The Cansclien Champion, thursday, Aprl 23rd, 1964 u meon AUnitiare Captsaint, Met. Ares 24 - Fiti tard Illtt W ~J. McCarrmn and Mrg. J. Sou.i fine: Captains, William Kaly, e S Me%. J. Neelattd Mrs. R G. Roselvir Kelly, Mn. KeihMay ~C urh flOY~Liât ü u Area Cancer Canvasser O. J. llac, Mr s, GeuMiasLekc, Mr. . Walaet Mr,, Meti..,HeRd Mn. ClrnMe - SAnhr~ L $0le iof Partni a son, Mis. C. Kenneji M o .G.Bite, Met. Angelo Tonelli, J.Reid, Met. C. Weigleta bC"nt Me,. Alfed Ford, Mes. H. lm i ca- Br*o.o ig eurîge and John. meeting were ynad antd opproned*ci Dte tt#tcm ea9-WnafAeelea Arcu 14 - Given Road opt ta lie, Mes. T. EBoatfild, Met. R.,. G t)eeaBrok. Gardon Reir, TîIfaeaby lnifdOu~ 99ý Ihean ).Pril 23, Mrs, Peter and the treaswwen repart giveat. gourtc Mitola Oebd atrne ~ 9eipc ietonaaMt .Wl.Mt ,Mrtmc. William Roane. Grant Den. Cv met a th h otnn tmr. Soei 1tit24, Hcattet Mardoet Anc interenîîng letter fmmDocte Cancer Soceitc. ffltt ) *itni an utt atat, e.J eGtîIArea 23 - Soutth of 401. ncuil tlttriet. Roger Rondeh. MdlaaMahr mObtit Mudok Aprit 26. Colio wa mariio Unitcain ýte r.LA, 1 Alntcg ai ac Li " e Roa Feaca. Met J s. Nt e. T rs Ai, tA-perM. .Sr.'at .ip t athm cn dey' vntiaa, Apri 15tay oa Carna FliPPonce ApeiI 27, an b.almve nto te ew pean- isa ii litOt noabat Vnorffl M . Keene Miss M.Ac donIegtaa Dud.t Highaan betoceen Set- la the tent there is uny per- -11114 -hItttn. Abat 3R hlaes Rtniattet Letile April1 29 aetBaceaakah an Ara 1 -tpper Martin St letd Mca G. ; t-ai, Mn. . Me M6 A rp entA Lic Sera Trllrovoo usigtaspat h ot (mot thte catmntW attended Thte ladies nf St. Paie RC Iepeaetoite ie dut B ame Li.,ca. i KFsis Mi.. J4tBn . ic Ct t heîî Nluorth TAîdttuctc p itsh as unt',,n pcon- attd the ewern wes spat in Ctttrct hetd ttteir tuitti and cerv les Inintrectiac cuth the Springi Smith. Mlet G.mitnt A.ub Clemnts AtciN Lainig bv Aa, cavssr - ihmy2 tce!T87 pjaylrg whist. Dîffer raet s su9t tcetafal cachtou pclv at Mortet Dance tttarned tac Aptil 24 ai Ac 401 Ioigtea ASt peytide: Mes. M. Browa. alo sptlt enteroaned. Trafatgar Camatacît Cectrecun Peîey Meery Schfft. Luc an s Area 2 - Kitgsleigt Caart: of Bel Stret Ciptîit, Mît. G I.a A-un tre,______________________ A 41iloas lunch wattienvedh y Salueday eveaîog, Apeil I89 seeved by Lillian Howden atsict, Coptain, Mrn. J.'Beverecy, Sarab Sua4.ti fram Hightcay 25 ta the Fifth t4~ lamnts. There acre 16 tables cn play and cd by lhc bastes5 Maretin ChaPter I.ODPE., Met. Ae- Langridg~e, SrMert n C- fis ne:m Captuin, Met. Clarence. Cal.: .t Ille 1 alMted Chprct Y.f.8. pelta wecre %-on kv Augusta Linda Kucoaig bat eclracd Ibar Witliamtan, Met. F. Clache, ape ...-,Ms ýWloin, Met. E. Wilson. Met at ttcom of Bitarshall Stickland, Olive Patteeton, Proie home Crom Oakvitle.Trafralgar Met. A. Stinner, Met. B. Bst, Nes. M. Smttti, Met J. Wualattd, Ac18-hidadFu ictdai aad am vite ýMartett, and Sun Kittgshom. Deare Hospital aller anderpoiag eyc Mes. N. Burdett. Met. J. 'owMet R.C Bancerri, b4tS Dur<.Ae8- rod a tbliss an oeh menti apeatad ment ta Pal MaCaemon, taegerp. We math hier wel. Mrt. Don Slintatt, Met. L.nMc- lIn, Mes. J, Jubnsoc. Mes. D. Havi ad ulî,iitMrni LEATHERSI Lopida Prai0r. Tht~e ÔrMta cure, Maev Letîte, V Penetly, of Burlinglon cetchmatod their Mro .ot n. Wilninson Mden: Me. R. PH.ce ar - STY E W.rd H. Muet Polier hted OM1 se tof Edte Bail, Feed *Mrtmarf and 451h anniesary on April 16 ity rem Ontamia. Steet toi, ,tor Acc I AltgencFs aittt 19 a nd 20 -Beoine Cam- TH NE WA t anelcdy bo 4Cira Doi na die ial a1 Cente: Captain. Me. tttdyDors eeodic.Thants waa entcrtaitring the Leormant fam- place Cees.: Catiain, tra. er of Bell teci lain, Mît. OtFas uieRihe FTHE NeEWn Mes - q*1 tt jtcpee ao ail an boirait of ttc i ily ai dinnoe on Sanday. Aprit 19, McWilliamt, Mes. R.»Argoil. Met. aid Pusier, Surub Martin Arnold Husden, Miss Marette BENCHMADE itlacis sacra madIe for apatpaeoap. bv Dura MoCacmon Cor 1 A saeri.cmiscellancoattistow G. Hayche, Me. P. T. McWttttOmt, <ýuhleI ta lie heM a eta Ilortifl Trafalar the splendid allendance wtict e mas *hctd for Carat Hareden Met. K. Cepaitis, Me Met D.E.. Mrs. C. Wal lt .e.J al CoIMmty Galtm an Fcidap, tas made bhit a verp .acoesstat on Maitdgy ecening, April 20, ai mitngtoo Mes. G. Addn, MeG . . a e tos Mcc l, M. S. G iie . Cbiî- beliville Moet -sttoc Cap., 5514 y Aaail4.t aaecdetlate -Luu anch waa «roed hy the home af Mes. Bah Ruddett. H. BennelÉt. Mes. J. K. Ellwood. Int Met. R. B. Edtcueds. Mes, tain. Mes. R, Asen, tees1« WA Atndema Usiteil Chatcir Y.P.S. Met. J. Nunao andI Dora MgCar- Ahout 25 friends attcnded and ttc Mrt.MrJ. Au"'l and Ailhpree Y.P.S. tie Inviter] ta eut assitt hy the iladties. finti part oI tbe evecîng mat Aima 4 - Lamer Martin Street L. Arbie, Mnv. D. Havreard. Wheelibaa, Mes. Gen. Thomas,!ai thecpa. Te u ic ittoneu, Tite Evening Unteof Huntypetit pilaig gamet andcon Wowrda Mo eti Gtet r. &cIgls, ers..uCemcî, pliedl y Rut antI ilmra Matun. E.C.M. met at lte home toC Milic tests. Thte murt us oiccly dec- Maian Mes. S. E VonCamp, Aceu 12 - Fores G cave. Wake- Mi s. K. Robintson. Met. Gi Gadd -s Ruath a ,m , lae Beak muth Ceai8 on Monday evettisa, Apeil ocated in pint n ht. Ms .Mnr 's'.Cifn il odadXbýo'Cut r.R odMs .MP.I Murray May to tie Cloe manager. 12 mitit oinc esiema prescit. Fallaming bue garnen Caeol wa Mes. Mendv Clarke, ýMes Hea: Çaplaîn, Mît- W. J. Kenacdt.'e.H Dni. rs L tkn Tte meeting glosed -mt a heran Tite preeideot, Barbara Spot, gicen lthe citair uf itanar anA lter Kennedy., Mes. M. Siitec iMrs. D. Ptl. Mrs. M. Dennis Ms. R. Htoesr eMv is E. M. Gitudail. Mes. Mcv. W Crubcî, Mes. . ac V anlctnditolotmeivpeoed the tneetng viththeb Diane Acîîitatisted Caol in Aea 5-Soth of oard AJN5li,,i5 lanch servait bW the battest. titeme sang. Tte decoliosot, en- upening bier guis and eeading feocn tnlaria Street ta River 1eY, Mes. B. Damer Mrt. L Ceata tl Iho@OW liltetI Consider the Liliet" mat caedn. A deticiaus lancet mastser- Place Ceu. Caploin, Mes. D. Acu Il - Muin Street at facd, Miss K. McPitedran, Mcs.ý Gel stell tiises are extended givca by Bertha Gi-coton. vedt h5 Met. A. Horeden and Diane Green, Mes. Ted Figg. Mrs. E. tran Comtmeciul ta Gctaeia A. Mooee, Mes. R. Hureec Mrs. 9 tai bics, «e Hamsilton wba ts The minutes of the precloas Acuois ussisted bv tbe bostets. S. Browmn, Mes. K. Fay. qow ut aik Siireca Captaic Chas. Hccateisksuc, Mes. V. Cuat- a patient in M ilion Digautiot Hon. 1 Mes. Rîîtild MaKav. Miss"Sct. caîc. Pitil. Met. Hamilton celebratet Arese6- Northbf MainStreet a Mm Mates Mels. C. S. Lachie. Arc. 22 -Northof 461betce on lier bblha on Ffeum Maelin 17 Brnlet Coaptain, . C. J. Rundia. 'Mes. GloatsIet Sisîk Line Enquesing, %r on ttie d anrtd t itiey Arpl 1 Mes. K. Huosued, uitJa I cman, Mes. H. Mair.h Mislu Towcn Linc, ttoeib ta A% ge1 an to ninit andtr aite hiem day a EOTFO tan, Met. J. Hunier, Mes. R. Ai- Juecl Pcttvon, Miît. Titlai Bnci 'tideuad Honct Mamens In- se happys ar.gî,Me.M.Pe. . ficld., Mrn. S. Kcane, Mes. A. J. stitî,a nît UniteA Churcl Mss' Met. Mijoter Masos, Mes. Frak Area 7 -Souath side aI' Main Hiait asnd Mes. Harts Lostden otf U E N StreetuoKing StreetmmrnHugli Eden United Ctsaect attendt tnc Iu Branle: Captaiti. Mes. Thomos -SHOLS lTank OCCc ing Service et St. Anr- Ramtitaîc, Devcîe Titomson, Fred dmew's United Churcli io Gege- gRKHarbuitte. Yaa llbceied Andsrvr uhfn 9ow ine isednesday niat, Apeii l P A R Ata 8-SuthMainSteet t tCTuppaam Patti Sydney Steet rot Hugli tu finde shc. e hnsml orftabe' s(: Sanstine Seboot Ladies'-S Commercial: Captaiti. Mms. Helen lerc! tld xeiicdcaiua4ý Auxiilacy enieriained a grtitp of GEORGE A. KERR BiikcuT.Ms. uispb Shrpe. C putNPclll Ehr licaso leron as Iodles.,P oaNtadnad.peening, Mc. KgT. As. A.tebit , Ms. C ,p VI Apeil 15 ai thc Sanstine Setaol HALO B..A i1.k 'Mes.BL A. .cV Mes. an tise Secent Lie. -Mes. Jean HIO I dAmstrong, Mes.G. Siclai, AAA Hawins of Miltoc demonanraiet de .MMla.G .Tap ttc snany useeai articles of Tup-v peewampslad ardensrereereceiced Thc ais tecae legislatin Tire HuctA.A. Mîsîataci.OC.. Iras Is tdte mccn. îcev rescated ta thc Peovincial Legis. cieusAîonv D c o untry; bhat conditions ire the lunchtwana erved y he Anii- latoe ibis mort mas an ac tîa spolie tui aesk in itis neic ros-. cviace flie Kefaucer Repcoet ar.amettd lthe Retaît Sales Tut Act. atnd indicated, ini a genecat may, kefc ban1 irey ore rle Fine Shoos iary. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ete Thi BîlI ser auttti liecep-bsainu sluha itd Met. Honward Bradtev mos hon- TheBiliIoeinthexm-hsoiinatahwhsdpr-tteantri iiushvlIT S O teta ao tise Si. Sleptenýs Anglicac lion for sagles lin te cil betetts ment skahîî lci dai ibte ce- ie c aiciei ~~turet ~ ~ ~ ~ O GiAu iuedyecaiperscnat peapeelc invîudc medal io. saîîiiictiatsuaiicd in the a 0il conte[ofu maonyr e t P g eP.58taat aMle nlag, .Apt-i ju4. Pt baîjaîsis bctmeen certain~ report of ltae Otiua oPolcca Iciiccsml as teu T hampo 8L iM36 lai ., Milton5 Ttc pissidcot, Met. J. Buttetl 0ertaî Commissin. Phponeao nL 1b230 PhielAs.50 opened Cthc meetng withte oi sioatn is alte mode rebere. Me ibe eit n sis antd labor anA iriflu _________________________ LDdý Pae.Th iueso ymonieîpoltiies, neitun boards, r ihr sasrosadpltc and lwenforcemnent." id picins mieti rere tea laspitats, oniveesities and ctr sincces gentleman. t feel ibat tbc On the ligblee vide. i note itv on aoprac taitt ensc n. simitar insttitationt may hoy nets amending logittutiion mbicb a DeparinjeJt ut,s and, Ppc- prve -a maerNtM.rcosrat m au ti naoflà b A. :ae escttled uvil bc es i i t 5ý J t the, , ,u ,,,nis a discussiop Il mon decided biat la paigWt-eciadpk esushls.b ttc GoiMd moulA poechoseeae.- tee apptying forerebute. oct ia formeresmrait m tomla- French River open May9, and ub tains for ttc Sanday Setool amni Effecive Jase i ve wc tba but cn cngaged nr ove the Fench on May 15 Tbeca A diga 'igtecs to Thisiamendimect il becume genceai peaclise tfor neuety 30 incnvedvseasuoforblue picb- il- efarmiigteatt. fctaive Jaac t tiesi anA Hei'tac Hii-ivesai cnclutsioins vrvi ecpt Lake Nipissing wbib ttc certaint wsa studied. îcvvcn ltae admicistective baîdien altccacc.'li[cnidecatian and I aopens an Mcv Il. t. Met. Frank Chintois, progfrai ut theacitinizatiacus eer edtu abtlatiicc 1ccb tboipe tbtbteadentangIact st cottener iolraduîced âtrs. Jones oeouonalm.ithcuivaecekdtei o ai l mbraide Titte a cBases tîscît ta peuviîte publiîc In isu, cacks ta tbe carus, liibg tachie aod bave inspeat- erabi and nhe 'iqajA it soomembot . npeainribnIemnediiing aiet st steak. bce-e cs ibeac ctt uith etifiec bas. - iptt.pcascd an oracuerIcedt n sectian ut ie Minîter 1isbing. attractive as il t, 1. lite oul peint ptlu itn tulaies. Maci t. 1964, are cati exe-mpt Crime Report rebicb reads as as litte soaptiait ta the man: - No brunIt ts ted. Thit is made, fret tales fcx. tallomt: "The Commistion licds aba petee the fis rua, bail tis rit, Atee Company anA manc i.Ittr eur htf samte httelwcsig rsinn o nu iteaulilal articles mccc displaved. Tbc pticu. cualit eui a amte ba b i stiiarsitig uine . ln o-eidn ota r la enfocementcgencis intheLi Unpenuaieeaconditions. I psed 'odlThe eaest and acv'tr p ide i deputit fo lacbie salss ited Stctci bave esîmeme difitbuivai ti v be one ai thc besi, teetig ci ii c ru tocely lunch mas serned it b e]btcicct li Vialtara Here Mr. anA Mes. William Ci bute ci' Mimico vitited ai the bute af Mr Mand Met. Frank Chisi on Sondas. April 19. Fricnds and neigitaes gaiec iL ot ttc Noth Trafalgar Comn 0-look Mr.Et Duirymnnle ity Centre te oou M. an Mr Harold Maires anA famnil h have moned train ibit vciit te 0 1 You want more milk per cow? l Aclon. Tbe terst pari ofthI ee niog mat speni pîoying crs2. Or peehapa a Iower food coat? A witb theprizetiteing won 3yMs ke Mtsad rdMe Maray May, Aiea GlivrOsca 3. Or mayba both? A andtiet. Manes ree eu TH- TOÏ ttc front cf theatc halloig aE j WITCH T camdt. retere Mes. AlfedM Crackcenmarithe oeescues, anA Mes. Ogilcie aind Alfre Mc~ Cealîteo presented thecm with iAI st of Stainilets Steel Cokar 0-~ w a~ ood anteectictiltchenoca Mr. anA Met. Maines enprecstte r tanto and appeciation ta a l6 aîînnding. A deliciots luncha terned ty the ladies and a suc- la imie enjoyed. 0 TH r' i:E c A trereca collision on thte Base j FDSMULATED TO A- -EA OOSVAU ZUOTSOfTDLX OP - Line jutmcet of the iftLine A on Medciestny, 'Apeil 15 sent GIVE YOU BST ' Mlomatahstai b as RESULTS AT a LIKE WHAT YOU SEE HJ'ERE? Milton mot take hoptailtan Dia- LOETC trictHnspma later tatitcmlcod Ch mie Nlo ucarS OA Believe it or flot, these luxury features belong to a low price car. colliAA mith one Ariven hy Aoh c 1a amýe _ D. Coedingtcy of lthe Ninth Lîne. , AnA tat fot ahIl Every Beaumont model in pncked wteil auto- 1 Hombty. A pass ngae in tbe CacA- .motive valute. As you'Il diseovec whco ynu gel clown la youc mGesor niitee bae afnr neureest Acadien deoleens You'll fiad boni-y, per-fnrmance and r-ide abeasions but mas ait I ken t baspitut1 Miltan OF. vai the you ni-ver fhcugnl panaibletin o c pe ee cor. Titeres on eoc itig A IC A f IA Nt ai fthe acciden'tiii i< > 1 . *aa1.hà V Forel , Sejea aon cf beautfal Bearot aamav ý f a Takeyu pick 5 ~ ~ I tcîniiocîl Oice epalt îîîdi.eFom l e of coupesvedans cccvertble sandwagona Eu ar an fu packed fbiate high inds had blomc th esncrit-tepýho teilla luxai on Beaumaoat value. AIl af temn reody for y0u t0oM I the Cordingley cae. bt thts has ditve aWay. Sc ycr Acaiean dealer righl notel You could lac BEA U M O N T* not isdni anfirmed. D I V.I S I ON OFP diig a brond nera Beaumont tnmnrraw-cr monybe soainemi Tu itt.diam aiDate .isa Sa lsna sufbercA tacetiont r ahaor bck nA mariems e ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED SamoibTcu niZoe una nsnCtt a nsomsdnni iîa Wu regriet ta report tirer -Mes 0 UI TMLONT -3 G Gatteait Saatt Lhtc, la a p.. Mito Mio Sale Limitedtic Hsp pariaM iltt 10to Salesaa Disrit sap __ I ni isr tiee snpeedy recov- Mi M"w 4irý«fg M L4 odé ff A -f À FILTON, ONT.