a ~~~~Grant Ia Draws D pufys Ire 1nelt aèr iit Ca in Chmn, Thsday, APr- r2d16 Meals for SaU r No Program f«r#vdhIt5 Mrs. Robert Irving President c ut ha a aaqmaeated grant la terie groupaite eflted fa-r n [n he Penu at-abs rad Qf Scac Bo lieOinteallqadraa frosnIt "Titis $750 aeautd ite a trucn ck ia ote . k istiut 7 J170 ta $45 dt-ew lte ire Of Si-contr-ibustin a thte gaad reamne Lille Ratutt aesi cf Milites, aa Tho Scotch Wosnco's tostilisîs Mr, t Mîûshhbbn po tan v-itras Dellsi Mrnee Lester SuRit- af'il th tnicîpal. ie argased.emiaidta ethsaili-Arla-tog ashIdssi A ti jieg ai lthe regart mseeting of Hal- Dopts Rect -5. Rtallern, Bar. tman oai Cauni Tobra hof Han ai tl rvas Chieldla, it. fi 1-. ltJi alsaFn tan Caunia- Cotil as Tuesa. lingînn nisai the av twostera t n o l msscitc- itt-%ad orn -t-dtv Ms-os, sss C issssgThe il vusos shs e sot aite-s a nc» The edued #àmiwas releilmunit-ijaits paled 80 ta 85 iper bay Mr%. M. ed i,,t-l o b deN i ig an b l f idnethe reportaorthae . t taey caset i eaaan N'udgl0 uhmr asd anetiare calmesc, am ie Btttgn oadioliM The. groutpe hast ps-esenssd a ps-s a'ns Mas Osetats Cort-a- -s-swvnIgo a depta terne aaked as> le itadl tg intcreas [ho grant ta thc aqaad- tsntttCuclsir t-to- sais ý Immsil tlot- ils is -so e itecaredcel. tan. t-e saggacaid *:ecnciv dutîo te s-so-s liscîsý ts-osoereîlicsanotaimeting. sloeo Oaitil'Reenctferh Mevl wu9ld tociseornem gd osv'oè snsnsgh thselsilsn-a. Msv ste t-ail cuit o-Ls so-sts li Ms s; ss. M- J t-t- hs ehairmataofithse fianseoail- tisingifo athte eîct. a-tototonsplasietats-ie«cst ilsa11,pasrea 'A sl' lu,ls olstss sssM,,ss F d f i fso lscsstagc Mutin le. Lent nt ponlsiti op il t-hufdaile I- segî-a c il.- itlss .. l*i \isil. fis tee, altid tae anas an the sisal, Osa. moint sraest adoso n nls o sJ. Haphisi. O-ssiÉ Dsssit-t sss 25sssi a itn asgets motio -rteeh itadas eutpndtase u n h lý butarealeedateîlequetlnt grant hwars-e ahi Burlisgtan 1at theo ysoonl lth- 0.truck, wrt-Ira lol, gav tit re-pssort tst lJs sDiI,,sir ail. afienrtiecle aaaatp hu dga l and usai lsle tapflsried ste man oltIing. Viral -ies Dot-t-t-o-s set-tng aosls- m M -isssstss-sc ih il heceu tybudetliit ee §e ltulemF dci i t so o iii t Av --ssa ins sss ji% t [fss ait. A1stsl 1;. setol waatd fille ta hav ase anal lthe grant ceseained l ai 450. brea e 'asî sM. o titra gel the $750. hat Ivaas slaisi -Laser tepap Reese WititiagI Wa.itdcsGallagits (oIstires ait- I -i Kno <?htssht--esi si si--so' ils t-si . ii .sîlutnt-h Ce elatonthemaie wulddeint-Mat 20, a5sso tht-c-t-t-s pices- et- osý s licall-si- t-sl soist- to etsie 45. se asatadd. uiso ch hast reosttd ta Oait- gtathntesssodd lus hast- assi-a t-s avri esco Aussi t Nire Protrom ville ornosil os couaty actiettira rip net ho argtoctod buot tieut -, ffsiis o--e lo*1elht, Tite NiasItsagrae aast ho nsestonit ta speait an ty soaist havet în lesttgoto sthe mîst tet-J -A-ts iss ls ssais iss -hst Tegoant ta the squadran anas litail Mads t-le anAa (la",edt earmn f iiioo to M- tn asasia in inaaeiag realate- Mart>ier. Hensiala vet-e oint -o c ha v ts - aills E. aenvil iif Cuesirs- A skist-ssivsiit of' o- vas-til regltl can ha ely34re s ies aton I sl ha %aposile et-t--s sod agate [hanss Isisi bohell id t aei- en Augst grain OulsItt deopite Oakiets Rees C. A. Matia soggisti lthe lasies lo- the ht-astilusi il o-i( 1, ire l fat- western iterisisiete Sain constibtin ta soasî- cases. ste potine rosponstitte fo- sthe, mens Ittsit-t t-sin oit-t-sir ierOa. - li- - a, Saitiugnitamptiaaaips. The grat Ail Meleasa ama ho asheai ta asoi et-te mýVs-s- salifato-s t-tp i-sts- mepreaened sthe caseio airestsr tas l.e ave jelatna topg the prs-osnt speost limtai stase titis gît-t- orss the- pasi st-ai. 1Snepopet imI fert60 persansafortttteedaysa came t-n t swetaaeessshua -neimsdat NewnfOffice-a fi-cs le stsi- aei soit o t-s: $450, sageiher vili $300 tur assie Rce, Bllots ni Geot-getowneoh- ty. Tite as-a t-ont-es-stsi, s oaod Mss. S. Muil-sav Ilsohe tiathai- "' iene ao ipriasiesgpt-raats. Thte aaety se"d t-s Ofaheilo. 'lot-sithe t-eeic i .1t-ti tic CAyEu TAKINO NO CHANCESI Il ha douant get il mit ats club, hflls gai a saîist chance asith apprecd tite vaut ai ditsaera itut 'i ets the weisasae tas, ques-1 ^lan. H-aust] aiso soi-s lit cito 190-5 Il___ lise alter exil Ca-llers ts-oghoîut5h district ilache a a en snt on lte meehend tu îs-p deaiaed ta catibti ta lte pro- lioinig,, Dopaiv Rese Whitinteg tuk tpa ih h btýýHnrt% rsdnMs thlrhn itegen ane o h is im hin seeson. Wayne Arnold ai Misata saito- grain' aitsot-ed as ho uotrti ano oneroadoes ataci. lit i s ust-opt-n toptais ps-adtc Ms. -iv ingon, as aeetenvitteres aswataihe elui-e al DepittlpReeie Witingt-ced nori t' 10Sidot-oadihallscenfil-Oa oe eroe- st-e .sit-t-stst5t-Irving Ils it-ivi-i -c c at--- .casnsuacnac t-t-v rtc Chat rarlie- tii yea- $500 has tai support filis mottasniot- the' If fat-i- soit N-tcit- s tA K -Mtbeu oppt-oes lo- tc Haltua itigtos gaut sait-t- Qaheilie Yacht TRUCK DAMAGED stt-t- M.". t.Sr ic v M.M.H'A. Executive Arclua oit n te qarn rc rvnb nc e t- r -tsm Wvt--t of 214 Hestap R itils-i-S.Ms Rnv 50 aain an s acien istrietirvcs t- P EM F o aheB Lioe ai Milton 'EAAr O FF'; lenae - ý.a pntt-t- -t-i Mci- A nnounces Proposed C hanges Kinsmen Elect Bill Doherty Pres. rites Millon <SV.P. inscoisgat-l Chaltte Turner; hrsot- t-t-t-i Tite Miton Msior Hockey As- ists and Champtons, vitl the Ruts 2. Nam Exertiv Offcer fo Yearton Nasaaw y Girl Osov Mit- No nti soctation auuaaaced itis wneit sponsors-cntered gieuteop. t th- p-ansi>aaterod N m x utv Ofies orY a asa a eaG I rwM,'.S i the prapast changes andl am- tin ai ps-oidina seamn nanse sails Rate 3. Billhrtti s-oas ashosen 19i65 casin pnlusa, lso- man- mat- BossCssaî c- GlYu a meadeuets lit ville he sisausard fat- ttc oms-o, MMHA nitiaisa (CI) lite pt-eaently antirard pmsenet of th- Kinsmun fiait i pt-onts, atort- serst-e pt- YVOIi of lodutsest ' ii is ar-ss un, e ou a 'at lthe association annulai macet- euse Chat stee is aeton Ratle 4. ai Milton, ta the gop'sanauel jetto taslie ganai ai lthe cam Ttosai se-ttgtf asg toirt t Dist'-iccAt-s st-1,a isg s Sadas- Mas 3. citaapiauship traphy- aatt a st-os-- tel an'unatv c gaetet su- efetosa Monda>. Ho wli suite tnvit andi mas-e club at-titi- t-ca Nsmpis 4-H Hom aaîis ig -stsaM -u- Servicet for Spring CONSTITTION ADITio - intantpiaashipst-l op r,o"Cah s,ent-a. n asitl ho gises ta an ecer ste afice Traîom president nie-.Cu a edu cui snllCa-ot unr (l) The Eseie Metttatppt.;We e. - ostce, pa-os- a ins ana-oae gante ta lCeith Dora as t-t Septemburt. Ecasinve fattcsieda tct et itotM- ta oi-Tse- saal appoint a ReieriendaCitief auat.Mdgî Tes as-adosin-tio- Tcstc atewites ni lthe atait Oeit Dnie estc-s- t--ittce- Asaad Won.A tht- b t-t-st--- os---t i and a Rpmsenaiseta TM-A, stpies mas bc doaasd hs- des os- Csay fle paal-oecote tise aeine t-as-t-esgw pgest nutiei- h ot-vu' ot -- anlhs w esn hl cprisotieo MA fte fwihits- pemajor o se mi s- so pa ll pricieot Donc Paga.n st-sacit--i-nipg-ssieessco St-lt--t-t-ct-it.IlC î esr. npiasîdtv ad hm e e s fist-i Btt-rne-tntt- Rnll fait stas answe-od o-silO t-uict. Ms, M. t-uit-bOit designaseal as a~uilg mi *ist conduct at-a gosse asiscanstac sa aMnas il h-ptia acDnalst, t-e aat-t-s-Bd pl]ans tnt- Achiot-omens Dat Naît-s R. fo ti-n*esla it-gi - ndc" anal v. aht scal noacaain'snfi-prtilRmbure egists-a Laoeuslitn-tee:n vo.. .Irig pas-ticsectveMýmC. 5 MH hatsi aIMHA.liatos ot ahpvnalt- ao ftna os is- t isa aet.adsite-cra BeAa SERVICE sitip. ty pati l ais te Anna Foot- taut t-se miuotas ni a game. I ta on fat- cltanspde- s a-oinsn n ietr le-sblaus". t-cist-st-pv (2) Ttc îatîocisg insos-nce Tac Tosesmeut, wch i s additias, hi vcs 0h -- a opn-c--t --s Bsoi m s Me acas o-s t-t-i aod il- st-a to-tsv "ion lit--ti <Sotat-tare St asni mooiSter t-e-agr saia-ie reaied asttle nsatshelst on aconveienit Sut- cicwcdit-hBeat-isir tatsbatl--tafaowO t-hit dct-sefr u. cvtelnsnBsit-sshct w st-t-octan ti MasJ Hatt-s ta81 -6741 miiu seccssa-t for safa urdustav oaslt-la March. MMHA lther dtpisa atloi c--- Kinsman Dote-t- conouas-e mt-ont vis b noaie tastt-r it tht- iag lort-has- t-t-artst haussa at-t lictaii I. L rnh O-pna7-tomt ot10p.a opesaitnalfhltIA, anaiis as siOaacvpt is entaitaruasvsaoy.Thiis mtetissIotbt-enced Dan Pcgg ie a ica-oaaefo ns-e- vect-ais-- preim maing t-si t-tvns- st-sut-ut-s st--tat-lt at-i ltut ods as tt isgocas: -onta thteihast osssssikiitilat-sat-adiatt ntseasoistincld the- pot-sidac nith a speech Mt-ct-nts atnpsnaian tnt laatis t-hoet-a e st-t-lt- Mss, t--icM- o.rd. 9 il Io 10 ____ 1000; Premisea anal Opera. la 1964-65 casn for as lonog an iag piaystf li stotilisieg iis nsis-paint glatfS i ot n 10 ta a jint mee-tiog w5th Moifas. Gaod pt-agît-s a-stic-s clM-.S rw;fo- lians LiaItl la sthe t-mous cf t-s s oa-amees ls la existoet-e. 12 h-Bis arnaaits n-nascsu oog-t t- as- st-t- licos, t-stnd a fi Cussin te l t-is ait t-as- sio asit-oidas $100,0f.0geatspt-rsan,$200.001 .7he cacands0mtaaeruif icfor Cache ad anags-arc tv voateaiest-abis-isigacnattea Kv-ith Dtstna Dao Pcfg A lncht-5 a ots-t-ttalt-sta-is f0 eaoh ac-cident, and îî,O.to.o sog. ni lise Hvose Lnagao t-ont he aaasidnt-ed sthe bsody of Rate ta s-Cri aoc atoatis, putlia-1 oedillu Doses-is anesoet-est tises mtt-ng. pt-apets diamaae; Nan-aweed tas fiels plat- n lacth divisin 2 ai itis set-tin, tils sthe asai att-n- poednt-e at tise met- onld ho atst-ndisg sthe distrt-ti _______ automoile iasaraaae t-avet-saf ascoi six cekv pt-lot-ta lthe tien ofitcaillotieg sions. regil mor-e cori n Kin Bds-It-oocaot-e le Sarneia Mas-18 a-JOO HEMO T cli is-natro plat-r Cran- soaent date, shal h0 is-c lai Subteil loi, of Rate l is c1It' ccde lriditiit soatiuîtta gaines tain h, sthe pt-t h-geao i aduia2 tise Mil- ta te laaasporated itl sthe Roles c caowsne -LoIlery ... amoast oi 20,0.00, and to toet-ie. and Rouatias fos- Coaaches and Bta.ad hie itre( ri asa pias-or isaace, inclodisg RULES CHAt-GS Managers. #UDtytV u o 4f * & (tfoasee incatn Page Ose) BAKCER HP ftte-tu--sc-ts î-1 dental cas-a. ta aaition, cat-i Pr-opnsed: ehanges b tho roal is uttesIprior-notificatioans ofs rLC aHRR stanis si-oas-ovs sc i l nan e s ta rai a uit-st assa s-egalaîioas sech tio sthe vees and coachest vaucera- 1eflU C lg ans at-of-cg teisansesaa sitttt-g-sssstat Ata Kt t t hpsaitt Tas- lis) The s-ailes, seaaiatioes and Leapar plat-et- vos- ps-acsîees abri A mono ta doile a sectionaoaie tendance. j ataheu mhufst te gises the st-ai t-ildts--i--suc, s- teeperta Benat daueil ail t-ou nft- ationa aaataiucd authe a smo gaatiestrial, and at-e- toe cosaîs- ammsttee reot con- Boot-tîgîn Dopas> Rans-e Bng-saitujota he casaiadet.tia--petsvculm- Og tt-H--sait-a Lja assadpa-ie. Pa-ts plnto a Of aIwtso game trial, sthe Att Star-eoa-i c esig an Batetgesat- Me asns-es 1et-s t-epo-te d hiad hees saii s Mr. MCWiltaat t-t- coaot t-g pouiot taid stlit-pas-ai lie d fclguat ofed MH r t ccnsdm tems oit eî aieanstsreplat-ciscate wsadeeaed a on u asfntec aoo e aatencd. t-o crac e attorney, cmpscssceaiiisotsic uvtt- Si- i egntdas isintoiaala-,od ioft Ruh-t1 of titis setoa, orattheahoptaa--otittos- Constson Tesda- eaaatsedsteatiendanceao ian.osssaasoe- -sssltd la-t) S -- wiia aiosnoîcsci o it-- iisl, %it ch cdiino ilfle% Leagna toat. Tht- t-atsv s-agot- Otpt Brocaaion W.r ilautot-. annd (o5t-a t-arisma t-aad Hîto -ltufl l S Upon a cite bacitgmaund t-s - nsue :acah nts si nias- tht slas getao matsala detelot a section Nutifieai Some cu] nanuec l K. .Dc, lihik Siot- oit1 h pased aeot--g-ocs aapie lot- (a hepesi Cotil es-ofhisipeda-n cssuý.t-edootsuo-iaieg atcaaeatenu cne, nr RcsHtstsoestte-co- an t-l t- s and laptsn hIi-i h-it- saper Rul 1.solds p-ic-ist- cn huis 0eIVlt-icsbet- ai tise Eset-viso fadhss tin le oist- nts stesetspe Preea Pis1 plba -1%c.FA sil-,vppai impnsad a gatai itnaccs. The chiae t)te rsl nmerd onsilt he plat-r i a-te-irai on' A-sod faor as espiaaatiaa ai thiis cit adeqcatc siate tia dca uigtemtn oa St- p- 'l p il,( "Lpt- einiki haoitgraasdistst-loch-do-t- tsTownTeat.atat-vlesqntsshsyRraH. Hisaa, A- NilithemaîL,-catat-st-ee fos-g-enn banai chose taar he pms-atî.tctaises- Jaoas-periI toe» tise Geaorgelat-orpteasia- jtf. t-e hadl pt-oed sthe con t-t- oorn hi ecr r I cpd%ýcvo-oag diamete- is ison anal ast-ha -Pars te fls [I r efis o h aatsessionsaesoepsfor t-s-t at-gaes sthe autosiato i lastaiceaatenierssandoasisedsthetovasf recat.dne ji vtheni aricheu, and sttaier-diateser te hi on o h Min Sa eeuaatiafaicutuitaat-esic shonlahavetoeungi-ea prierttoWt-dea ofhet-cn. LnMcNi eevdapnsm llig ll t-ei loi-aieandcoe-afiicheslJUponln Wensa e ig, nw ateuse ht-a--tost- is t-t- Bs- ltae oes-vise andminenthots ps- The EM.O. fcosdiaatst hadbiigterevu- C a.lmo J- ,l (Aou3 this itana io iasprt-iid Miltoav ni Sata <ta f ctc- pt-s-t sotilol. iten adstd to eatiit- ail ouiens ac,[o i,,PP'ýdr Mine- Hochka- Association ta gaId o r as. asemer cýe ous- a-- pt-ol- soatiecai Wraeg la Cet Veaur itera ai the aomplet- stetaita anàCr Ht- ta redd n tlettgàÀgotdhbandcoeqat- vuestai h T-C= ,ASRaeS Mr.t-otet-as-ued'lirewas ntanaoldoaet-. Ftin cit baloiad absneo rsdn v t olS eBau et- ai an lach is sse oc-bolet ibsti S SuP e Bmw St 4-she prstlt nomiteed Propfris aatifid cf the ca-casa aid poiagiued. o ral anthad. macos ronthe area Baf a- uds5 sogfested tl mas craag for t-oc- The aton ta dait-t tise se-crs (4) M'MHA cals-. sili ps-os-ide a ' al a enc Reg 5-ht- ps--el ssvth-testd atteo ateaties ta t-oue t-tta î-oa t ht-m[b oites -as ait- aSl ars-oss forlieuse Leogte Final-Iainfc $3e tan . Rlse 7. oittoutîprier aasha-tat-oa ofai- feateai. Petition for School .. es nift tewres eIueDrce (CotiuedTrinPaeoOe iscai ais tise teot ai at-h for fatt-llisg a t-ossfnt Ci o utins Ado/ Educution NeedAS liieadiiasnwrlce: is- s--t IocotoMr.tV.ai- iiestsetasconegtaition-t Th Uanitai Sseelwaitars ofldue -tore tha we i onue the pointchere ant-se-a arcic t-rý, a-tcrt-t- festaetnat Ad- itc ps-ood of sn the fture.t Aateetaaitd a supple-and dac- Salif es-es-isdsis giaggoo- h ren voatatksntul t-tet-aset-t--t-onat, Cu ousfu Onti-o, Wlacosd t-h ou s-oas-t- ias Toesas- aigitt inathetvs-satiîsht-tt-aht- lan fr ane Adinsîrtieýwo l bs alt Catsuc a inprsenin ths e te ot-sv goasi Rooen ai isnhotterst, otvescd ta 35 heuors coia soit- Bailding 10 tnt-iode as count-il sit-a lotit- ospresses tise soiole ail fo tas- ia t-oasistesatiss ae io.gesoepepettwr.Ti caaate-, fot- pstcase oficets, al t-net of the- faaadiaa fentes- adaption as a feosnal Pt-c Atcsaiag iran Lacal 4574 t-s and eas-iies- orttemcut anonla siaitsforsrcorsdsand a gevcs-tlt-ai,] ft-h-taion and that itaiecc. Catlaias Met-tCoatpaany et-tec[urtmot-eIneisa-efine. Aiso, aitce ed -tislt- elt-misa 'cansi -e aspc a tt--aaateai The Caomission teiaimo isis Ms-. and Mt-s. Ross Brittan t-id popie at-etivighlonge-cutO acec Tisa est-maiClt-a to t-i ts c -stia ps-oct fos-app-nsal.The o t-e ast-hol- Mr.aan cand Ms.tIa Armsstrong. mersoediegCt-omen. The a- 0 Tosasht-int ttisis-itio ituat-viBoard nos-t-ct-v s---e- [os- the gond ai sthe Townvsitp Stewat font-, ama sapersiso- ' vu-eincat t-s-pot-t abaut 15 hacqasfeasi0,000.00. vc- rivt t-o the lt-ha and ce-c Ps- and Os-a yolis ao ite amoug lasoodoanai Daces Mat-ht- th-easle l iacsae. tsct-det-iaatms-his es-e o d at-î ofa thse oardoe nt-aisnppscdîat5oet adt- ionsOasteakera h sit-ca-s- t-en ma-tt-tao-os aire i ue vi audeeataad usi .t-A-t di ot-v55td tise t-s-aet wtith ast-oP sgsýtvgosa isastti r t-toast- S aie dite i anasta e ns-r it-tst-raiw ausaie aIo mno-yL A -P J p S fonalt-t-ot-sitl t-t- Bt-tce. Mr. W. fciule- îe55sptiat sspo-ait said, lt-e ssa- ta tite ot sect-o-livU PC E3 ConI. Bat-ro oin tlutf lt-n lt-n 0t- pt--p-s--a tae fit-oa lais W0tt otsdsd 1. Brro SITow frinertll'%%h-asio isease a-ta ii o s foc sthe ofesind N miitas limie t-at- cnte oison estaivo Chat o-tii aisa t-sit-t- au depead Munioipal Loae ina. - t-sleat-sus u ak o fr tcot-il o assagascosas t s rat aid> fat- iidsea itut l o- ents." J. Raisa $5,Sii. it-nt tise saiet-e tlt-t dt-atsnt and adapt- ados-s as sthe fene-ssal Ps-aits es-ce-hasts. Adoles at-e findiangu o doteatacen. atlof-n the Toc sip 5t hes-assosatao neeassa- t a t t a to iglii BLAM E YODIR ELF4 1 1 Ek t0 Il t-redis halant-e. ot-i buvildiog t-aoutnt-citar h Count-it tast Adatiaists-atice Bud- tins-rat-ias s, doohieg 05t-t-510 Assa atont it-h-5ht-t-s t-te deaet-o Reqaests io nt- Tri [chs pt-t-stnsg cole onsaing t-t-nss. penas-lt. Bat il s-naic t-lthita np Mauît-ipal Lae ait- s t- snddc t-toi arc-act- -rave___ in____ecndn-___________vor____________FO_______LES OR EA CAV mualo~~ ~~ -htMat Ilst I,6 atoaactchtamber-,3p-i- Wt-as-enocuioOa nte-icanvt-dnt-salcn- - t-deby ayt-t-,196 t-t- tflicl s stat and a gert- TENNIS INTERBST doI-l- s---laia sasm iltt-- sovohlt-t- gel a soaha ateauslChatiifost-t- isn--Io -iitc-sastt--aroa- 5trsea stca- Pias ot-t-es do tise woat- u iail s-ocith o t-t-st-t- les raad, ator t-mal catit thosc plans tht-ot-Is T, Col iso at-s machsines aa do tisa titat-itier dît- a istat-itach la appas tgllaia i-tiist-- -tat-tve t-sut-- rgse ai 17.000.10. TRS-3Jtt aie- 4 p-as. fat- tant-r- hiehio tas Chsea ji okl o'Igv ie pesalitace aint intdattaes. To cet-tibsis espanditore sthe mtîîa TtfitsTut ii Nvssttoa a a scstag ECONOMI CAL - EASY TO SERVE atu Titis, titnt-ot e. -s nis t- -et-santai Giat aet.sa a Jaa, tn plans ta usahe a aoaaies-ted riiot N ieojas cr owpo srr Txaesot-a-' Jttue fisue t-t t- tic Tovviiship wcutaii aanouast ta itis apritetu 10 -vitaico ets # HANDY - MIXES EASILY0 atresspaadfeeins aboutndsua opoiaevS5O.0 h n tise lot-ai stcere. Plans t--ce Tonsht cad os tirds aning t-s20.0 dit-st t-st tin ac easts- iu- plat- itscas-t Miat-d FORTIFIED IHVTMNé ao, n. taehi ste' [au satahi t-1, ei-t ltliais 7,000.00 ctli as and it ta espoated lthes cii be * RAISES HEALTHY CALVES FASTER C 00.aet-,ometp ate ofitieiS t-oe .Tisen cast t-tt-d a- matra- ie Mlatsb Sas-es av rIvf atl a-ts ot J Pa-ete rt aot-iott ian s alicou the- eangh iste-esi ki s5aca, aigt l rD-n Dadk-tscnr Wel st-the Ci Nva-.t-at-a st-tctotil moianotnance-and tennis odos- Iigts cli ht-s-la- G EsT Iast-sssstaisasPE tEN eT-sssLnH CURIOUS1',1101 - %,1 S FOR NEW LA=£ON LEAFLET iisisc dti cal sat- nias- acho it-tltt Ico-i.ta ttt H<SUSB PLANT HINTS -UI U shit- Building. adeqate tt las-fo espansion ta 'Has planas gs-osisg t-s plat- 0 Weopeauase Nu,3sctoni, tise distne fotore. tic potdsa d o tneduaoh-ecate- 0i an tae carnes- ai tite lad Liac Thsis fine sias-f bittltung edaI s offeet as Chse ta standa-d Sa ILO fAf M A FORMULA FEEDS and fM. 15 Site-uai anal oueev sttttduts- hailts aat peua an: .4s pots, su-arînlutis [t -to lir Naaaaguanasa Tawnship vesot t-ratn baad vol Nassgu Oaaal Dea-ta afw ma f M,, D iSION OF Ofit-s, -aIse Ceeteeciat Pr- ccsa fieId sige, set umieci uiate- - allait-, TiteI Plentc ty-pe U S S ~ O I jet ilths ow pt-.lÏeescolls. trla nit wOlOfcnainer e lcaundane KANER v14 >Aur rOI HOOO FLOUR MILLS 7IIE J tg teiiabl peevto.T asevi hsPtolcnetrns ate dsitî MARTIN ST. MILTON TR 8-2311 set ebi ortatedl us osa ateanrasiaf thc oudurlssa swsk 15500*50 ïbaBs taselates aellnisu7 >brrrr s oitritfl etnIcetelIise, ttnd andt spirit ai ste cars- setalffs o- ivW-tseditair