Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Apr 1964, p. 19

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WP<WnthrSOaM Safari They FIy for Seuls By 11111arleGunb sonI a vemy unooinolahie bour' EuhO spin ince the mniddlo o r yil. ta oleor the hahil ni tIhe elohn.eeth Inntorp nhipn lWindn arid rood tor hiodeofn have Anen cnngmegating aong ira. Thon neu onlv monagcd t0 ou atr ossta partcipat in the annuaist bhui Mooinid or ay backiLuhore, rerently, airorail have jnitned th.l tltttîgh fg ina. îsutm diflioni- hiont. 10. Douglan Green ni R.R. 2 Miltn. Sonne Raad mho isa cnmmocial holicopîno Of anc tour atrplanon ih, atto pilaI, has partinipaiod toin islutnof ai dayhcook Soit day. 000 o fr thne pasthe yars. In 1962lovom managnd t ind ilet cy , hcoaperoled a heicopino traim one hock about one p.m. Anothor of thseaig ships. This y0001 hac tu land atîthe 0001hoontt Mr.Gtree,in pactnt-nipml wipntho in lo b s nd about 30miles Geor-go Paton of ttarkham, a fit- [rom hu bsad rivd hom ~cd ming aircail pi.t conncle- îouîhcekindnrn,,ofthe ocal Iodta tooiing expoditin hnned minste: n'hndtouoiuhome an the Moodoien Islands in the 'Tho lR.ad. Thoit morottn ýllui GaIf ni St. Lamrence. batiks piiod 0f ta 10 fecl high Elsnters Hh- Bed on hoîh niden of the t-oad one Tltorc once clayon Onttai mon carc î-dth apart miih Io mhel an Ihoir nomw, and ibis reportr ruosin ntho middlo. Driting mot vnielkynnoghtihbconeon mincir implified,.homoooc.oasal] fihent. Thin nîpodition, mhioh tha drnor lad ta do once Lho car mat haned near Fatima on tho non on tho rood mon tia tramp Magdaiatt Islands. opccoad four the oancceao ... il mon impos- fisndmwing airorolioand oneohui sibîle olhe carita lvtherait! copier. 'Expariortcad mon Icom tho The dther mcu comos sponi the *Magdoin %ono hiced ta do Ih. day maichtng the foil moother anisai buiing or nocalitta. Iciom an ieu pot aout ihirty Theoncann o nan c me, Ionien shore. Jnni heonc and picie icathor conditions nlîghîaii tho og olcoad nnh ODI plagaed the expeditionninmfilen to ih m inue aller o h e fl antil the end ni tho Sont. Onîthe homo.Tne in- tatcie fiest day, for enamplo the hel ioîîdod the tng ootiiod in in 0000 doons Ilyi capierno mo ncedi doton on th' ti go on. ire to Sp ircczing coin, Ive Thisnistjanoample ofune Sil The airc ski, t o on on [liae i uita oi ____ Pelitî toit 4 DOUGLAS GREEN ni R.fý 2 Miltoti, pîlats a helicn1 ferriog a load of teal polt troi amog the 1009 to alarger pan ohere fil ied wing airralft ike and flin îhem na shoreon oth e Magdaleo Islaods. Ontario han ail the Stylo the variely for one af thr ott exnitittE vacations of Yono lite. Ontario ovors 415,000 sqare miles, packed wîîh las- cittitinttEhinsto sce. LiSe nid castles and cathedraît. art gai- lerien. and loeg sandy heanhet, red-coaled Mounmes and mag. niOicent mildernetss canfs allod c&Snitg sîde.walk cates. off Magdalen Islands G SEAt PROTE aboaîd a Cenîna 18S aiccrofi, one oi lour nperated Sy the Gren and g cotdilicuisn-t1 old ppne-y Landin rt itoPt operating on ceiîay ionohed dlown e, flia pilat hod toi-y cil o hol Itappanool planeî i.ppad. As aidoolo r0 Ic qoomar mn siglîl stiteroct .Greent itd M. hartilwoop.lacs wîh Iao ariv lia k ooLl Muîokhni lor liîaooil tot1, ie ving0 ir-n ut a 5 milan1., il, tien. Sat tlîp Itoop30t Iltit.1asoe n 110111 1. and irutot lie kili04 ,ttOO. ciiugIlt ronuit ioo ,îod iho eî poil tu shitio Il i Iaa LI , hotoc itaîti Naît Yok putohaod thant. Stiti a Sauccent ai- illîî, il Mr.dottoPala ilidlor Cthet Cý,îîl Mî fat ucç,,.Nî cilh connu 0001 .1104 fli a 001 .ai ,nttttan I111li a ca lt p ltittilîlo' JureIlim hook la tlit îoînd-oîooîîioi,îd. tO Eoch ta thec iatrii i tîptoo out flitc oit iin ni flic tai bot. Tii-t anmai Lit, kiliod ioîilyl hv o blîton, (tieed. TiiatttIlî.tchaeo a linnl, ociud ho skipnoned and k011 to at 1 oto tîayt oi t tttptinj lerlNiet îl Iîltlt - liote- liloint an%.lotne? Declinen 6t Per Ceat Thotot llan toit loti danîger h ion patns cl hem op rooi cgpîlatce loke tis sumi- mer t0 Onfbtre For mairtnformation moritle, Ontario DeportmenE of TravelRoet 270, Parliament Bldgs. Torontn, Ontarro. HOO.onÂat JAMES AUtre, Mauter Magozine points ont that aonnconp condocîod ho the Cooadian FinS- cris ReanoatchBoard, shows that tho seai poputon hon do- clinadnc 60petcent in tho lt ton .%,ars!o This, ns somehing ta heoann aiocmed about, cailler thon al lui ai sentimtail ninsh about kiliig hohy srait. Sn rai, lad "sport" linting and Sonting tarnsI me ltunch motro coc. As anainî,lit. I holioco Soat t0 ilrae ayse i onr 001- oral1 liaid loilh extintion os a thIlaohuioh.t.1ss naadboa.ss icagia crime! I tino, holiena ihol a Sac- to-i aif pols oto ha lakan iillîn îadoîaing tha scal populatioooaoed. lslif interaionaol otgotiea- liaits wiii pl.ace ontolool on the ,oiog indu.-ici la limil tho kili apd inmnia thît a surfiient n, belo oa-aiscae a mitain tho atil popultaltioni ai Sotldi. DAD'S Restaurant Ose Mile Southn of Compbelmllle on Guelph Line Wili be Open Daily Except Monday FROM 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. -DAD'S- TAKE-OUT SERVICE STARTING SUNDAY APRIL 26th WiII be Open Until 10 p.m. PHONE CAMPBELLVILLE UL 4-2340 Ralph & Hunt Ltd. YOU CA GET U TO ~ SUGGEST.. 1CHOW h 40 MORE EGGS PER HEN PER YEAR' lIt 1962. file toe-dge Caitadîaît pool- ns y001 qoaraten ihal eoory layer Nill lîpittant gol ont filait 200 ggnpenîynar goîîilsnpropcînharîof alloontinntscey pL lit osd, This ir an ontitiate pf day. fltc Dominionot Bureau of Stotittîcs. Parîit îl lielpnoi ihootîtîdfof Catît- To tt~tktIttytt itty toaly chiena d oit 9k0 otîtoot ta ho a hntiei-thatîl aî 0 nîtoolo bnci gntta iall weaît I5 aerage poollîymari.î . taaverage 240 eegryo oulb tn 000la 2 0 eg per 00ar per httt hoosool Why eggs pr yearlien husuo. aîtoin t ? Prove Io yourselfluai Poîiina feditîqcart ot you fcnn t'.... l iy qi C it , ait ltout Ttiai it i it i i ili ;iii i îîîîk Puîîît.t tii lui ii t-[lt i i i limi -0t hii Ltttt 1 ttn Ralph & Hunt Ltd. lualîlol Ail ai- gredints aie itttond mîll Our omît exclo- R.R. 1, Gakeille sive "Mîrco-Mîn pîntesn. Thtt proceon TR 8-6449 Canadiens mise maet bioger Profits tomoerow, feed Puariea Chevill todayt l~ L j* UUUUUUUUUUUUU.Ima..E...u.aR The Caniadia, Chtampion, Thorsday. April 23rt. 1964 C3 ________________________ 1 4-H Lassies Lira ry Notes Lasc ,fel [Bso Sy LIERARIAN MISS E. BRAUN M Il French lhnînod fic giln IIi Lied blottie'. Mr.. Caomto Home This. is ttt aal Lu the old homo homo luo [li lihoot - [lic hoît Etanootîl. talod aboul the of Mil1toi, Pubic Lihcarv and thot conid do in lieu .t to ,c,,:Ainintot Dot plan,. p-tctiongs thli nom ste - ino lihîoy. And cao libtoot ý ota, The -.a'aoonoth etig o li Adams Stoc if l t utte lor oa, sthot taoot. and i. no longer Satoh Elook Loa oot casfild cetolctt and alou lort loi- hidttooto.ranodoaD silt forattoyîo tho home ol. Iring. Thoco îyodilook. oylooo %t.dllit lhounitoî r o 9 rlsl prescrtand thLo Goodbt. Ici hoooe hor the li-l ohoks,,baitldohadooola ordoi-ads,' proorit s thtt bail brativ Yoo itod, file onoîathiog touitoimotin andt ple,,te.1 o i oh thaot blouses Tito girl chionhiisold wold - bot.s Visitl c o Shoot-oay i t wookd in hottîotils rto heir and goodlpoints too. Yoo hood 0010 i-oiso-. Theretrusot ho, rcorodbooks. may oodhbooks. Thot non mnt ,atodyoe' qoth oo o u- important. With ao unttreatinoOOyo-îll oSootp eotraooooounethatserve!das aPîy thodonowrta nimoflthe,0t t-.Ifou pu[ototoîîîtiîîîk ooihol lt dhoi o 'ilod tou road thom. Noewo~ ev 00 %ouwlt galhor totobi, inorma daat od eb unomo a ttpioodg quetion ondsî tîah aquestion Lion la Yoot Libhoot. t ordoohooow ttolettnk ty %ii.S iatîL book il E. Braun, Lihtoooî v00 woto ttill abletoooto,.ood- orstoiit Vont froid. omn tho triao-tooo-youhou-od. On bitter old wittt doto yoooataoosngoondooo -Lo warm oiltoo 90 dogsci lb-otu r w zr iahoc. Aod un hot ew our wî hall. Aod thocoooo toorwa dan- in s tho ocoght olt ho hook. Dopood- in ntho diroctiooni oh mnd, t ou could ho drolty oi othew dom-, might hlom oeo il bang.Thrcooovocomasdangertof the o ol Iokiog. Sot Ilce h Just Betwoen Us... danger of floods. And grctigttoo flcotov e Ft-.iîo i oit - wttth ovated Adams Stmo. The library fli ti001llt, ntotomne board han doooit un nmost ao look aa' eno il ,arst . Abel- mrako thin zk ploosno. atrctv tigIlltut o its h ippy GIVE A eIFT FOR A LIFETIME ON ALL OCCASIONS ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS SHO WERS GRADUATIONS ANNIVERSARIES CHOOSE APPROPRIATE G1015 0F DISTINCTION Gifin That Are Sore To Be Appreotated Choone Cool idently AI 184 Main Et. Milten FOR LMS THAN 104 A DAY YOD CAR OWN A NEW [9380 Oit BURNER FER AS LITTLE AS $1.05 PER MONTA FOR AS LITTLE AS $4.95* PER MONTA (and no doan paymenhi (and no deen saynmet Y00 CAR OWNA YO0 CAR OWN A NEW E550 AIL BERNER NEW,COMPLETE E550 AIL FURNACE OMIT New Este N.atng Eqalpeeni Finance Plan,. Maknn il oo to Sown the kind ni equipmn than assures nofoîy, oonrt and contona. mcnson hchantng nquirmnt. Nonlnmpanmentyon haeni0 Veets to a ..E..snhgîneqoîemeetieioflln guene.d by Ipeli rive mentithruh iur Ettoîliotitnloqufnidcalc. eIM PERIAL OIL LIMITED CALL NOW ANGUS A. MOWBRAY - Milton d'ril tîla Aoil: patl Tht thilt Io- l u . aI i 17 tat lit 43 n dapn, i,Apeil27, aughd Drlha plaChoroh 242l Marci Si.t I9il .td

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