r--' e' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES flIRT-I;S, DEATNS, MARE1AC-î ES. ENGAGEMEN-TS - No charge. FOR SALE, FOR RENT, ETC.- *95cnmin. cbg. tue 15 murdoso per murd thorefttr. Sobanquent iseronst ruercop changent - *75r tmin. ritg. lur 15 %verdis. Su per mord ttoru- alter. '25r discount atîsoted rush frayaient. COUl-NG EVENTS, LARD 0F TtANES-$I ir finit firr lin ea. 10c fose acb cddisîosut fine. lIt MRMORIAM-$t plus Il pur boeu f verse. CLASStFIED DISPLAY, RFEA L EST-ATE-St.20 pur rot, oncb. BOX NUMBER tu utioic 23c additisscl. DE'ADLINES Caucsifird Adrertroirg 12 Non Wrdneodro Oloaified Dirptor & Ruai Esîaro 5 prit. Tuondono Phone TR 8-2341 Yhe Coradrao Chumprurs, 6 Thcsaoy Aparil 23, 1964 Births, Marriages Deaths, Etc. Born DU$RNT-E - Mi. nrod St A. Duranste Ice Wecroi Soucrit Woo tttad s rO..rrcrukrrIuoIn, [Icr rInac sr Rk rrI-cu.sr r-tob *scarr'urn ' *tLivigRnout- pieased lu crrurur bue bhîlh ord. Ilocrr. t-bcc t, tt cared. TR 8-2068. " * DOisris Route i LATNAM &r VIKtNGC cl ni her us Ceiîclsr Tddrrrrot u orSO j'l corrlrr cu ld O43e6t~rs prircc toute the facturs Rasphuos-i plants 2cc VigheTrafalsga3 eo,i QuE Huror-a FOR SALE-1932 Mo-rour, tala-l ar-gcstoclciu o utonitlur 1 T-WO t-EGF burorrori & tdt ot-ocpicgc St ic M-sF SI .rri i Ibour Errrk. 6c, g.rrd ururr $125. T-R 831 * Oualiiy Latepu SRAWOberrY picotsloc a us ~ I Ariatucobur-O03931 r-3957] Ovuadturtors CcSt-rig A RR ocdlo -- 0 ,s EVANS ire Mioacu j"Ir irrrro la- l rur ri FOR bALIS-2-f 6 10 s - srrru b- * Att kiulds of Fursitoro JUNIPER FVERCREENS EVN-Mr. cnl Mstr tilior -o aarro i... ru-oi orl the es.o -~ îr 3,000 sol TE 8- Fb' Fw A au s 51.50 cou-h Evaus ut Huor,\ or rcr-rd du rr'r-cd Il\iccor 2560, o50-3936 niuaSTEVE CHEPIL pturcd10 rrrroo-o ho rrr rrcOol luro ianca prtot r, Manufactueing Company,,r rLi. 1 lhSr.- su utof r rrr rh t ir- - -ilr 8 î lrrrr t>rr 9. rn Milrrrs rnl rsc os., Li Mitsrlu i rsr - itrrî r I lr. Iui.r ku ' iýl .l c,Ll oltrurr lai cil Wcricsrhrre\ %t-,,1 5. ourr.r1 aurI JO, rir io r-ruI 1964. KASEERSA b i.urr -d r huit 1-98 I,,l 8-accot .I Mrilrrrr -'u ____________ Sagitr hoin ENrrr oi Coming Events moiEbI 8-h, 10 ou>. ai Mtil ton Distriot Ilrrs1srr n ru i, il t7. 1965. A cr0, ba ir.c c:ilu r Ouu,\ o t lurrcr anrd Il1 r,,' , Itrlrs s MOORE - Kr-'rrrr ord "1 'u Cis t , r pl Ur i t- ru, r- 9 1 Mont-c tru'c trotlior)l n tuu1 nu l rreIrurrr.ici'Re r i , il rrruir 'Bran 7st M i r u Hspar (mn; Il -t-7r3687ril Aprit 21, 1964. lrion Si,. 04 67r 1)rr-rr 1 Ird G.ruOOrocc PARSONS - Dor rua .rr l Nhu ,. 11 Sri., At- Fcrcu R o," blor l l -rtu, r, urg l.Rcruc Ii, .uot-ioar l or 1i.-' 5035 ru.e, ur u,,,, lu rr, pitul ru, At il 22. turc- A ft turit- FERRY - u un,, 1i \1 ar, FuruN luro Iruru l I OW Mlitir arc îsroi r, arr no rie Il irili ru daulbc -oi tcsaror. coNeglu 6 t1bs., 7 cz.,asa Sîirourlin ruori, ttu'prtci cut At-r,) 18 19t,0. A stefur irorc. WATF9NHOtISI; \, a,) var, Jarns W 21rrrcr Ilý daughtur, Truor Masroe orir 7 ihs,, 5 ors. ac Mn hou o,il,, Hiospitl 'sut SF1i r) l 19t,4 l00. 40,6ar TO 8-9926,uir MIL T-lN Pib/A ordl olo C562396r, tACTORs- & SHOWRGGMS 15 Cumrutacial St., Mitlir FOR SALE-Bal s ourrugue os- T-R 8-2091 rruItýodihcuj. T-R 8-6752 aI- Wu ct-c Opus Erruisgs, T-cc. rri o uOn c5-3884 o-47-it CLEANRS DICORATINO KNIGHT'S INTERIOR DRY CLEANERS lD DECORATING i tu ti,.srtrgSERVICES Ibbottcudrcrg tscosunintlTernsArailablnoon Ssuuhruciuru Saineodar srtuce ilrcqcursd t inI r \-.n ru , Il I,',], tit rui ti n Il,[ R im tour ornrc r haro iancd 0Rug n rpsept budO493912' luor iiurk W.L ,ri lu-ld ac 1 ee FrrEuFcni Un chîci-y aud r n cl rsI Alicci k dro os proudus 15 ni du-i' tr ) 2 au 8M -r Srrnrrrunr0-.trrr risurt 1r CALL TR 8-9941 Su ., l, -r -. r.'., i tl. S Ir i'ut t1,-- ,.,, Çî,nutcurirr ELECTRICAI, SERVICE *tuslcstuucido drcpd *Uphicr irg eVu-c icsa hlintdo aWisduwsuhadcn 'uni- hcac dcouralihg sucs h. ilrsc-d uta roascoable otrttlu coims. bE about oui, plan. luri nhm boaonusciIttriici,al Mr.- Camsphell. CAMPBELL'S WII.SON-Mr cr M t r A ln 1 îNl SIr.rn ira anrd, McPHAIL ELECTRIC 9-cC t9SLtOJt' sonrrnrrr ru41 Amrrc dus.o * iNlUOjbRlAt. 043 il arc pteasdd coantn-lbýo - bioth ci' bout du- Iruo t-rn) 5t-, i l 2 2ru rn, Su Pai C OMMERCIAL _____________ ns 1], l l.rrriin m . ir t - 59tLtS Nis snd - Irn-n id K. W. (Dit-k) CLEMENT J- ' Catphutit il Iniou s (1r1 ,,- hn,,0 I, ..., tru. -l. CoîîpliclC Elet-trit- Homec& O cd lu asnor ch thîe th ai t-sur Ldrer t-nord:l IuritI Fr. Wit Charler St. Midlion 123 Thoteau St. - theirsn, Gregory James AtI-o t-r r-. h50 3892 T -53 lo I ueig , ait, might 8 Ibs.. icc,.,.9 ut111T -91 lo n Wl oeig Ài Mlon Ollara Hupiaius Foebrît g tChapte, 100.Dr-' Inloid Linutou Wednouda., Aprit 15. Z96. Fsio; Au'titu Shîowr ard Solo. Rosat Plaulics grancudhkld tac Mt. aitu Mr. BOtaircil Cardess, Bortintîgon, T-lie ur hs the Y-a-ut Lorno E. Witlits o St. Geougde. 0odoopddus, Aprul 29. 10.30 aLi - OVEETISE VOUE BUSINESS Cocanîlo and Pluctie Wattl Tire ansi go-codon ut Mr. ccd Mou.100 p.;. Tbuondcv', 'Apri' 30.* SERVICE 1N T-IS HANDY WHERE E2EFERIENCE WILL A. P. Camtpbell uf PlacorviSo .3 OJ c. -960 P.us. Admisuion DIRRCTORY. RATES AS SAVE YOU MON-EX Il Callfor4du. 3&6. T'e ainc. o-S0-398E 1MW AS $188 c-lé- Storm Doors Fruont $24.95 PITTSBURGN PAINTS $4.95 Callun andtosor Biasotioot TR 8-9857 Ocisoutti7-8 icou- oo 7 1)r1. lu Soutb Side Paints rsrdsrgbit. Nu. 10 biddiocd 878-9482 c-49-2 c-SOi COMINO EVINTS <Conslnaesl> FOR SAL (CUSIISMd$ FOR SALE ICossslnaed> FOR SALE (Caiulned$ E ngage m entsF ve s lu a c FO SALE -9 58 Cherrlet 4. FOR SALE-S ed ni r, <rry, FOR SALE - Singe-r Sales and Dr. .rrd M- tarrolli 8-oh 'tudiug an modt fly-in, Saue- dur sedun, gnd condition, nete gerteuattun 99; alsu, Larlan, gev- Servce, rentai machines, service aruruiscrr. Milton, Ontrou an- dur. Mcv 2, aithels M. Z. Bennett lia-es. 854-2633._ c-5-4001 tuinotin 98. Colin E. Seoly. TR lu att moLes of seming machin- rr icr. bengagemenoucf lhr suulgcnt.Atmdloi- FRSL3 rb - 8626. c-46-3-3103 ns. CutI Fred MEinl, TR 8-9541. oilr I-cric JuslllMotnclcnremActcm o i ORSL - 1 rlimoltrean hIe48-3378-tt Futur~ ~~ Akse R .2Gugru' lord ' bu c sbumn pot ute aio- 2u8 bk rtetco bd. F05 SALE-Addtini machineas,_____ i'Pt,,Ak,. R R.2.Geogetwn n b, .,,i.,1-tcriI PtauPhnr Ut 4-2486. c-50-3963 tppemrlters for note or rntis. FOR SALE-Premier, Spnrkte sou of Mis. Lobbr Akc-c20 a-- -suSatn ie Eum Phase FR 84962, Haris Station. Red Cot, Strenmtiner eer-bear- trh lio Mrý ALsu ut Almrou b420 FOR SALE-About 10 ltte nain ey. c-3164-154t ing nteorbcr-y plant ond Cote- SNeo i L,,od M.I*,irgortu ake cd boy. atoaloa ond timothys. I. fyrli.Js iktT -83 placer. ,i hi. ProF-, UorrudiCluouh Ittrdcnateinotiuna Firruide Liltycrup, Mullot. r-50-396 FOR SALE - Fricote cale, 3 ryrua Js ihî, - -83 c ciro.buout ou Hbafur. Suodor, Apeil 26, 94 oroe bnonr tru c-49-5-3875 'l64. Li 8.30 prt., in Omogb Peobyt- FOR SALE-tiued 21' Admirai scrs tonced, ootrau. TR 8- FOR SALE-Yos will 1186 haut- Irias Cburoh. 'Muic. Singinig. toleoision, omicot busc, cIi gond 248 o-50-3942 isg poar building moaterials andi Ru-roshuros. The sohoto fomity condition. 878-4736. c-50-5941 - cool aI Cromiords, Càmiabell- s rsî'rtod. 'Conne trou ucitt us- FOR SALE-Reg. Holutein bet- cille. Oaik serrioe. rugs qua- ord o cii do tou ccd'Note FOR SALE- Cbesterfield and 1cr colt, 10 doysold, nulutc Rut- lt hn asblnteE In Memoriam 10 29. c-5S-3973 chair, bouroooc'ing, gond cona- lord daugbtor by Sky Chiot. 878- 2232i3-11t dition. TE 8-9870. c-50-3896 6356. c-50-3953 F ERRY t,, lut ilg ni5rîou a Hiaco Yeu gut yor tiokets 1cr FR SALE - Muffot store, FOR SALE - Westingbhousesei lfO SAL-rry a d Relion doirulegr-ardraulhcrý acd bur Vurielo Nighit ut Williamsu uarge rior, in sony gond -condit- table top otectrir clore,ýT is c Fair nod o e a e We atnd oug Bedrts rth Poeb Fr- bru. ib Selhant on Mcy 9? T-be ion. T-R 8-9094. c-497oundition, 379 Fine St. T-Wc od. Foiraptue rie Gtoad on c% %hu ît.ssud urr ,r t-utc Bolto Ccmmonity Chair, pen-- - - l 20 -(34Llrete Atoricoe prcord ag. Apr i 27, 1963 urted ho rte J. M. Desyru FOR SALE--40 ton gurd tiao 4. c-O54 Lohe Autos pbo_ Ru-caw2n7 Crut tour% thtbcssbur u sotiurirg, Hotme acd Sehout cotE puride hoy; clou t0 ton ciras ont utranr. FOR SALE- 1956 Studobukor 856-98t4. -a_-2-17 Tha ru lle suoru brd ru uliuh, anrcocsisg ut top urrertaismootrr, Ratyh Kinpidn. T-R 8-9620. Hcrk, o'tth antomotir, inoncXel- FOR SALE-Lates choirsanod bu Ho coucud brr urcuolid,, scngs cnd chuts. Tickets l(rte c-56-3935 test condition. $395. Phose 838- tables, Weil onntructedt and nur- And uir-ruc. u.. bu Ihiru." Miltron Fubrir Cenrtre or Home - FOR SALJE - Onlt - ine4_ 3441. c-50-3955 id ,îtprfuntr oot brua rn the beuuil tilts ci .rrd Schola teroburs. Cor vour bar, bcled. TE 8-4880. C-50-3899 FOanE16 olotV20cd rofiniuhinig. Med. Potetrean, Ccd, roro. c-5-f 98-6084n, -92. FO AE-90Valat -0 T-R 8-9660. c-50-3975 Bth, i ls lt, ci ruio -1,cr, Rop igdn ' -9620, 9 sodun, autoteatir tranosmission, FO brriru ou ,r kruow T-bu usrcrt Arts and Cocuts -___ radio, chitoewaîs, towm teogo. FRSALE-'b2 Cberet ét1 oc u r, bitos spurcoord ho' Urited -FOR SALE - Store, cumbinat- TE 8-2432. c-50-3960 Ford; '59 Voutbil Creoa; '59 iOc orl illsud ort oîtd urus Cliueeb Wurer ut' Aittrich Unit- ion propare gas and nril. deaî -FOR-S-ALE - Nuethutp-Ki- Renault; '36 Chrystor: 56 Mette. - udCirrrh t Srutr cc Neder-for',oturo ostugo 832635 .~ n T-xcosStation in Muffat. Open Luogi rrosoniru lr-rdb stonr Ave. in nor-liratur sili bu o-ýý002 --giqait cdcrn l1mt duito 'lit 9 p.m. C pbtileo iilldarcgbiros and surs, bcid or April 29 and 30 trot 2 oruis accitoblo. Jrhn Wittteslt, 854-2353. 8-50-349 an~drsiru rd grucr---ruci lu 9 p.m. ai bui obuocb. Dioptoos FOR SALE Bonitems Boit TE 9ý6348. c-5043933 - 'hlin -50-3939 cr11 isoludo caoisg, ceromios, Cochast. Mille Floue, cross broda, FOR SALE-~Westingboos ut- r ug hitutig, qoOtis. pcistinsfoogtd laying dtrain. UL 4-2588. FOR SALE -John ferre trac- leigeratur, $45; wscubr ncith aill deucet-5-94rr rcitb usuuntod pînow and pump, $30; bcohoas bod, cote- oricu hadeuntit ururro;f Cose robe; 3-uncîlun bar- ploe, $25; grcy utg, $25; bard Coule, hrurseaond andsut co O SL-a rsr an r ces. TE 8-9666. c-50-3928 moirer, $4; T-V 23" console, noei- Cards of Thanks FRSL -,de edcas ynw 10 oig utb 1 a- lz,.c-50-3954 Commercial 1, cortificoto 43. FOR SALE - De-oh and chair Ivres -tMay. Moinge Maut20ho 10,028, germsination 99%6, grile $30; corriage, $20; hassisotote, dhy; y Phn 87-20538.9 W5, cr' oi oorr uss0r [r~_______________ ot regiutered sced, lies, bagal, Jori%, Junspur. S4 etc., excelient u',- rîrrur kr ru Dr. - dur drdi Sl $1.40 boohel. Harold 'Hnrrn, T-R condition. 878-2469. r-50-3956 FOR SALE -1956 Munach 4- Ile rsus ci Milirr For Sae 8-9846. T-R 8-2955. c-48-3811 - duo haedîsp. coud hody and Districr Hcrisrr.r lu, rtheru ___________ FOR SALE - Mapos. Tacs lut lires, ed o ttr, $150; cls 1956 co drcisurFOR SALE -Csuch and 2 Milton. Crurtv ni Hatn, atsu Ford. V-8 mtentr, comptoeots us- MI. .rrd Misr Sruart Krng FOR SALE- Scud pultalues. chairs; lunesout cnd 2 motehisg Noton and district. 24c cth. ehautod. 555; cnd 1954 Ford, o-%03962 $1,25 h1r1 TE 8-6497. c-50-3972 choies. tile suc; diocn, like Avcilohie ai sho Champion Of- flctbicad, A-t, $30. ULuler 4-2302. ses; ruch; TV; cr4 tubto ald flou, 191 Mais St., Milton. r 50-389 M sr, r- -rlcilo 5150 trrus rr,, FOR SALE-Sigus ut ait ki5d5.,2tamps. jnniorhlid, tiRe nom. c-41--3389 rr.srroI, la n Mitnrr1.r R atc, TE 8-2150. c-32-3608- TE 8-9565 c-58-929 FOR SALE -13-hnu Cokubuitt HS1trria .rnk rus FDrc.rsi uru t-1 ' uSO.F 9-ploc t-bouter- FOR SALE -Surgu strlkisg sccd drill, gracn and feetilier b or.isrk ru'lln Dr 1rus lirod surtu. 36 Occlus St. c-5043888 F B aN' ruiptetr sattlestetceidirocndtErassocellerquiptet ' in :rri r cr-as l'a srcr su FApN alis, steamners, bars fauns and gurd ronditios, poire $125; o anut'ptl'al , iot L OR SALE cou.,d pressure la"".111a husardwsare. Horace T-umbs- qucsitoai Rsdsco scducalu, c.,ru, %air srorum. T-R "-589. c-5%3893 FUK IIUKC surs, R. R. t, lupzlesurd. Nu. 10 $1.29 per hushubi W. E. Fcrd, 878- r o.S(389rl Mr rt brrr Highc-cy ai Vioturit. Toiephosie 9870. r-S ý2-5887 FOR SALE - Holstiniser, Now in 2 Locations 908-2264. c-45,SIif w,,, ilI,,o l ue Pin T -42.30 OUALITY FURNITURE 0Y --Alm-nu rOi.drro, Lor rrr c-50-36 FABIAN Au iu bru, Roisokris turbo cr4 L.A ci r-,, 1. ,. 1,, ,,,~ -. . FOR SALE bru ucct-.Cou saur rutApplo Sooporintondontns Suite horisg rundittus. Appty inta r nus;in and giru aill, maia iteriot. c493 GENEtiAL - Ra z uto and sutecet- ut SI1 N G E R GNRLCONTEACTORS ORNAMENTAL IO A. Cý CANNON MILTON Box 73 SEWING MACHINE & SON Ornamental Iron Canadian Champion SAE -SRVC AWNINCS & MRON RAItIAtS Miltus b-58 RE N T AIS $EEA OTATR ILL KELLY T-R 8-9827 ____________ PHONE T-R 861 tuotoîti lirmîres Relpait s cd44ii m lomn W n Alttorliutrs Mrdur r Cupbucedr 1mlyetWne Milton Fabric Centre Plans cînd esc rotusclurc. TV and RADIO SERVICE I ervîcesanod Repafra us EMPLGYMENT WANTED -1 auckra uf ceustng machins III IDMAI-ol ttuusu-ur bt- fic cdt. TR 8 c î Vu-crs ci rspctru-tto. D-URN"" 2772. c--SO-96i TR 8-4424 TV ANS APPLIANCES EMPLGYMENT- WANTED u ne SALES & SERVICE Cerkî-rtro;s wsiso rompto Wae toRent * Fiîipo TaFe Reorsdors WANTED TO RENT-100 aute ____ OsMENT WANTED j farte suith grsd bennse. Weittt tirR£A Strco TV ApliacebWiiitohe ur oîrt cisildocu lu tey, Bon 72, Canautian Champion, Mil- Sougor uMaicullo TV 0cr, buntu. 878-(6690. c-50-3934 tas. I 8503892 RAY OLAN *bîScrrsrîiiVcand bîurou FMPLGYMENT WANTFD ___________ BULIG 222 MAIN ST. TE 8-44.0' ttrusr-trho« taflc duo, lu Mi BUIDIN c-l tn. ýO.B0x582 Milo I Dead Stock CONTRACTORS lD r-Et,95 ra 0Bu57 rs *i Harme liteFrotustooti FRINTINO EMFLOYMENC WANTED - PCNI * R t-rut ,rticrsIWi loch citer i or 2 childeîr, Da tc *Ali Otcicrts *- lut 1110 osr htuine. 878-2993. Da tc eoa Additions Wedding Invitations c-3930 LIMITED Highout Cash Prices for dea or *Cummeocil or Indousral itia couciaity crt-mt EMLYMENT WANT-ED - isabled cotes and huresa UL 4-226 ospsiuted diastnvlî Shcrtut-du-cconhoand cbs Otd Hurae,S5ctb. U 4-263 tubes meddirg ooecsresn l- ci v r- hy fic day, coput îu-roud. Lirence Nu. 381C64 - 196RP64 ud4iIf cicdso.g maucesr rapkrus and i87".137. 0-50-39581 Phono ZEnith 9-7950 191 Mainu St. Mrltcr 'ct 878nd 2 rS0-89 W ncl-ï Lîd.n CURRIE & IRVING re.8890. c5393 Wainut RanhLd R. R. 3, Mlton WRLL 01R11.1INO,1 -rPe and Unaes Co TEENONING BUELDOZINO n Hre LGADIOdO WELL DRILLING a ID I4 nou 11s1eS11r» Soptic Tank bcdc icatatird. J. B. ROIJON TU U PHONE TR 8-6561 E.R. 2, Miflun, Ont, Lic. Nua. 13-RF, 208-0-62 or TR 8-4887 0114Phase Sartiogtuo NElcua 4-.W25 3 1ctf Watordown Mu 91o44 9) 17 s, Ut "tSI TRE W4RIC WUTM POU SALI <CaniiAu.4lr) Wantsd 'FOR SALE - ut Oahr8tes big WAItaFhaOjpanîaar for $5 bai$. tradde-m store. Uaed furnitore, ai: tees. T-R 8-42M. c->55 pliasces, antiques, teteciisos, atocea, teidgea, uspainîrd terni- WAP8TED-OMd mire lancia in Inre, chromte solo, oauches, Pouer ta, tale condItioin. Ml 84108. chairs, lampa, bedoote sets etc. --8 Handeda ni articles onsanoe t nIs6~u Oakcflte Fornilore, 227 CoîboreaWN110- xaptau.o St.R. V 5621. c--58t ced trum Oakriil dal>to t1 S- Si . I 21 4433-i9946. 00-3961 FOR SALE - Car, tuck and WMQTR-D-Ride' rn ulh ta rres w ad tledavor Modaythrogh.Prida-, lerasing 2,008 Kelty Speingtield th-es in Ooth3pnCt 7-58 atouR. lI cires, sut prices; RIaIs Gulh3pn - il8850 fiantl, 75c; achosks hataoced, _ c___________ 51,96. Wr -bove teoffleut tend -WANTRD-OFrn tel rosI now- botterios for teansi cars and boy lter, 'mnstly-pjsalnm, bours5e trucks. Miltan Tire and Radiator and mater 'MOto - Simeelo'lle Serice, t91 Mill St., TR 8-2711. diidnriet. Sunori 74, Catiatis Chate- c-50-4005-tf pin,. c-583969 'FOR SALE - 'Modern 3 lied- WANTRO-Lien pnailr. s5ons nrmslid brich bongalowe, ton- and daacl feiheral teaisher hlhks. ated un hMartin St.. apacieux tic- Highmît prces. Wd nali. Wette 1. ing ruet mitb disisg aren, malt Zener, 776 CollaegAs, fsrne, tu malt butadtoo, fateiysz oer n phone enlent LEarisns 5-0724, hilohen, ceromir tile 4-pioce bath- eveningu Slfdaan. Sffl.0- cç-tf rot. T-hic busut nl tactoiuliy decuraîrd mith mary entras, aI- WANTB-O-iad aroidlt. tallt tachad garage and iltt -landroapu for att hindc ot hlursatîre, appWs cd. For appoirteot, colit T-R 8. onces, antiques. pins, ndda and 6743. c-504987 ends. Asy couditihi, Ookrllp Priture, 227 Cubasse - 1. E., VI M-241. c-44-3339-n1! HeIp Wanted RaieWANT-52 __________________ mas an Pealer ha -Hll- tus Cnnmrty. Esperoncnet ot- 'NEUF 56ANTBD-Hsauckrctl ouuoey. Pion nppnrlanity lu nlep or, tu, lire in. 2-3 macho, 2 simiinît lots nd, profitabMe bumsnts, rdildren. TR 8 c60 -50-35971 tebere Roeleigh Prodacla bore 'NEUF ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ be WANE-nrino ossd tue ruearc. BSîg proftil- WANTED-xpere end octa hormalmvd n rediL. truck drivererequired ir T-rut- Seoneeice Mr. H. W.8&arcfa- lu dotiroriro. 21 yer of are ne C-5 ocr. Appît- in perrs tu Mople goit, CarHsie. c5 Ladite Foetus 6ch Lino Wmst, Bramtonu. o-50-5940 For Rent HELP WANTED-Man sho ru ruai, rouet cous andt ambitionrs, FOR RENT-A onw 5-rst apt- lue soles route surE, sshioh tartinent, 3 maitles fent Millin. T-R pars i85-5100 srehiy plus; alun, 8312. c-50-947 1mnfor part-lite mooh. shs - - ____ ras spare ai Icoul 20 houes. Cati FOR RENT - CoteEuttable Fuller Brusb, Burtinglus 637- route. dsmnlons area. Colt aller 0586. c-49-2-3905 6. T-8-9987. or-90573 - FOR RENiT-Eleclel, tant catr Service Man bralies snith free aervice. Pbne Wanted FOR RENTCoo t bbat uroitoble for ymasg indy. dosa To rurrire Oit harsetu, primpu lu dontmrnm. 8784807 c-58-5975 il Excellent coplurc hulnefinu FOR RRNT-2-hedruom aeat- ardl lutoarc uppcrtosiliuu. Apply mnt, share bath, close lu MEl- i riong. ototrug cgc. exiper- ton. T-R 8-9326 aIr 8 Pain. e cc ad ualary usporîrd tor c-58ý--967 ,FOR RENT - Cuteforlable BOX 71 euant, mitb or mithut huard, garageuaariabo. TR 8-650, Canot-fan Champion c-583932 Ail applictios kupt instrict 'FOR RENT-2-brutot spart- confidence. r49-2 tuent, octl-cnntainod, gruod fleur, aruitobo Mop I. 878-607. MAIE HELP WANTED ______ -855 FOR RENT - 150 acres esce- oirl pasturo, gond [mnce and mu- ORDER & SCALE icor. Mrlntsh Farmu, Oohrilte VI 4.6565. c-49-2-38,14 CLERK FOR RIENT -Ibdom n Ecqtîs tu- pitcoott usio r -u a.atne avae-' Bu V -- Not En lthe h deellul Att pt ainut th Tutenchi of Hltt died us Janoar-, lied tu s Enecoto day ut lors ut t ni the e harisgi tehich sl ni Aprîl, THE Hotu <Ese RER HIat Noti hn îhe I ARl pe ainsithe T-E R ofn Halas ied atti us se ah eter, I bthl in dIne hl tioned s co- butor 1964, ct-u 90111 Asn teihale il nuls- to t Doted 21s1 day MAR Admi -*0 j-