Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 1964, p. 7

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rrýý 0 he Canadiaih Champion, Thursday, Februar 13, 1964 7 Noic o tothChid &oosA. E. LePG Tk pnrnPly/Sds Pro-Am Hockey Stars by ?O u wt"-um hite N o d m uU M The Milton Kinsmen Pue Weesý Gary Young and Ray Tonelli as- --- the àd of the Town Otd"adb REAL ESTATE BROKERS ebr oft Toroto, Ontado opened fih, secod ruing of their 1sistinig. The second perio d endedl OfOa" - ppovlof a the o 189 Main St. - Milton and Os. ille-T flr Real rii-Co un latvolf vt il aii îe wilh Millon sporting a 5.' ]ead]. n i u i c rn k-up pasedpirsuant to Section By4»W toRglte Land Use' 1 Only, SM4 down, $1290 fll Pet., McCuiaig openied fihe scor Or:mgeville, however, seemnedl to PoA kc ain 30 of the Planning Act, Passaid g4san o Secion price, 1 6V4% mortgage for the MOFFAT "ui ai 8I "' 'hic 'rst pvrio"" " thko oe nfe 'hid "°'°el,,, Pon Ah puik chc . i ui n Be 1,ti al o 0tf TAKE NOTIOCE fihat the Count- 30 of the Mlanning Act. balance for this 3 - bedroomn lIn in, a goal lmouffh pass fromt David SNer and Tom Doyle scor. eh i wee,i bu hi time , the Wh ire 1n oberts ha on ib :u. cil of the Corporation of thel--- brick bungalow, full basemenit, REAL FAMILY HOME Jack Surbev. Two, minute, jltr, ed qu ikiy mn he openinig minutes gaMesweecridabyloroaanGegeCshnhd on onof OakviHle intends to ap. TAKE NOTICE that thec Coufn- partly finis'hed rec. ruom, fenc- $9,000, 8 -a romdmsnycn1ihOagnl hrhneRc k r lecn ude wit olya - cisionl for, ewo, toond ut thheoingh es ply to The On-tario Municipal cil of the Corporation of the ed yard, allummumn strmis and struction, neat as a pin ky Mitchell fhippedl the puck o p resan gCoile was clled m ons ovrteDr1leh rtewnes elcnrbt ok Board pursuant to the provis-17Town of Oakvitle intends to ap. screens, thrmughom, closed - in porch, the OrangenNeI Mo-fhe, mingl flhe In-, aetredfiutsvsm u-wy O rdyeedtoasssadBcRbr 0741. ions of Section 30 of The Plan- 1phy to The Ontario Municipal i ,0 u rcbikhm 159' x 169' loi, nicre garden sur- score 2-0. Riay E%:ms assisted,,. on bre akiways Teito t'haem jng th Luiht B0ue deioned clea tnd( Trne hatd neRi each 72d gr ing Act for approval ofr Blv-aw iK,ýd pursuant to the provismons wit kicediig ivn oned by attractive ever- Evan showed hi, sklIinig abili->fnl eaeutakdac the Greens byv a 9-8 counl. In =or 1 he loser1, GrTimber hadi -- nmbcr 1963-152 passed on> the Of Section 30 of The Planning room and bathruom, 3 bied- green trees and .hedges, also ly iii the second periodI, as% he: Jiak Surby tamedu ihRyTedyngt cinteMr-ih rc andtoasit, nlote twentieth day Of NOvember, 1963. Act for approval of By-Law num- 1 rooms andhe Iunaom alurr cueltl anwl ade uwae h rneiledlneE:sl eghn th om vow Tscwallpe tihe arkuioh i gure onr a a ali ihe goak Lar fone A copy of this by-law is furnish- ber 19631153 passed on the twen- umetors ad sreens Tem coup ile fhosearn ws. dea an ired a low hot past thderi Fa leatl. lo Crc om im son ede ohe Orangev, 4-3ric aaBoiefgr nd Nip Gth rounde . ed herecwith. A note giving an ex. lieth day of November, 1963. A on tra n srcs ers for retirement or family with starde emine.Mlocn-adheGen kdota-5> hesrmadGru d. yj atlanto of the purpose andi et. copyv of this by-law ?s furnished $15,000 full price, $3,00 dlown, children who flke country ai- tinuedl Io pren tili Niguel Fer-ý Withl 30 second, loft Nigel Fer.- wvin overf the Whites,. - d tw Isv i all lec ofp the byl and stavting hrwh.A noie giving an ex- lovely brick home and garage, mosrphere. You must see this guison wvas ablle to dlent ihle twine guson .tcoredl his second goal of In, flhe Friday night fixture, muse- the }ands affected thereby is also, planfation of the purpose and ef- with basement apartment. one, wilhi Rav Eans and Mike Fritme thie nght with Gary on e-Hmlo soe he he n ,ctsg furnished herewith fel. [et of the by-law and stating the Price indcles broadk>com, acsln .fimi Marshall fiIsh finghi up wah a beauilful asflsied Once to) leald the Liphi es -lands affected thereby is also washer and dryer. Calthe worjong a minuite later wvith goalmouifh pass. Blues to viçtoryv. McLatchie and ff89 .Any person mnterested may furnishied herewith.i Camn talliedi two marLkers each AT E IO - within leurteen (14) days after . 110,500 full price, hlouse, barn Tom Bradley .The Peu Wees travel Io Orange- and McDonald nettedi iwo goals I , te date of this notice, sendi by Any person mnterested may, and 4 acres. TR8-54ille for" the second gamre of the and fouir assists. Tayvlor'drew on FARMERS regstre malo eivrt h ithmn fourteen (14) days after T8953REAL ESTATE (Continued) fotad poal series lnighit (Thurs ,ssist for the, winners. StLan kin Clerfed m ow of Oaivie th1le date of ithis notice, send by $11,000 full price, house, barn - - - - a) 1al oswlteIil oet trefortelsr O TC di ng notice of his objection to appa' eitrdmiurdlvrt.te adipeetse.Trs For Service and Satisfaction plav Hespeler mn Milton on Sat- with, four goals and an assist ng al of the sd b 1 Ea " Clerk of the Ton of Oakville, SOUND INVESTMENT urday. Gamne fimie i, 5.30. whfille George Chlm netted two tory va esi y wtogether notice of his objection te appro- Call Consulit goals, and four assists onBl de Lit uchstatection.f th 1rud a of the said by-law together YVONNE CHRISTIE UIBTLAARN T and Buck hladi one gL eah B. with a statem-nt of the grounds WILLIAM WOODS D r 1 ' let cher- had une assist, Buick flto The Ontario Municipal Board of suoh objection. DR A B i DES $ 20.000 downi paymn t for ti i id . .. sissand Johin Ell one as may approve of the said by-law The Ontario Municipal Boar 878-2095 878-6057 finle butilding in Georgetown. 3 Cotifnued frotm Page Three it b3- lut before dloing su it may ap- may approve of the said by-law c-40 REALTOR & INSURANCE mmutles f rom the business sec- Offices werle also namied, wvith Doug McCutcheon tailled three F E D ponta im ad lae he aybut before doing so lit may ap- - - 310 Main Street Milton trn.rs eeu foe fimi Harkin fictdnsiic- res- , ian th, Maon bonu objectiond Noth by-law will be point a timie und place when any S,0.1and. bed om.n dent, Jim Langedyk elected as thre Das Blues.r JonMlcan (STEWARTTOWN) ig that n ay be held w il bur eintNtc n e J. A. W illoughby 878622-88-59 olo2000 btu fpin pulov and aif, 1,u cre ho ',tei For Your Spring 9 led an objectins h aei hoerosedwla "IMPOSSIBLE" FOUR BEDROOMS vasand Dr."W.C P. Wri h' n,, Cah Supplies Theatdaefrftigojc an objection. & Sons Ltd' "FNATC WlT ONEe MORTGAGEv n outi" McLean mne assist and Serafina OF orlins wil be February 27, 1964. The last date for filing objec- RealtorS Mr., Langedyvk is also mn the pro Hlon ass.Jac Dims anIods 0 FERTILIZER DATED AT THE TOWN OF tions wyill be February 27, 1964. 1 Yes - for only $431.70 full dow S71.00 MONTHLY perty commttlee. Hamficltoscore nd Dhe on gans OAKVIUILE this 13th day of Feb- DATE AT THE TOWN OF 64 Year.s' Continuous Service 1 payment (using the Winter $800 downl payment for this 4 CrdtCmitemmesi- ih e dDra n SEED GRAIN ruary,1964.OAKVILLE ihis 13th day of Feb Works, Bonuls) to one be.A hdroom homne mn Aclon, mod- lulde Peter De Grath for thre A thr-eiogol b sl RS ED ns ruary, 1964. É erO S mor.tgae,, yout can parchase a ern kitchen large enough lor years; Gastond Telmn for wol 0o onAS a as ro Shllgv .1 10 Te Fow hers kvi ,r, S. A. Featherstone, Clerk 21-storey r'ed brick home with 7 l r k115 deuae ) wth a rn ets51y a ltr o snaeI g nhir4 vn r SEDCR P..Bx30lheTw fOkie large roomsý, baltro andt ex- separate diniing noroom, fui] lot 70' x 100', withi a forest.in chairmnan of teuprisory comn- ýtocrdl itwice for, the wvinn-ers and, CALL US FOR Oakville, Ontario. P.O. Box 310 .tra washroom, newu gas fur- basement, extras include sitrmi yor ackyard. Ful pr c ouee Charlie Thomas a, sec. Nyjholt assisted once and scored ERYBOIGPIE Oakville, Ont. nace, 2-car garage, nicely fand- and screen windoews, exhaust Ig 800. retayo that comimittee and iofn another occasion. John White'.ERYSONGPIS THE CORPORATION OF THE scaped treedl lot, situatedl clos¡ 1flan, completely decorated, 60 I.oren Maiera,, ebrofhdtogasan nass o TOWN OF OAKVILLE TH-E CORPORATION OF THE Io school and shopping. Ant id-i ft. fois, close Io pubbec and fheicommilaee. Jule ribers ofthe loes Nioalsn had asss goar rs edCenn -r aTOW.N OF OAKVILLE cal lfamily home, reasoanbly hgscos."er?-- Wil- E. A. M itchell Ltd. Auton, is flhe ireasurer. and Pedie had] two assisis. e Seed Grain Cleaning and DI-LA priced at $15,000. Calil Anna flams Ave. 5 dierent desigr.s * BY-LAW Cairný TR 8-690. available. See thlese homes thiý REALTOR WOG ATS 'Treating NO 93-12weed rh ponm"- Brampton 4,51-6232 Ith iic lodrorsinWe also carryoa complete A By-law to amgend By-law NO. 1963 - 153 MhenS-tLve lI -633 I" Thur sofb. Caon i nos 1 WAITRESSES! uine of 1938-8 of the Township Of A By-Law to amend By-Law M dr Spi e l'Yes - We Sel Insurance ïame, of Mis. Patricia Watts was Master Feeds, Feed Trafalgar (Sites for futueue 95-2fth Tonhp f In exclusive residential areat, 3 Lieeeybsns ehae.norc.I hudhv ed We Carr a Complete Line of by Public Authorlites and rd Trfaga a r-enate byBy bedroomis, living - dining area come eiirs, bu te fcthae Ancrrc. rirose d W aver Grains & Miscellaneous fronage) La 1959-56 thereof (Sites for wihbodom om o-our client list continues Io A CINS L UNFRSFeed Supplies THE COINCIL OF TH.E COR- lfutre ou by Public Authi- ern kitchen, lower l1 vel con- grow each year,. speaks vo0 SHOES PORATION OF THE TOWN OF ties and road frontage.) sists of largee tra ah r es frteqaiyoorsr.OHuehol FuntrGadn1H S FOR QUALITY - SERVICE OAKVI-LLE ENACTS AS FOL- THE COUNCIL OF THE COR-ý and lauindry room, compllete vices. Whyv don't you, Jui oour Tools and a 2-roomed Cabin -INTEGRITY c-1-.tf LOWS: PRATO OF THE TOWN OF| with aluminum sin, -m nd nha p acd i iLl s r Will be held 1 miles west of The MILTON DEPARTMENT DIAL 877-3512 1. Sub.section (D) of Section 3 LOWS- screens and gooc o in ou aepalehdsr th eI Aclon, on No. 7 Highiway, on STORE LTD. GEORGETOWN of By-law 1958.48 of the Town- -Flprc$5,0.ClAna BEST car, home and busmlss SATUJRDAY, FERUARY 15 Grsa 0 . shipl of Trafalgar as amended by 1. Subsection 4 of Section 4 of Cairns TR 84980. insurance, consult us. At 2 o'clock.n .MloTR896 fully By -law 1960-118 t.hereof 1s am- By-law 1958-12 of the Township No reserve. Home sold. M lo pe endled by substituiting the Ifow of Trafalgar.as re-enacted by By. Building Lots NEW 3ýBEDROOM framei buinga. TERMS: CASH. O ing therefor: law ]95j5 and amended by By- Good rceidenti-al lots, close to low, cedar siding. wýth hiving, ELLIOTT & HOLMES; Fu *"Strbject to subsections (E) law 1960-117 thereof is iamended town, priced at $1,000 to $2,500. room and dining area, k1Iýik Autioneiiers. Fab and (F), no proshlesb-by substituting the following Call J. A. Elliott T R8-9233 .3-piece bathroom, fuli dividedEvlnHbu,- lish a parcel of land which does therefor: basement, oil firedl forced a Proprieltress. c-39-2' . not abutt a street and comply "Subject to subsections 5 and heat. This homne is built on a' Centre BL doo h all relevant provisions of 6, no person shall establishl a Farms and AcreageS nice high lot, situated o ae this By-law." parcel of land which does not For farms, country estates, large ,la Fi] hrice %H 510 Caeth 2. ecio 3ofBy-aw198-8 but't a street andl comply wvithl or small acreages and com- Ar' Pecc R -47 THE DURABLE FIRE is amended by adding a new sub- a11 televant provisions of this mierciai lois, call J. A. Elliott s. section (F) t-hereto as follows: bByv-law.l. TR 8-9233. EXECUTIVE HOME-Brick anid ENGINE niW stock1 -N 2. Sctio 4 o Bylaw 958-2 . stone ranch style with double "()Where land has been ac- as renctend by Byl 1959-56 If yout are huving or tsellmgn, we car garagei. 3 bedhroom ., dining. The vrorId', quired for the purpose of accom- iamnebyddganwsu-would be pleased to asist. family and living rom 7atohre. en y rOd chd LER mdtng muid.lwrksc section 6 thereto as follows: Call your Willoughby soefrpasldng ls your telephone as.services, drain-âge or road widsný%ie doors lu patio area, fully dec- lo ih8 ia ,ening or by the Hydro-Electric "(6) Where land has% beent au- repreeu orated. Call Gladys Hum, gi-e, oses aL lo I mnanager Power Commission of Ontario or quiredl for the purpose of ac. .i of paint. 1 other auithority for the purpose commoding municipal work ANNA CAIRNS M.ATI ST - 3-eromcaPboR60 IUCO IGTNSEIL of a powe transmission fine, such as services, drainage or 1brick bungalow with, attached hmsi Il il are UCMN VSEIL railway, pipeline or the like and road widening or by thie Hydro- J. A. ELLIOITT TR 8-9233 garage, spacious liigrom1e1ee vry c40 titgggsuch acquisition has deprivedl a Electric Power Commission of c-40, ki-tchen, 4-piece bathmstom (cer- year to> 1h el Lovers, of goodi music will want to watch for two televi. c- pmperty or a part of a property Ontario or othecr authority for, amic wall file), full basement , Amierican LaFrance Co. at sion treats to be sponsored by the Bell over the CBC-TV net- ef lits frontage on a public road, the purpose of a power transmis- F/A cil healting, aluminum Elmira N.Y.t,which musibea work In the next few weeks. On Wednesday, February 19, ai th ilnds deprivedi shall be sion line, railway, pipeline or the storm ndl secen windows an wodeIu Lac orggeee 9.30 p.m. six recognized young stars of the music world, tin- deemed Io have retained its front- like and such acquisition has de- PLACE YOUR WARES WHERE doors, 56 Il. landiscaped lo,u boIt- h, laor (hao 1,rn0 cTudingth asistnt Ocondtrs of bot cthred Mntal and age for the proses of this By prived a property or a part of a THEY'RE SURE TO BE READ 5ý21 N.H.A.mrgae u "u m hlofhe.20TonoS poyOcesawilbfatednaporm ga adfrt purp os y-i pro .flsfotg na INTECAPO r $15,500. Ca11 Bria Bc freegie[md annual, mn entitled "Young Canadians In Concert." Then, two weeks gater I aw ndlo fore w'isb pure the pulroperty e f n i sa rontage oni aI --I H HMIN p e ,.a ra 'teUitedl S1ue. - Wedinesday, March 4, at 9.30 p.m. - the Bell will sponsor hav fron o v edwl bec deme to ub od he lallb e nd so daerive flhe TV presentation of the Montreail Symphony Orchestra hav ben mve bak t te sallbe eeed o hveRed-is the most populair coloir performing Richard Strauss' "Ein Heldenleben" (A Hero's Tree property fine between the lands its frontage for the purposes of for fire englones, of course, but Life) undicer the direction of Conductor Zubin Mehta. Filmed d. rmaining and the lands so ac- this By-law and for this purpose a lot of ogther shadles are used and recorded ai Montreal's proud Place des Arts during the quired in respect of flhe land or the front lot ]ne will deemed to to for cities that want somne- W o le s 30th anniversary concert of the Montreail Symphony Orchestra, ag- th prtthref hic hs eehvebenme b ack tththing different. White lus the the programt captures a full richness of sotimd for 47 minutes Ce- deprivedi of lis fron-tage." prprylnebtente lands, second mot popular color, then of uninterrupted music, and alsoa highlighis ant Interview with ýd to 3. sB- ots. . remammig and the landsi so ac- green. LaFrance has also i Conidute, Mt. rsin .Ti By-a c o tu quired in respect oifithe land or* made fire trucks in black, blue, theg force when appraved by The the part thereof Which ha en hc latn elegant gold d Beautiful ANSWERER , th. Onai Muiia1or. dpie fisfotg OF THE WEEK there was oneefamous ;ruck Whenever you're looking esaid READ a first and second fime, 3. This Byl comtes mnto force that was ordered In a shade for infioation , you ha- anai uiia or. dpie flsfofg. f[a Ms aebe lS bout this 20th day of November, 1963. wh'len approved by Thec Ontario ofllc Ms av ena e aieyo oucst tr o ais 2*Municipal Board. male malority on THAT town depencfing on the nature of Wm. Anderson, Mayor. READ a fir.st and second time counfcil). and your quest. There's flhe diction- S, S. A. Featherstone, Clerk. this 20th day, of November. 1963. 1ar, Lr eneveoei es Tice READ and third timie and pas. Wm. Anderson, Mayor b" m p""l" r, EayCaend""" ' cd d this 201th dayn of Novembher, S. A. Feathierstone, Clerk' po W,112 evinde LaFan5 andy Cuei TV . .. mraps, .okio= i. 196.3 READ a third fimie and passed buUs schedu.",lesbu ci,. et, t 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~this 201h day of Novemiber, 1963. rilrckldrwIlplit Fa nsADofoue.heelhn. c-9 m.Aneron M E Wm. Anderson, Mayor. jrmnou s Amd i 2 il,. the telephone you S. A. Fecatherstonte, Clerk. S. A. Feathierstone, Clerk. reou'ach lor mlost ofien, whnc %ou want informfation in a hurrs- ers l iiigsedt 5 inomtouch al, i, Mar Summary of Restricted WeD bA Ellen's birthday iomlorrow, • Summary of Restricted Fire engine arei duabeero or nexi weiek? Jits Area By-Law 1963-153 pieces of machinery that are how, do voni get to the Johnson Area By-Law 1963-152 Purpose of the By-Law ISTGUaT L ninede Ima so condition. happ ho=e . . . what-, the latest Pupseo teBylw enscurne ta hed lest 15,000 of its 20,00 moo.t o . a ,lmie br'a To ensure that where land ha.enacur driven Cieruk are t stI n to see ing o, bring flhe youn- bieen acquired for Federal, Pro vmncral or Mumicipal purposes al use. It made its first gasoline ter, backll from the prv y vincial or- Mugcp. p.m . fro ag L c - _ RE .rire tru ck lin 1910 and It's still ,n.t ii a faj ilhought Div, f alon the frontage of a parcel of no derv "he prpe- of its erd.,t h telephonetha land gthat such acquisiltion does frn ewre naflic road.t o 4 i 04 Dr, - :Hsed1- crhvrarawyhenvo thanwryou . c.40-2 not deprive the property oilas Effect'o theBy-Law prepared,, 10 pay premniumt price eee tj vchdul yournacad. --- ronptage on a Publie road The land loin its frontagel for ar in "free veineshp isndkpvoifrm. At Effect of the By-law wifl bedeme t have retained UIEQANTY-2DO.OACSTMR hau' h aeadcniniQ ETO At The land losing its frontage its frontage, on a pubbeE road.IT ou ervcin of Aou carOME wito app wil edemdo ave reaie Th rontage Wilmrybeo piv ILu haIck inue, o e The hospital swvitchboard operator advised the calter o h h r tatge In I pulj roi'd- .id bc rom' the preeipop- 'id -lue. - wef ns "i-e (ta the patient in, 618 was not yet reciving calls. ihh rývgiil meeth r H e O N Pi a om W l, cani voit toie llme h w \Ir, Sithll is -elting ln ? motvedi back lrom, 11he frw! q ire Ii ICauo . iqie lhecaer on property fine to Élhe depthl that aut-horities. Don i forget Boy Scouit pa-e "Surely," replied the operator. "Shte hadt hier operation Iby was acquired by the aforemen- Location of- the Lands Affectedt! pick-up this Saiturday. The Boy thar*Iis morning and lus doing extremely well, according to my R.3 tioned authorities. - o thosei s yn scouth hido a glood lobh surus cad.My I tell he rcalled, please?" hiage LoaAnlfi adsAfce of eRo d s A low n Soetwee ST Ohi Rn Eer ptre «up "Oh, that won't be necessary," came the answer. "This sSh Altoelnds located north Concessions 1 and 2.,North 1of isTOSThn Mrs. ihi1.Ijs ate ofn u o m 5th Ath etuaed allowance betwelen Dundus Street, tandnlocted in TRAFALGAR M TR hn o. I d2Nrhof that aires prlesentl y knw as the I T R896 Ont.. hPuvle e n 0k le but in the 242 Main So. Mailln lian. iytle Township of -Trafga former Townfship, 24f T.P. M4 c.40-3 c4-

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