Os.bcili Registration, Mot Dog D0y, Ffr.wcirl k, «W WNé* Ily Mm Cocul Palersonn cams; The voungeqi celub cciii bc ccil^ he hoeld ui Rovne Centre on ucec with 40 douce tng pre, completed. Pisses wccc made for Greaves, and Cecilia Geaves. cuhile nt er. Those lance, Udn. D»i Dfncaçk pnà4d la s C=n styCne clei Sqcitsc ýcDo FCwý Ma i. Iloufnu r at petnteeda, go or pael and sccved ct atdnc lunch nt ihe noon houe thut At Aaumumy T"g atde wesà l cf n romuwmmtta s ou ccee n atessy altr ol5vFle ci eIemn scuo Parentsanse recftsssed ut lunc bosset. Those ia ho Kit- c.. A nusoser , o ladies foteal otc ~ alneo o b sest t ~h i t =tea whoen the loa on e-aec h e Weccc boe do cltheLr sbore in escouraglng chcbiaeeeetaseloe tneuiete a etntteumgtPehtranWMS i t sadlp nlseç b>lcIe nMy>2a iesIsS tcuregitered Io play in the charge cf Charles Leriche and th managers and the boys to a utn Mes. M.M Kiernan, Mets. and mrnbrc made saespiec. lendcd the 75th Atasiversar tea, pteaole feinsoa »J4te Ot fièm wéjBbbeewnla h is* r- Oosa. 8,9seurbd Club. About 4%I~e SainRed, caul îh Bantams wui havecacucceuu ceacon. WC P. leelon. Mec. M. Saiha Mrsc Girls cire'a vin s stcages work- of Roehrtson W.M.S Auciliae, nerd for àU'nte ho "ei them. land asltater one in mie aveMmg front Cet b a 1oi vecru d egic s c cgic cih e Llocd ccthent <tt becs of luck, and G. Fecu. Mr%. R. Lacecc, Met. icg un Ilcele blouses, saime bace Milto, os Tucsday sfternoon. Ar the oIae. lorscl wsca smrvd thcfi"ewrks dLaY ctll be te- tercal with ceceicy Melville i AdOinioii as iliei lecdrie,' i auo a ord of tbunc to the Robertî Fard, Mec. C. Pattîron, ccespleled. The Big sistece proce The vicitors wre vxcomed by ond c bcatiful brthpckrw s etd. TItis fun alggsi ftarfd a Dolsy. This club lites in leocuse Ptay North Tessn coueu u tcking tinte lua eche conceer. 1capcble ated breful Io the junior, the pecident, -Mes. Amis and cui by Me rÂ.-otsi us m fcw years ago and drons e gaod from, the Firsi Line to the Eigblb! Te Oeegh clubc .ci plvansc for Ibece Icams. ileenhe Socuth Deholeenu hcidl'Liilr SIcitc h cu e cd assisi.l cfine progrant folicced. An la- poo ieit ers wcc pees centr and psovides thse parents Lice and front chocc No, 1 if ccc lccms fic e h of ciho Birthday geetiag tee Mcc. Hue- lhoir ernlh meetinf ce Sane-. Oece. Feihocr awrecefemoule ccccc lereclin isof y oscf the bconcb cei fronti Trontoa, 051554e and and <ho chbildeen with a cafe and coid te bclocc, the Cccc do- C-ccelc ancl chccld havel ine old Rtfoherford, Mec. George dac,, Apoil 18if t he ccck conne. eeade for club cehili ai Ach- 1 wcc givre cnd poul preidents maey othor eol-qf-toon pehets. large dicplay cf braulifu lice coad. Jcad %vechlieclccc-eorfgaies. coccee-dgeand Mc. W. Foerdon Railccal!wcccoccced byrlee1me ifa Aeo,-,--- -Rbci.erhc.pc<ccrccintccduced acd preseeied ntau, sIe i cracktecs. Tiece ccc ale f op andcce cei Te hoip the clcb dola cc cpeoceq choir special dayc chic cceck. iemberse te cc-c drcidcd lahldc1idcen. offcccd co be commcenta- wilb c cocuage. TheApritiecfctie Meeing of A bootbcif.tbeon Itand1oýsat- cciii be claccifiocil ine hoilecce in lo the feam -ccoitlv--oaocche 1 moi Dlcg Sae ttce final meeting un May 2 ai 9 r' The gest speaker Mes. Moore the Home a c "sj&cJ Pecy icfy the panguofbhungeror thts . , The April bot ldgef ciciPcccy c.m. ai cctich lino ali ccort on 'AI lice cci breakt, luoch aod Gordeogchoccd eidesof Forntosa W. Mcccv, SchoWs Ras beld en Thic luea cmntunitvp-ojceand 84 Thc Carladcs Chcmpion Thurcday, Apr 23d, 1964 W' Meci-y Chant ccc cs iuuc c garment or books %ou hi bc bevrae ccc ceei cdtt Keih hcien tv bler and bier huettand Moeday cvcahsgitçpssd atlen- fContinoed on Page BS) Lý% bl. SPECIALE ORANGE PEKOE SALADA TEA BAGS ................... SPECIALI IIOSTESS BISCUITS CHOCOLATE GRA&HAMS----................ SPECIALI WHITE - PINK - AQUA Soft.R*Ite ToIlet Tissus 2 SPECIALI CHICKEN NOODLE OR MUSHROOM AYLMIR 4SOUP CONDEN4SED ..... _3 SPECIALI CHOICE HALVES AYLMER PEACHES----...........2 SPECIAL! FANCY LIBBY'vS SAUERKRAUT ...2 eQUALIY PRODUCE FlATME GARDEN FRESH PROM CALIPORNIA! NO. 1 GRADEI THE SPRINGTIME VEGETABLE! ASÇPARÀAG , US........... ON 7c c C ELLO BAG 3 NU -- LOW PRICE 5f CIL4 C@NCENTrRATED moC JAYE c ACI 32 FL. OZ. 2 64 FL. OZ.E U PLASTIC PLASTIC BOTTLE W BOTYLR THE FIHEST MEA T ANYWHERE! LOBLAWS PROTEN *BSUU ROLL J SPECIALI 6 KU@RTERHOIISEà- W§» SES- U 10F.A STEAKS orROASTS& .. OZ. TINS 4 7 C IL -w ,NELESSMNHTN sc OZ. TINs 430 ISTEAK(Se OVIN R@ASTS .. LU.LE 28 FL. OZ. SPECIALI LARGE TINS - 3W BONELESS DEN VER OVIN R@ASTS---------.................LB. 85C. RrI..Ul FT 19C ALSO À FINE SELECTION 0F OTHER LOBLAW PROTEN* BEEF CUTSI ALL DELICIO5DI.Y FLÂVOORFUL AND TENDES - COMPLETELY IONELIS AND MAY TO CARVI SE NIAGARA e BOSTON e BELMONT e PENTHOUSE NEW CROP! BARLINKA VARIETY LUSCIOUS BLACK BRAUTIES! FRESHI SPECIALI LOBLAWS PURE PORK BLACK GRAPES-----................- POUND :39 C osulntvy Style SU.soge--- .1.49 s GARDES FRES FROM CAL! eO 1f GRADEI LARGE SIZI HfEAD LETTUCE ...........2 FeR 29e GARDEN FRESSe ONT. GROWNI CE SP AND SWEET NO. t GRADE! Hothouse Cucuambeu's 2 Fe. 29 E FOR A BRAUTIFUL GARDEN THIS SUMMER! FiaiST sUauIs-i Woe-YEAs-suse FELD ussea ROSE RUSHES AND ASSORTED SEUS laSES COUPON FRs ETA SeAMPs ON ROSES) PENNYWISE CNOPPED B ..f Steakettels..................12 5 5os SPECIALI SE! STAMP COUPON iAlomro Pizza Pies PEPPERONI DELUX 1~