Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Feb 1964, p. 6

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Died COMINO aveNT (CffInmd$ -Thn Milton Lamn Bomling Club DENNIS -At Milton District ac holdlng c Enun ai thn Un- Hospitl, oc Frides* . Jenuairv ion Halli Finn St., on Satnrdap. 31, 19M4. Chcries ennis cf 382 Fehrccry 15. ai 8 p.m. Fuinna. Ad- Bccadwcv St., Milton, in 61< mission 75<. Lunchi. <-39-2-3323 80i yccc, rieur hrcthcr cf' Mmc. Flcoece Rohinson, Acton: Mcc. Seccnd Milton Boy Sconts fc- 3. A. Rinrsoc (Gidys>. Acton: 16cer and son banqunt, Milton 8-cikor Occois, Camyhetimilte: Scout Hall, Fridsp. Fehrccrp 21. Mrc. Nelscn Rrobinscc (Lati ci 7 pin. Ait icihers creunrgcd N.-,rt. Mci. icjhcEchhi Goor- tucttendccnd sccSLcticf icco' <rcct. Miltior and Mcc. Gccdcc trc. <-39-329 CurHecch (Ecll CIch's ccnccI. CLASSIFIED AkDVERTISING RATES *IRTI4S, OFATHS. HARRIAtI. ES. ENCAGEMENTrS - Nri chacrge. F0E SALE, FOR RIENT, ETC.- u93c min cbg. fcr 15 ccords. 5c pur userd uiieruc(sr. Sabsnqun insertions ti Oc <ps chaenges) - i75< minc. <hg 1cr 15 vivant. 5c per wccd ihcrc- aftnr. *25g discount ciiccccd hic ccsh ppayntent. 'OIMING EVENTS, COPD 0F THANKS-lI for fiit lic lic. ni. 10< for eo<h cddicîccci fine. IN MEMORIAM-Ilus 10t' Pcr BU cf verse. meeinsg tri bc fid ai the home ci Mr. ccd Mcc. John Fnnnstrc. ficcehy. (tn Fehrccry 9, 1964, 8.38 pin. Ali icicrcsted people c- cocoe. c-38-2-3240 Mr. acd Mrs. Jchn Turnnr, 59 John St., Milton, cm ceiebrctig iheir Golden Wcddicg cnd miii bccai homectc(cindsad neigc- bcrs tromn 2-35 p.m.. Sctcrdcp, Fohiccry 15. <-39-3114 Mrlticc District Hospital Accil ccv.ac hoclding thcîr Ancoci Opeo Meeting ai thc Hospisal on Wrdccsdcv, Fuhrccry 12. ci 8 CLASSIFIED DISFLAY, RF AL Wcre cttthck cci ticcds P'r sc <tilr, ock-c cc-ca c ERTATE-$.20 per col. ich. .rrrd celtivs toc tiroir kicti es ecicf ycc ci 1he meeting. îîoîctýuni cir iocicgs. c 39-2-326I BOX NUMBR to tii cilice - Stioci ticoks ou Roc. Dr. T. M. Hoir cc Cocci> HcIi Frcdccs'. 25c ddiionc. Grc, ohco oiicioiod toc tho Assccciion Accoci Meeting, De- .n >i , isîr<iOoiad SýcNI ndcc rtm ciotfiAgricueBord L tr.rrco Eooi, Milticn, Tecscî.v Fehccacy DEADLINES <39-3297 tl'ie Mrrshctt Ficiy. Il. i p.ic. 3 <ciochie dicir prices CIcssifiud Adcurîîcicg 1,, uik hoot (ofaobis u rdcr 12 NcracWdnccdcv ihnu1I1 or..ccri.rucrrorticrc-3o-2-C266 Ciaciind Dispicc & eci Esrcio rc spi-, o i, srccoco îoccs îccrca ~ c m. 63-38 S pi. Tcdcy ri% trrcrrcN arnd reciso toc Packc Scprcpc Shromo Tocs- 5 P.n. tusda trorr cri n. k-ttrtcc. itocors, <rus dcc. Fchcoccv Il. 1964, Si. Phone TR 8-2341 rrrliildis icrcrrcdorc<rOimtl. t<i tGccksifsCt.iccoO e,80 .Lmc.S ls c( Dr. hrkocc,Dr.G Mac<Ech 91.00: sicdccis. 6-12 c-cors. 50c: ec, cucscc arnd ctit, toc thonr chitdcoc codlec 6 coccc cid, 1<-o. 6 The Ccnadrn Chanlproc kicdcsccd odurc.i<O<c' AuspicsofYoungîMenand Bos. Thorsdo>, Fnb 6hc t1964 c39-3260 Mic. Gcriy May. Mlo eirCtz 'Cu Ilhlerrr or hoi [aiio Olympia <sut hcid lic cegalar monthis -l cou <rh cu oxpress sicoc meetiicf, Mcndcy, Fubrccry 10. Birts, Mrtr.rs o ci rittc-r tcîocds ccd 7.30 pin. Rer. T. M. Dcsicn. SA., Deathsu Etc. krod o icc Sir nrc acs cof B.D., DGD., ciii gise ac iflcctrcted Deth, t. inch , cicccccr. ci -,vmPcihy rck cc 'icdic'. Them <ti hc anrd lorcocsccrn dico thcir specilmuiccad rfrcbmens. r cr.oc sud tccioziicoc Spioci Ail senior citiccnc arc icmitud. Bor rt.rkc t Or. HcKrc ucd nrm, c-39-3351 Borri 1 , i Mrlton Drstrct Hocsical. -Rei Grairii trecMrNch Fon- E u<c f rc and Ecticricnc ANNASANTINI - tr n _ a Hrrrmr ancd Rebckchi Lcdgo. cviii ho hcid ccdo tho auspîces Scnte Acccscctir ci ii -itcc39-3312 <t tOc C. P. &T. Committeci lise acecsodr t cocn."tirc orttk.rrcoh Robokch ccd 100.OF. Lcdges on i ilicîr dccgtir r Mi]rt -l rîrîrîrîr rctrirrrrseori OP- Fidccccocîng Fchrccryi14,. birthiiin <Iiic.., ri.m. a i th Oc 10F. Hcll. Enfec- toc Distict Hospitat uc Rtc- tr ancd reltives- ici thei ,icoiO îcppl f rccry 5, 1964 ils. itoccc-.cand iccO ssishcs, JuancWaters DancingfSchoocicnd j rt- ticoc troc cc Acglii ohcrcarici Adccissicc 50 <unis. CHAMFOUX-M. r i.Jca Lhccch arcd vsilrs from RE. Prizes 1cr cuchre, Rcireshmenc. Chsccpccc of 219 ficctcy Rd. Dta.rr A cpoctct Ihocci ou Gi. 8-ecc «cc c c'cmc. <-39-2-3324 ac piccced ou cccoccc thcI1MrcK.rs. Gi. MccEcchcc ccd ail hitîh ci iheir socc Richccd AcýtOc nocrsesacd sitf of fic Mitl- dccc, sceigh 8 ihc sr,ioît., il toc Di-strict Hcspital 1cr mikicg Miltci District Hcsprtcl on cicr ,rc ihuirc co piocsccî. For Sale Fuhrccry i. 1964. A bcb bro- c 39-3260 Scd Scrcocn thr forEchhvccad LcîîAco j iI tir r. rr.ck tic tciecds. FOR SALE-Wood. 870439-3. COTTOi-Tc Gocrdcc zcd Mari c rrrr- crrd ccr<ioh r fclic c-37-3-3142 ccrd. k-rti. bOoksý mencCotto ceDeMcoi kf i.-it,'n rciocurtrcrco. FOR SALE-l pioî.Occvvcks 1221 Wrsiccdcm Rd. Apncc, c hile- rrr t-.prrt Sîccîc I od. 879-9881. c-39-3291 wccd Hcighi, c onrr 10 Oh: t _ luiccc, < Sccccc.Fotrc.><k, o Or'. H E. McGocctd. FOR SOLE-Firc ciocs Ocv 0cr 1i. 198. hcbc hciiroo toc- Di Rchrrr-oîr niid Dr. Cooture scle Phoco 879-9887. <-39-3277 ary , 164.A bay bothr firrdrr fl c HtMr Gr îitri, rt-c Mark. Ili,-rrirc- arrrrta r.rr flitc Jo- "phîi Bccct Heiorcrc Hrospirtal - GABLE - To Brtt and M..cgcrt Srcror Gable (nc Foird) tuor tr c 39-3295 Hi- Hrngtr Wrrîrrigo. dcv, Jcccccc 30. 1964, a src,.r _ e ' Joseph Brccr Mcccorrct Hoîri __________ lu, otigcoveOnrrcc - In Memoriam HALLAGI Mr -rrd Hr- Wr lcrd Hcflcdcc rrlc Hitrr.odt et 333 Ooooc Or., Ac roc. ac ptecso-d fi.cr nno Ilc- ho ri cf ihcic dcihrr Sticorrc_ tr. ssnîghr 8 h1b. 4 ozc., ar Hircci Distic Hocîcrrct cnieiii 3, 1064. 1 SCHOON8IOX IN - rrîr .rrrd Ciiricîccarc huresirr crrrrrr. the crrvac t rhcirdschror. Lccric c<rc Ccrrre, - oor 7lbo..Oôcz,. oc JoorcrM. 1964, ci rite Occi Hertoc Ho- pitot. Aitioiir Pc. h.S.A 8.r Oc srcioo roi, ha and Lrcdc. VASCOF'TO Mi .rr Sir M-Otrr: Vascirilo ct Oilrt 1 are ptccccd c riocr, o b6rth cl tli -nrc. -rirgir 7 lb,. 127 oz,_ c: Hrltror:nt c Hoscpitcl o 29,rcr ]')(tro II MAII - il r: trrrrg rrrcrrr "hoo tr rrrrr n - r.-r 01t orrr 1t t or - .rd reuilr and cuM <cic tcrcr ,,cd croc hcrrc ho cii 3:rr.dccghrcr Arc cîr'Id 1,- h 39-3293 Lhrt hiarlt,, .cr Kin-, otropa Sdt1 r rrc.,crt .rd c-rcrlenteur- tir h rt.rti' tr tlitrti c-39,3316 Engagement Coming Events Mr. ccd Mcc. Oroglisr Pocker iug ennonco the engagemt r ibuir ctdcct doophiot - Vici li Kucîrth Jansos. soc ot Mr .rr Mr. Lawrencc Scctccd.crrcnrrci scudding oa take place rr Pcr k Ave. CiicOno Fidx Mat.cch c et Aifershicct Bccrco i-rn. Mr. acd Hic. Hcarold Itoros. Cccnpiinlciilc. arc picrc o oti nuance tOc ecgcgemetiltheo tird dccgiioc. Lcorc trJh JaccbiJockiioicsr rot Ht- inrd Mrs. Tcd icokoci., Un ro.rr Wod HalcSlrdcr d.crr< air.krrhtr Hctt.50rcrnc. Curo' I c hLadies \rch. : ': ttrrtr .r (tht' Sa]o OcT'" S-c iotc I7chnio ý1 7. 2 p-c -3310r A ti::: '. tc (ii l9.rkc 1~~~ ~ n9 (dOItiHal ak KNIGHT fS DRY CLEANERS LTD. * Sa> tfcioric a ic s Shnr i rrrr..ri< saiccdc,, rr.il rcqciccd * anc.rrrr rd Rcjccir * foc cord Grcîicc osic1ilW la Fr.> arkt nd Geictco< *a Al 0crl kdononrryrcOiiccc CALL TR 8-9941 STOPP 1S Cleaners & Tailors 1 HOUR CASH & CARRY SERVICE * ,Liplotro cpcir &cicccc * Ico.r-g and hli pi o-e,- FREE (ILK kp îrriirtli i VtY Frnccîil servcec wos hield Mon- dv tccnc tho MsKorsir Foncral (-o-cc ictur ccci C.rntphoiis lic Crcc'tcr c. b Cards of Thanks ou,*. ,icec rlccks tuouic tciccd-.. ccr<hhoîc acd rclativs or crrds, 6-ors. gu is ccd mr, ci kiodccsî icilcolco 11.-t- W, acc.ident. lic ,rcd Ros CcIicg. <-39-3300 DICORATING INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICES Cococnruns enms Acciahin <o * Ccctuic riedcdiarec *a Rcadc lc cîcr diicc *a Veicîcî ii iiil *a Wicdoc hilds si Fcrircloc<cflocailcciou.icrit- Frae an itlî itrc r l ltic Mi-, Cccmpbell. Februarv is a Short Month - GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR SALI <coutnued>ý FOR SALE - Buind oui nirain, 35c haie. Phonn TER 8-9526. <-38-2-3275 FOR SALE -H Hem. mmced, 40850 tocs. Cati Sirecismilin 828-2699. <-38-3239 -FOR SALE - cnnierfinid chairs; i dccenpcri TE 8-2703. <-39-3279 FOR SALE - Ccnversion cil borner dith aSl <octrois. Ciincp. 392 Brocdwacy. <-39-3326 FOR SALE-Jcliv Iampnr, picp- port, crib acd incitrnss. $28. Phone 854-2653. <-39-3299 FOR SAE - 1932 Chorroint. Reanachi aller accnptnd. 351 Woodwmcrd Si.. Milton. <-39-3332 FOR SALE - Rcccndiinnd wshtinu machines. frcm $25, Goodint's Eccncmy Hardwraru, Georgetown TE 7-2351. 6-324867 FOR SALE-Misnd boy, delin- cccdctarucsicbepries. Mr- Feddec acd Soc. 978-2639. <-38"3302 FOR SALE-Ccmnctain hi-fi, sterc cnd TV. ncw Mcy 1963. Phone TE 8-9943 chter S p.m. <-39-3287 FOR SALE -2 diressers <titis inirrors; 1idess; 1idesk chcir; kitchen chbinet. Ccii 8704388. c-39-3300 FOR SALE -Treedie secing machine; cntique soie: rotisserie; cccinnt tes wagon. Phonu TE 8- 4810. c-39-3283 Hay and Straw SOUGHT ccd SOOiD Oclimecrd Acytctcoc ROYCE BROS. Hcrchsr TE 89468 <-3862 QU ALI1T Y FU R NIT UR E FACTORY DI1R EC T F F E R BEY ALL VOUE FURNITURE AT FASIAN'S Fcctcc - Tc -Vcc Sacre scrkepers' higis profts. FABIAN FURNITURE MANUFACTURINO CG. Fuctcrvcand Wcrchccse Open Eencicgs 15 Commiercial Streci For cppcintmrci TE 8-2011 Milton <-28-t n«#to va4àa44 9eW" A. C. CANNON Stan Rowe the Mover Apr cr- hoi Attrcd tUOic & SON ts rs GLiNELRAL CONt1RAC 1LIES Aiicrrticcc Hodcr cbcd 144.-tv0ttorkOrS.,FHomitonc MILTON RLP. CALL TR 8-6680 Trîr~~~~~T cadoniorc vcd RADIO SERVICE TO O À À) RAY OLAN BUILDING CAMPBELLS 139 t CONTAC.tOUt Lt O. 0F MILTON * Eocnc.irnîr 'E k4.721 22 Min " ,- g e At r. , c-47-t1 * Addtrrrrî ILECTRICAL SERVICE UL 4-2263 McPHAIL ELECTRICh e INGUSFEIAL PLUMBING AND NEATINO sa COMMERCIAL *a GGHLSTIC OIL B URNERS sa ELECTEIC libAlINc Complote EIoctric Homo DURNAN IV AND APPLIANCLO SALES & SERVICE * Phnthp, T.nnc Recocder, * OLCA. Oroco.u TV. Applincei î* RocccoicTV *Stion TV ancd Sionco .22 MAIN ST. TE 8-4445 c li 8811.1 DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. S, RUITAN ESR. 2,MNilton, Oct. Plîrrc uit rîccîrin. NEIscu 4-Wf25 <-tf JIM MALLON 1 PRINTING dîmcrcclu taccocr>:nm-S..r tt.c' it , I trr.:ir...r A>l rr, dtcm- tîcirr6r crî<îrrci. Miorrn -- Unte r t 0 TR 827 P853o ::,:: TOP OUALITY ,Mtrci rR 8-97 o 8-9i5r. COMMERCIAL PRINTINO -il.> r7:rr <13284 AH_________ Aofrkgrc!r.. . atcc ud lcrco.t \Y 9<riocccdprii distinctice Married I m cr cIl Frîrtrîc ci Sitc Skies ORNAMINTAL IRON bccýiîccc stioîtccv, ofiice ad SoctdIroci. fis Thccsdoc evccc TR 8-6797 bricinss fais. Direct nciif ad- WýLD-MOEGAN-Oc Frrdcî,. Jan- rc, i ohrcccs 6 and rers- Thur- MILTONk c 27 tl rtisiisg. bullrtin., - lu tct, aI- unp 17, 1984. ai 7.00 p-cc -y 0 v lecr tif] tccthccnoico. Ad' AGMERISINO 1tc AVAILABLE mos~" cct un), pcic6ng ycc csay hae. thn Rem. A. H.MkciroAcc'rcrOc >332-t r-aenlAiorO10ccncpa on ton. Cbrisîîcc o Ac- ogc 1Hso 0. c-93nfI THIS SECTION AT ECON- Ornmet Iron ADVERTISE lOUE BUSINESS lotetaqt ciyuwrk daagbIur ni Lapi. oOu Mccr. Hl Spccsrdc Home ccd Sbc G. Morgans. Sestl, Gccccccry. Bako, Scte, f p.cc. Bachro .0.A OMICAL RATES. PH4ONE FOR ALUMINUM & IRON RAILINGS SERVICE IN 1H1S HANGI ToCndinCapo Franklin H. 04.ccoMc.ioschioul, Fridcp, Fnbrocrp 28. COMPLETE INFORMA-TION GIETR.RTSA ILLS FEmNTING & PUSLiSH- Mary WiId ccd the laite Frccnk- Admissicn 50c. Lunch, doir gnone BILL.1 KELLY TE 8-9827 DECO.RASASING CO. LTD. lin WBld of Ccicpbniiciic. and iaciiy dram. b-32-348 TD 8.2241 c-tf LOW AS &1.80 191 Main SL, Milin lut Long FOR SAI&W OIIUd FOR SALS-Sgnis cf ail kicdc. Ray Gcay. TE U-150. c-32-3058-if FOR SALE - Top qcciiy hy, 3,000 halos. On*. De 9-mur and Son, 7ih Lin, Georgntown TE 7-2149. c-39-2-3292 FOR SALE - Cuon end drapcs, somopins dispics'nd in coor hoine. Ccii Jonc Dcapnres 878-2513. <-37-3215 FOR SALE -Mcccs 3-spcnd bii- cycle. standccd gliinc, 28" iroie, excllcct condition, $35. Fhonc UL 4-2577. c-39-3322 FOR SALE-Appinsr McIniccE, Coorilcnd, Delicicon. Gcucningn and Spics. Bcing continers. Wmi Soonfid TE Il35i b-35-4388 FOR SALE -Addîng machinne, ippeoriers. for soin or etI Phone TE 8-692, Harris Station. ery. c-36-164-15 FOR SALE - 1958 Poniac 2- docc hordiop. eccellnt condit- iori. Roccochin Ccii cfinr 6pin., TE 8-9828. c-39-3313 FOR SALE -Mp.Toc-n ni Milion or Coociy cf Hoilon, 24< cocO. Acoilciin ai thu Choocplor Officn, loi Main Si., MirIco. <-40-336-ci FOR SALE- Soccrol 2.000 gol- loccciorioo tanksii00pcritank; 1,000 gali ionks, 550. Soiicbic foc icirccioao etc. VAlory 7-3423. C-39-43281 F00 SALE i <bnci frcezcr, lai micdl foorcciccd A-I con- diticc. $129.95. Goodici-s Ecoc- ccc Hardware, Gcorgetownc, TE 7- 2M 1. b-32-866 FOR SALE - Soran nciikicg euoipuin. dciry fcric suppics, polo barcs. Suices and Service, Hccrccc Toinliccon, Brcampton, GL 1-1273. c-49989-11 onAdv Mo Sm LI mm FOR SALE-Likn nait, nanibi- silon coal and propane gac rangn. Sacrifie $69.95. Godinin Econrv Hcrdwcare, Onorgioo TE 7-255. -3.-6 FOR SALE - Minnd lisp and oct strac, in sqaren bae; Ecd- nny oin ccnd Vork bariny. Ea- sortabln. A. Parnainn 6220 ell Ochoci Linn. TE 04275. c-39-3353 FOR SALE-1956 Pontiac; 1956 Ccr.ysicr Nnew Vonknr; 1957 Mnt- cor ranch wtcgon; 1961 Ford. Moffol Motoni, Moffai, Tnnaono Stction. Opnn daiiy unfil 9 para. c>39-3354 FOR SALE-Vou mli lin bnp- Ina poor building inuteinin and croai ai Cruccfcrdns, Campll. cilln. Ocicii nnrvicn. 61gb qu lisp. Phcnn Ccmpiiniilin UL 4- 2232. c-56-171-di FOR SALE - i Beatty nincti< itve broadiconi, gray, 1585 15' (Acrilant ccd i tircadicom, gren, 8' x 13'. ciii rchbnr pards. Souh ccc hc secc on ficors. Phone TE 8-6350. <-39-3320 FOR SALE -Car, trucck and trctcr tiresc nsc aud ud, cil iz oc pricnc; fiais ftsud, 75<: icheeis bcicncnd, 11.00. Wn huve mcffinrc snd hatterins 8cr mont cors acd trocks. Milton Tirn and Radictor Serv-ice, 191 Mill St.. TE 8-2711. <-31-29899-tf ABi3P8iENT ECG PRODUCTION A HY-LINE CHICEK RFECIALTV Add te ibis lhriîty fccd con- vesin iustondicg liircchiitp acd «cg qccltv hccscscivs tufe. Ycc gct top «gg Proflits Prom Hc-Ltcc Cbicks. Gcdcr Hy-Linc dcc-cid or sicrrcd poticis front: W. G. Shcîc, E.R. i, Hcrnhy. c Ccipplcd crrd Giccbtcd Ciows SEWING MACHINE 24 flror, Sectice R E N T A Lic. Nris. 133-RF. 208-C-62 Bp 00mb or Monnh Wn8&rdcwn MU 9-104à PHONE TE 861 12-ni Milton FABRIC Centre Sunicu au Rncir nu PLACE 10814 WARES W848RE ai malins cf mmwiug mccines. THEY'8R SURI TO) BE 8EAO nI-tP - IN THE CHAMPION ertisingI WANTMD (nisi WANTRO TO 110V- Ail bOnda cf gccd userd frillc and ap- piannun. GOd pnicni paid. Ccash. The Swap Sing cf Bramptcn 83 John Si.. OL 1-5102. «-39-276 WANTED Hnrdwood ILogo On the Sfump Maple, Birch, Beoch or Elm Ccii Deltacraft Mfg. LI-MITED Georanetown, Oct. Phono 877-6948 b-32-2 HeIp Wanted HELP WANTED-Pert-icc be- hy siGerin ccpnmnihomn.FPhonu 8704972. <-39-330 HELP WANTED-Bccumccper enpuniecced, inust hae typicg. Appiy S. A. Fcp ccd Socs, Milton' c-39-3319 HELP WAPTED-Esperined cccrnicry 1cr Milton plant. Must bc fast, ccrrun d ccpable ci ccrncgmithiacminimumcofsol- es-mision. Appip cn wriig to Pur- snne] Manaer, Hacd Chcmicai fndcstries, Ccubsmiilne. c-39-3327 HELF WANTED-Vccngma to wcrk fcil lime ic dcmnicmc serice stction, ci lecis 2 years' high schcci nucesccry. Write or phoene Bill Doeripas Sanono Sur- vicu, 26.5 Main St., 878-9725. <-39-3288 MEN WANTEO. Conctinuc Roc- leigis ScrvicecI cosre i Haltan Cccnty. Gelto ab profit- chic bucinessof ci 0r on.n Nc prericccs eperiec< ,ca<pitict cecimenicnecded. Frc infocrma- lion <trite Ecmicigh. Depi. B-284- 916, 4005 Richelicu St., Monircet. HELP WANTED Brick Packagers To pcck and sort bricki toc kilns. Gond rae,. siccdy co.k. grccp i nscracc<c, pecsion plcc and hospiieliecition. Appip F. B. McFARREN LTD. BRICKYARO, STREETSVILLE. c-39 HELP WANTED LOCAL MANUFACTURER Reqo i-Os 2 YOUNG MEN At Icacci Grcdc 12 <crciion. focr cicriccl scrin salec and prodacticc dopertcccis. Applc cn sritîng. icicg qucli- ficatiocs and cgce, ta Tho Canadien Champion Box 53 c-39 For Rent FOR RIENT - Apacticoo. 172 Mill Si.. Milton. c-39-3325 FOR RENT - Rocmi, iccitrolic iccid. Phco citer 6, TE 8-9987. c-39-3294 FOR RIENT -Scccli iorcc and huein Ccînghciicrllc, <to-o lu 401. 878-2711. c-39-3337 FOR SENT-i lcrge, ccccplic (s icmnushed conra, prisclo cnt. rac.TE 8-9132. <-39-3356 FOR RENT - FcisOced roccc. scichlc for gentlemacn. Phoce TE 8-4430 cftcr S pot. c-39-2-3318 FOR RENT-Eimitric bct «cicr bcacerc wiih trc sercvie. Fhoc Milton Hydrc, TE 8-2345. cilt FOR RIENT-Eccc cand bccrd cccliclc, single orcîbc cc om mcdaion. Phonce 878-2926. <:-30-3306 FOR RENT -Accommocdction un ici* cc-ideci cis cpi- iccct. Plîcnc Paiccico 827-0550. <-38-3328 FOR RENT - Cconry living. ranch styleibrickcomc,con trcd ici. 3 bedrccccs, speciccs ienc, dicicg ccd living manwt sicnc fiepicc, ccci(nîb( Maci i. 150 per ccccih. CciGdv Hcînc 878-2621. <320 's tesuits Employm.nt Want.d EMPLOVOBENT WAI4TWO - Pcrt-lime office posiionc bagi- nicg Marcii 1, rucepiiocici, nienr- guapiinr, <mnr. Renrencua. 878- 2438.c-3943311 Lost and Found FOGNO - Vcrp lcrgn ion ding. Haitccmiiic. Phone 854-8876. <-39-328 LOST-Dark grnp. ctripnd cal, partiPnrsiac.mvicinity o ttit TE 8-9539. c-39-3352 LOST - Or strapnd, i_ York- shire som, 488 ibs. Enmcrd. Vic- iniip ci Lntcmiiie or Kilbridn. TE 8-9643 fesenicasi. <-39-3331 Personal Mus Mgdeieca Jccsen or cny- oneiiucmicg hec oddresc, write J. Crcightcn. 37 Rcland Ame., KIl- checter. <-38-2-3225 Miscellaneous -MILTON OJFHOLSTERING - Rc-apbcinicring, sîip-cnmnrc, cas- tom but loîcitaru. Frne picki-up ccd dcimery. TE 8-9094, 358 Main Si. <-37-318-f LARGE GLOSSV FEINTS cif ccp ctaff photc eppucrîng in The Champion, 5x7 sie 75<, 8s18 11. Cccii tc ccccmpecp order. En- quine nom ai The Champion cf- ficu. c-rf -RIMER Upbcisinrp - reu- iinttricg forcit ocu rniicishicg rug cluccinu. Prcmpt snrvice, bel qality uîctncîcts. fine mnrkL ncnship. Baiiuy Broc., TE 8-9741. <-35-2272-il DealersFiip Available Oaificd ment sitb a workicg iincwiedgc of imectci tecdicg prcgrcms. Exclusive tocriicrv prnsidrc tOc cyprtciaits 10 de- velp yccrcscc business. Box 508 CANADIAN CHAMPION <_30-2 SWAP-SHQP Open 9 - 6 Deilo Wcdncsdcy ccd Friday ta 9 Traide, scl, y,v coam plo1t baccebcid lais, (crin machiccîs. iieukrapttcki crs, h ackc, oir orbat haveco a. Naccu il. No. 6 Hwy. Milîgrovo 2î1 rmcilcs North ci Ciappicos Conr mu 9-1051 c<16 il Cars for Sale 59 Pontiac Wagon Six, ,ctiicccdc. poiv ciiig and bcko radtiolic,,ccd cinc celcctccocditoue $1.150. Prccoe. OAKVILLE 845-2009 <_39 For Your Noxt Car . .- 19-Y RUCK HAM-ILTON AT BELL BROS. TE 0430 <-1-if Dead Stock PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval LIMITEO Higbrsî CashPricesfrccdrcdcor dicch6-d coîs acd hiiocc. LiOccc No s 50CM Ill.EP 0iceHcc<co . 9C lb j9R6 Phono ZEnith 9-7950 c 50-tf Walnut Ranch Ltd. REJ 189 $14.53w, ing c 10 acru and? 82 erre Asbic 96 scra lerge mabin 878-1 J.A 8 64 Yen Ki 112.800, l1cmc s'tarin rmetmn large copho pavi. 8-6900. Ir St12,500, tb i TE 8- Farm For (ar 8-9233. Wc hos- for c biidi rcpres ANNA J. A. A. Mumben 526,500, iccced 50 2-st cil be and 1t c Ho S9.500 f. and et checry cratns T MOVING Bctk ill rc120.00 W anted 2inc.tcv2 in. cvir 1.50 3 pc. 4 xso ptcrccd - 2.25 WANTED-Escd picno. in gond 1,000 tincct it. 2xc2 1 8.00 condiioc. TR 8-9860. <-39-339 iic ctoci, 9.00 WANTED-Picvpec. Must be cn :60 il cto>. %viro, tîcscv .6 go0cd condiioc. Cali 8738-3329 160 r.« '4i.c. Pls iccrc tbuce, 12 coles 8.00 WANTED-Accccd 500 smc0l 18floococcOch, ....... 5.0f ccdcr poits. Hocis Murray, Kif- i leed drocîs 1.50 bcide, TE 8-9873. <-39-3328 1 l ries see 40 gct. WANTED-Siccdv transportc- drn ...... 4.00 licc tu Rcsdcio ccd Kipling,.ir i dnrc 3.50 cicig 8 am., lcccicg 4.38 p-m. or [r il cgi. dcîck Iccccorc, cr rc iniutr. TE 8-6681. tapis Orly 1.00 c-39-3278 I Ccccoi- - -.... .. 500 WANTED- We boy cars. 5 commocil ets ors ... 25.00 trocks and îraccors. Open dcly 16 siccleococîc 10lt lili 9 Pcm. No phone cis. Mcffci Moiccs, Mouda, Texco Station. c-39-3355 BERT VANDERLAAN -WSNTED-L-ii- pccliry. gcccce R. R 1. illin. cad dock fucihcrs, fuciher dicii R. R t.Miiinrr 1-ifOcci pîtres Wr ccii, W-ic 1 Zocci. 776 Cotînge St., Toîrcnto Phono TR 8 9825 Oc- phone cotluc i LEnnoc 5-0724. c-39 nvcnicgs HEdccc 5-2038. <-39-il I..Il

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