I ""T' Board of Education I FOR THIE 'DTown cf Oakville I Tenders are inviteol for il aopu slplyand puechlsee of a trecto 4774 35Spaicificafiona c_5 e Gos copiIne - min. 4 ryli :R el-t.p. aie. - 40 hl. prouver. a Regalar lransmiossion, mi MIII.el..ti 2ad, Brd, 4îli analevr Dinner e Wldthb min. treost - 48 front andal oo. 'Iy e Clearance min-If', LE scocc 2, ceccfg -Il II t c t. t,,tc c i t t Itle hh0 B.fo i,, cur 'e c101i de do ccl pot oii t hic sles etc le hod io ho ,no ttc scgie tain- et . 'tier ice iatohi , nead-l nt. Thet e cal cand of c sec- cd cottd ci tinet iclSi,, , igntition. J Ie Eienteic ijghting - 2 hea cie tail, tratier Calst conac ionsi. iee Hydratie isicaim, mochin prsuemin. 2,000 hb. sq. 10, e Dram har P.T.O. Tint hn a n et'ailis Lire P.T.O, f e Wighl fopprcx.i not ove eCuiin oral milh hacC e e Bpeed oftibistractootnock have aalfehigh ipeed oh o teovi 15 m.p.h. e Bano plogh attaehment t Se standard, ont aicaified . Pcie 10 inettoie gale couoese lires an' Tedees tc Se cealel andl mork Tr 1RýACTOR". 'esei acceptel. Tendlers m6tt close 12 non Jotnacp 20, t964. B. H. BURIRILL Mointenance Bopecinteedenl Board et Eticaion 77 Johin Si.. GOhoite. c- 5 Real Estate A. E. LePAGE RI11AITORS UMITIC Memheee af the Toronato, Gnaeei and OakeilIe-Teafalgee Reai Rîtote Boorda. Colt Tom Bradley TI 8-9543 Or 3IARGLD SAVAGE Guelph TA 26881. -r J. A. Willoughby & Son Ltd. Realtors (It Yeses' Ccintiocoais Secvice First Time Offered Cc,,, 6- roumhricksand fmme hocngeiom, hatge ceperote dcli- ccc macm, inicetp tsndaped "'citer lci, gas heslting. B fine '.oîn'tphome,ceas'oohtypt"c- viA aI $11l000. Csli Bonc Coirn' TIS "-980. Modern i'-hedroom brck bngalitw, faste lupl deesra ted and opoliaco choghot on Isocele ienced lot wilS pale dtioc -. i pcb- ou. This prcpcrty c' , ocîh suoeSl more t Son ahieg pruce ci $1t,500. Cali Anea C-cien', TR 8-980. Kilbride 1W-ite frasme, ctcrey and o hoîf home, oneclet oain s 1 lo, to ehcreh, ochool sed olclarge double Ici milh mon ep icoticil trees, garage andobarnt2hedcocm',and bath ano main Dlane, ohmo hedroomo cpstciri. B vec oclîshie home tocr ce!i-!g cople or tinien. Full price 19,500. Cati BAnna Cairns TE 8-980. Farms & Acreages For ferme, 50 Io 250 ac,, lr cee ccan coocesicico lt iAý Fiic TO 8-e2cc Buying or Selling? -4 4e are listing nomw for Speing Sceera. Il pose Willoughby eepresentanlvea jANNA CAIRNS TP 8-6980 J. JA. ELLIOTT TIR 8-92331 MafLaw A.ens. Holkey Officiais,. Refute'- anaie 4h Sauray ri Friands Mou1rn Lenadon Deut off-er ofBrenseBôritesC or es in Area Paper's Story 0fFrrAeaRsdn 1. .W W IIIII In oad halrmn Howardpie',ho dosat hii lime ar on AtIiI, Opori a ex noi goal evtacale tan, Petl, Djtertn andl Halton) Cri',oold lotis weck Lerinc a s behltof cf Ihe ton oa he olîoeked 1plomned. . îtcct o Il Il eporter hi. il Mec. Cectil Pcoliee'-o t, N 's , . k .. , mai aIIClohoner Pork Pavillso. 'o flatgrani asle oh jtourootlntic on hi, oooy," hie ',oid. "The mon M 'soc locttcvtttoc i, 'ec ttict e stwo c, LIF [ . lc ch, tlon,'", o, 1cc,, ! Ia., ..' c, he meeting mas la the formi pris'ileee"alsoryhettiltned "Who qotedin1 the sl denies ta s 0 ',lttcclcd lhii the maric clctc fIVct Rtct,etoc cote cl. ce clc.Iec " t, c,,, ctc Ir aeorkshsp with Toronto loch Fonda" tn a oeighhtoriog hecter made seh suintements", h ies t - itot o i a iniotial hock- lotcal < G it-, octt Otge1necttt1on, rto'ctg ccl MI s. S(Lcckt Bt , a itd Bruîst John Wotsaaon ndoeting ttiyoemopoperilas(Stordy. the oitraoarctd choîrmon cti- c coach orsa mteof thc,t -dt~> I c'ocrtok i isu tpt-t 1 htto'ot t'tcc,c'citJco,co i e hott, ieot caesoas la 'Caapoaing o Peint- The soy qsclied o porpsrtned ecded. ectttc In e oiotu ts enii lcsieiseO thccgi th't c 'ct et, c i dette ett Fide',, Jittcetct 3.ft c ,', i c ,, "cc tcoioýeci lorc, "'" 'c", irol sigchorcoidaondoaoheet mnsrhokeyecoach acs ogeot- Boardtoeeretory'treoîoeer Brace bot't, cil', ttcptisced hclotctctcc'cttttccchallcctctsuinthenct h l Botte ioeIi of neuri peli. Suggestions an ia oieqetionoshtntd hcMtýKernoid thtne i tte ttht o ll%Ic,t jcitt t"oIettcctceii tcceotceti.aicooc'ttttcci thc fl-c 1 c't"'ccc "'ol c al t, o fl c , I 8,lcc Sco.oooc i- froaiag weee avisa disetsaied.easketl ettitng n more thon.. o rfli'tenncn'otcctit"frtc edceetoctco 1ccltcTeco i et'ctlN,, eict,, Locloiiiateoroettotc',creni $14,00f profits motte he the The hook haove not yeî ct tee lii'c y o r ccc c',c, hochet', ce, altiont t'. flc ppe, finctct ttuccf e form l ,cl "Fi ,, ci,d t Il t h tcct, l',Jcc edltopaetilpate. acece, 'tttttdh.eceoooetheecet' hasio',t Caot Rcol lt Ni d ot ltcooctt'c, tcctcttat clini e tcttoit tc tec cIt,, t h' tc Ten morkahopv and shetch Mt. Griwoiti rotd The Cham-1 toet he ntlte Atit f- M't* hlce qtotd "lc ~,,,'c'teoo onttctc il' Ille i t h',,tc Sit ,,,,,t L Cci rl te; cl't oI , c,l l a ao s. lripsayrrorotecogniedheî he piotehemoainesctîno Ihccit- atctei reptal*ttheot-cnecopero- doitil',, tev oocct ht pttce otsccciccicteecct, ceIcoot liao , \ot ; i,, exhihitions on differeat centres Mtt inc' gaore.,toto 'c; t oo Me,, i. oo lo ,,c' thoghosl the flaeceonlico. r4l Ho ke ,,I, 'Ira H,11 14,g . in i iiccc hoee'ccî ct 'The meetintg mot' ttended he 'G,îriS roke rexy LOsagrees .. - VIVfMH 5TTiciaIs Dîsclim Cnarges .. , - "' fcic c'c oh, iohc, too,, 1i., cie 4 eI.,,,c Mes. W. Scott, Mes. Roheet The Champictn Champion, ilhot of Bcrtiagtcn. We have o Mr. t. Dutl. Eticior, et il ptaet" peconc,,t ccc Tooc c',e,,cc Drt eon . E.Ierc i-Mic , Gotert ' oîî rgcoioed 4ýteom itter-townr Concdett Champoctl ilim p(,htt ,,~,),e h cccc Seraeomre Mc ,, Mio tl', ML.,cand _________ DescEir: leogne wvh Bcrlingtcn, pioviitg Mtttoo.,Otaio,. Tc ctid ntrn' o e Oc, i',cht',,,o thi , -Day ore credcilr get In t their Jone 4 cssce the Ohk- cegttt.t gemec eoeh 'hcde DcSc' tet ho, oc'A', t doc', toc tll ceceticte la' hehhcth tcc,.,',, t.h 1 ,,lD lzh~o t, ;îîtcdI,ceC k -Dysar raucll eti c ille Datt ho', set a oem tom and Sotcrday. The lem are Fcc* hai henctit ofal chsfl bodies, oho 'res ctieg to ccc, lotte cccît;ici ,.,'ýýa l-cc-IIo'-ccct ylongeroand'eainehooensstfas n in sec-king thecensitiot h', Itali eqcippedoand are gceero- c'hc oee'ohectIocthce ei«o cateiit hccat.cdl ',t.icncetctc et "'c Y'o't c da, ccccc "'ch, Nt,toit cmer pot ateade. assocniationc ae drce egewsmd osbeb le atia' di. lt, .ceto o msin socprt Ine ieaaliot'vvm dpcitheh seccc' dct et' 15euc ficckil; McI.c aent Mi,00 SU ý 55 IiIctcc orveste them. active so'ppcct et the Miton tille icc,,-Eict ch' h',ot Metcc hoches ilc ,ce.ccoOlhco ht,, St "15 In Canadsovec the pcot30 Wetleetîhotot nlea',me in Mil- RececonCmmissionoand thtieoMileton ecco ttoecli, 'coche the',c sOc o cllch MIo Markht,,ccih 9 vecrchtie epectanoyo hi irthton indtcate ico',er pstive Brens Board in Milton, and l heotoceeiu vott î:ke e'l ai- s . c' 'ilio il,,, l' "', SI ,,c, fur mal"elheccricfsmel i (0ta nme courresntment ofa',h ',hc Beiltcigtcc Mner l'lch'ee q 'lb -t,iia cc , , c rt% To geccccttvfr li 1LghLlilcl Sie .5i t 'i Mr,, 'o et 76.6 cesccfor fcmctle'trinf2olcdreousettckieneeachcndBAociation in Barhingtn. hc ,aimecslMe,hSil'c,n ,ce -lecea cII(ii otcppsct t uil ccc\lidM-R,, x o 73 5'eors. vecreoecct'cus milcciufer.ttm iit This artiele support.%thegrttm-'c,,,ctc,%t,îh MMIit, ,ccoc MAILtt li hch ,hhc al s Cv-, e ILce .cet , octe, and \I,«.IiiI1 loi Z hecoste impoocihie tao bta5in ifei'ng here in Milton thotec , etc ctherçcioel eooe. ot ttp Ltttseactccl tant flicc ttcL" mcncoftheneoeýycalihce tc soc cancentae on pchliohinig Feth, MMHLA c',,a cc'îctecc hedget tocli Oopccctioc acd Ioc ecctct et cho, oct Tio, A-N ot e uEAL IITATI lCentîeoel eoccpt aet monictpal office ',ince ttc",' detrimentl na 0cr icon coit î,c t h e Mitcli ces, cha l, eci sol pli 'ccc e'cc ccocý, 's%, c, i2otI ci, ,, 1i 1 , M- taipi icct lhc',scchthbcoe se',hted tct1Yorsrticlcenheinaotc.ttcccttcccndttcettcccct ccccc te, viilcanci on cS ,o,,th1M-riI i'i I',îtote'c oct t~ ~ ~ co%'Lirntctichangeo chlatcecctd1posittottot the AcceflBoardi1.s B',e-o lichtho ,cteec ctpcedlio Noethce Ste ee "ISt,' hn, , Christie&Woods H h' tetg. 'por fo]qesr h te toccot liccccl citeiI 01cc cil ceA,,cdcc ct% bot.l Nttc ntc Fattcttutre 'tati ht v.othhhae'ttloeheeil t REBL ESTATE BROICEES 'Wich tht, in mnd ',e 're leas inveoigsted the ccmpttiec Bccc. t c pt, coc liht chi', fc o r "cI lang Bcccc hlcccccc 189 Moun St, - Milton uotich oc loiter Io the O", ýhorccghlv ecoecctud hatvetccund il " e 'ce tec petnstno eho eccoletce thIr' onoctcM;ýor ',tctt'tiioctrt, l thheMtlttnBretttBoard have qotieti, Aoccale cette andt effort hhtettrespectitctttest', net oct h e, ' c,',,,, L ,Il e 17,900 full price, incaene pre- an c arrttngementt coiti Mine, tc ec,,hc ,c,,,tt, co t', cct tccccc c.ctttt cioce- oIe cteflcth i, Il pe3eapectntetitoccntodlfor DoSe Jorncat Record HOoey heeichecomporecsfovcir- eteco i cdol'eentncc ha> ccndcIh'ticottt]dtth, st .eto et lic 'a"l"' MI. and MI flph, 1225 s mothf niccie Accet dcA, Ochecite, Ontario. tht, o'ith et,' Murmietl cuin- spo , it,es ', thleco i, r- Itle lcol serce hi aiottit1on.' n tmodern. We ecoere pieooed tscead edBrenctin the province. Fcr poci, Oc ccthi,ote, vanc qutctice metlctcchlcth, 'o \",,tM ItomIO ore'. acr, nvetrJatttcrc 4th ic',ctc lhut acOttip in Miitnn She Micn hee,,l ai, tct hacc Il-' have' iller,,o' , tIl th',c,,toii' hc c M- it Nt,.ic, Fam 45artdiy n>25Sirr',hAhrcke',trcm lsheignr- oey il ottctcd ix horic etit t,,. hccttl,c'tollarse-u'tece' ttctc,,'pocnetceees,,,, tht LId' Ct,,'iiiM,ct\tMI Cet, Highmoy, 8 - mmn home, ail ganteti n Oakvitte. Gar he',smt reo esdemcitJi, iei e ttchce ccd e itcott.cm cst ', t, " M.c an ccneeneneecextrolargehbarttn ,~', isI hc sccesor, el ii cnd atther 18'i hocco ai the teecc. cite thea i, thoe hccc ui et.ilaicl 1 120 ocres coder cottiretisc, gt'scp. esmicel charge cf $5. an flot[c The Miltonc Arccc h,,,,cc (fi MMHA dcc'flo ecc occ , tubs àlt' ce i Ct ,,,,, t -,ccIc" s t. hoalatce hach and paliure, ev t Ieo rtce cc cit ia gicief Mtlton Mitccr Hchey ute note ,, tt1111,of et cc , cc cs oc and th t'k,,eLL iai i ,u ictti f c,,c c -cl c 1 t, 1 ! er tloiitm'irteom. AokinVg Se girls oace pccpertitg for c.- eoeimcted ccpcno ot 12.000 fer e,t'thc iec e 'c.cctc'hs ,o nodc1 cin.. " 'bh,, ch tt,005 Mr, AI 545,N5f. Doavi pat-ment t15i0cf. hiiin gse oect îcc ce ltme toc the seaon. It Ook-',vtii,,, ri MMýHA pi, cii il Tto'tt1 il'I, ",i" c , t,î,~',îc t,, ,, Opent te atter. 111 hcttth fecces, tt itoit caitet Botg îctya ecinno'H oc ,tcvd oht c,' ot oiis ,,t tennics c1,t ti,,ce Ccc' tcct ' i" io-lric sae.orther vtate thot ilScce teams o itr for mornitd,$1 pan 17foc eIcLpclcc sctceeipo lc'cccMH bII \otccoc acne Moct tc',,tie,,i,.ct Cotntiry 'om' brc,6mns',resovn on emhtanect ýfo tir o gan 315 ait hccr NiI hedroomot, 3-pcice SotS, kit-, crgsston, hut thet e ccliv de- fo et' etccs ccd lite. Te hastk-..t ct che, dffng ndlivng -om,ýinIc elu las ulfiln ctli le Minor cke, i'ce time til assagaweya Inaugural cheee d. On it o as 'ions, wc hae , otec t3t, o'te'e hi 'o 't , t 'e " otil facice. beit n e c ikn1!,l .e i 1,0 h ot ho',eccn i ocre of laotd, mais onottecoototte eitdee',ceed to ilfi.lý r, ' peventrcid, Aoksg $5f)0 ecquttecct', sots dctmectOm, ttt, rf i- hschce eresi.teahn. Thcococ c filet, d e 1$13,900 toit priee, 3 h edt'eomcchich i',ot'ct' ehigcen h ced wit heRo c"c eeve Cails for Sound Policy "I' tai Iwt.i home. L-oheped livng c anid Ace ' tthht',eomcitlotcerpid lh.cIncte Ie',,c kitoheit, crami, tile hethrscst, hc'tmecnthe Miltoi Armca B cirr tful dividod hecement. tCacti, AifilMJJl h Acens Miand Misso red ct Busy Year o W orkcc' t.c'tcc S83 P.t.T. AUCIO SAL ES ilion Hochey at'e of the oer ci Ii ion .'h bst. Wsshi vos c hsr pris c Rceec William Coohte, collAi Towcship cek Dosn MoMtttctccc IlIoche Cricc lt cc RA l h-, , o vK,'ec FOR RENT COMPLETE DISPERSAL Io t ecr tSet eccr informat"n for cl sovd odsticisitcce polie', rtciccct cl St20 r"t-c o. S5.120 otec,,c c.i,,ccccct i. ct 3-hedromn homo, menthit haols, MUAII lIN SAE Hscee te Mitton? Farthermace 'srh cn t964, chtntcc tc adetticoaect. Aooco'sr J.tC Mc- A ceqt,,,t v-te cca, o flAc Breas iAi, lit0. IN TWP. 0F CRIN Se ic cot eei c coach. fios ieosgo.t aAIl,to t Se Icc,cc cciil cgocc reeev tee 12 pet Preecice(il sCeccoti fici S;9,3t18.9d0c oi, ccct c 0Thictheilcthe exteet ofttit scecccc'e0t Noocgotte'ct cocAcNidtece ttclhabc ochaneocs checccccsteip's 'c.ciit In CMecct',chiot Cali Of Registore andl Ooaleal Mac-ester invectigeticeon on anorticle, Towsc' hip's ccc, tcecccil os M n ic lc ch, .ct o ssst anctet oieil hcghocsI pîcc11 c, ticf,,, ciosteat Haltelin Cotle, Hay, sahioS mecited the tront page da. El, c McMctt ce. Raed, Acpocc Thccch v c. -, c, McI , Sic ic i t YVONNE CHRISTIL Fecal Ec. hedlite,s- echcdder ta tSck Hc pecmc cd c'cccilsel e r Iloi %Iý iceetei li (cet1 'ii1(,cl if, ""db ý Iltee A- Irc~ , t'1 Jt oftthec cccc.cieo Seat mcot wta' a tbu',s'%ccr allaitcid , liec ao o"' ccci a".' tic,' "\ I-c..1,M or 'T'tt'tctoicohs itte c lis -ceitc,liSe prcrtt inîthehbalances lt i scted sosct , (il ' f ic Ic ila c 'oii c o tilcs o rtt tttc ctoles' Th i oiii clo,-e MtA'ntiros 'o epsrting. ttlictt e htc'l te c, coucclciaso n ando ccc1 oi d YocnntccctiesCtc ccc cc,, pîc .(o o' lisn.-cC WILLIAM \OCDS ELTGM COLE 1Wcotie pesad of or Aterta tobte toc MecoecctA hi>Pctssi ,c' ooo cs octobc c, i 517 oi te. icin 878-2095 or 878-6057 tt'osCTcpc d oA ore.dnCmticmcct m ccc, ccoi"c " Millc iCnI0 ccii icoc Lc le0 itite o.35atcAo..the5,3,cin, 3 ilsMltonStcirl-lckv Asocita-,httdeCvros ;ipe,,oisotch,Ptc~ i ccd atmo' 1i c,,nanttl Aion,i on iosandcare p'ieeed ta c ,ortk e tscc , ctcc o un Cccdcct'fcllzc tc, iace anescfrcnsra Cor Scrvice attd Bettealecos 5BTURDBY, JBMUBRY Il dprt fc on eithic ore 'ic own citcociccdctco ao an cocd Peccec\ i "ocet he Ccnsatt C.emmesiege'ltc" c e *noceecsc' tht. trcm Fîve ByLa d Recte C-otecc s ned UeSffl .cicht'otecc ohap. Sle tstticng' C. G berto, I Bpyleo,,com ce" het',c flitc iii, ailccc it'cs f Ili, beor oiilpus i itO11LtTEIN COWS -cote Preeident. ccottp tco se-t cictltetlctcA To tooaollieet, (c cccce'A t c.c Poce On) fl, B RIAN BEST bote Tiie ecoIlisg. 23, Mttcscitt'l'lckcevA,soc o t.cvont ilh chccetctec 11- lc.cit,ic ccctcccio.'itc lon ...inI 19ec heshODc 2i,eithcallcai in___ _ cdootcot c,,',c 0 t "ici ci t1ec octd , St cc lcc i c' Aloi,, C h Stcdedis cccil REALTOR & INSURANCE tor ! , , 1, in cc,,t 2ad c.f duoe t c'sitcg cc in ccii tcclccca' "'c aîcc' 1c ack j in, j, Sttc "cd StOI Mciihl Stre- Milton ,,hts odea dccck CSeoID, 878-6292 878-659 s"ale"'i' "tJ e oe' hool-k R oi e o f WA e e k ly Jo'ttsd iJtsici ccg onICc lie it, cceo 'cc te Mi nutes ,ctt0.hih ofr i l o r ccc din 'h,\, ,, c cIl forciic É l is -ar ! 'i ce no.. ',1c epettneet ie osmLoe lc eo Shc ept ted, seb Doa',scnao opok, Mondo thet ottl[ ete colu thtcc Soie Cicoec O-ptoe eth ~eec'tc De c . oe L 19e 1, Joce. hoi D ot 28 , vvi Mlcnh cl vlcM,'c c secttttoc. ocib,,cquarte cc a,ctccc 'ot e ccci t l Au k dlIl. Ii FOR tcee R N -tk , -osA o st eer r 958, ut i o nt Paro' sle,'H Ote Gha ping Neto I ito Ki o , d l skie mot icn . olg Att Aies.Jsi, bance pt. D 0, 15 9. ote s he s t io'sock e ona cek t ees cstc cocc1i checatonslhei' (os ,ph otl tc.c. I l1 , I' l" c- c, ,NA A N Pcoir,Tnigr8A A liin hoom chSoer leit ocn s 2:Pt amee tng'tctheKsmtn, C cp'! fc'I ctciec. oi Tho son CtcceWt tcc(e \a Stlcce tA. de h K1GBEOHp-ece 5ah thtaifun-,s , lcch Dcc bac POt', Il G ilen- TSsch o pepe t' , o c octc c e 0 stp tcco.K 'Soc to c,, cfi t - .c.loic. eI.tc. ELE TRI ltv trtak ad nc e fl19m8 n fucfoe , e d 2 ept 156'l o stel or\ ino m-cc spKin .Sc hat opi tcc cccet cdltc Doce liee 1c An nAcoosn fin -eo s 1c t , ttc . hedssn hr one iss C tsffisshredNsv.5c,hum.te'O OtOtcttketcsh e1 eationi toe ccD Coninui hocco p or- e'n ch" cct' ohl Seher noCa]Ac oie . 20ed 191,te,h ica 1o'0; oC.e- pl.îoeheolot Ih ore shote 'ce ccNAcLoSACcd O nîinomktoRmo8-6ec4T s hoVeSohie.et'edcHt',îc i.'ast'cocteetmon hoh oc-pilv ii", pep.ccad Cce'oeoetre Wila ofer ilstt.tocmieo cecltSL I ccc hcT. c eot,06,'l'sDec ittaL i en-e T h itcspo veisct s ia clmcio,cs eo cc e, l'oth c.t, I lc i Icl InccccteIlc1ci, Ifii occi DEPENDA LE ccl hln ed r as hm. cmte Pcb grad Hostet i cttle, blc' , cccclts l t ofCc h mo ,i v ctar ions coec s ol d , -l i Chche Ocsl\ ch o i StOR mimont ing nd dice sT c oat hhmaBinth:cgrde.ltcJe jurgach aJetiosel h acl Ifýa pe-ptti-i clioile . oarilLii ce ( Joanoh tet mmlcrnhechcn v-îcc oteh c onmct-ost i.full eec tc-losoeo c ocMilrcc, to Ccl. eoon i. c Dei0 ti haltlcc ptecPretoc'cc cncàinhttingom ntgncofcî tostre 29 h .ttc ne- totelem .Ti ct,ctt IeIit,o cl ied b' it i,, mi r,c tc' ca c ak LC IîAîii edotchat'ttooHolsmteein eccme , 'vteff's hes c o tpiefrp-ce Ot bcgrca ceci poccsc cc i , cc io'ifo t.po edM . c irl Fulleietcedc roscrit ,eee ,alcichcccdoccîpdoooo'eicoS.eccc',c cc',cistftoueeitipdnce OcRIC Ciorne', et1 paonc toces,mcrdoe cimteSc.ls ,tcelooet esAh ce'hot ico ,ý ' oheuiýcý cJcopo liIoc R)" R. FO APeFieipec -borornhom , om in-J re H i'Sep i. b l c cliv ccc,,', Journal.' iSe t.ttkd htO Oc, of trio livin anc', Adiscin SIJBO h il ct' int Cvenibot Jocie In L ce', c o c lo n r Cboch, cccc ;I Mc i , o ce-te cccth c Plo~ttto'i , Cicm'terciale modern ~ ~ Ai tectedn iocpreg bath- dc ontnch(lcIleturu C nrat MODF.,'Renhc hhano n c. l ile 000 v ' e fl c cot .1 Il caus Iler eodg hir toi I'ipec ol oc fc nocccc ciocccthal 'sotl oc FoToed evc ais Me ali cpr e m ord et7 P. head ole inhls dcv 1 tco dt. 'retl ,a uec l Cil Foot',MlL, ],i chaoondb osto io ite .R lý I.han te. pitd S1mteg eod d dcc ttime mioth g CestlOcî c Dring Si le c tbo, d c c o o iS a Dtic , iohc C , Weeho 'EeLMitn a SPECIAL-35 CL T -20 wih o nds tt. i atl Bcdn Csoca ilervi,tttcgn'g as ci o hidocoýndil o ,>c.',s, ocmnco i. aCcehmtottdoh Eceme illa c a'e 1 Potcecoco cýc,cc ofliccti Ilieon , lormi,3edom,4pccocIt hd'contite' poticgcte hcccl .eoptcheadareeio t riiof Cap ladN, h ...ia qllalrN T I E K S A WEC A bath, full ~ ~ ~ tentnt e,' ccc .1 couer 10."il 1 1.1 ,, e tcc\'s. OUGAtT - îcîcc hca.cl",,ililc'.ccc cc cin,ii M t.t. ..F filc.sBLOCKS ccc,,- storm an ;or o s tl ,c iciccio locit cccii u11 ccc,,ic, co (*)l ti fli ;,i on Il meoth l oarge tn tr ha'"s.A S c CUL 2e',, oitnr Mccicc , me pschoc "e- tMKo cictpt. itm PAL 0 citaeni edd po:t. tcg 1163 12 c.! ot._ý-v cee hoti enopd J'h Setoet mecfl'cg IlTO, RIS $0950ci SPECIAincen $59.50ll oele700tith oter, poct etehsotcec' aiecho r-o ona*etl that 0 onh P p Lc n ,,nec Io reoeroe ao oer 1 3eHor- ooel o l D ec h ricceeci al os meetin ,.ecs i t,',,I opprercî anE NG cal c 55c ohclal c',, ne Wal- A.gil GIBBON. i tihip ,m etrov ic c',edn ehn te',o ALM K M H R W R anfile. etdichjo peeti. ccdr ptClc ahcrma BOtli C.cher-ý theý pctg anat etl eC SAiWJC HL ese. Aok foe Me.,gi Leoio S2eo alionegraloi m cing h m cad tlhe smo $5, 0 Beler' v 1;ttk' ele pa11 'l~T 46 60Mi i aca a is TS92 met -fotn - - aa Il H taly e stEpk 25 -aase an r b a cl e ploa ns th , iled fo an, thi STmptapee8s.LAD