Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Apr 1964, p. 24

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ILLUMINATED STREET MARKERS ataru ha uent-aliaà at ail 126 tnescirn i Milt-ut, smetîme inr laes-st-ei t-r t-at-lt- t-ail. Tcc ct-te rctt-d t- Jeaiu- au a tiai batss Ht-àt-t Manaer O) HadIay, Mat-at t- G. Childe au-à huât-a lit-tsen t-à Rame- betten ct-k au hera, as Lt-t tt-. Mat-te t-st-aile oe- cf t-ha t-cc lit-hte, t-ht--e r st- r St-t-5 iesraied Growth of a Utility Hydro Observes Haif Century of Service Bt- C. B. W. Mocinlssoh Ai th- initial men-g, Os-. R. K<. up, mccc cf th-t- snith att-alan- ting at-à the- lest-et-c cf thahescii- Puic Rtintius Ofiinr Ontaiol Acàinî a ts trketnd Cheirman flic de-nîliege. Attrade th- fient e-en hadtàqattes cees etamptetet ltsàiîCentual rt-t-lue n ithtlle cîher Ccssins aîleletrt- 30 selle cpaiernet reeervaîed, t-ialti att-tut-i of st-vceot-ttthe tut-i ViccnChajtmatn W. B. Clan- buitding iln cde construcetion- leO ele t n-jet el Miliun, the pjitir nts oed Mtsut- D. H. MeCeti. Milice. Tht- t-n( caie -t es rîflic ole t-sue cucis tact- oi ttlac. il Tie adent cf safliniet tawc-ettcra fer th- Octet-je St-bcd fer The affine is et-elat-tt-lt-lly uhbt-t-ni itis se-et et Milionc q t-uiti-il puet te tehe rare Ot-tt Chiidree acd ttls aisa, l het-e-. Pet-t cf th- halne le tisât- e i Cuommission. oi t-ha demaed ht-n hatp- ta suuil tc-eeded Tut- Cee- the tee «ety bcilding le noan g-un icpaesithIlesteady gmcw-iteeiafMnt-raacyhom5e fcaefhy rt-enotadl tt-i Il aciueue-hc flth mecs ih and âecetpimnt la Milton. set-tt-t t-lt-ens, te ta deoutble inetat- heaaer cf tht- haut-t-r type Mihuon rt-nidentn c-m eu-e- et Tht- et-tg t-tn has ce t-"9h siat- sent-. Tht-m are pt-est-ett cf thal hed ht-t- icetellt-d la M98, tht- utad t-ar oe adeeccîr netppin uanasio evet- ,l inducstrie.% loating ct-à tait-r ccc cat-ndat-d ht-tcuir Wn cltl Thtnweà atise t-an- -tri in nnenhytasmclin t Mitai it- cddition ta the 12 cf tha e-isit-at poert ehettga cf as 109. hev ad ecoric tn- he lre narbyconw lt-e 1deày tsiebheà it- the coin- WesIà Wa Tea. The ait-t-nie siue uttt. -u--u-- h- bt-rit-e et a caeint- sttua-ac- lio [tneji impitaes t-tnt tueo. Milice hue hune ugetling ite uo% huilt-r lest t-a- mes pet bat-k te muicptut-tnti apl e - ti eetp ct-les je net-ic Miltîmg t-ydret his st-t-tll ttt set-ce et-à ew immerscion ty-pe sij, n tint-iutcldicy nt-ace ht-at-t- ct-me int-ctcttt. Tihis unit- 'nceint-. Cucsenuecî le t ulintu. th-sepplcentaantieg iîepîuvng ils distrihution sys enteting le ftetr sappasrinte at-t erne, c Ontario Huât-a toa boeut t1t miftiee gallons c c pt-riât- httnt st-t-ce r' tcen. hc alaitri- hce-h cn ettien tut-i Milice t-t-tetii statets da>e item tht-gt soure. -Bat the tres t-nul ehn'cew treltn-heete- lenet-i cas sectionsof the un.t- e hucos[ ai sept-tit-p t-tnt-si tuio cil te t-pt-ntt ta be tcc-n li-ht- sl moedernand ut- te-daee. mne d affina. t-ct-t-v as ll t--tinthty-ur. t-munIr t-tctdit-à teiihs yecr Ret-ttti tht- Milton Hyra, Coi ent- (îanerosîc mens igil t-ht- additio-n of a et-wsoueatn mission heildfit- ht-à a fent--lift- Tht- gininnts desleg th- totf GeeaigPat o vtutltr fmm e-et t-ht- e-In reetar cf ýMîlten Hydmosexais- But il tut-s t-et et-f 1913, afint- tu-tit ànunlepcnîenta, ce 8f tence is saàct-csd te thtene cste-fs t-utsiânrahtt- dist-usini and tneg- art-t niae juithýrfe ttcs:i 94'h oa u ro dt-tîn-, tact-do oerws fIoe. This nouace ctI sapply UispiGy nastcntars amnte ta 23f et-à hrufht entc Miclt-cfrm Nu15- t- mit-imem ai ct-a million gai-. pt-e Seaà ut- t-ht- atlisîrccc 284 t-ra. Prtir tuthat alimhneup- Ionsîaaepteuamaicmmto Aspat-of ite th aninierlY kiowt-s. Atsthe pmescritnham pic of t-ltui-j puet ce oaii- tht-t-t mit-lt-t- catît-ne ai eter t-t-It-ratice, -Millt-n Hcàt- ct- am sf877 et-actamt-snof ait t-tan- t-i irec almait-municpalsnant i dis', tand 'Mit-et-metrf merli- t-lu -Commission han cepaniat ses andàtht-eheatJodof thcest. t-ltin unnentîg T-lnt Huit tnt-s t-t--t-cnliâet-c Ébat tht- t-aecy ciedue dieples en ils 'Maie fi. iy ise 5,023 kilownatts. t-unr, uucceeiis je tht-et-t-t-ht s-at thte cii staI ta hboom. ut-tint- sheuiet- chat hydýre ser. distrri evigh hydie pue-t-r hven t-eik afa etr go itn yr asapoJ unit- luit-inga tht-t-à and ie tirtu Aauetcrasad romntht rtt i it ala-ttnaa ien Hydmisstn bace perage nîie-ul Miliug Cit-t-usn., t lt-e tuirnîl, thet- ret- tacarân et-- At- cl t-lt-t-rir siue, liait-nîtri- ciaCs ceit.tb eihr pt-sitint- nu-etc ci t-i sailicjtint-t -nit-t-t-nâ t-ruîih cuit-le ledit-t- t-r, ut-t- pai, pt-te, lt-a kttue at-t Chaircean W. C. Racret; puet. rd. Seetl e- haeiNg cati- irons at-à t-th-t hituhen attcils Vlr-cihit-n Celle Sntt-lir; ced Whn Ille lits ettlîtt puet- divîsioes art- epentit ta at-rn aitt-i-udeà inle t dieplas. Mîat-r Sidney G. Childe. ltouc Ont-anco Ht-dru -ht-ut-ct-t-- alt- tliet rt-eliut-n ut lut-t-i distibhution ines, e t-t-e Ilichilce eiue litns% te ladesit-ial et iuont-rs t-t- the tct-nst-ructo ut- tnuslurct-t-sttionus. tht-mer- liil nuînuil tîIcai tit-h the-t-l- -t-t-,clprpre IvawI the w onderful ad~ t-Ie vtuit-t-i tetà n h-tc-err etu-t-tuipil ct-iits torat-ttu t- muiat-t-- Ht-dru Cucmîssion. Tht- lit-st Milice Hedie Commis- AN 5NTERESTING DISPLAY f utht- aittrirai fau-iltîns cf St- t-tat-s at-e, derats t-ha fret-t cît- duc cf Mirt-n Hyrc-ltru -Ctmmtssuus effitr. Ht-lt-t Mat-t-lu shown ct-f t-hie at-t ct-u- it---u stoe, nd om oftheutesis tat entwih i in191. he dîspsu tnt-etput-ait-s mat-y utenilssuc as aircurirsiron, ta ketle andoth r ce t-cule t-ltht- pt-t-d. TOGETHERNESS IaWe Neyer Run Out of Hot Waterl * .* With Our New Cascade 40" -FROM MILTON HYDRO - IKNIGHT INDUSTRIES (1964) LIMITED NAMILTON, ONTARIO.HYR MANIJPACTUEERS OF THE PAMOUS CASCADE 40 t- lu UOD ARE PLEASED TO PARTICIPATE IN LIVE BETTER MILTON NYDRO'S lOtIt ANNIVERSAEY ELEaRICALLYt -Ottai Hydro Phase INTERICE UENOVATEOr Manager O. L. Haàlep jel ft-cinq an nec lit-hts it-etalled in t-ha attrctielp, tadeneaated cffioe cf Miltot- Hydre, Main St. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY irantages of~ Cn IMI OM A I DX)R ELECTRIC HEATINC au.For .Total or Supplementary FEATURES *SAPE-Ne fiamtahl- faue - nempletel- flamelese. Sale as the- t-lt-utrt- liqht t-au readi hyl *CLEAN-The ultimare tin clearilieess I Ne deet, scct, emuke er dirr cf at-y kirrd. Subetatrial saait-t-e te nlearticq at-à decrariet- reste! * 5W tNSTALLATION COST-Ntt fut-ce or fuel tank -ne pîpînt- duct-ok or radiaters! Ltess rempli- natad, eatîer inteallationl *SPACE SAVIN -let-crie heat installations arc compact rt-t-urit-t-a mii-umurnfepana tht-rn- focte moere uet-ci livng are&a. *MAINTENANCE-Ne annuel cieat-icq cr inepection ccedcd e ctrpiesely narefree heasitq et-ste-. *OPERATING COSTS-Redaned hydre nests durit-q the paet year et- se, have made Elcettec Heattt- hîghly net-patitiuc urith ether fuel systarne. The c CHROMALOX tht- numpinîn t-alite lie . tc-et-Att fll dntrit-t-i 5enrî Ht- uts I ni Iliui-- St-tit-tt Wall taein- bict-u-- uie t-sut-ltent iuci xii het--it-a. cgl~ao~ Heating BASEROARD NEATERS foc campleto, hosee-hcaticg cosefort -t- rggctl dopcalt epaco-cat-icg inith bait-in thermostats, if desiacut CUSTOM-COMPORT NEATINO - t-lau-t-tir Ht-at le dirt ht-at- t-at-hete otroe-airesakty art- teactleuel rt-tuird réal-h aitcuaà chat-n t-et-uit-ad. Ne decins ahcu t- .. - tLtClT-IC Ht-AT is paît-lu- faur t-u-tt-t-hat-t . . . lu iee hantas . . . Chut-than . . . officas, su-hucie ceas . . . che-cuar heat s te nedad fer rclafrti And t-hle moern etht-à cf hainq cs at-t-inq up a bi-t markiet in t-ht- t-t-ee-Hue fuie-, t-eut Whyecslalarn the cticHastcryeu c rita Chreeclsi fer full datalis l ied eut hec se NEAT SETTER - ELECTEICALLYl impleàte quulity fine . . s Cent-caîlea Fluer Dmp-te Heasere fer dft-ffnsts-ta-hect at-cas cents ce ftect--tcct-ilina seicdca-i ct-tir tenet huent--,. Thermoas .. folutatt-t-uti ori auoaiti ct--ral - etij lt-duai mein THE CANADIAN CINt@a i 3( COMPANY LIMITED 210 REXDALE E1LVO.I REXOALE (TORONTO> - 241-8621 Write for the name of your local contractor - I - Il ry

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