r 6 Thie Caoadion Chamonc Tlsaarday, Apail -301h 194 Milton Hydro - -5 ears of Smervc MILTON'S FIRST ALL-RI.ECTRIC apartment bssilding is caider construction on Ontario St. na Mocuntainoooo Drivie, and this photo was taken at the sod-tuttaing ceremony a fess ~ ks ago. Dîicssing plans for the electticaliy.heated, 30-ssiite Maple Gien Apastments are buwdei Marttl Lautoiea of Laisioneo Home Bsildeis, Hydto's Central Region Manager Adam S. Smoith, Hydros5 consiumet seriîce and sales eîgineer C. E. Creaose, Milton Hydra, chairman Bill Rooney and reoltot and teotai agent Brian Beait. NOW WR KNOW: Foi coas the Milton Toisa Hall ciii had a smaill sîgri tckei ona the front, Io let people liiows i oas the munoicipal offices. This yoar whleat Mltont Hydro docîdled to anaki ahi town ai biîihilay paiseel eaon Hydao s 5Oîh lurth- day ii Malic a ndii liqhi up the fronît of the old stoîe buildinîg, a luew s iqu ias oaderîd. Clouks office îeceptiooist Mas. Joaît Parker admirîes fileo îîily.lleede sigo and foui ciosi boisi the naina dooray. NEW SIGNS Visitors to, Milton are imprcss. cd by these new illuminated steet maîkeîs, showo at left, which sHill le set up ai ail itretoslater this yeaîr. Milton is belleoedi to ho the harst coiiu-iluti, p ii ' C daJa lu place a lightedl sigis ai every corner of the owo AT COURSE Fire ChiciA. E. Cliiii his sscsik siiiioiui as tire cîticis ex- ..incu eloi Muiipsl Fisc Chîcls ai flic Unîiversit of Toi-ý olo. The course ssoloweid lic a dsy gaitheîioo for tîi Onta- cu Firc Clîscis Cooifecnsce. 0 look Mfr. Duirymun!. 1 o atmoro milk per cow? 2. Or perhaps a iowor food RosE? 0 3. Or maybe bath?0 STHEN SWITCH TO 0 -(,&tkwAu DAIRY FEED 16/o 111E ONLY FEED S FORmULATED TO CIVE YOU BS RESULTS AT S LOWEST COST 0 Formula Feeds DIVISION 0F ROBIN HOOD FLOIJR MILLS LIMITED 0 MARTIN ST. MILTON TIR 8.2311 b. À w wf Âa Al 0 0 0 0 0 À $o IC ut $AV£i* e ., XFMeAi WILL STREARRO - IUOiIT IMORBO - TIREND B.SPCALSLUEDSNEES-OWAIEEM OSWN BA CON .591SEILSLCE-ONLS-N AT-O FRBSN SLICRa - TELGNDU ~a' PoRK UIVER _29e L 0 POK~ 69, LEAN MEATY PORK - IDEAL FOR STUFFING SPARE RIBS. 49cU DEBBIE LIQUID DETERGENT 32-oc. BOTTER 69c RG49[- FRVLRII DIPIUMT - BREF, CHICKEN. TURKEY TV DINNERS 39 c NAVAL LARGE SIZE CMAEAT 37c - ALLEN*S VITAMIN 18"0o,,TIN ORA NGES FORL - JUICE TN S1 DOZ. 99C CA N TI N A I K ~s Guaranteod Sweot -;Reg. 69c dez. COMPARE AT 29c - 2 ROLLS PKG. 0F 2 ROLLS _______________________ Purex TISSU E 2«i49, AGER O COMPARE AT 3 FOR 35cl - LUSHUS U H O M JeIIy Desserts lOi11si UHOM COMPARE AT 2 FOR 35<1 - tOIR FANCY 154*. TINS4 5 CREAM CORN 7NSs1 45c BISCUIT SPECIALI SUPREME FANCY ASSORTMRNT BISCUITS 120 Biscuits in Carry Home Pack isl.OO COMPARE AT 2 FOR 33c - LIBBES 20Ooz. Tins . . Ž.nVs,...h.* !J~ 'SLICED BEETS 3R39cI e. fa1o8'aby 'oh I COMPARE AT 75c - TREESWEET 4802. Tin l WII ORANGE JUICE 69 THI COUFREEN SUPER SAVE - FRES Speosa DONUTrS 2o,49c' al Any'7Z 104ZiZ2to o I. -~ ,. ~. . 1" M 69C