* SAY, BJNDAY mas ceally ose of lisase earlp speieg dapa abat smakle You wne la math t.rsagis a huash, maselt Il? Weil our faaly maoaged t0 ca.ardin- il s effarts ie sisal directin aod il oas a metson aatiegt. Event (base ourle isoraidsofa oprieg lise bepatioa, %ose oui ai t, ail thisol gisnt5 to add tu lise ou- * ANfD SPEAKINO cf sprisg, yaa oligisa ejai a tramp acoaed tisa Roba Conseation Area, -Tise alass os greelog a, tho %vide nopen spacas baskoe, lise labo tis «tt, aed tise piceic saisies miii soaaeheeakiegnîoiir appearase. its a noanderfoit spot misen yau aisis pour vaniage poiet and bahk ot ta lise caturaI weder af tisa aîightp esaspseet on one0 sole and tisa contrisation af modere man sn tise rîisbon af aaphat kaatse as 4041 an lise aviser. 10 THERE'S Ahi lemmrena ai oieriag. ta, in lise aneoaesement tisai tho tennis slbis 4 goiog ta - toi. again la gai fis going onl Isle [osai courtn. Undoabîedly tisera are eaougs cnittieg ptapecc, buat there jasa migist he a ahart- age af oaiiiing marefors. Aad ito lise marhern tisai haoe a lant firsa r tsaramo'îbc aepsacurs it waatd pasa tisa ta iiod, Émes,mwheepaa14aoaa hearea? SLotos asnsumo, fur aae mfld, on. iiareteol momnent. Abiat marie alt auna ta gel ihae. Sonto peuple nnatd plaoîp fot a meetingnwit-htoadones. This 5l sacn ver aedersiand. j ttc liho a taliam mboubannr- 1c'd a ifse-ntecemwaticg tabc gînoloo ho tise maodaa nisoa lieo is ic [hopaî'y gales. Otitoî , sud notl, oîîd iîo oninocd if tiîay soald <joist ho isappy." Not me. 'Beicg hsappyor flfinio noatd bc a mal dirait. 1 abaesugislp enlay b..cg Dvsr able on ihîn ois, soi tisaI nioc somvtiisg gued isapptas, nlp <laite a fcm ceba sat-ter Frocs phivsiîal aihoonin, nnid iso naiiàfiod mis pease aadcon tîori. Tise innamnias imagines dlayn aed nigisi of salid.niom- bor. Tise arthritio dreamo aif iseing aiseto iscrtch fils lais poile oar nîitisoit feoling as tiongi hio 411m ban hocing 1011- et-cd 44 hoi stotodider hy a mil- ai aiL. There macs hac aep tomen aid, appaestly, siese cSssit soit the <20B earmaised fur abat pur- pase front the rcarealioe sommit- tee buadget. Oh mcii, aamtelioses tisa do-it-yaarmtlf prafeots are mare aoussfoat aepmay. * JUST TO PUT a lle ascite-. mena iota tise aceies5 af sprieg lise Chambrer aI Commerce, mith tise ea-aperatioe alaise local mer- schanta, s 5ised Up a meek-iosg sareivai af rides and (ue. Boas P arat af il ait is abat-froc tikets a h e Tifdos san e hoobaied an a oariety af plansi ast moat tacs astores. Oh yec, tbere51 bu tisb- eo sal cta la, Im li aid,aswl as tba ecsiiemeet afenamieghi" Miltan Chamiser aI Commeese. * AND IP VOURE cutl cas in the maad far cpringl pecbaps (ho arrivai5ofbtesircsca omiisi enoarage ou ta get tise optait. Yao. tisa Liaans Cluais o gig ta greet tisa cireas en lte May and sat ahcn faip Ie lame, ail intes namca famweataloal harity [tise proiceado tisaI i. Tiscyve prom-t isadi animal and bhigis mire aac, ail anider the bsig top. Thiek l'il matsh filentoat up myseif. * NOW IF' YOU are jast horna- ing mithaenthuisasm for tisa gtent Saine Osafs 1 iscom naatd hac porfooilp hsappp la teaoa anytime if hep couil castes ant a golf coure mils emiecal Flairnapn and veillie greens, 18 hisoes a doy n e miia tisap olied cal, car did ihep isoois, and a gonrd garne tuf poker ait isoe iti. Maaynsabreooitens 1 ho naoild hocihappy en lx-acanusor- ooor aftarnardn, ifcthepsaaid bc goaranest (and gos il i rt aing sbisl soir %vivsoar is bsands) maaid bc oi aÉise atirer place, pormaeae14p. Alsoialics maald nos aelp hoe an heaooe. but aise seceesis cf thesane mie, ifitisbs-sok raoneth avec, perpetasaeiy, and bnnody aiste mua iaokbg aS- 5cr lnissgo. A ion miBliacaires, attell Isep badi admiltad lihep eontdnht tahe il nis iisam, maol baneesca inoaplac isore tbaem ereeno txso falloir sovoroonto, n nagen to pap. and nbadp asis- tcg Iisom an daat to ine thing oorp, i2 inuten. seieg and sammer abaad, ait dome and virile out a ehequeno payoit dedastian ta tise Miton Cammaniap omimming Poot Faod. Tisera's a B10.000B deficit tise coin- mlc s cndarotacdahlp aexoaa ta sieaa raip. and en tisa face af lise iremednco oananiiO effart aatanded in gsitiig il lisis far atocat, aise balance sisoihi bc eaoy £0 sansisada. Bat tisai depoodo an attaofou&.daicg sanihingoabant il. And eam isas gonrd a tinta as aop. *i TO TIIOSE osîn attiiot.y Omait tha re-apenieg fusle fila- *aarp< lIli paon an misaI ana oh- sevrraparted ta me. -Ho oaid il wsreuisy goiog tabc hoerrii eampaoad mush tisa qaartceIr pro- niaotpl oseiheamcw ta mambaro. * 0O14 FiNAL WORD of om- mandatian ta lise Mfiltan Distict University Ntameas Cloub foa eacgicf misaI inahed ta mn tika a iremaado tiee-ap of hiahis samptaci speakars fa, ibeir 1101- c igist ai th isa -si0snhani. 5hu- dents mara aisle t hear tailhi and nusk queastians socaonicg 24 dif- ferecl vocaions. IlttsoIlimag- ion, a moirlhmhiia evniag for niadacis mrisla moisi hana masp qustioosaot hoing avcar- e ib is rapidin shoiegieg aod ieorecasiegip samptea martd. - iNe3 SC50400 in Naosags oeye Toonship wii eunoe ocde ceqtion of ratopapers Ail atteod toonshipcoocd ni ilsool taisoaseane taoship offices. A pntt.on has tonhip and ibhs mill Se psnoed hinday i- ght. Hll o Century of Servkce... pilaîtas aad eillor niacs 1cati bec il Dow11. Boult, th.'op. cooohd, oadioig in a rant i, eil mystariauns isO<1101 pond. tnaded osais Junksn. I oae hearil, Olie exoitieigmatot-r Dalaitidant just around tisa isnd; the. osh of a slartioed tmog; <ho suddoo, ho4art stuppiog lake-nti ai a dis- balted partoidge; tie niook ai a Isceobrt'i. Honvone sitnae vchne af getcg ta fisavni an juil abut as ohmn as m hne of a p raaitoutst-oamt Ir did gel iliuar, I gnons t-il sotlo, unOpeicg Day, ur- eso old shaanot, tisa Secret Plaoo mhooo tisa Big Onos Aoe. Nul a -scul hnni. about il, onoopi mo. And tise f00 soinsy ois4t-îotO hiano heard 4h00ut il snefs yo4 r. F141-ohontod girl,î noulîi nele -Mo paroaf faalasp in a Hooavno, [Itou ait distntao, yeti fat a teaieaolh is',u. Tisepfar- simple ns. i'd go tika a sisal b moalol nar tik1 hwcCk Iota i jcèi t',îl anhlt tdYY IhVn if Au1loOmoOtlOnn'O, Thoîn, il litou outld coadcoo,. ood h-i ictoototd. onsoeaditianatp, a dark, soinl- A nireant for îao-aod aie aoc DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROT DOWIÇU111 ABOT Ir ME tiso haading n ýsî,luaîoi guI «Ilangeol - [aom Duwnls) in Thon Corner" ta file noivvogae, «402-349J872 in Tiss Yon, byveh-on rogimeotool,nm Iîooed, gi-asnno and lappareolly) appovc-d an a rosidccat f tise Dominiion ai Canada - t eaa 1100 ase SociaiSooaritoflsa,. hor 404234f- 872 as ep aias. Tisey loti flte ail I isavo ta do is hs pierflic magieonumbes aond Ioae lvngel aaetpio *vaet icoolits WELL, MAYBE il". lima far as nniis Cangenfois olica' lisOdtOf. My vo aad mo attisr Invoto4dar (mailler and an[ stoît flle flie piebora nf me bisaI alpesa n afihe hading. fini no lant isappy if il mpsatf, buat aller ail], i'e'nm gaI onefae If nniy 1Ieould lied a camaera lbt ion a utile;. SîIM LAMPMAN, pohlioitîtirait- age oo fic lh-iantieno bei-ne diii- nn i ono ie va't emirei ro F P (for Enti Pîckeini Taîloo ,aît fiho Ontaio. Jiocko Chois, ns a l ittyvcgond1withhiaiale figuroes tnsîîatld necooma o icih puliiil ntlls hc nomin otta enpaporn - imagcine h4thing boaahans plI-mntojg nuoh a din- conectetiventnreaassarnnsrv- ingi. Bat fies alnitaagond mari o 0< P ACTS aad figures ne tise spotîtat'o goadluaito boahng suit islande oisasing as mîan's fNu. i pant lima. Jios (and tlie 0,.Ci' miîeol mioed and diead acremnof press types lant moof a uh (abcalaois Ports cf Ca14 - a natual glaise- liîîtting ',soriî oraie-N<ine niaht clubhinlTorontoi- and atr nuoh a hig 00-0,111140< Ooaealen me 4404t titipeiloti ta gi<o Jim anti ][Os sport apag In pula intond- od) I in f ho Corrîo. "Oîer a mlion.," Jta hogian. <,itteaded isaens l40111g in On- taria tant vout-. a 2f par oent i Oclasc ove' fle pt'ooîding vir". A litllo aId lad', oaliod TVia Pin aic ofOnaio madae a loît o nsînoo aI tise [oacks lanI yoat, ',ilil11t hotiing a cent. Thea Pro, vinialcofers%%,ruriohar hr 92<004,000 o-hon tis lanI phoato fiaisît vu e'reordotf tantfat Oîaisnb ta flio Onlaria. ni', per cent La oncaari-meoibaa4sagec moi . Laoîipîcant fm n1a pointl ont tie Soohan> Ciaub oi cpeno e $1,700B.000 a noar in travh magos ;fltt. <o', he hsave tisir liid haine',', is4ioa aOoe ai Bt. Cathîarion', hi- fait. Theo ater u'akes au o Greanos',od tie tfloo'i'o<roin right nD'o) aadi Mohaw k aI oecarh', Catnphoiiis- vvOi iolcie 11411111t sping. Tîîo C4lî,danoîmaldîonlg1 1000011 iocisying niloewheelets lirth in tho Norths Aînonoîîlain flop standings. Four C,1o,îiaons mnadeafoarsh,ixth, sntl<I andî i0[h i0 thoe4 nis llî op 1n 0 drivero (oînnino) i0 Ndorth Alti 40cai 1963, napo [ho P.R. mna~î,- iln01001îolc,, Hon hnkiîîng toesoîîI fic spkortî il( Mohawks'i Rlono Mîl 4. Tho îiih the npriog 1110<1 Ionî'og ii Jîoîo 13,1 1 ir i ,lleo altio oîoîoiiîg Nioo<o 2 tlo o,< ho,- 5. Nîîllîîîg liko .tlll0<ling cls lit o'l'c 4140l lîîîîok, air, hnild the haiki ,îouoit hall,; op for1 C4,,întootn nhopping. ot <bali hi<în tortî,<nolrd, o in n ha li air. Tiîov 111,1 sta1 trot Kil',) îigl aller Nonew .' MILTON 114 anlndOlhll placeo, i f nons don't thini sao, lOsk Moni Edilis Bond ni Reading,14 Engiood. iSh'na'.sinioroiûGorgeWhiey a*toîso, and ninitoo l hooo hr a 141 '1111il1100. (1101jge 15 si<lo .%d file lt -e m-n-pc «ple dnî loyg h o nsort <tav ho,. ho bays, nso de- maodool rtal: Geonrge pans an i eoppeoflThe Champin acismei. Sa nue a monts or on, Gnorge bondiles aap four or five [sse and sanols them off la bis sister ie 'REgtand. Its nol oaay oflert Tise Champ mas gels osish ae anid ceader sohoo lise persacas raoy ben in ton a This onah Milton Hpdro fiocrt<v Con- ninsion marhs a hall sanlarp of neroce t11 lise comnunitp. tl o a nileotoon wolhp nf nooeoandnmenesaofte locacommision hsaeoeidetned mcsdamno taig tine out ta gione the occasoin< come spi-tui oigodoi ho oarfi<vla,tr on fei tisay11oî<o et oredît fnr attangtttg the eroaî ilt mic a lion ni lhentbon hall. Pon offeot, me misa 14100 avcoînnool to speodiog sono lina in the hoilding, ocerînois Ils romarier chatatt- itton, nellomeol nît age. Tpovso o4000 f 110mnaio obte nateriar otîl hîgigist conte ai <ho cory tent cisassin the buedinog fends ta tho dco<aeo ares. Theo illomintiton till asca proolde a co- croor remnodot tisaI tîos isaoeochan-geai dra- tnaticaIlp 11000e tise itrotduction of <ho fî<oi olestrîc light hois on 11ition cîînetc hach in 1891. Phiogs ocre staîteol nîti thise stallstiaon ai 15 otreci lîghis la roplace <ho formet- 40 coa1 ait lampi that ptooî11od <ha oolp lluminoatiaon <n the woîer oghts ci <hase o tonteents centor < e s Thin tctcasno do<naodî for <ho "fioooîog oleîttîc lîghî'< aod <he power for todoî<try rnr Mooday eoeoîoîi ohoo a eeciog Io propone co00000<9 <ho n ha n cîoc laind tistocioal tho sougit ta mont tho nenol hîi 1912 the cî<c- aino Mia otonwr gioeo an appaîluoîty ta vot o hnthert<ho ton shaeld too <4e fanîly ai COaiato Hydtu Mooîo'pal<îeo. The vote 0100< lave soi son scort cf reordto fat 11ly four volesnnnioas< iopposition ad If5sunpponid <hac <oh. cr 1914 îhao, <ho fîîsi hiîiton Hydrc i-lac<î.c Conmoission oas lco-od Io sdoîîîcîîîao <his îîoat otîiî<y. fadai- one cao hateiy imagioe a Milton oi<out ofiiîîîi Poîhapn a i-nof aithn eatip raodeons caiflash <ht-to netoi ha<is oficmteof ut<ho <aliow candieansîd the co tlaoteno, hut cotte Cao iomagine <ho <odosir- ai toda- powead nts an nng aihet thso elecîno <ty for the groat atray of notaIs tsat woulo ho oisooon it ale Tho Chamont joinîs olh Mi<lion iop.sry cooerco and citzns on eo<oodtn o n o<nelsions <a <ho Miltoo Hyd<o EloctioC Cooomission Thonowho haveoiotnd on <ha Ccomisinoanforatheommissoon, dnsotoe ptaiso foi <he ccntibhution <o the docnlop- aino powCer aod powor faciliîoî for a grin<g ctomnoify. A Cruel Mfiscmeptio... "ficî,oito,« i îo î'<ol înalih is ga....... i«4illtgiie attionî but ti'oe ar11<0 dioi of inconpioos <o ho o<'ped out holoto flio nool effectivo posthle tea<îooot CatIb Oncer not'tîîilpl<Il i<i 0.154 1<ICI1iloti-1<I Tis' s tci of <ln rru101lo of att«inil tosfedaboot <ho no' <allp 11. I< is l fant oure<<n0<<c. Toot.iy, of ail fi<t admois- sions< ootîntal hosiiaîalou 60ac per cent are disoh<itgoo oithîno ec peat. Tisa pot- îoo<agn of daisarge is everc higheotiA admis- <in o psychîa<oc ai o f goooîat hoopi- tasaciiîl<idd. PracI iipll oit paî<nîî aoitod <o <haso C<<lC «<c d.oohagCl e'iiî ni <01<0 î<îoîîilo and flc)î u f titen o't<h< U ioîic.,idtly, hoo'hiow(vý,bteo 30 1<0< cont and 410 oet cent of thon0e patieots havo tu le <o adoî,<îod laînr or oth ise<aimnt Tlîc, <y ohote <uaf -CrI nlisconcrpleo caihv n adoerteooiii<< Mileîp atoien ohobreakiclowna seondtlmenoo uld prch attly havenrootaiiedoo5<lifttepsad reeood fin fiîodlp holp andl aooo4'«înca tsop ',ndod allot their fjtît Iltnîns tîonîaad. Iliono patitîl, fo offort <000<i susion,«.Jachkiofudooo<<o<dt<ga<notio<oi ro tho port of 11CqOoO<ta<ceo atto ptonpecive o'optoyeîî o loati about thisor «bnis. <<<oC .o. lo<td<.,lio«<<A<cîoî vices lot <<o o<o<ilally JI ai Wl'i<ruis, tî,- l' piinol pool a <o-htCi-eo «oacc c' <, al<îo' ph. î<< fîlttl< <iî << -I 'o ed a c l,,l lî,î noc<ît i <01111<!- oeail <«iatile nîîh whdn ccîhcy <<t- lacotg <oAoîoo I t0« ai <ie i<o tatit <<on itOol' I lii- 'Ill fh<.ý 0<-at Air, ilel Mci- '2 ioo< hI Clas Mentilo -Iralil Wtko d il, < <o 0, hooc O.014 d-c0 a-c <<t ai pît lt air. mii ,-tî <f<oc <atiri-C, inoo<ot<oid,î nîie<î< e'lît <o o, Ili, <' <<"<t d îîîo<î e lvi l î ' Id i o< t i <<<, , i<î'îoi yooîo. StafforBd cî<Ho 0 The Canadian Champion Puîhlinhced bp the Dlbc Printoî, and Pub bsing C, lad. G, A [<<Il i tri <<'<o i, i itîttît A. [til 1- 1 I t- < i, .1 o Ii t, Ot< <i '1 -f Ot lot<<'« Ot < ' f - i \\< t <t S il Ontaotîc0cohc Dil<t'aoo LisONS. ord1 Caoadîao Cnmmonîty Nconpapooc, Rop<-o neniativro. bhocripltion, payable te adý v4000< $3.01 on Canada; $4,00 in Engla.'d and cahaer Cnmonenalth Coantries $5h00 in the1 U.S.A., anud othno Foreign Coinîrîes. hautsriel aIl Seondo Cîass Math, Pont Ilîre Departmen, Ottawa 1,i,«P<fct< t h1< ad<<o to rat' <tp'rd ho' the- itooo te-n toothor o<hsaooaile ai<ooaa<cefr toignI(ature, 001 ho chaoed far, but <ho bsalaace of us4 adtaotiooeoo<n ouIl ho paîd 1cr ai theo applicable nato. "ntisa csrn< 0fa ti-potoaphicatoi'no ad îaroisog gnodn or srt'it- aI a o'roog priee.eodsor es n i"%oa nut'otisad. Advo, ihing isalileiv auolfirt'el4.ad map ha nithdrawc aIt any Oime." ltona 11 tlie tsn ltoatin for1 noDvi indusîtoy tisat il it plot 100, accnoding 10.1 an0-n louemonthînnooekby D.L. Gibbn. in charge nl ccnoî 0010- aiou Miltoîn iC4oi) Ioîlîînoi,,I Doîolorrpno Co. Acod<fng to oott ininlo is nul tnari .11<11 conoîîcloed lIntho ,ataolivnor dcnlry. Tho indoiotoy, oniithlhod 114 ve-, , nlhoiog hn.ntght hoîo hy tho Miltaon (Canada) Daneop mtfC, Doîcî,hi,îg hoc x ltha cltooalol ai-cas of taod in Miltoo, hi, Gîhoon nggtcfld iI an in1-tevie Ébat <sîihto fle yo,îon ieo populatiîonoft Mitoîî n',tld hc 100.14 htnd 011 plaîns ai<oadi pC0t14l11d. Saie dnotong <-ortds fid hy oosplcryclu .1t Haiaiîd T.,,î,n porl 0010 <ooognieatiaîoial ooooing in lic Milton Tntoo i-ll tis oook. Aaooidn niem pm-noai cul ta Jamos MsIorton, Fian1k lot- Jean 0041111, H1arold Mortan, l(înald Robeooln, (tai Faroman, bloti Bonos. Elin EIlsy James Mottai, Lawrnce Sott, Goron Bo' ko ..d John Browon. AnnoF. McNiton lis norb 1404011111 1. tho an<dilîoo ol 44 n1om peopai oho ,nc in Mil. to00 honesoî Mîooiitîos<ic Dr. Aooongieîooengatri-î,4tcma be to<nod torlritehiri-îofîafull lime0 onelooo hy Miltn, Aln 1tund11101,igeocOi il lio pl4aoit hooedhnlRe,- M,1olii athan d,î<n4tc4ii oo'cogînoaept. aWh<1li10t,1111004<licpIiton. Itooiîg t'ie sougges.ltionof0 1iulu oîoîipl<4en oîghtlitroe <<< I.wul ie on <hi coin<t<-l< - and1 bc01<11 .îod plannin g pcî ponon. Division .1 Colis00011 bo h,zInod on thse il,, n""".< GLANCINS BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO Tabace (caca aise fiei aI tbe Cara- adaaui Chamspio, Apl5 27, 1944. uodoî tlîo slogan. ptIboi lntCanada hi, cnondcotlier Sînîlî Vîi[on, Lon,, (,a.îdî, 410 ;iokd o0 lotoficimes ol la Canada.i on (1404114, Empîtie't vth lioî Allieontitlsî ltln.if i<gt o, tîoodooî Wo olîn district are 41,k0d ou do ,har and I l fi11< oîî, 11.0 osii 10 h a hou quot 0001 nI350000 n, îoohod. Sîoîtiog lint Mccd1N. Ille ainecanvasuisil, i o<<î- ci Io,îîîn'î-il i o<f voir'1 lt , - i 101 district, Chitt. Roadii4d: in iîl1,tFtod Rohiancoý and1 oio,, cndî. on Enqoon ig 4541111 Robiscotn; on MuiIoon W ol Mpir'rloî 141411 Mil 4,141 Ill one d yiii.ilcioo nit'oos daI oin 140,4 Iol 4011104<1i Ille44vitro. Iits5oi t o h onflc pojc n andigscoeporin ,oOnc114nooMrI Thoar i the .<î<tod m.11 Poug Whooi has Bol, to01rii, l,< Homo Agz,>toi on, in oli <h houîn. Itîo, 1-000 n,îitîo ho Eddie t'lol.,«î «tTrofo Di,tng the p..nllo,oîn hi'i-ch' h411 ba -nog flico oIty < iii00 4011f aln veai Ho 1.a, <iî Miltcon thn %coloo and oî FranîkBown and Ml4'g.cî-I M.oco.oî t', .cthange1 intolooîoi i1 1 theo pro 141011 [fo- hi<,oo,.o Ilho ilium4] omooting otl hooin- fil i ihlolotoot Mon. J. E. WholoCk oîith p<o-îîdoot Mi",. Joho M,I1' '«l oî Illo chao. 0<- ýioo<cîp'redstrci Mon. F. iad- lot p; do MrU. Sois,, Maorsh- dont0 Mio Ânon NoootI; nocrt. MlIn' .t1îto'h ,S W-httolotis assistant 0 'crlnMrn. Jameas Rcoetn«ît; (14,1100,11 financo ooonîmtIoo Mîn. Fîrank Hadlen; 0.1001ll utW.î Wnok Commit- <00 Mî. C. LuoIt GLANCINS BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Tuhesfm free files nI tbe Çaas- adlaa Champion, April III, 114, soteYug -1411' havo hooo plio14in oit olimo d.aignstunin rieur ClitOch Avenue'<and whito :o,cbidflot da%.opooto5ghiî an otocoisIMLis th ooep lin, quic, fli' Ilhot lid uioot lolooet SI.2.< lh, <014arc <eute o Ileaoi < hOn 11<114iýi ne .dît <Itci ,oi[icîoup <l1- oocoel ococltofil i c.itti.i, htit if.III' I ilc iîo î' ver , ' . At h r locîi t, so 4n001 o 1 4v, 44 lddi- o tfucll iaknMitron', pop l.io 2,0153, il y.tio rit 00,< , h Aui litoot f2111414. AoIs oo, iîo ooI' font il[i<0 -rî.. (1'toot<î'nitt, fitout <nidt-<aollî ouil , ot4tl<. (tîtot C.to'îî l Cl<4p111.io tn-on- iigatod andîî îti,oired <ucthe Tho Drqi'î<o< n tofico han buoo o,d ioli, oîîîcg ta theo rura iraitOt r ol rifl<otin- botr - e anod Motoo t<ho n << c"i a, hIe ponst ofi i lt da',< g0<10 ho. Lt-it ,,,k Ilto .tîof ai lob ei IloId "f1010oit. 0bh be, llits, la, li ino filt <hotc Il, i , <o ad <<1 t . , t0 1 toi .îdn il 00,, foou- eîd lit,ocok ol[ 010r min 000 do ol ,condition. olblin oltntî ho arod fal I o, <<c lotk e a coh -ipt<oho1tit, 0<0 1, bOd IioînSIctht repeInt< 004<,, li liali< lic, 1. ti cîlco ot'îdoi<co.t NEWS FR4. DISTRICT .îliî. Iîî OI< Iîîî fi.î , < îî.I ,îî î , il ,,,<-î II,i,- haa '-fl h1ik ifo id, 11oî 11oot Il- ic , H a(114 I ojoîtoo , , I l .,,i,î< in , Kin S. ilifi,~ i, opoiati .1 Th fli, lt"<î C 47,,î lll 1.a111 -a in, Dixi R..iiid Ili, 49 ACION I 1SVI , Ilo A <<,<1I - It<<11<< fi fi .. . î. .-î Ion u ni < lolt < ,,, il , Mît< îII..<î hn', fl ...... b,< 21 1 '<tt Ih, îoî.<I., I l -,%~~ ~ ~ profil lioî A1<ii' fo me îîykîî 1 ti r, c, ni << n po1D1 lo) il]lî I<«r o <III 5<-t, ha i,,, r1<.o afnlo 141 4 140, l IIîîf ..1 o,, fil pîî-.,î,I I l H111 ,in, I Ail,, îcI1101 , o îî<1o <tî.ît< lit, gîîîîî . ri1111 <'<<hi[ l, i , .îî.......I , flc <î< N-îîl th,îîî tîoo tîî fi .l" o on 'nn,'îh or p'd I- h SI oF hînIL,- ho inmntao oI. , 0rn i,,,h ,;.. hdhcal'rJ' on, 1. .. llnîo.i onb Panili i' ec l, nî,a r'ahiser np'no?,lii l Ii' oI,* e il, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae Nfi", 1902, ufl,'%I' r ýhu D .IIIi, 4M DILLI 05W4at Happons, NextY" --~ = THE GOOD OLD DAYS= aG GLANCING BA'CK TO 10 YEARS AGO " F- Tabac front lihe filc ofî the Cous v«ron, John isa1 Fot.d Gîli, Saa. BILL SIJe CONSERVATION Many think o covnsebvahion of or natural resorces as a ostll eopendîtore tisai wiii benefit only anc great- grandohiidren. Reforestaftion todav wiii dîrectiy isentefif Ibece ander iweety befons fise1 are f ifrto, andi givre os increaced mafèr pomero in anoîher tee yeara. ns tisaI fo long fa mivait for a nafional inesfmenf la pay dinidendo and gine empinyment? -Massoba News