Il- ïhe ëauabiau Oanipîrn ... #4#4 ihere Waô' Xifht A b,ýf lit-y . e1 r ier a ie t eai ea i t itr a t coýiioeitort he 0ti atnierare ri ti Militar Hyduele tri, Ca te C.)rge 94b ieCartediart Cialpa Mtutr Ontaraio Prelude to Power By Jim Dilis T H-E tallrim candîri arid the criai ail lamp have giveri weay ta tht riragie rit eiecîriciip. The chariges wmrriaghr have h ere tigeiticarir, the forces ari- leerihed trir iidrutrýial grriwrh dramatii, arid the hrighriy lit streets ri t lday mririd he ririelieririhe tri thrirr mha, 70 yeers e, inîrridacedl the tiret elecîriri erreci iights tri the criaap iiwri rit MilIrin. le 1889 the trime was bcirîg lt miîh criai-ait tarîpr - ahout 40 ef thtem - srraregically triceîed en the Crime whriocabtmc confie eecntdeably meri ettrrited thae tht rama at triday. Each riighr the village crirstahle made his rounrds, fitlirig anid lighîieg the criai ru lampi frir mhich hrieereed $1 a day. Carryieg the ladder mari pari rit his joh, aiihrirgh je Oakeullt the constahble rircd ri this paritrit the tash anid a riemepaper repoirtsi hie soluiorin: 'Oakeuita, tihe Tronrtri, cri vers a eery criesiderahît area in proprirtiori tri popuatirir. ýi ke Trrrito, aiea, tht streers ranring threegh tht crim pas- tares adjainirig the vilage are iiiamiriaîad, hat iri tht case rit Qabvitir criai ru talles the place rit the tiamirig cetcric iight as an illuminiant. The daiy rit tighîirig ihase iamps mas racce rip placcdl aprir thc shriaiders rit thetow meconstahle. The arimanîrd task rit carryirig a iaddar trrugh lonrg uirits rif strcle in rdec tarieach te tep rit the rimerai lamp priets Sei proed tron mach tr the trime cap aned hae accrirdirigip dariisi a schcmc caicalaîed te eraiariaiip iasscri his lahers. This mas te cet driî thc priais tri his rime haighi se that hae ceid apten the giasa dael' ritîhc latareri anid iighi ap mhiia Staeding rie tht sidtmaihs." The tighîs mera aise lair garce for praibstars. One aeip etarp mas r-caitd in Milieu mhaee yaairgsrars aiii. guised aira lauttp antd a ciii iteide the baraiy mariin cd glohe. Thcy ihari ased the iarrp-lightirtc ceesta ble ine rrerniig ta ligii tht iarrp. As ha marritad trie ladder arnt oeaird thc globea the eca pitr coi se sarpriacil hira that ha tamhled hackwriads trant the taditar mhitc the proribiers maiched fronet a sait distanec. The dsire of tira trime latiers tr grete rriratrim aedarei aorumrrihfrilays. i ariariil risieaaied ils tire and lamp cerrmittee tri ersîieg harnrits rit the caril street lampe, wi hurriee. The larger h arrires mare te ha puechased caaimechant Cerray wirasateder frrtrmha 'tir« er aid haeen satire coip1rairtts, trao, alleu li- iririntofe tatii lloandarieirrsagr uary ai 19901 te puithasea rGlobea fahater Lorrrp a rta partanti te lictrt tieti,' ce lOttill the tiow ar rruaiirirs mare ai driabi wit a irrie eep the **latenu ig riecteri lirgbt' ibat rrsad je rtae cirae. Parbape that je mby the aiter rit Eleiac Ltght Co r> r Sptariher r1890, te iighi il Mi? itin, wtar etrataiv wtail rtrisd faaelings ai tha ta tibia, iiiti rpse ibalainof4)i rgit ut 32 catidit ira i Hat chi carit par iight wil ilctw tiiatialtiiig tieranp aiacb Tire piropositiun tac', iiaderei ha tira crie r outrt a apa rî ey at tiha pi apasal, thep eaari lira daer, cd arîtri tha tioir biadtoit epprtirîey ailier iigh t tarit paîtrasý ri waat a uarimeas alliair sar rg tiha adeantagea oi ellatt t light brr, pressait arr rthe lit-m'a aller. Tbay mocird the trima tri g a Fie yrearrotract Ft, trier 2rrrrr cordia powmee anrd irrit 32 atdialîprwer incandeascent lights tee caai parn it $1.5 caîl tiirgit. liir elirîa mare tah wc e 'a i ritiugi r rirriliig li tr i ta e coiOpan rl tas iti i th iraard. ii.rirrrar-ri arr Pî,ga lrrra Street iir- i 1899 the replace the th a larger ilfrom gen- berri the t the dark- ted itt Jali- tedi place et ediy eyeing ha eieg the Edisoni 'cal cori cii caridesrrit per riight, i aboat $4 rîiitari hit îirided it ti cotaat ttamshaw, fr actiir ive Edisori arc lights 150 riights rd oi that e," @ loue ',o