Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jan 1964, p. 2

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CIMON 2 The Canadien Champion, Thorsdap, Jacearp 16, 1964 ITwo New Business Openings W .A. Invites Ministers'to Dinner ýSee Milton's Future Bright Classmates at Birthday Celebration 1 ho , Slicc il"sin Mc-c Ctccrcc, a ra vi gI% pric tit J ak chidul c l cires'IIicc Iîlo,lc ,d Lit hottessu ccchurc-cd aiîenoling lad ii cccd a wodetl im:459 MailiS.c exi dou n, C an to te ladies aIf Occgh Prchv- A reading ceas giee Se Mor s. John Vice de P.l, Eddie, For,,d, 'cd.i, 'rre, Ccip. teriae Chucli W.A ccd W MS. Fe i aSr. TIeImeeting lce, acdu'cîLawJud Saudci-cJhl Ville lhcîdencicprésident of The cice,.peicidencl Mr.ci . K_ ailS hvcec ancl benccdicti lcu Sautvs dc Sichui Hacck Bonh lii-lit, and ie conte iîcc,,-î Sea s 'psd-L:e - ch W.A.ýiw alcchIle hi,.Is , tue.i.'cîc CulIic.RitoiriLii% ca-îIs telci ei h busies Th inlcc ccpcýd lunh cInîc.,l,,, Mr,.TSl ,,a m!c K kigLouis, Sziiaca,îî.cî icccc He vaci, vih i wilîh ahvrît icicc- ,ccpuai- and M- F ilî e c,,c-,î il Giccîlcsmcilh, j'il B cWaîyn 1cc o, n cîiRîîIl,,i, Cacepinv iag Thé Lod' laiîic chI icchý A -oLoidhckcg jEic. (ccciIi Cacdinglc, Secci 'ciîiicîogban i lî hei e lie es wihl Mrc. Rab,,I Marschall 1,1: 1 ci C I,, ch]' cuppi ccPPV d. ic clccpic S. 'ce McCccc- tiI,ch.cI Wlarlcc'c Tire Servc inttheîlg,a iccîicc ILc 1,,îc,î 1 Roberthcîcdc RIcg.. D,,ccitI; i 0,1,111In IclfhiMr. Wilr ilenand gave. ilc Wîil, Miîîcc liirv. Pii ccck zo acelia cic hîl .cc- 1 Letiîcc h. WMS ch.cciî,. J 1 a Si,,c,,, .Ccccc Lawîc, 1-i cî I.,,, III L Scella~~~~~~~~ lhla or ~î Ciid Ruei, (c.- Fl,1 î,c,i- .efade cu î h nev c Nor cnd 1 1ch11cc1PI'accd,heîccc tl il pc Flic.clîcll Fisher, MarccLLcîBai- G t Poe i macv cggcî ccl,. I,î ,, i nc Mii,,, Hoscpital. Iec. Cecil Pattilcic-ccc c e cc i l lIl il, Mil[..t P aea hs teeccvc'cccca{cpcccîc.c.lc ic Fc-.c hc disct %j,,lc,,c, 1 ui Darc Wood, Caillié Nue- l,îi4iî~cicciiiî eciecy slu jei,,c , I, asc c-luc c aaSelc lih' Rlandîg, Harold MerNcîch liLn, enl SIcvil ahclc.dcc hhose VENE -îh, Pracbîccc thi thé dcc . c. it ci,, -r, ILIgccc. 111,,,c e cT1 aciBccillchî C.isîlhc Nî lcc. îc bk ac,; , cc I ci, ilc cd îl,,dc ca-se cci ecigel...s ac1la rom the la,,,t ot idgacpcl cihccpcch,,c ecc c ha liccc.c Davidc Wrightd lîi i. Hiilîe cM al, d ic atie d laac ce-s i Presbyler ~~ HIn aa,,, Viano 13,,, Mciýnd-gn sui, in~c hi Morllet la ewoi horontc forlc charsce iht A acclcclcc lascci Sicld ccap-cîa.cu DunaM- c an pCihccc ,,dhcc (-îcc, - cc~ c1 cc chili n reap 1 alce,c,ccc u ik-sc rihog lîcî meetin ciîl,iîîl cc , cJ 81 0 aîcc We hop h'î ilc hcionpin, o lcî L, and mei aniip,, le schellîcc r elcclcli- Ii n,lcc. cccl, Mc1. îi.iîîlîl h cclc Rand% T hcc-c-cî , accciccc L si,, o I lcccc.c iîîric usa, M lton îclicpheurt c ci l. h es to h qaieedccccccccc ililîlillilclîîiîllî clai cicî,, icîca ccc lcclcilcil icc l.i cl, îccîîl c []leklcciccicllLlqclpp,,,,,c,,p,., on,,,lc5,,,,,,ii i,,5 fil-c Mccoug Pi,, ca , ~l î iîllcîi , Sicci bond îcî i l i ici ~î l c c cd î cc icO llll P lll ccl icî. Th c l i ,, ho ii, sh-,c,,shappdi1. Reh r, oiMh iil,î ncl , ,,i,,I)ic-î,,, c,,Ii W i i l cli i iclc i îc h i, i cicci W . cl , Flic i , he ic i cccccc ccc i c i ic l4cc css cI He ccill s cin l an ll hi c liltri e e aaiadici ic, c'c cilirl.ccc ci cin,ci ih ii.i,ci p,shic ,,îc on p u , llc l i ll éi dentlI M M i ii,, Li cc , v, , Icî in IIIcil tonlh a cicoon s lc lc l quired,~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LIî ni1,11, lamn fdn ,o a e ol iiPIi iih N.C l, 1Lk \I li c. , al.ccéqippc, aindlIc. c, ti h asil e s in finishii,-ici 'îîîccc i.î Ic îIc-ccc I.ccc, hoie Sha 17.c25 S,,h n ;l)LIý 1Il i nte ll A ag u bro M r,,.a 'C.c Mcc l lîîiîiîî Icc c-c i S' ll, andllc f,,n, I lhu ho , l ~, DI,- ,,,, ý Po -unhin , on c a iii, t ic î î T hi M ic-ii,,î,,c ccc chavl opel c lcd theWý .S, tro i'vin tdra i it 'etdo ai. ,t fiaia iîcS cic, Ic lc t ; îcîcc i pic cîcc , and I i his lI a llc Fidîtips n lic Locd ci poil,, l'ont cc c l îîî 1 c c i , c i , , c c î Il c c i, î 'H . Ml ,i S , i l'IL i PLIcc Il ;,c î ci ! cL î B l i l o 's i cl I.-cl iy.e h, Iii, ccccc icc c cc c II, il barre furnîî.îî ]t7. lc.'cherîicc, u - SI("" i, m l itym ail. %c l,, Pc ficc k th lîcîîîîc 1 iiie Ouii- th hh.cii.îcc. ande ifli i lieicacci 11111 ,,,, ,,, Non' Join Bal n,, un y dm i r te ccc lcli cic d pî i l[li 1111 I f ~ lic î,c L id c î'jlaic i Of thé saictfa iv itr Nti ,o f e lii an Th'cc.ic Ilcclll Hiic c,.at din cil t' idl stioc, 11.'l eîc iiîîîci M îh lecings lîc pi-uc cc, 511il h cjic -n7,1 il i h c ri III cc i ci viiiI theii licicli cl- cli Dcccr 11 flus fo-lh Mr2.0 pifctt 'ic 11,,i Ki,,,-,,'cllclli i, ccchcic Eciicl i hé îc- il, l98M e tnin \2,O O 1 an s pla i e p 21 Ma s i c-cch ccc211 11IIcc -II -ccc t ci 17;îc c K ath,,cic l ic iici c-cfi i qi,- i î c c 1 h-c ii-, c il c a c c l h c a i vas Ipii;, Wood,1 12i hcli liii jiaiiciicccicl\c Icv, ieci,.iccial,14 (ILcccI cicicult10 ii liiciiipiiîc idic,....cc-licc,,5,ff ee i Pu1c21.? ci 0cc0cic pc- elccgî -dliikc iic cI ;i l-ii iiill 10 \aid'Il lit, ~ oncc M- DI iii ii l îcîl ccîc l.ccig,licclip,,ciic ih,'caccac il 12.30 Pillcliici Th, c lcc , , 1 iiiicOii, ciul c lc-.Ficcicl cccclcccccc C i ccil oli and 11, 1,,Ici ciliiliiligc u c outi Iii gh.c hic es thucc i h he néci Iroppt n'on, ic" iI jic qu ston il], iii c cci s ic i ii g li, hii ti ci, M c ecl cittoei and onii c u i, iec ou t tecks, R l c l u ci ici ci- chu,, r it ii , iPclh W .i hi, i i i c ci c i l ic lc\cc i c ccccciclîccciedlb \ii ifcclScccciciccichldifro n cae e i ci ccir ciiccl D ir a i Cl20 per tri v e rie o a c i nced h ,, i C V ' l.cccnccfcc ccii ii'c iciu iali cic1cci1cck, fi uc l oc c c cii i' c ti 1 i d , a ni M i. ,c a l f ai o fho w liii B. Aeci,, c*îc NI, hîdî,cc,,c ic h, c Ic52itt, i d WSmen, Naine 1964 Offioers Mrs. Len Lister lis President »y Mml . 4L ail nui niti 17 mentiters prae. Mrc. John Fickt Se. wan Thte meeting coaduýcd, hv he hititess fer lthe Jeouaty meeting presidenrt Met. Alias Rats, cean oI t-ha attereoua oeil et BeIbal opeaed wih t-bie sieging of the U.C.W. tehea 17 ladies uîîetdied cilb Ode. the meeting on Tuesduy afta- RateraI thunit you fttera were linn The unit cancaner, Miss rnd front ciendaewhnihall een Glacles Peatheratan,- peided tan eeaneraed ut Chitmnas tinte. lIce busiess pariaid. The club is holding their sacoad Titi meeting apanad witA the eaeitce ai ltae neason an Thura- cinginq et a hyme. Thea roIl euS day, Janay 23, an lthe Percy W' as anssscrcd wtitb the neard Maey scheol. iThe pcog-aan tia. "Begin." Thte devolionat wasc gi- cnharge et Mca. Macy Lattie, erteeMtcsTuck. The nestdy witaccad avecy amsiagartile hook, "cThe Chcistian Maternent on itacitelors, and Mcl, C. May en Scceth-Eattt Acia" wes Iatm ceadaptei a discussion an kece- duceI hy Mes. G. Brencidace. ai ialtetcstieg flapie. The .teiailg closett citi th liten- The teinl meecieg *hil Se liaid edicion ad lunch was eredticttthhoe ofM rî.Godon LLpt. Sve hiontess. lie on Feheaoe 12 ceitt blet. J. B1112 U.C.W. Miller and Mec. M. Williamoia Tht anea eetin et iten charge et tht peogreet. conahied aniît ot Betitel iC IeAsle.r wstu haitd Titarsdap attecnaon liut Tht breidge coit celchraed lthe home et Mcc. Len Lister. Fol- choir 15th anti cersace t ith a Ioceieg ite openitg itv Mes E boewling perle et tht Oeit-Ceea Bail, tite annuel reports oft rie bowling alite on Salerdlav te- cccrlery aed treeserer wera enn, alter ohiel, aIl] ceel ce2ati lthe Coustr-y Squire toc- retetit ments. Thest ltcendieg wr Mrc. C. Featheetton pceseted Me. and Mec. Jock Wiiliemsae. She follaacing claIe ot allîleers Me. and Mes. Feankt Leslie, Mr. for-Ihe coming yeael presidant, and Mm. RoitiMain, Me. and Mn. Let Lister; vice-president, Mes. Elliton Bel. Mc-. and Met. Mrc. Geoege Braweridge; tirerasc Alec Wahscot and Me. atd Met. anrt, Mec. Gordon Robinson; Alfred Bell. seceltleY, 'Met.LoreCtmher GetWelwiches are etended tain.ta Mria. Ken McKay, seit under- The new peideet then lech taent surgeey early ln the Newe charget lthe busiesas perli Yeae et Milton District Haotpital. a-lien suggestions ced plans scere disposted tee lthe comnieg yeee. -eea tdnso h n Tht meeting ceas eloced and a -traI cStdfttr tIhe De-o socil fiie olloed. thlill Tetda chen dhen- visilrd Ctamaudty Club lte 'Milton Fiee Hall tee e it Tht Nertih Trafalgar Commue- ot lthe tirafighlieg cquipmcaî lev Clubt met Wednesclav tectieg und citai, pocinters oc tie per- aith hilînt ai Mec. John liae- volitiot. MILTON tue Y MILTON TitansFri RtJan. 16-17181 MoaTaesWtd. Jan, 2OclL-22 Hic Gcrealcci acn Liicct Hîl GLEFOR - LOFtANGE FLVIS PRE.SLEYb CHARLES I3OYFR "FUN IN ACAPULCO" in "tLOVE US A BALL" Ici WciocScc-,,, Tchncicoloc eaaîaette CLatenartonn aCcuccacp & Tchi,Iic. 2 Shomws 7 - 9 Fat. Cetan Carttoon Mattana Ralanday - 2 pe. Aitaca nagam f Adat Entantaiamnîf Minor Accidents In Weeks Activity Mil.toe Police inteligattad thiea ac ideta itis week, with dam-. agt toaIe2 $240. A car deicea by John Bannairt et Kingsteigh Court ret-led gSg dumeage ceien -ha attempsed -ia miraie a cigitt itand tara (rm Main St. aIR a rint St. an Jan- aey 9. Tite «atutt venele, it lte cigitthoad lana, nae ln noin- a lan aila a ruck lat te lai itaed lana, sebici s alon try ing ta tani enta Mantin St. TIsera s no damaga ta lthe track. On Sandce e tee drinen iey Rote Mitcellaî of R. R. 2 Camrp. héIttîlte ecas parbed as ltae Plan tut ee a car dritan ity William Pc-el, of SRA. 3 Miltoa ollided wit il. Tht Fret, celicle rec cacierd $50 daminage sAila thte olhcrreeeived $35 damage. Cears deicen.ity ýBerad Simp.- son oft -Maie St. ced E. Marceit- sich of George St. coltiid seien bott attenspînd te part in the saeplace an ini St., Mon- dey. Thee Simpsona car was damt aged iftr $35 und lthe second va- hicit wes damaged, toc $3. NADALIN ELECTRIC CO. FOR DEPENDABLE ELECTRICAL SERVICE - Maintenance - Commerial Ca.alaectingt Fan Faiandly Sertica CAI.L TE 8-2206 Announcing A Complete New Service FOR THE MILTON AREA ITIP-IN TIRE SALES. WHOLESALE and RETAIL TIRES AND BATTERIES 24 HOURS A DAY lb Approximately 1,000 Tires in Stock at ail times RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCK * Full line of - Farm Tractor Tires - Truck and Trailer Tires FULLY EQUIPPED TO MAKE - Wagon Tires - Passenger Car Tires, oct., etc. ON THE SPOT REPAIRS 0 Special service for farmers - and district accounts PHONE 878-3131 - ANYTIME 0 Vulcanizing Facilities 24 Hour service anywhere in the area lb :N0 Tire too small or toc, large for our equipment Itit sL USED TIRES AND TUBES -- FROM 99c UP Tires are Our Business - Not a Sideine lb Sole Distributor in this area for Dominion Royal Tires and Batteries. . TIP-IN TIRE SALES Lumted PHONE 878-3131 ANYTIME -- DAY OR NIGHT 459 MAIN ST. W. -MILTON, ONT. ACROSS FROM MILTON SHOPPING PLAZA - LOOK FOR THE SIGN This is eur Mobile Radia-Equipped Truck, ready 24 hours a day foistc c1Stccc-he-iohcepa,, is f,,cly ycycppezi t 41e crlî com,eccai trck, or passeccati car emceîcleccy tire repaîirs accul he ans'ered on a 24-haur-aday basas Just eail 878-3131 aepim-e . (Clip fi,, for fuiur reeec Pasie in iiacc phone baak. OPENING SPECIALS HERE'S JUST TWO 0F OUR MANY OPENING SPECIALS 7:50 x 14 NEW SNOW TIRES ONLY $11.95 LS 7:50 x 15 NEW WHITEWAU.S WNI.E THEY ONLY s9.99 LAST Be Sure Your Tires are Equal to the SAFETY DEMANDS Of tae Car Yea Driva . .. Tl'a Raide Yaa TravaI GET DOMINION ROYALS FOR ... * PEIO ENDURANCE * STAEILITY * tOWOUT PROTECTON 0 INSTANT REtPONSE * STOPPING POWERl 0 LOW NOISE LEVEL * SKID CONTROL 0 COMFORT MR. FARMER Gai Yoar Fre. Bookîai on "How f0 Maile YoUr Farm Tires La Longer" j4f 1 111 Il

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