M 4'The Canadian Champion, Thutsday, Apri 23rqd,=14 Red Sox Dust off Sikes Start Practices Suncy ysbl itao Milton Red Sox prepared to Staessing exactly what he want- dust off their s.s pull up Sox ed and expected, the former Mil- Je *i4elte and start to play ball, whený Ion pitching ac suggsted, "I L ou newly appointedi manager ýDick wat arunning baillub, il m igetslo bpoe Clemaent spoke 1o club Officialsas interevstedi and it's good base-UinHl eitr.hi ostescn car = b gb »,ýb : and players fast night (Wednes. biait. If we start running early o h o igbsbd rsi.l wo.M wa rn orve o.avns day). Remmndig those presenit, we'llb in shape and this wvillTetery10rgqee l e&Cak.Ar èw n M ra týrkiiham that baseball in Milton has ý con durin th firs fourgame alaseyda goo 'iag of the schedule. We'm going to lo o atya n li x ietrdletn bý te -b manager Clemecnt stressed . tat ' 1,earn to do the Iiie things right ctd ta bewe ZW rg- ani ts'flido iibumch pit. this commng season could be "Mi'-,i aýnd that way we'll improve. If wve iahn wl b e ve bfo Z G tilM. aed tuon', baseblall comeblack vear*." th exeosededn to a team 20- 0h firs time, "Baseball has broughl more t, will01 only be 10-0 the second udy h ui aleeuie7 ne.nee " 'S« a glory to this towvn fihan any other igam, 5-2 i~n the third game and are i xrn h eiln ohl erfl ali pi 6 Lde ih s sport fihai I cana think of." Mr. in the fourth gamne wýlI beat ni audyadpr ts reI pupre; " né leAd- Mso 29 lde" Clerrmn noted. "We'v'e got somie itheým. We're going to keep on akdt eitrtersn isrie uy rpe uryMiofl le good young kids and there's no pushing and as long as we do, teTiCut titcSple n necw ' artft oc r reason whyi we can't build a ellhv cac. solid club, If wve start to pLa h rnbfn ..Stra s w,-fr2;Pres o bal] and wvork ai. we'll have a iBefore the meet ing closed the leeig F 2,M r' o 9 oi o real good team in three or four Sox mentor otlie Jh spin year.s, If we don't have, l'il eal ranng scedu Ile whcaeis mn at l il'mi not committing mv- this Sunday with a 2 p.m. work-be a oecid sprienofhlinR self to the teiam for- this vear oui. On Monday, Tuesday, Wed- h itn MnrBsbl s femntà.3 : pi 0-ai'hg ise alone 'm 'commilting myself for* nesday and Thursday evenings, F A as long as, l'mi wantled and avail- Ihle team w%,il start practices at O MN ASadtehr mc flahranucdtearvio pigadbs- BI r ubyadtesrr1woae-o m able."' 7 p.m. , së n tývn ihtilTitaBured63 balle th as tothe namAMilton hldBantamistprAll-Starseseaonheldtudatheir Prtfirsteaccapracticuefo PofWe the seasonMen& hFonsigSaturdaystel MFMIINlle INI'illMoiMIoneiinl under the direction of coaches Doug Hyatt, Alan Parton and Joe Wilson. The bantam squad terpsaatrsrigfteStrfsis 0,mnshg rpe akBu this season is comprised mainly of Pers Wee All-Star gradluates from last year's Halton County fed74 Pee Wee Champions. Ted Hood, Blarry McTrash, Donnie Hearns and Trevor Houston are CTmClsiwn30,Soton shown as they prepare to, take their opening swats. Rt 10 thec Noreaton Thn partiular Thet Halton Coun-t Interediat leagueted has er ai calm 78 aisbg bee grpn 1hog som staratio years and durin the. strugggelec ares21,m s eence.*ý,jiy Duringm !he pahe Beveral seasons alone onceo sucesfu trpeams B m 57 For M .M .H.A. Executive -Posts mideoacararomi-MnrstuMrRihodithFiattlpnsC w ek. Bob Kanerva, president of the, ing hais second year on the execu- Bswhv ennmntdfrosBl ihodo ereoncaho h atnCut e rdBms22,AlnBon By BRIAN McCRISTALL Milton Minor Hockey Association live, headed the minor hockey ef-6" si.I sas xetdrpre hsw k A.rsctJu nl ena.Tetmob ig 23,PeTse 17,G . LON A ONCRN f iis epatmet bs ben he ppaentman yet nominateodfo e, ps shinny season that ended just %l e ceto,%enth a-'anhe2ta om tdinH .vleM tnA oBr pon pi 0Ldes hg ige declin, in inteet in baseba ~ for 'hie 19645 season ar dn us'ast week. na etn fte soito o ort iorpa atya.ad Gogtwhl l iiDaeW igewrh29 ais theire iIl aiiiua*.TheHatonCouti Ineredite eaue asto a list of nominations announat All members of the 1963-64 ex- i il nSna fenoM y bti a xetdta eea alc aki avle h 1,M nshg igePu a bLn roin, hrug aie ta atonversad urngth srug ecd ihis week. Mr. Kanerva, serv- eIvel xetvcepeietA wcd sne e6 4electinwh nte ao - n- Mlso a p elilteAle r w r e w n23 o ping or n u lil and despe aiel need ng i , H al on l ague nýC . Secre ary ob WisinheldefonieSunday Frafternoon,2 pisMay o f fi c alý lh .i n d , i . g ih e ,, t h i , %%i n t e r a n cl *d e i d e d t h e eli m i a ti o n o f i s lNo i a ti ron th u s f ar c i e d r e T y s- h e c i l w a t r o n S - 4 8 3 P r c a k r 2 7 6 p s f r Intermed it ie uten e, appar entl n ever t o mre urn te Younovn g. Arescr hexe getemen ser- dvso ,o e m r h n pa e lcl et uiss ep c e Hoin for newso ife and desperaten neein itsuer Haltono anleagueaea-hnsaibekn h euie10 in fteMlonM rH ce %ff ca .l n ed i i i tog e e h i w i r a nd r u d ecid d ou l satheA t e c l N r h % in s g auelim in a tio nt e W st a d S f r t n o i a io s h v r . d eg s e e a d ] a ne o f o fkA , üc a i n on M y 3 the (op p a o f o ld e Ca tep i l h e rg h t s i ec in . Ts t e d a S o t an wü m u O d M b r E i h, il y s a m up n b corecentd I , t e t u o i u s r o i g f r a f u t n an ge p lu cla nw poul a n ruof r the 0.B.A, l t rea n h s . o os a s i rt Fsh n tckeb x s re he ed e rl ev reai 1s the th iig io of the n olved b sea n aomni ties andc th n o dloso h xclv o mtee r. Sxtni iioe ei :her -seem ulo e ca ne mthdo hoe. icDES1 N capabl mange ofe fhe Campbelvill Merchant and ascrl thear deandn eb Hgs rc it le B na ropnegti In deepi gravel voiced lones he talked of 'hope' and of the o igsao.Tecmn ofSrn iobii ceia!e ceLc eM Kise J -u- he id t ls orin he o-a prospects for the coming season. "I think things are going to be uha ekihc r osdrdb avastebs pigrIB atn o isn n nl n w nteJno.Ml offs should be al big boosi. An O.B.A population ruling (which I As (ds hs pigeeigoecnha h pn uigtewneteMMH e.Bna n igtcass didn't agree with) is also going to make things quite a bit different. igigbo ofafoko aaingeea hvNe terwyA xctv atshep ges Ls ermnir alwsdv-B R ES Y, .PD The population ruling will force Oakville. Hamilton, Dundas and Nrht lersm e etn rud.Alils ietewnefl6 erv40mni hce ly le nu todvsos ot A DC P IINA DC NTUTO maybe even us ru go Senior, since the "A" major class has becerafn s la pigi elvbc.esi h o nadacpo n otbtti erteca,(igr ak rda The 30lngo gam schedul . goin toh make ever game AI]mportantStnsMé i and teams, know the% have to win each gamile as it comnes or they os ihre a h elfutgnot aems i ainnlwl sfrnal 0 ody cs .&'M nLgtn fc the possibikity uf a vern Jung winter, starting about laie August, ta uto n ln aeii "At teast three teams have to try Io win every gamte and nowpes ftewo.Atrtebre a thev'll field a solid teami for everv game, not show up wvith nine Ti udy Arl2,teOk enh ruhvcend ih p nn o k u ur ten guys like they did last year. This new schedule is boundvil rpCu i b ii in fim o otona ags udbc Bse l Iokut orit n1 to make for better compe ndititionvc gl I Ilefas u a sciesande itre mighted thoug evenrr],Igetleanto hithekwifans il eventuallv. Regular rrs sec I icit ntseasondin games. anyfieuseds il toin meaneciv nothing. Ile'to i-ta A]didn'tatin marier if vou won or lost. Now the%'ll all countr and the f'ans miight urcii aslclld tyfo sm e. Rese be th ln trug te pcsa he ar catch on and take al greater interest. 1 don'i think ihis will comne P hnrs a tt.- am eu ovrnight, il be gra-iduail." sot.paei nvu aeadlvf rias l audyatr)ný Talking fromn his own experiences, he noted that his team Tri, hotn str il nanu ig p iin, -hogude tedrcin makes more monev at the gate during the playoffs than they do - hnHlo orse' so ustsca cueoiIo u 1 of ocesA n ProDug during the whole reguilar sea,,on, simply because the fans know% somne. edap ctetrpsho tesok.Hi n J Wln.Term thing'ats Na at stake. i n li "Everv teamaou loin o in the y an snnleagueWhn iscomplainsr tis wllabout inth B iosingiis money at each oandths an game andfnie thsrteisanesbocan'enutlogo-h onnak indefinitely. some r oo- iio o HaichangesBseal have to be made." o raI iAscaiI a v I sblee "We're efih. b selfish."i eerun fshe admintted, "ifh wllb.a %at evervoneeess Bstbe loses teir money wllbeiandth decides tu quit, Camnpbelhiile wvon't have anyone ro play with, it's n bssmn r o oet u lvs htbu "ie s;2t fM yweed as~~~~o simple asse tht Theer elimiatio of fhe pSyoattiuyarr-js an experiment but we hope il will be a little better. The twou big Cusn o o vll n o things thlat cunmi and are really needed are better competition Karc n al-asalo ýlsfyaloo.O ec h w ,Teo osoKnPr throughou efegnet theroec paleaguelites andclireMmproved ae eaplayingwth bet facilities.si te tnTheh igcalaryibresh of the play doesn't make that muchl difference but it doe.s have tebgniesikwe lcre lsi a n hnrahi n orLài agoDnHan to be close enough to be interesting. Naturally. if the competition ota hoig Ve rnsJ n scl tefs.Tyii w k. d ayN ye. is keen, >verv,,rn, will try tor improve his teilam and probably the ed a nd H w r Col n calibre ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mite Secrtar Bob Watkins tl nthrbekigterYEIEEYON FTEE ASPU TEOHR share~~th only peso yet nominatedN RIED AN "The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o thebe secetay' post. Two menotn i ii h fclte ac ,Wyn ukad dianiond ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n preen exectiv member% pcaos uteprk eas by rn aon o vi ,hv huiles. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Wilson have been nominatedlast c aigprges.be roiigson atysrn Il',~B Arn Coulson. foral the positio ofgh r treasurer As the cold North wmd grdull get aroun toi the' Westt and So fark tenn nomintion have[ RunigqIrkl tiug heetresMs ,ar teCapel-Suth ad warm supr "Oaid Mther Earth, .ALhey also wamupaAeeMecieBfrth or o outdoorsman"s heart.ct Fishm tackl boxe arem cheke n-earl ever bion onk . the exectiv committee, L A ..Wtjý% fiý pJý l, uc) i] bccoer30 ad for weekl andl - l r ds ar te orh ekd evrf e das Outdoorsmen checksson includin Chuc Gervais Verniom dlwthmthnqitr aie28,t 2. lli huk fl te uan ismer27.Il% bundto ie ther .22t re sk or wodhck unting and, geneall prepar fors Gooin Herb 'Higgs Bruc Kit-adadtas isin ado r gongI-nhl, w i i dpid n bohe urpich sans haefu co i ngsao. The cming of Spin alson brmg deliacie chnLcheMceri, i M r suc as leeks, which are conid re byr many as thebe. bes spr g ras B.rat Parton Joe Wilsonan Spaýii o ir-ohu ýuasbcstgesedba. Hai t rno ea y if o ythei w i n ve Ken P Young th r e fr csu Snetimggnes eh rvh o nrh ce ly :husign that spin isau reallyln bac ers:t in thet aown and area pro-e J,,nolzw at rl, ný ton Beac v pat .uaf gohe j"big. toise stigj viar th s keyh ir frivoAt oa .'adapy ihioagfgo n hue egu ema Oakllc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ os fis rla th))c rn ilei nih gun oil. Car gust be taken no' weln as forN E E n earl 1008 MondayL Icer thi year isi -1a prn the> koigtoto muchaotMlo bit oni-% the gun wNtr (boys whoin are plyn bl be godfrtefoise wre n arnd dcs adai twl se no te sok okylrtefrttm . nothing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aum dicoorn and aitNT S Urtting 4 h clidrmde é utmtctrnms be trps u n w f Cai e r h p nn ok u uop a serois ofrgst red t a p fil @ifn oit onin ah rage shoul btesbalstro bgn i Sum nin nl th e etiiips c ni naton.the veera le u suhos a nyag fine so r es ill be pu fe t r uh th e bar re l eav ea ns th i wee , withe the Mil-ur I tufl ip, o uiie a r in Aslocali -as tyfrigapoeciecvrn ortetnBna AlSas totn tiopia hnor s a thes amatur u mrleasm le teI truh te ae ttefi BROWSING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ soos place -t Thn your casei andioer layn ers 'e ground one ie on T R-O N YA E S UrdaL fE rnon squad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ta 'hootan downL, on, a rack,- rather 1ha sEoeven boys showed up- forpl thedgalarn ithi 9 7 H cnt y. hu lub ins iei th ir - on ist %ve k, l sin ou o t h n ie s H a nd Spr tse n' so -ý st r it in anOS uprigh posHon ru -t rgh un e th directionth r di e d si Rebels ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cato hel ai practic florap shoote thnas ca ca s .i tom n runue tos ofs coa he Alanh Parton, Doug id r c n m nd p w r g o l a sonisfat ppoahin m o ligessholdcotat aone Sa turda asoe So the ca Hya-r andm Joes WilonoTeea The ~ ~ ~ ~ by Chaveo notdatlv los t.heir knack Whe fishingpe col water thn wtll competen ine the Banta divis-OF ER picturcý~~dsc as theyu whiruet through the enr gaoes ast onc they arent wet, Assocatio play. Ita is behevedY A RI d O of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ar Ai i fna % n e ...O t es ni a o ,t e B so e i e w whos e will bear t c- the y'r useess Bestu beta os rub-W thMrice ul ilee i o h Sus, starteil ing thisvrseasonearee RoysRobert-nberghglovesthatnhousewivest use 24thdoofsMaygweekend. Yog Be ra' asa Y nke in ng r . . T e Elia x B mbe san on o r i brid e, e and Bc e for wa hn s hes. Y 1 P RLay r showin upw e fori Satur-y o arc ~ ~ ~ ~ Colo oforerl LowfH and Doni Scalin fis is a -messy jo as day' prctc includ Steve Well-l rcet:FO EP ED A rfi,~th big noise stc whe ito comes chor is1el place jhe fish mba a arg Steve Kena Paul Keilty, Tedm ut hrs -o (.a hooig Vetran Joh plastic baBnRhn ec OndHoLdeFgin DnHan The eoreto n Gant ofthe alln Iter edite a e andhad an o d ol so n scal thefish Try S it, Ii it- A works SnTayAayer calibre w illget benr .s are stil ine there br ak n 1964 -.. .u l .eto -D .e .ui r ..s .... .nd "Thoe ther thwingetht misa ve r g m orat sis n th fclTie s rdae . 'hn6- iudsmprve an ge bette ofo the falan Thigse wl e a d d looingme'ltP '"!nwbige-R gita inFle$ dia mon anb o sehr a sd ra pec l taors ton t h i park .e lso oal e or esnnlo have ist makiel suelhte to ea is dreed in t d e ken , n ifom an ed epp fl f L n heutes Right afniwte whore lenagu meems to bel maki progress Rufn ned ingsap qu .l thoghth frentre thanis y e, g o th pe pu.l-t h O lN ., 6 % L Milton mentor pocned outochatihis oeamu"is bound to beaweaker. "hae i e pal... aYer w hoc eybexert 0 aland : f our ri hat i ý-A S areu 28or, 29. nT hulk of the meamisn oer 27. Ict's budto bei : gongd own hiy bunoy ildped n hter ou epiliai ret puitchn? tad @BON* - - ------ the thei ing CONE ST and a r and th bers o sh.1a (2) operain, follows 50000.01 li°" $100,000 00 eacl propert automo claims sportati aninunt usual p dental 1idKit Aid Kit oMper's ( TI is desil wlith a Upon a posed al and up imposed. backgrm forest-gi diamete !rches, is five ime bi Bildings the po". owans h turie we 3re. Tk ship's e enqus Municipi ma deb63 manrs il ceed wL appmove penditun This, i Taxpayer for, in or 000. deb TownsiI mil fotr l"e. belle t'li, eco imaginati ship Bu!l We pro on the c and NM, it .to the Offices, ject fòr We htal Mir. John maissioner dmi he 1 é inlïfa