DrMaM 6EfIB i the te pe.agtln for their drame ailo lg t )<9ordy and te- mr6'olè adut we.o treated toe m d ,g:,de,,% taped prevlews .1 Mh Mooetrap- oach..oon thi, week. Wbtte the Dramea Chuh le pra, I ,ticing téer macabre murdor oty.- 9 tory. oters are preliaring fr j tige field day 40 hteld tomor- ro. Every student làepeteil giVen Lui oaci. .tu4ent sebo opter. an evRI. fTe cias. geith the greatest Bomnbeir of goits wll bc 9h, winner. Tho top athioto, .f the day »Ali go 90 the CWOSSA c.mpetitio. . A hlghty .gcco..ht "Caers Nigt",ýas fieldi tast Wedne.day gait*d"iric ins gtg tigoir poosibl future ccutpation.. Bars, Prespated Af the, asse.ibty lagi woek, foot- bail, boKuy and attedance bar, wçime distibuted by Mr. Sullivan. BtUdegE D tdn Sue Brown pno6gft9d the Miss and Mr. MHS Erephe,s'90 Carot Forge, eod Le., 7h.e badmiton,, tottneOeOts continue. Tp.e top, fixe boys eit prexent are ViE Cairs, Brie, $lover, Gary Thomas, Rick Smitb and John Zoppex. "'This'is yoor MDHS redi, ste- lin antitiflcig anter oBti i ,barked,tbaPA6.aodayo.ornig. reptdrtteg that'eecg gludent reho buy, their yearhoot. tos, witl réoeife e booBeer badge 90 woor. Ono of the, tocty oget wiII wio e cortificete for e free rocord at the toal record ber. Yeerbooki are xeliitg for $121. Grade 912. hope there ar a good n.aober dirty car, in. Mil- ton 1909 weekt 9y are holding 990cr car-we.b 9h09 eSaturdey. PORTRAIT OF THE WEEK hy Maile MffNou People wbo ttink thef tige youth of todey ae %wose lige, thoxc Of S, Inhr oeertioos sAYE Mrs. Poe aceiit.r pet poovo. BoS ep.p. . elto betieve, judge theyot.g by an exapptoset by e fos, detitqoents in todey'. u Clety. -Mrs. 'Powys seys thet studoots should work berd eod gaean mtceE in as meniy fields a. p.., cible, tbereby creetitig e cl roundcd persooetity. ands tosy swas bore in Miltoo adetoo tige Milton Higit bown mano ni Milto, Mr. Fred Littoe, teoght Mrs. Poscys, She seys hoe wes a 'witty, ioterestiog bistory leecher." At University of Toroto site majored in Eoglisb ed etteined boer 'B.A. and B.E. degroos. Sho ,.is presoosly workiog on ber Mes- tors of Educetion. Mrs. Powcys wcorbod.ix offices to pay lue bier ooixersity odocetio,. Hertintermât in to.tchiog st.es femInflenceof hergrand- moither. one of tige les, qoelilied teechors befote colfederetion. AIrs. Pows' teainig carecer begen on New Dundoe, e tittlo town 12 mite. front Kitchooer. She theox leugigl for four yeers ait tige Moooteit, Rehebilitetioc Seî,itori.m on Hemitton. Bbcwa printcipat of tige Torento Hospit- et SchSoo for six yeees and theo taoght seVox yeers et western Tecigoicel and Commercial Sehool. Site bas beco teecbieg eit MiIltoV Higb for Isco years. Becidos teacbiog 12C Epeciet Commerciel and grade Il typiog. site is a guidence teecher aod steff super- visoir DI tbe Red Cress Club. In. ber spere hou Aimý rs. Pcccvs enjoys roeeiog, yte.yiog the piace e;r doiog. bediworb. Most or tr spere tASei diiribg 990 stiù- moer iscpeot studyiog. EL.ECTRICITY IS OUJR BUSINESS Doe't bo a Thaberer ,cltb Eteelel. çdRy. Cei an0 expert for * IATINO *WIRING *NEW CIRCUITS * AOFICINAL OUMETS * D1000 LIONTS Pre, a Free Ettmete Cali à"~TESTN BEEF ROASTS BLADE ROAST SHORT 0r CROSS cuT SHOULDER ROASI BLADE MME REMOVID RIB ROASTS RomN BONi - POTr ROASTr 1b4t5C u b53-c Ib 43C SHORT CUl, 7-INCH, 3RD TO 5TH RISS PRIME RIB ROAST lb 59c *PRIME RIB ROAST ISHORI IT NC4 79< MINCED BEEF This Week's Extra Specials An. pageR.g. Pri. j, 39.-BAVE 6. MAYONNAISE 16îîl-., 33c K6en., White or Cloured Re. 2 pkgs 63,-BAVE 4a FACIAL TISSUE 2 pkg of 400 5 9< Hif.i,, Ali V.,,.t,.. Reg. Prie. 3 ti. 34.-BAVE 14. BABY FOODS lOdia I .21n,99< Pure* Corn 01 Re. P.-,,. bti gît-BAVE 12c, MAZOLA OIL 32-1iaii 79c P.,, Po- C,...., Cf.., O,,,t Cr.... R. 49.-SAVE 4. DARE COOKIES pkg o34 5C Crecet F49 Prie. tn 43.-SAVE 4. SMALL SHRIMP 4/-l lin,, 3 9c D..de.e.nt R.g. Prie,. ti 61.25-BSAVE 26. - B N 1.- oll-onbi 9 9g CHEER PETERGENT (30. OFF DEAL) KN IEBOX Re. P'. . $ 629 BAVE AN EXTRA O0. BEJECESS CRYBTAL LIQUID WAX C13. OFF DEAL) 32-FL-OZ TIN R6. Prie. $1.12 A&P Foo 128 QI ISTRIET Street LOTS 0f nEu A&P LOW, LOW PRICES BICK'S DILLS 24-Il oziBa 39< (2c Off Deal) SOLO MARGARINE 21 ibpkg47e CLARK'S BEANS 5 20-11,z tins 9 9c Bet1eC.cker (6V,,-,oî,,.) MUFFIN MIXES 242.p6 99 QUAKER MUFFETS 15t/4-o, pkgs 3 3< Et-et Mi-ce-B.,,. W.T.,. YORK PICKLES 2141-Io jars 5 9C SALAD DRESSING 4811.. ia 79c C,.y.w i ,ct -d (2o Off Deal) TOILET TISSUE pk-12rolls27c TOMAATO JUICE 2 2041oi.29 Frozen Food Feotures NEWE LOTE PRICE! - A&P F ..Ty 19-fl.,. tin illt ORANGE JUICE 36-i..tt,iu89< A&P Re. F.i- b.. 43.-BAVE 7. PEAS & ARROIS 226bplybag.79< Vermeti,, Rigolo,,, Sec ShelIk, Wog,., Wh.eii, La.gi,, SmallItFo, MACARONI CATELu 3216 pkgs 1.00 d Store RDE UEEN this OUTH COLIPOJ PARIN ut ÀAs 6MOKEO, COOKEO, FICNtE STYLE PORK SHOULDERS b39c' MO(K CHICKEN LOAFE-oatg 25C CHOICE QUALITY, EXCELLENT FOR BAEtNû ~BEEF HEARTS .,33< CHICKEN CANND 3,/.P..,99. WIENERS snooe tan,&79e BWEET PICKLEB, END CUTS BACK BACON li69< RWEET PICKLED, E ENTRR CUTS BACK BACON &,799 BMALL LINE, TRAY PACK, PURE PORK SAUSAGE 1.53< ALLGO0O - SMOKEO, ILICED. RtNOLESS SIDE BACON B.bpb59C SCALLOPS C.c.ed a BT.B.1BJ 6b79< PACtFIC, WOOLE ORt HALF PINK SALMON P-67c COLD CUTS VARIITY PACK ib 59e ALL PRICEa IN THIS AS0 GUARANTEEO THROUOH SATORDAV, MAY 2nd, 1964 huaenl truiltody.A&P Qnlityr 5kery PrAfrcts ME PARKER URGE J.af* P. , Plein Rail. Prie. fi,.t 27E-AVE l.e ZRAISIN BREAD 216aeî,.o.. 43< AJ.-, F.,k.- R.. P'i....b le-BAVE TO. AGE RAISIN PIE LaTB.24-o,,,. 39e .AIE ~COFFIE CAKE «Ch 3 94 legelur uce59c echMARVEL ERAND ReahrPrî59L«hIE holf 45cCREAM go": 79yC SVReg. Pre 89c -SAVE1Gc zFresh Fruits and Vegetubles -Arriving DaaIy FLORIDA, NEW CROP, WHITE SEBAGOS Pottoes_'9 BANANAS GOLDEN YELLOW ls9 PINEAPPLES LreSe ' iuIÉ45C BROCCOLI LARGEORGIAL BUNcH29c On. r ,MIn., CcngCoTO.d AoO..ph .. I. F 4i., RondBrigi . 1 , ii.4. APPLES F.. yGaâde 36 t 0646AG39c GREEN BEANS 2-359 LEM9NS -0ioAGOFe62.9c CUCUMBERSNo. Grade.2 FO25< ORANGES Fay No.113 DOZEto59 9' EAPYU EAOATR O C.liornie Co.pct Wtea d GRASS SEED, FERTILIZER ETC.e AU. (AULIFLOWER BACtI 29< LOW PRICED I POPULAR BRANDS rio.d CIGAETTE 0 CIGARETTESce.09 7"Iq I. FREE! FREE! OI dCARTON 0F Yuo G R A~ COTWS p PRIE WITH THE PURICIASE OF $10-00 OR MOUE THIS COUPON VAMJ UNOIL SATURDAY. MAY 2n4,ý 1964