti o .0 inaiara.n tae ariard i n the ririro tltnt was ta aiNt, ie lwr. ira Corrnrnrra c ruled aIt wrrk nat drrrc hc hai rawn E acta *aai ros hc docrrIaartarchîain. iia 2; ccnrt plrai arr d rriac in cli annpcin tli Ju 1915 the rragirn, hrîicr, gcacratar, pattp, etc. ifroni thernid sicani genar.trrag irat r c rad ta tica Miltonr ardail C(a ta i $1r000. ttc Dircuiher tri5 lcnî earra asacd a starr an Maini Si. Iou \V.r I B. Cicrirn1cr ria ainýý a i lli ]Il I $15 per nth, rl wai kirarar ar the nId post office. Ther paver icarad thr aid rosrr i ca rr fia Itaptrirmet af Militia. Jcrt rhare thcirafitcecdd iirp rs arîniring nf a rrddta atter ah are transacrions, On Ocraher ci1. 1r923. R. W. Phiips af Maut Farest var engaged ras aîcctri.rar Bah Phrîîrpr war ta carinrae rî tat pasitiror uni roarcanrtrr inr94 chat ha car fcted rît atloal dirrr frrr hirrrr0sevie Int rhe rîitrcrîrr c er thei rira ofa at sner rnacrcarrcirrrra ldraaadý irchdrr expande icidntaiily,

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