E "OT'LIGHT ONi C:::: Bpt J#M GILDEA - 040CM INflUAiT balts out n salo during elîe's Soe FNcrm pois n ai t faCtion inie bis singing a. uca' tm Milton Stomp bakii bei hoinere'eoaid lirai the îbo.'ad side orl'ire aool brun MitingSOmeioemhaea i, calooiot, "Wroog Foi E 1h'( lisPe i tiaip face. tube aien, e"'. Reorodoîl on CI. u oiomhiot 'Assmpieo WiO> longb il 90-sand %ilh i'iî' Avodl'oioer 200 Ivens il Mr-.Williams ndtoa Ilooi lateI'" out te qîih.k.'nicp the ,,tinoinLi ore'otiiO hockine, n'th' iassay asissookenci as Little .oîîoid hoav'e1 ',1t i. Consar ansi he Consolo 9.ioii 011 toptinlel'ro Iisn orteil ciiit tu cur lair reilCo.! A iiriuaul e p ~ are îoebing acoihor bld fir ýh' rulolo l'vasfas oei cl f1îoii.o'ek irilhholî liMes% furiaus. Paicouincip sohen Th cding solioi -Tao fier T,î tire geop sang off a nuber ifi oTosuriniel 1l'ohoneoîiîMt Bistre snlesiiono, Tio0. t in tSihe %Lim molle as. pool. Omenious aone point lhg.lionns Stvens .01 Tenipo reorîods, hi or11l lie ridam it. .e..hc .0 ' ro't loigllîro Th,, i -estd admit or i r Ia 'Il "lie 111P, tiordiig 01.Lie sotnwiai nbeiing )ver1 the Frnko..î Thte nu 0,00 Yoll vitlii oiih îshich lîlilo. NurînCîe esn'l 1Lvey, Slweail g.irofle, Thore hase hctîi tiotc. oth ooîllhiog 1 a jtoo oloueco ailî fli Snep,11 ai l 110 ir, 'Tuti The L.oniioi O1 or [em ond butncooc s li,'h..I Cliii Richardl; "Whoroîoto' cr leci-.iooioî a., Norm. A., fuîi' 1.d io .uni,î'Tiiî'nstcmGIî theraroup ingeeoîai.1 t roCivi me1llîî' Tý,nii te, 0 lTh, loci lecai lehai t ooî'laid hel .îo. LId L v h t i "tho.'e grrit.oLI" Ttnreac oii a lc totoinet ' dius loi hitiore the Soîmp Ms C clos,.s ils fl-si se 1 so . nmil- Contes. top.eWiih thet appcooobilig higli A .C ne lettron] fin1it] rxmSionro el A Par l lils..îîgîll'0fl.i filles tipoiiti î)lot. ,il C o î î M.îo'. i' Miiîî,o t .snIl e tire final dainoos ior ...i.o M.. i C hIM e h, il C o willMtaire on the high .tie.d Mi"ot ocepoo Cîîî hame oiCo as in pao, osok,. Ho.ndlînîeg oh,'. Oîlîeno The0 i ongil iO oorehoodance aîn 1 1î.. tokîe Iloe oa;lnl il 6v tirir orotri 1050e î 411 bot The ':f .1 ll l Loge oîî i îîlite Ardelo. Make il i datl 0e10 iîo i î,ît .te o a.. Ytlur h'iends Ihisss'îekend '0i Moin I ookoso.oiolind iotonin ,,c( me'.. Oer dance eh, Siomo . Wýk., l'oc eCImen , ouoi 00'v Piot1li Mi". M-CC. H, "-Teenr Top Ton oooo.ot7 o oooohohh C lr'40m Ai 1 04r The Doî ve cnJp noootooar. f il . oIlpo. ilaPPet t o ieoender 19 allerîa 2. Ail MI, LI""l' Th Tie a interesiesi in oooeiîog v ei lires. MI' le - ILo ilie .oî . 1tî o -11 .1001 3. Can'i Bouoîoo -Tio Thaltrh0îondol o reaelles.. log 'oav pi..'.îon 90110 4 The Hifp9s li1tp.. %hoo. hoo aube 1010 'îe 0 Swirging Biîîo Jeans. n ol , ih Il la tO x ii.i01, acioti t5. Susiion - Ts.. Soarto ci 4 ln, 'ir. Diane -Th, B. oleotii Il 1111olîiioco'ij.kî 7. ioo hoterhîî- Thtý lppIicio.îlron oifl ol .101.10. Ce Beailo.. tes c01 loose, (hi. ,tkîol 9.tnCîe 1en50o 1o1 h1htlf oiltt mest îlo 9.Hello Doîîii - oi oro.. dcm iî'l thi:kt'ee th, righti 0190 t. Bol..an .1ei Fotoo - Tho O.îoe I I ÀL Clark Fute Look' rrîî05 s.0omlfl This. îo.a iji, îîlin otl îl o I,îîtî "î,îî ,îo lue le llion oui] :0, îîî'I Ba, î , 1.1001.' teWels 1 Arteot. 2otll9 bol cu, .1 ho 'oî. î01- Jr, 1100 o PICK HIT OF THE WF.EK Roîîovieil'., Il h.oîooi itoî Wîîîi lbg foit Gîcho' l ..oelgî i' Beîilî' t 1 Aîoo îi.îi lt I n lî. e , 11 o o.' îo'îîMal leto ioîhîîiii- Dotîotktîo Wî Platter Chatter "oîîoio,îdo, ot, Since ilbt lise III Lîîotîeeoooi'o olo tcll 1111100l 09 ooloo c Mo;I Beaie.. ihoto ha,. hlever, .0,, ,,il .I- e i oîi tîi.. Iî.o l, ilîî Prappling oire 1,n il,, ltîlpofoo-101 AllIant îlot This. ýý icoei 000 l, h.îoIb_1111 ..lnginogru 60009 oIei1 liile, BO RRC in tire nature nîo re llie,. Rot' coÇ'dita l'or Capiol reoool. I wcIl ,IT sbeho «ý f101bbiîil it, -,_ V II cesi. in ololio ciîlboto Jifon' W ITH Loh. Thi. i.. th, ioi'iotîîîa",îo i , Doloris. Tm,î hi o joo'llll .0 Il bock. andS .1ihough il -,qt ..uccsitut.tdo one iertc e 11110 1 i ohii.. '. le0r M ler fruitl.îî' Go ta Crescent ai Holes reli e erv i i. oit> tl a $3,000 for up 1110 irce a booolif, for any reasar -30 days and -e nio interesi ctiarg You con caunt or 1506.941 1809.751 1S OUR BUSINESS 2900 Parnt ire Tinkerer relir Iitnelel: oillY. Cati on expert l'îl *HEATINO *NEW CIRCUITS *AOMITO4AL OUTLETS C RO * U1Ool LIOHTS Free a._raeé Estimule C411 FIRATHERSTONE .V ELIÈCTRIC 18. VAI STIA ~0 1 holte ta iralte a filtre morelor l'ormeatin mn Iis nexi werir aili Ies iirauai apara freli he Oaci Ibat andi ibis tleel wmli ire aold met ho' Ohe me a vr he Mercer mari i oo'tnareed t V i'iî o eîî. lb.z as Summer Special 1 A graot Etototolico,.1 o The Atomp. Mil- tiliîl Li.tr' ekvIe lacsa ak o trial. oth ire p,,loto staî.oood icireoo bll nt..lie a f11'1'ti' lakm ra.100 . opcooooIII sîîno il1' in10 li, airoin. i a..bo Ailtoitigb olîli 1 lira p ll.oie (ion.',lî iri î o lo h oloogoi il, Milloît, Aitena wiîî'îieo popula, leoinil.. Aoog and0 hi'o or possib0le ilic retord îtîi'fi000 Liz ing arii. 1.kieou pari0. 'Rirmit A lien houe o oîtîooîoeoî hooleeloo 000TiCouso Four. LilibotCao.lcorse, I lier, Pal Ibottote oeil hiibo. Moîl ooîonoto. iliiio i t oii l ti' Lk a aon ili ho givent aolieîî Ibot loI Lie ilnc ai0 .10 rae iaie10 . oîoi h.ao Altiibiiisi1co.i.. Million'.l. ocdo liteiotnldace ar 000100509 exc otOiOliOi lionai. 60000 0000000,s in flic iner'e..i dac i'l0'lwiig. 1)eo... loc ho.. 200 Reords Mi. noormal rosibloodedo ici 1(0nd hoe..o me, site a tollectio ofLever 200 Io pr00e il. Whiio bec a hohbe. hotu main! hobhî is 05101. bal, ol coursetoc il. sports cars re- ELIZABETH VANDECAN ilij CAREERS FOR YOUNG MEN .. IN YODR CANADIAN ARMY If you are between thte age of 17 and 23 and single, get full information on exciting care- 9 er opportunities with the Canadian Army. I. Visit Veut Local Aî'my Reciuitei' at ol i MILTON ARMOURY EVERY THURSDAY Frorn 10 arn. ta 11.30 ar. )W FROM CRESCENT SATISFACTION &NTEED etd get the money you nteed now. Borrow fromn $50 ta. 3 years. you become dissatisfird, return the money withtr, ve'lt concel yaur tan without question, and with n Crescent's Guaranteed Maney Service. 20 mes. 30Cmo.. $22.00 34.00 42.00 36 moi. $ 58 113.90 mient /3ýÀ,nance iATION ý* LIMITE D ~acDonald, Manager AST PIlORI 878-2171 Like leo.iooe.erone elle, Lisi bltaîieowoofav.orit iciiooboibon il 1.110010 01 food. Hel'aoood.1Anv- thlirol, e, he'o u.. ol Chîootoo looh' es. corrflotiei0. 10,11 chop sticks, whoboiot ,o.oo assul 10e siloe kooî. ho,. ou hanldle. Ofl bond, t wou001 0.0 [lal L.iz i îol aout aoeOMal il, am, teenagertc aed il Iatsaern do onto gel lo ito hol Ivolo,'. olloog 1,111. AIil , a0 .il, en%- %I Lie us... Le01000 pocalzione, andot if 000. 0 01 o'5 , g , v011r .00 .00 is[fl oneo 10. coîld eveni gel lo like lob, job. Tirask Ynst Ail kioldios aoîdo iboagir t 0,000 lu îh.oo Elizabeth foc tais ing [lie fiinie o gilo me a siorv. The îî10 .1 "Ten eooihe Wtok" il ot to reo..arilv spot- liglit -leo stpec.ioi. bol or luOtellect the interes10.likot..and doobîkotoool YOL the average50cen0 Th.o l'.o 000, lhio 0009 butolp YOI' mliglîl 0001 wooll oou iioiO"Tototo1lth, Wotk". IF YOU'VE MISSED KANERVA'S AD .. DON'T MISS THE TIRE SALE at Kanerva's Esso Service-, at /a COST rider the provisions of o Ry-law folie Towno of Mileon ooîll pay halfth cost o peolese adplairogof reotobe, ta ertnîi spo..otoceioîo The tollosobeg ieees wi'll ho nonol. abla ai the ost iooaid. Hlîethscose'oillbe borneioh0ehe mr t oeoooripnloep ansi boit by the nppliceo'o on lîbooiq ef appica. lb', ih the Towne Clerk. LMORRAINE LOCUST CATALPFA CRIMSON MAPLE NORWAY MAPl' LINDESFN FLOW'PING CRAR MaOUNTAIN ASH $6.25 pluts 02ý40 plniig $3.50 plots $2.405 $10.75 plus $2.40 $a.25 plots $2.40 $50 pluos $2.40 $4.50 plots $2.40 $3.70 plus. $2.40 Applicationî wlel ho ceptedon e a fin oe first servei bas... to amaximumo, iooe contribuione of $200. Ap.plicaions must be reeeîoed by 5 pure., Apeol 30, 1964. You've Heurd Aheut 1. Now See the New fard EMUSîAN? TRAFALGAR MOTORS- IWI"MVdý THE MUSTANG BY FORD 15 A ~ w 2ý"XàmÀplbv« UNIQUE AUTOMOBILE! Itfs ci Sports Car - ts a Family Car It has a Iow spoty look, yet »Il thse spaciouCfless and comrfort of a sedan. It han the Iuxury of a higis-priced car, woi thse proven reconomny of a Falcon. You won't believe thse price! And that's flot ali On.elookai thos distinctivecar and you'l quickly decide i Eo'cooflthe Mustang is oto i youo yoool thrill Io '.oy of 10000s00510t scmetnin lseexe000oveEopea rod cars.A ihe oher fineFord automobles ow onooolsplny atlTr. gînoe insidle et the Iuooeoo e ppel mie nte.îs and 00011l falgar Motos. Coe n .oie btoowaos n d .oc . . find know iloîoesYoîîoet l IV doeso'!!iIt'shoneds of dol- out wiceof eeupowerful aoctdseylishoodels is you lasellhAoîlt.rîget e1tplo Fodoeoplsheoe op o'tes. Thenochck the beoevale we cn oer Anlh- Ttol.iotot Ford for'64 you, Theyrtrloootomedo.. BE CURIOUS' - COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AT.. I * Co. qTRAFALGAR MOTORS LTD 1~ ?M»u 409 MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-2369 IlJ l. 1f 35 ~ The Cmadian Champion, Thursday, Apoit 23roi, 1964 C TheEEN demyEawardfiinnang Y,"'à hà ,d As Coirs Cdiki intlBoaHr wr honi Tîso G..oeeîoîn eourli. ler ec-ia iloita. soire tiefr co.I Ny Ilmirim olla' tf, wih site ias a 'reide assori- Milton aith ibc ol.. Rlafay Soirool oael Io hosroiioi S1tou'duler iteooion %%a,0 reported as. gour. tire te ee. tire agale titltt of plutres. ' auiodtoriore. The mosir oasi sport- 111010 car 10a ins'oii'd in a1 ol. The dorive0re othe le car, wsek or sptigiri lais lWltoooao mool hidroome ...aiti's 00N0 r. ie Miltn Cboiooeo lsoe o, the intersection of No Niel., Rîîeîhiîi. Il. ol R. R. t, pretty irlue'evei irlonde Of loosnage girl.. Iodalioe ar e Aiîîoi. This oas roie seoond 7 Ililitîo «tved No. 22 Sideiaad. (ieonueiîio. ouffered eutal thlie cd o' eate tîg. Li.peersi çcsa.oto ceetl indeaeol The' divr, DonigIaoVivietir 19um aeto. lizairetir Vuean otaeoc Retle Bugs, ta.. ho eri. o 'iioîto erîî.tiren hooblv Vooa le. tc 1 ohio. Damage t oscra ý ..hohet kov;n b h er *ot i.îo ;III oo irIoor. 0lo0 îooe'. ; o icoii.iiîi how. îîkeotîîol.îîiî an (ýVf'SW tii Vilr L. lioc fl rc fi iv-og wh n tmi fer t oî f, Il 00 ,* %% .Le îîi tt' on i i..ll î II lii iîîlî' lll Vii ilbCouroîtsetîion ofîîîoîn. 010' , îpi"' Il îot iiîiîig îoe. olo'îoii. 11 and o l30îoobtF'o w i ?îî.lier', I îled .4 îîi i lo 'ot ll o nt . i lo"o Pîo li e Cl o n.l e lot rrent o iiî'îi Milion bhol oi'aI o , l .ot am a 1 Lion, -il, er eno o ybtOîe' 101 10111 'd 0i-,oîî oî til'iîîil' î.ît.eiii'lgîooi wowîili b 16 in Julv boil' 11 kok.. fhlic l' I 0111. 101lllelotlOî_____________________ bsard lîo acc fo MeIjo Th:ý .îoîî'îîîdîî v ilhd in, l'ion otoT'io ,h'I aion oie.i a -Doceur t gor .. Surer ' le IIh uni, %%o loîîoo'î l'ie,îtîî.o l , . cie.,oî eV-: ,h.oûl o. . îou endà hb ol iIItl' i ii ceo. lire.î.î.î"oitoi ho, fi, Cholsiîîpî o .sithict.lo ainc Scioece. Fasurilî Stare AI oiîîooi. ' To AIl Milton Cititens es andiPiilal tîiica- pasiîlIîo ci Aiofeu %vek Chi..lîipher Lei W Li 10ilwrh11 Irn finie o i'.ot o.. ile heuio plan- This Offer Exies - April 3Oth colie0prlng lirelo Mroior,o ocalo 01.1.100 a o 'ol lo, Sotpl,-,nit. Ail adoS.Expi enotco.pooioîg h ai lo n %o d ' otout i , i. iliotot a 00.( iî' il,, Iig:lt Oh lobe thio course. hg o, klg oys.. o EAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY '.,..î; 1 , oking liereî