Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Apr 1964, p. 13

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AIl FORC9 PUONT UiIJTENANT T. W. Gingrich wason Oafa 24 speakers etha spokie on careean ai the University Womea's Club caraers night i est week aithe Williams Ave. High School. In- îerested la Air Forca earaars anid shomo rhatting vvith blet are Terny Dastailcier, Pick Radel, Dick Marshall, Pick Baathhy, John Gilbert and Bruce Evans. ILI.. c L. 200 Stude An eatimated 200 sentior stod- eaus participated lnao Career cigti sponsarod by tbe Milton and District University Wumoa's Club on 'Wedscday eccotiog uf luit weeh la Milton. Staderis tram Acion District Pligh Rebout and Milton District' High Scboot mere ahle ta elc tisa vocations rans amng 24 otcut la inuIto 30 minute es nts Participate in Carle Richard Ganday, sice-trincipalr of Western Technicat.Commrcia Schaot, Taranto in bis Ibrete speech ta att the siadeats arged P tiht, ia "stick mith scboot voý long as possible, and camte hackp for more liater". Ia hearing the specialists ia varions fietds, heoese t u- . 1 dents sbouldttat miuiolcrpceiîbhe enthosiaset so h'by hrs cn. a gmaup tar chair osua. As guide- fies, hc sugustod 1kGy ask mbat tl means ta tbem in terrils ofo iheir om'n personalitv. la terilsofu, ibuir ama chat-acter aod i ns i ai suer ahititieu. Thse speaker was iotroduced by Mrs. R. 8, Ft-ame, president af itbe .uniaoey Woanen and thank- PHIE UNIVERSIT.Y WOMEN'S CLUB of Milton aad Disteice soorî cd hy P#f*pal R. C. iHunler. la the Wllltaas Ave. hiqh achool Wedacaday eveaico, vth aàý speakers isba talkcd oc their parti cular t-arers. Aboie club p. Tapies Osiliset c amers a îght chatcma Mrs. W. Janes chat witto the theme sy Speakers on the cariaus topica principni ut Westera Techatcal.Coamercial Schoat, Toronto. la tise firt-i 30 minute pert-ld wet-e: nursing, ýMm. R. McKenzie, 'Direcio- af Nursing Milton Dis-' Milton; lati K. Y. Dtuk Milton:; Wtîee's C'lub mus qtsitt- ytt-ue'.d t-lut Hospital; secretariat and bustness.oudminitr'toinand maa tuilothbcsucs. ofthce eent. Rhe clot-ical mach, L. C. Preare, Super- agemeot, Graeme Hao'cke, On- uummcnted tRai spcake-u ut-e vising principaltCanada Bsinesis tarioRSteeltProducts; ]abltecholu- qîitcsuillicgtIoattanutand the1 College; Bell Telephone Mrs. lan, Mt'. G. Robyrts, Milttua Dis. ailttdtîtcîof s.iîdctl. bal sa Marcha Pot-klason, Oniscille; t-icI Hospttal; mînîot-y Rea. býeyyoutagiag. stemat-deas, Miss Rosalind Kelýly, Du'igblt I.Eogel Tctnily Uni*tcd I ______ T.C.A.; inle-o- decoraiing asdi Chat-ch. Acon; phooical andu' 'ashion design. David Wbitmocc, jcititoalltot-apY, Mrs. &3 Plut1 ATvit-ie Fat-m RcSvbilliati,,n Toronto; lurt-crts, A. R. Michel], cmv . dmiai'.ttatiua has. lecc sua Associatu Pt-fes.ottof-arestry and a qatrmlinarso .t.of'T.; Aircforce. F. Lt.T. W. Convet-ro te p.îii.t, Ms. 1 hsuarialandttorotommt.iy Gingricb; homne econamics, Miss W. lacis cuidthe b Uaivs'c-iî'> pastie u'.'ioce 1937. Olive Wallace, Associate Protes- sot- of Food Administt-ation ut J. Allen Francis, Haltn Ag. Rc. accoue ling, Waller H. Poyc CA.: electt-ooics. J. W. Spcigbt, Ryc-. S . L W E C ce t-cbaae . oaigmP FRUIT and GROCERY STORE Eng. Ammsg Speaksers ts No. 1 Ontario Potatoes 10-lb. bug 31c la flite second session speakr and îapic, miet: sle cuon d at-y Candin Fancy 2z.ta Cerfa flo sicol seat-bing, W. A. Jonses, SPY APPLES NEW CARROTS 05,51.TF.. Torounto; clmentnt-y Inspectar ut Public Schoals; t- 69c Basket 2 for 19c seat-ch science, Dt-.Colin Lut-an, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Banting'Best Institute; social mat-k. W. G. James, Chitaît-cos Aid Fi rm Crisp Head Lettuce - 2 for 29c Society of Haltua; police Cont, ___________ J. L. Kealc, O.P.P.; Na I, t . White n' Coloe J 32-os. Boulie R. Whitman, R.C N.: joarnatiosi, DLE OLTTSU A E IUDBEC J. Dilîs, the Canadian Champion,li DESE TO.. TSU - A E IUDBEC About Maîtresses.. The bcct etattreos fout- K l crebat satisticu yaut- idcas ut comfut-t. Soe yeuple pt- tutr a fit-m ut- "bard" mattress - one bhat o fait-to anylelît lug. Others like a "soft" or- a "medium" mattreso. The nnly wytte]exactlY mhiî.tt t- tt-eso is comfat-taht o u is foalie un oet- ai;, Don't beool O al ta malie a "test test" ia orstore; 'i's epctcd And don't jast bouace onMie edge. Rtrelcb t-lgbt out and stay thurtan tii yoa gel lhc ccel or tht- maitt-s. You might alsu ask Roy Fabiantflo w ou oa c-ross-section oumple ai a mat- mrss yo"t-coasitt-tioc. Pet- hapo oîith oule.i l re nio such bat-ovin: althtiagh mitt-p-ices levd yoit ta mise pot-cbaseo-and happy' dreamo. FABIAN FURNITURE MFG. CO. MIL.TONs PLAZA Pactary - Il Cammeehial SI. Sav-e 14ie 23c Bottie Bonus Dog Foo d - 10 tins for 98c Clark'-s Tomato Soue 10 tin-s for 98c- i5-oa. Tis Nature's Best Creamn Corn 8 tins 98c Solo Margarine - - 21c lb. savlle 6c DIPLOMAT T.V. DINNERS REPEATED OFFER BY REQUEST TURKEY - CHICKEN - BEEF -------49c ea.J Morton Pot Pies - - - - 4 for $1 Csîaata t-t.tke-n Rloiditss Vlafte icat SIDE BACON LUNCHEON MEATS 45c IL _4 pkgs. for $1 Mapia Leal Fresh icuai Huit WIENERS PORK CHOFS 43c lb. 39c lb. PHROE3 RESTIVOf'S FIMREEM" TCA STEWAROESS Rosaiad Kelly Rf Milton chats wii'h Nancy Reid of Actott High, LRis Bttd and Marie McNeil ai Milton high, about a career ai an airlitte stewatdess, dueira the University Women's careers night pragram. Gîher speakers discussed suc6 subjects as itrs iet, teachîtoq, cIericaI'vîok, dcorating adfashion design, foratry, arad forcs, cce, hoe reoomcs, social wotk, agriculture, accountittg, elactroalci, police, engineering, jouttialitre, lau', mitîîstry andl tlerapy durinq the interestinq eocrinq. HoIy Rosary C.W.L. fer Nig hi Eects Officers thecctilof~ officet-s for the- iominvea acm' Holy Rosa-o Sihotit The flointg executivc -lccd: past pt-esident, Mrs. R. Clatrke, 244 Riverpiace Ct-es.; iic'tticoî, Mrs. A. Mertritl, 294 Kingslcight Cri.; fit-st cic-p-cul- lent, Ms. J. Lewcin, 201 l4eslop Rd.: sed ic-pidei, Mr. E. AltIn, 272 Elmwaod Ct-ts.; îttttd vc-p-sid'ol. Mr. W. Wright, 48 Jamesc St.; recording se.'î. Ms. B. Whtle-, 64 W. Mar% Si. cosponding s-ct-et- art. Mrs. G. Bonis, R.'R. 3, Milton, Oit.; trauet, Mrs. H. Van Den SIfleuie],364 Mountainsiu'm Dr. Couriaillars Cottcllors naned weeMis. M. Rutd. 305 Meadowbt-ock Dr'.; Mit Pauli Cattio, 294 Base Litre Rd. Mis.. William Cassidi, 238 Bell Si.. Mrs. B. Dancoi.'s, 324 Matinî SI.; Mrs'. E, Sryt-uini. 128 Cot Si,; M-s W. O'Nei, 369 Pearlg S. Ms. D.POCatono,380 -Saf P ,t V.n aiatetc Dr-. ed a sccessful " areerst nihî" Pealses Co-Operattan terre seaker at6d 24 othr" ý,'Fathe- histtp ptaised lthe ef. loiti ihc pa.t exctise and resident MrsR.B. Frame a d îthei pirit of cp'aion wih eaker Richard Gooday, vice on antnh. Hecsaid hc had Make it Special It's for MOTHER MOTHER APPRECIATES GIFIS THAT SHOW GOOD TASTE... GOOD VALUES! YOULL FIND YOUR GREATEST SELECTION 0F BETTER QUALITY MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS AT DAVIS JEWELLERS 0 HERE ARE JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTHER WATCHES RINGS JEWELLERY CRYSTAL WARE STAINLESS STEEL WARE SILVERWARE ROYAL ALBERT CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS WALL PLAQUES ELECTRIC WALL CLOCKS Clîtose Coafidcntly ut 184 Main St. Milton cfi deact- but Ihu The- installation ofI the e r-, Ma 3rd Mnuac The Canadn Champion, Thursday, April 3Oth, 1964 5 What's Your opinion? WHAT DO YOII THINK THE TOWN 0F MILTON SIIOLD DO FOR A PERMANEN, LASTING PROJECT TO MARK TBFE 160111 ANNIVI-RSUIN tel THI, DOMINION 0F CANADA IN 1%7? WlI4T W(11i11a VIE LIKE T'O 917E INCLIIDED IF A CF.NTF.NNIAI. [SF i'tPI' I EO 111 IN MIITON IN 1967? PlIel. sien an~d mail NOW ta tise MILTON CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE, MILTON, ONT. SUPPORT YOUR GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION BUY COOKIES SAT., MAY 2nd. *THIS YEAR - SHORTBREADSI MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN WITH A MERRY-GO-ROUND 0F SPECIALS LADIS'S IN S" Infant 2 Piece Sumroer SIim and Top Set COATS LmeVac$2.9 S:~ .1/3 OFF S CARNIVAL TICKETS WITH EVERY PURCHASES Do You Know Mr. C. Dobie TIître's a good chance ihat yotî do. He lives and wot-kuriglt ht-t-t. Ht-gets,-iotîmiti cilite s loi and he kt'ows thiu town very weIl, 'l'Iat's part of hi'. jotli. Ht-o th- manages' ot yoctr local Itiancl tif Canadian Impes'ial Bank of Commîrerce. And Iîy's a guud man to know. For hielp wifl financial toat- lt-lu or for sucîad advice, on anyll:ing to do with banking, ht-s the man tri ate, If yoD haven't already met Iîim. lîy ail meansi caIl in sciois. fIt-ll lut- glatI lto e SIE t i CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCEM11111111 Oves' 1260 branches to serve uou M

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