"~ 7 r r ' c- bi _ -he Canadien Champiuon, Thocodao, Aprol 223rd, 1964 TNE SINGING SMITHS Orooo Kibih e a fuieulfaol qcu ac agocerai redooos at the Bcyooc Ccooooooooo O CcýoOoc Taentoo Niqhr fid in Fecy W. Mercy ochool on Fcooay eceoitg. Shocqiao ocirqoe cir ooocog sheeis bfce lt s0400 of the prugraco are lail lu riglol, Dan- cy. Booco, Peggy Aronocand Lyroda. Ahcooo 352 11cconccoro ee potfocued dccg the eveciug by ueuoicd0cccolcoooococTh A0oooogc o ccoousottotidul cl Cc dooBoi Oc tu a Illetto 0lot. ibl i ((necvSci is oue ofthel * All. %,ot ie 0,0 S ocy inc. tufa ((Oc,, Oc, v o ch oee d Polesocot A. R. Cc cg ci Winnipcg tthoch ic.vlic- os c flbcrouhi Sf In ocu cto Iorn the 1,199 j alecc th, Bible ini une -laPl-ut. Ctocgg, ecci tootg c,, Uectopie' acnd iogh e citttg iouohou thcyac. rair citocis Ou Suodayo 1loti liced toi hepticohc'oot 00000 Ona eloocios ol' tw i h (Oc i, (toto cittpitot lit- tladoi te ouocl icce. Oct (lito s u ia u (lie li t hcc Oc iot oc i t'.ipI ioo cli reOtcp c ot l o' o 000' sccggesOttin 00,I Ille olicit Bile lu c'cc Olicio plans haove' bcc elctsch asc' "Rtcad lot-c pp, o cOco ." Toccie toccpou-, inaih1000 pagesott it le aco'to cIU eple o'et!ccio- Oc ed ihc Bibl bonoit(000 Gcecol (c Reoclicliot 000 er.ue ctocclul mari Oc - Toooo tici a diton. c to fo" t 3,ej.A oleotoleotcc lot Chit.cgcl alc ellli l oo (Iitotoiti coclo ci 0000 eo toil I 'Ou, 'leti 0000000c ooo cooito ific ici c "lOccaINonIOitptct band. A LITTL.E BIT 0F IRISH o'oco oo, mo :'i, rO'ooo not Ngiot nocg. Doippr "o'o f t.iioos. i oo o Iiheicpcaoo and Maoilyo Macioo , . o,, 1 o1 ' surie. "'o- oooc l enfert oinic il -, - - ii ýr o, i o A NIGN-STEFFING ornpope hy hcoaoo Ccoooc anod Kathy Spari- oog. hotd ilot audicenoce of more dioio 000 Oapp oog theor îoins vigoruly ou area peiolocotco aoco'ici trie cootual 'Tlet Nighi" ai Fercy W. Mecooo School un Frdayecec icg. Eev E. A. Nevic was moacllercf Corecoonoos lort he ucucou g. - The eartlest knowa syatemr Of latto. formoco about l7R0 B.C. by (lammurabi, KCing co Baby. ton, wau a code (a complote tto lau'u) deflicon peraunat rigOla, property rigbtu, con. tracts, etc. Dorioz the 12tc tentucy A.D., a body ut latta cailleol tho cornotot lat grew Up (1ocu flic declaloa fI th. Engahob bcla court. Thecle decios were baed oneus- toto or (ho application ot ra- son ta custot. Our pretteot Atterluan latte are based, at tract in part, antt (is Eogltsh 0101000 uf cootoon law. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT WEST END MEAT MARKET W, Facture Red Brand Butc Opusn Thur. and Frlidey I t) Wila Seirvae E ast roti Tac ROSS HOLMIRS, Friait Reg. SFIC at Milton Hardware's PRIC E BUSTUNG SALE Tubule »«1 2 " BARBECUE GRILL A0anCOE HAMMER Fufcng trpoo lega wih wheecs Ad- Reg. $190 15 $5.75 ocohae gril Hcdle oc 24" 0ie SPICIAL $15 IAL $19 hoec. Heauycsliconeo'ier e Air R.g $99 - SECIL $foat ciol Filt ait standard BEENZOMATIC FROFANE TORCN KIT Reg. $6.95 $5.7 50-R., Fower Tool Extesion CORP SET Eeg. $4.50 $3.49 Tabular HACKSAW FRAME. Reg. $4.30 SEI $3.89 - laek anti Docker 1/41, utilify DRILL SUPER SIl $1 3.88 leeck and Docker utility JIG SAW FEICE -#~V free hlade glocb andi Docker Utihity Finishing SANDER SPECIAL $19.88 HEOGE SHEAR Long Naetile Reg. $6.605 $ 4 SFICIAL $5 9 Trac Tomper 15 Tooth 50W RAKE Reg. $3.90 $3.39 loccol fiiobh,ltoo alm0 u 0 e iiiocdtocc. si Ia Trac Tensper Brlar Etige CULTIVATOR Reg. $3.19 -$2.79 AdjlocOhi :ctl hiodet. Sicei ,octtl larod lioci. Ail pu-1, die- t.tcic.bic. Ficc liaoctdctcd 4 tout Truc Tromper Eound Feint SHOVEL Rcg. $2.79 $2.39 pcl'cci h'lci t d digitt Tree Temper Ncacy Daty LAWN RAKE Rcgý $4.49 $3.99 22 (Occol 0 Ic-ottyccd i ccl lotitn ecms ful.clc tditotooc ccO-a a 2 oc-kccc dcpi 0 Ado1 Large Sie Homo and Tire SADDLE SPECIAL (unC65c Witthul 20Dfee ofplastico (cote or use for uraill of spovtrec. Macle cf hcut-y Bauge steel, cosu mntic. MILTON HARDWARE "PAINTS - VARNISHES --ENAMELS" 227 Main. Ste E., Milton Phono. IR 8-2352 GA&RDEN HOSE SPICIALS 50-Face Lifetime Vinyl 50-Fot Relefercei Eabher (1000 Viovi *Fuit c1' (.. Rcii'uc-ccd ttith hiab (cooile GR E * Quai iiy ch rtte pýIaid coup ruoncor eu-c Sigle bt-aid. long *Transparent greeno 12 O'Fuît !, I.D. Quatity bracu ILOSE 5-cir guaruotlc! coupîlua B Black. Eeg. $4.89 Reg. $7.75 s3.99 69 Lu, 1A & ru transaetc re 75 G R EN rSE l 7luodou LI). rcoil 100% Lifeelme Vînyll Reg. $3.99 hoocoocoupiog 0 12 ycu $ 1 8 CARDINAL 19" ROTARY , Goasmaster 19« 4-Cycle POWER MOWER ROTARY MOWER Wîtlh *aaySpin Reoill 91,erue .$7 3 - 50 Reg. $63.00 - Sale Frice Bttc.j,o andi Siotil c 4 cyclei3 $5 8 .88 11.r cui tai croocot,. Ooot.h toic.c. ho.ogbl adiuosintc. 7" 4 Cvcl. Biggo cnd Sltiaion .sel iaodtcad olloeo, chohc.A-Matic '2 b-hp. coaccu ocbccl padool uoccoocuhci Foiiy bt'ticd dch on fiacbo- Folio' haiffkd dcck. Chuo.cA- i t areec. Equippcd oo't 7" Mai' le on-crtttitoccdle.L.cl s(cel 'othlcc coud cuhc.c.I otcoit.het icluic. Wiccci poi-,s uc cc ic 4!/z Ca. Fs. Gainerai Ferpese 3 Ca. Fi. Domeastic FERTILIZER SPREADER With Slcce-Off Contral Keeb WHEELBARROW WHEELBARROW 40 Ohl. Coopauity spiotoçi dcc Slicogitccitrucici une pic,,. (dcia lur Ille averatge cd coienient choc-cff coucoi on icOo0cococottocoocchct0ct0oardttccicc0ocOtticO 20" o'prccdiog coidih. e.tciOo. cicaccol ococ ccc ueb. eliav aci cctouppt-icol hv ccg- Srae gitor hiade ptr- Equoippcd o itf riole hcoctiug gc-t tbuito i octt. i0' oohc coou cclohoohgcerhuoo 2-pi' (tr Ocheci. iloiie hcotcl. steeli ieg, iooabec bced Reg. $35.0 ~ j Ee .195 Rf.j eg. $11.95 SFeci!Il0 $29.44t RSall-e$Price $9.44 SFECIAL $9.44~ SPRINLER Ani Tpek Waon Master Osu.llatieg PRUNING SHEARS c- c it n cin Slt o Meo Fisto Grp lio Opa cu dia i e UI rco 0RINO HOSE NOZZLE opcttg lu0 c1,.00 sq. Il. SPECIAL $1.3aJY 'ltco-cotio O Sprcc * s1ti 0 Aoioooctcice Oc parotti cttcctm filett it tu c ulsr agc toc olcoboto 0 Stoitod-ic a Lchc Oc OtOy postion tut-ico *Full car cguaateoooot *Fccis-oi ecrtcd laNonc- ENGLISO c.o'ocooga eUCitoott finish Eeg~~ $695 $4*9 grî ccc10 icc! Reg._$6.95 _$4.9 CHAMOIS Eeg. $1.49 $1.29 WOtito-ohkin, 27 x 31" ei ioii"u ~~ til Iccootd, oitcI9dl cto BRASS 1405E NOZZLE TRICY CLE oocc'iodcc cooc OtiO Standard c3't" tpe Ochojucc SPECIAL Reg. 59 $3.99 1~tc~ Reg. ct9 o hr49ic exraoige cicp plate. Adjucichico huttdic bto tctilh ccd plastito goip; Ili-in senti pnettticties i o c thoocote ilut. qoce bcked cotococi; 2-itt. ioolctohtu antd lithlc.pc arto hoigi zic insh Triple Actio rossdW ota Crabgrass Killer (No. 40) ra.ctWod oi-t Exclucivto I'REFLANùt %o'ttohc i PLANT FOOD 4-12.4 FERTILIZER (No. 49) ciitcccigraccstocac iitcvcspctcui llCoo.cootclRLF-iicNi0goctccg pototcinec'o'ccococccitct ovcc 10-5-5 [octooliee. Kilts gc'uho andl unotoircto grascses lord tttact brc'titocaf %ctdc. 4-12-4 ofi cinif inctc. planot o ictc gtc'ccompice Occdiog lit llcovet-s dot hos, 10-LIS. Cecera 1,OOOeqc. Et. pltsi. Hotocly sthtoer co cciih ptoi i d. $4.95 5-lb, can $1.89 10-LES. Cotte., 1,000 sel. t. $9.95 Grass and Weed Contrct Controtird Reteosus LAWN FOOD (No. 60) ROSE F000 7-8-5 24-5-5. c compioito %v ico'(cd rce- Organit Fertllizer (Ne. 70) ocgtcizccl ho' (cccl tooptotit as atc idcaI im ictc ictOiito. Cctinstt Aitincu'odieciccccccesc lu opovttici.largeOticotcccisad quic.-itcoittc itocgctt fct- ii occotctoc li- icith' platscc . lStganic tieicril aci itotttocdicto' tot' ale 'V'Ult i i otia latotodicog; picoti grascestococt ool lia $ 2.95 \lcoc'cOO lO oOi-O lici 22-LBS Cocers 5,000 liq. fi. 5-lb. cn$1 .89 $4.95 BATH SCALE Eeg. $5.95 SPECIAL -$444 evy Deey Cariali GARBAGE CAN Sale FrIc. -- $3ffl Eeg. Value $4.99 Large clou, 16 Imperiul galloa capacliy. BASEBALL GLOVI Reg. $9.95 SFECIAL $7.99 Big [ecge nouotr; ('icests( leccel coulhd leather. Wlnner SOFTBALL BATS Eeg. $1.75 SFECIAL $1.19 OFFICIAL SOFTBALL Eeg. $1.69 SPECIAL $1.39 Whcite hco'colii leotlcer, It lot., woith kapok centre and cool double citcltiog. Officiai.. Qcality Jambo SIc. PAINT ROILLER KIT Oci pile moohair, 700 ioch co- (to. Mcci traco'oith safctofoect. Yco cciii po11int tice as faut ,ocd gelil el jobi u dcne. Spetial sy $1.88 Big 3-lnch PAINT BRUSH Micottieocf (cocu acoo bolodie. Hcids o hccpicg hcotch full. Meta[ i cocule - ooden only $1.59 Cartineal Branti LAWN SEED c1/ -lb. bai 4.1b. bag $1.19 $2.89 o. 1 Mixiture pt-epacod -ciltu potocuc a (hick 0.0000 copel suit.isno cl'acte. Na iimocily or field Niot Grelln GRASS SEEO 1-4b. bag $1.99 A olcco Me-coc Riaergaco mitureoo. Contoic506ô Merion Ketuc'kyhbleacocc25c1Ke- Urk *c v tuegcco.c ando 25l' Rco Tcp (Nurse goocool. Sprlng Stecl LAWN RAKE .0 Spoi ccpdc et ottonhord ilt ocllooc e co nstucio 0 tocct hlancdtle. Eeg. $1.39 - Speelal 99C S-Suwn HOUSEHOLD BROOM Fucll size 0 Fine qaality na. (oral broccu, coco le Natueal hardlie. Eeg. $1.39 - Spell .99C