______ The Canadian Champion. Thursday,,Apa i(3ft 1964 A CAMPBILLVILLE Mr. Mnd Mais. t4oyd baey m&NI Clid Il ç. fui N MmMurray OId id in Tqphi. Dafodl eaore D. Agrtew New Postmaster en thfrrndki Studios Floral Design in Germany Is Suc,,esu Shower Honors Returning Fiance 'GBJ lnW n rvnilA adC5eueiiah k Siutrv , u t t la u,c u nchl rf' »Y il. Cmii Paleisi S. Ma%.ctifu Mrst. A. Wo,îbtthutu t tutu, Atttl ý24. Mt.Luc[i t Stu Bta tcucý !gt , ht ao Tite tro ute anaceir un. oaeokvale ihM n S George Woitgan.tittowak, etue canoftlut Teramou A doticiuus lieu h pIuv hct cuttuiig,,t dutc u tai t, T irett Ttc kv ta- Ic Duugla g~ -i n1 Wman Pily-W J. Mi-Lennan, Campbeiinille a u.a bea Mr. and Mr. Huai- Nuwaoh,! auIl social i imn, L e utudt, 1,ituthui o o ulire, Scound ie tut attcutuck u,,tLidNor s ac ut Cumpbctclttile acis in eud MC. Lncan Monayontheocasonaf it Sixh ne mtine> one n aBoneLet aifMa > NcttchcailMiss Rilauob-Shaipe ddictd look ate-a nodtuiccui the whcaBen bugiiun c er tactive tuat ut But-ltuutuu, and the cun-'e fl- hiclhday.a Apa-it 10 h-unt Fcinktucd Ger- Foai Sonnai Teilla ut socil and chut.ta,,a -atcptt cui-c a-ci- asouinpzewnr ered ht rtiresc trutn post office 1Mrs Wittutd Gi-cenu tan Tualnta seas maayccwherecte aheninucouthe: The csquiitc" butc Sutl tctct)taugtlPr'StCtttuiutctIIhStC tut!l antd llcu Atkinsoua ruk. !tchare ctthe ctudytbook "do. Mr. and Mm.John Weeihart Happay hnclday a Sieey pat 18munthsctudving anduak- ut Outugn p-luan tttuîtg alitl!-,u.tiivitcSt hlersit, Mbutý Mccne Sttucu sonat utl Mr.ta Jttclnu and Mccuctin inutluiainlaiatsand familMc. Fak Whee- prce, Vivi.aaC-ip, Mri. La-ac tng acurse-tn the'ut-tutttuacc pracutlaton Wc,a-c-d..t tright in, c--,,c its t,! Toronto anut ,-.M'-s hct..p alcat fHue iRut Otan oas the, uinucc, of'Mtn. Wutllace King, Mrc. E. D. hua, Mcc. Frank Quintan and Mitchei .An Mioda duclgniiag. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Crnr sphortttdhcpeuatu ltt,,atn~thulCaku,,luu last tuccmkcnduth, Provice ta Onata-iu FelttuujMutaun Mcc. Lloyut Ccattucd, Mary Teresa attcndnalatv blcth- Waddiannalp,~i-i-» guioie Sftadlec and ichun ccturming finu. Tcd Stut'ct h.ts k,,tlc t Mr, ttii. Siol ttttt u Ocîttu F,,,, ,tud tatie.. hom bruught vcth him hic t 1cccd Flott , tri Lot lth,loin, cpetit th,,f utt,,k in Dellt oe,, at Watcmiuu Cttltcgcantuu . ha-- Ettiat. Attur ine prciena Ftamheca Ceniceun Satucdac un ad Mr. aand Mia Gog ance, Micc Kacla Fitchc. Th1in uchapa-Wc rettît aetst andl district itut laihett, iaadBaiiqaRelit tgtS. Masal$,50aadfotthuce oicduy thnkcdhactcn cahatlef ao ytauigcucpeccitthcmaccoilttitend eI tu taten lire Cunaulutuc tt Mc.attM rt, c.Sit Mauhui Sl50actutcccn niataag -ulthi May 2 ai Il .n. in Htc Rcarctc,,ch,ýcon ML 1ctuaBu%,u,,t,, Mti,. latnc Etcul. BtI,ptuu!tttcttîtflic Juniut Faecn o uOttnctaorf thec-ttuaty1tromfieu tfoltuccutucercuputtt(.a Chai-ch. Miliun, andat ucupttun pcc tu tut -ut'uutc tu t!,, t ttt t totvtt , Jitntg Bnque~at field ait1he, Mit- Sctatemhec tu Mac tuccudcs il fidy ai Pua-rty wtt! tolotah,, tccmonv Bfrthdays to, St,,!l ?4 , itti p, t.,tt,,,, ile tu, t Mundut tiuht. Miatutm Dcpccc tcuan the, saine Mi,'IaJhsnwa edr NLu ai tne hume ut Mt. und Mis. An -1 Bit ,hd.c utccttuu t ,lcutt tta-pa l. Dit, gttcctc un Sunduv cuitn tuilcu. Congctttatît-x)" i,,n i,'a Jhuo untne- - .~ ' i-etc Tci,ccht,, trienttd, htoirutcct.tu tt,, FinilYcr Mrct.uLiedtMr.T,ctccBacncs and W.M.&.Meets, cdttuirchducpartyo unay Suriaele ici-terr R.obinîtuý. 14'ut Ai,, il'2, Mis ct, toi ctct, îîî ttFi, u cc- Mc. and Mmc. joe Micc Kathacine McPhedcuttw %ict ite b had t1 girl telends inae-Rm Actttprisechutctchtttfoidun Dug Attnri t! ebi ot ii %kfotL aunLýPckt fKlrid.M.adMr. I h prlmeigof o inra irhm on, thett ltttlccutLtutL,,tt, Ap,, »tktttitMc.cuutc 1-ttMott-Tu"uttt,.Apcitmctttitiu, Apcil 18, tu e hume ut Mcc A. McKtc, tl uu 2b: Rtid%! Babh. 9 tîc,,t tbcc t,, tbas ompttle, 2tttult Piakuctt tt t tdMcit, ttttd utn l-u ic LinctM n r.fi i ai' o e' iso- i , a .3 N-cuacc eivTuwn.I Y u dl Fui-ni-t TVHintt Yut ac Cle cieaayha Tcicchlcctethcu itdt--ta-bc re un 29; Rttbtccu Gccaccs8uon24; tttct, att!,,tctu Dt--Ptt!ucd Il j,-uofaee DI, P itulmituai ut! zu ctyct meetinguonTbumctcîday S , ..3 apntiit. aat icnl oiLk MltTcucuucttcc.ucnn ScM-uEttSi-'Mant Cut ds and Gitit, tc ce- "MAIL ORDEM BRIDE" iiWemauO Of th@ WMW guud' "Ijec ta tlic 6O tudies Stecu Luturcac, 14 un 30t Wayehroi ttcttuttchcht ct a past , filetPcktl'chittu son! t,cocide and aptoriMe , ,.aniMc Cnr Wi c cclh Lois tiettietun pi-sala. Micc Fietsn,, tinunkeai L.awcec. t1 un Mac 4; Hu,Lud t,,,,, t, Hultut, Mariu, Ls it Dincer Guesti Rd-i Duuti,,-,pae. r.1 Mr n M s halsW rae aieedg tac- the benauttf gitc Bcudtt 14 ut, t; Sbucto Iil aU itctt ii Wtlkt Rin %ud chttee ,,bt,,gu uitu&Oouemehc the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ as "Ptietn cf. anBloCrdneildo-dvoinlpro I vsao f oakRcw Everycre ý Sceae is ceicdunrld Lcpi-ctdincthap- iacuck, it t,,, 3; Edttuactttclut, Quchcallvi,tfur. Littri a-id Ducvit ut Nctcmuckt Mr, Lloyd Ccuut.ueais uh ulcu . lo"iae f ln boueyRa pinc-,c in lirbc,ucitt The, Lccch 15 ut, 2. tcttt,Is,eh, k ttli, ,hc ret ,tiucc gutt ut, Snduc --tte b,, Ciad Tidicl i-cpui-t. Mcc. Geutrge Cutdctt huail the River" Alsn ccelaumc puctN antt ch ttc,,, wc u Eaand Sympalit t.uttca i htt,,l tCIIn , tth thce P,lttcctut Mrs c tltcctt Grtcnlcc tac,, b,, micturtun Io bar i-a rihi-c-a Starn ewnMtes "H RA % aanocd nt Mtc. St,,,, Troncs,: Sincrctccttttputtt ,ccta tttgttttuctttloti t ho M-Gi Mi. tand Mr, Autint Hicni tittuclul repuct, unît Mrc. Edlguar ha dv on Ratai-dat cctth iigR aMtno, "i!GA H Mcc. Jtck Tccchlei-und Mi-c A. 'tuth-a-cc-hu murir thelttc,,atuc 1 1 Ltt Bot c ere tccchool of Ccdc Springs, Mucc,,uc Cua- Cainthet bcrlvs -cctctc eput-. Sut -hnrtnning. Bath Pictureniin Ftoming Latin- Thiall- Caiiaai S,,,,,,dut cc,,ing %%it t Mr. und Ethel, Simtpsonuattcndthb, 101h Mc Stanleyc Gui-dan, Guelph:- Bum-e Keaton 1vut, HutLat], Ptticctu, ,,,,irurv c-oi-fu the W.M.S.Z c b, M-c. Luctn tAceet, Caclicte: Jim- Matniaie - Sauiday - 2 p.m. Douglas Faierbanksa ----- - RUMOUIN Mr, tit Mis. Allant Puttcctn 5l,id lu Montcc,,t Mut 8, 9 tOtb. MeLencuc, Milton and (tact Mac- Ainnia P-agarn and iaay ohe-c leur- SutP ddsWre f Rev. E. Linstead New Minister Loý tttttM DuatMccT.? 1 'ocwtut t,aci ta Hiil tt Sc,i , ,il tt, Mtpcîlitcttcut Whttupct Duyktgit Sucltîg Time yor es weksediin f fiý Rev. Hilac t (Sait C l Duit,,,! ltci, antd Naccy ut. Chtampiou addîog tu ih nn u- O R W FR M C E C cundnctut idea tut the Nuccuagu uccepr Hegi i adas on u tr% atiec ei ecaTuownshipuoffices uatact, By Mr.nA. Bail MtttltîtAtttt- t,bittt Sltlttttttc.lîcM ucdMct, t,,u-,utut,,,ittt tenifal pi-utc,. RctI ES.Lt, a B.A. Put, t! tttctt-,tti tOtIl lItul c R Pcllcttc,ru uatt onnaa utf~ ing re tnt,tutuForcitIlic, cks ,ini-hncn dutcohealucancii- ut, hacbencahut,,, as [ltiettni,t,,t, lt,iitt, Sîuriat At- D-ttttcttct, ctid Wiltshire ofttuctcud Sandat, at ai-ung H S T S A T O ibc tucputrc taon,,, %cenm-ts, Io nett, ail lu theb v U n-bitil,2t). T-ntit, Maulle Gcttu.tttAm iat, iv ttacugnctt adc pl cvumalthe b beithe tacttbhuubt o utu localtttliedChuchanutdalbogiecbc Funeci inSpigfield tuutittl% ofhaucko ,tcEccucRnccncn cui ilic icprinu ta sec duliec Jot t. Mt. litdM-t Matio,, Wi!litit, ____ pcchapc,.uai-uepi-tuc nd Prout coch a roup ainuliac prit-at Re%.J. C. H-illttveiubasctnso t,ttllcat hîtpianoun Muc ,cutccc ncucbu c a chate wmncumicug tcrttucd ta pr i- r lcuictc a et hcc t.batattcc. tît,%it, Sîtttu4il, Mascuabucclît, VISITING JUDGE filentt ut hndtim,, Soaittdt- Go to Crescent andl gel the moany you iaed now. 8eiesw frae $N Ira pae c hui a tac cightcd cauum- Achgcut,, Huranbv uad Betheltu t !,,, th ltt utilcltci th, tuactutl Ju,tt Rtt, Wlitcl t,! ur t thn e r c iît l lim,, cn Mitta , 2.00 ta $3,000 for up la. 3 yeocs. icata.ndenti-pticiugtidcu. licPast sixctcucchu .ccc,aît,, i, thillittuc,, bitttuituauc,ît\cas neandLttihe hmeea1t,,l, Sta. . We huiillt~uu ibtltctl c Sttu c tonsUnited, Cbutabh I., Ot, ,t Ilt Mr. uond M, J. 2 tA Wlutt olif, for ony reason, you beare dtiioîtsfiad, relurn thae esiniot wi"l lice hi-m uti auc,,ue-ei-mcd Gult. Alhe Lds ,,,,tc,,lthe Nutt Wlatutttaatndrn ita n-ctutle yu Icfwihu qetin ndw appuet and encuageinutt Hoid Euchi- i tttlu Cumuttt Clutb uand Miltut tîtiscta. Htcaautte!: 30 doys odwi oclyu a îhu uus andwil Aitn, cccîmt Tucpuc, Tho, Norcth 1-tutu!,,., Comunttt til, Dt cttqîttuttcc tor Ititttt î,tctdig lctttuc t nib,, Disttict ne interaîl charges. The Ed,,uc, t,, ltb Scld antautbcic stcl attett fil,,tt t ditcta lu,* bhe Coutt cIat cn Ille ctt Court 'AtYucncuisCecnlsGooî oe evce. As mmtch,,cfuthea.ctu,,gc,.tt ithePc. Mc,,, Sahual LttttttttiCantcer bttttct t-l,.K o o ort nCecnsOcrate oo ev ssice lan lvtu ,c.htutld l]ta nTttch tutscla Wtucc. ________________foi-___ att oui- hiut ta bue Wumennc Cen. the cccitg a-e: Mt,. Fical AOINT 20 maa 30mai. 36 ae. no lelmi-PajecutCammillee uf tu Wutkttt utnd Mr,. CordonLt,L- such ap-aatctial eimagitive Wutbtan araeO FF 506.94 .200 12 idaru t iour enatenniat prcata Luckc datt ttt ze t-cav-cce .S p p i s 2 Laentun el cntuhmanda N,,uc. JakNnnadFo]Il's Tame le Gel Yeur 809.75 34.00 imed Wucccti t,, an TheFiat cuchre a0t the tcucua Snew Tires Off and 1,525.00 il 58.8 don't knucc hua- ta cacv- thi ma- ciiibc ieuld Sthbe club ut, ThurcGl erCr .5.0 19 n.ey? dav Mav 28 nthbPcat Mat, __________Car_2_95_0_00_ 113.90 Gui-dan F. Agau cc, l. SOIL SHRUBSERY SraelfrSrn Cuampicti To ChaiS RIlver ' evcdfrSrn M Kc. ic ttbcct tii Cinuli 0 PEAT LOAM 0 WH-ITE BIRCH 8' TO 23w. . L:~ m . Sic, otutrlc buta,, en Sute BLACK SANOT LOAM e SCOTCH PIN£ At L r K u l -,I ,I i ",Bravo", andi ,cmcc sccctt ta dut r u!tctingu r tui ,,cck fs en Y i a Mcc. M. Newtoa and tlucc ladies o, b, duuglttct Mt Lon Lcs- e ROCKERY STN OG 8A ruking sa dîligeattc tu make Ili, anti t.ttatlc C O OLti in OTHER vARIETIES D V ' OPRTO IIE the cc,tacatiuu acnt uattit utP Caca-ut lutnou tlay) MES tttatRArlD L Nu. 3 chotu in Naccaguouyu oui e MANUREePLNNOBAv teenal raim,, Thn, a-c utCCOPS Free Etiimate - Gaar-altead B..SERVICE tit tine utd bil,ding ac Munucit- MORE TICKETS Mai-k Ontaio Sa. ai Nn. 10 Stdera-adi ut Ottices caitl îndouitcdtccucc Latîtca-k, Ttc Chuutpiton c,, C 0011 MIXES uiitm TR "-741 A thae tunpavecc thutandc ut col- ft-t, ,,t KStb,,, tle, onnea,,tttt ~ ý.n andN Opea 7 aitan. ta 1i pmr D. V. M acDonald, Mvanager lai-t. k tel, ealltine Sb inth tl ETaiayai ii1OFn. 18 AN TlC AORIIi 88E1 i unît a-tin pmuple ut tbhe aut- tckett, tc, ttttt, otttflicatttt SEE OUR DISPLAY ILANDSCAPING0 i. 8 MI S* £S POE 7-27 iel uthinc entci-priciag ludiet, tut Kim a ,,tat t - ctc,toldlLNDC P taou d run[or offie inthnm 1%37 %v-tinl 5,cr, air 854-2645 municipat cectiun, Nuasgaccu' AiieRsarn hadty needc peuptn cuithinmag- -ti cun hutct, utct t,, , lieetarn aoitiatice und bue pucci- ta con[uca t ua n L~ e,,t. tuti On Haghway 25 Sa. Yaa lanaine Sig get tiagcdonc, butinnSCttaa1 tTbaît.. i, tlic dcatit,, L................ Canal Parade Maadaya Sinccetc.v W. A. Johîcnso, R.Rý 2. Ruaktu.l1 Honor AI Francis At Final Meeting Mi]ttun Ruolautn hun,,cmt r,,- tii-ingtaumie nd aiprctdct At Fr-ancis u a nt tlei ciV lut Tue-, day meecting. Fottuaiagtuhmiccluao ut b, cectguttun , Chuarter- pt-ctdctt R. Y. Dick rcuuttc tlic auck ut At as preaittuat ut flc t ub, ut, Hc tit,hed At ucat hi, fan",ult, c tas i il,,,,! autiveta ,,noii aicult, 1cut i, Ae tn ut ggLtga It, pillct id t, At tua, flic ucutc,, t,! buI club. D ur.ag the- mta n ctta ý onu t curie.t, ucpect, ut bcl Dit,- Cucicre ce,,c bcuca !eý,ttttn R. Mai-ph.,. E B. Clcctct,î .,aît J, Dilitc 0 LACTONE 0 0 DUAL- POSEPO 0 811K REPLMC£% No radiator. No water to boil over. No hose to leak. No rust. No water pump. No anti-freeze. No flush- ing. No cracked block. No big gas bis. No large reDairs. N o wonder vou CANADAîS 0 ! FO Do R C. VE OR V - . E s e e s n i B'ESTril ECONOMICAL - EASY TO SERVE > se so m ALL # HANDY -MXSEASILY i, FORTIFIED WJTH VITAMINS ~ NEW f' RAISES HEALTHY CALVES FASTERj 1964 * HELPS TO PREVENT DIARRHEA P ~~ ~~ASK FOR NEW LACTO LEAFLET T.V. -g FORMULA FEEDS I d $*DI v.ilSIO.N OF M ART'S ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED IV&RADIOI MARTIN ST. MILTON TR 8-2311 13 .-«230 lupe a PLAZA MOTORS.# ny lr Milton Plaza, Tel. TR 8-2962