Keep the Budget Baclamced by Selling Useful, Idie Household, Item-s! - CLSSIFIED I 001 0 0,0kh obo FOR BALE -- Rabhjlts. lIoner FOR SALE - Surie otilklog 5800P WANTED - Maie. Auto WANTRI) - ýTo re1bisoodogoo2b-ndnt al r-nqimo.dorcat iplOn-oyrpor000 iood fr5,10 rvriin tthoto o 18L0MN TAETD- JHNISTX HororoSIN Tnetoîn ,ratpon on riCoing rift is ori ohv gond ___ _ _ TIR_ 8-49 -53 pofttaisy on hone. 108-2587. OFFICE and STAND Ti , ae wi e rit M on stictTo linon, Bra pto, on venngsrii 9or l] a35-3087 8 Morin SI., Milton Hositalh, o ibo ir FOR SALE - I Holstein rogism Gol 7. C-8,98941-t Soodoy. MoIft Molor. in Mol-c3op Hpil tIno oty relatIives a04 bord britor cuit, 10 dayot old.oi-3322 A TE .LV pnlT. 000pp Pool Offico. * carlOd, Doeia Do,,.,, ltu ho,,D _ý_3 FOR SALE -7oîrt pt00oooî soo i tnodcn krit- - ,ibprmt FOR, opooýter lot Hobbn, moer kt Zoner, 776 Collogte St, Toronto, ou cPHONO 878-9981 - -,0 land0 TRot W &6el56. c-34d o-37 cbro. Poli prlor $12.900. George- rae. vl estaliohod. Exoollent or phono oollecI LOnnox 5.8724, _ otgnco TO -47 ES. ENGAGEMENTS - No BltFeia..w 87-63 35-3127 To-d .00 Fuloi. cot eeings HUdoon 5-2030. c-35-lI -35 chage Wo itbIttoepressobbIr sin FOR SALE-OiÏ7 pu o lovaoer', FR AL-n 41kmby R.t',o0t.toh, DopI. 0-2t84-189, 4005 FOasA ar d rn prtng Gora , 00 ~o.ItcltI0.0tObC 00 l0loobtOtnoto dI ng yorhbuilding Tnatcrials and RohloiboO00. 05Shepherd andpartiCnIlIoung FOR SALE. FOR RENT. ESt,.- flOt,, Sorinosot svi0pohv 004 toroi-o onontol, TO 8-595. coob aI Coaimford's, Camtpbell. --o...~te - WANTED mtale doit. 878-2654. c-35-3106 FREE DINNER -95c Mn. cltg, fot l9 wor,01 So' perooordtthero.0llt Roahnqent inoiltos(oî000000 15 ocords, Se poi 00000 d thoto- -25c discount allowl o r caot F010,00t. ;OMING EVENTS, CAýF) lOt THANKS-Sl toi FIlo, lotoi IN MEMORIAM-$[ Plo, 10o îot* CLASSTFIED DISFCAh, RE AL ESTATE-SI.2 per onol. incoh. BOX NUIOER t0 hu, officeo 25c additiîorl. DEADLINES Classified Advertisiotg 12 Noor Wcdrrodoo ClassîOodlolll & Rva ,oLlo.ol Phone TR 8-2341 6 Thn C.oooodooo C.haompionî, Thotoday, Ja,,oîoy 9, 19h64 Births, Marriages Deaths, Etc. Born BO8OSII8C 9.1,ý n \01 oî ,, I nia,0B000110,l 100 R ,Mi;! son u Hoopl.oI 000 J.nrooto 7, 1004ý A ,110 oi Davoid amio Aloîo. BRADBURY-Mo,oooandtoto. toto 9t'aolhoo 10ne, MoCoLloooîool R. R. 3, Miltono.,o îl .oo to A tpec.o1 tonk, 1. Dr. Doototo, FID) .,od file MoKot',oo Fumerol Torlt .ooodl Colheinc Batr. c-35-3078 In Memoriam t-IIARLION-I lot in mo00-0o .11 Ileio,,, lo,0 p.o-.od .000,0 ai Nootto C.. ooioooot9. 1 t 9 Blo,,lloo C. c3531 10 CIIARLTON-I lovn mit a ,lt1 tolon,, ot pofallu b0 II,, Mot, ami Hild an oaniinBC. c-353109 o, lotîto, .and grn,ol filer. IIooo Charltoto, t, ho J..nuar00v11,too 8. 1963, ando aî ilCo ho other, Fepoo. o ho C;ol :otok iltoto Plume, il woo Ili, I , ,ooootooleur lhi.d.,oo ,! ,in,,, il, Jac c-35.301 ,lF.a, loh ,ooo. tailltr an (OolIlo S 10,1,0, wotl, pootoo loo,,12, 1963, oand 'oIloooo.oîl ooilo Aoogul 1 2, 1961. I.ol finiolo oo, plot plo, hoîl ,il[ -ot, ho lorgo. Sadllîooooo Floo oi Mini am l. c35-3086 anotororlic ho, il, ool loil sein, Burono Fi.oolo %oolgît 8 _______ Hosia on 15 i, 100 .0 tot 964. AîIo0 ropher0 000 Jo0,î O Ii, B94 ,. Coming Events T.o1111 an , NDa"'. ho 101 0 01Il1 000 nie andModeo Ili.îoD î BUSoOT Cl,0o te, .01001 Ili BI00 -1,,k lo11,11. 6.000 l.o oo loto o ui,01lli .0 il, 010100 o 00 .00I,,loooooo 9 C "tel"o reane li nr,lol 31,o000l0 30, 11 fileo 0,001, ,ol 9.1.00010 foI Hospili.ol OAETON - M .01 tI, 0000 0,00 10 oo(l R R, 3. Mllo ,,,.0 ploooo'o to lOollo Il,,' 0001 .it thvlo fi00. wci0010 8 lIl,, 10 .,,aI Moloo,, DolîilIlo CiALoION toto ud0, M.,,Ooo plea,'d lolo.0000010000 Il,, l00ail of rhOl o no00. Soolhooo O o,,ý -e'ijoht 5 lho. 151' o-o, al 'li c 1v Rhuil4 an o OlooI,, l HAMILION-toI, .....l 1I,. - l ilimbtil lOoo 00000 7 Pbh.. Il cz,000 o oooo 25. HARIOnANO 91,ý n0 ,fito, 00., n l,, Il- 11o i 000 1 , 00. l i, o ,l \1,00 00 I Moglo .1d tu4 aInlu 11 ol, Il hlrll1oftOOollll. , Jotoý 0001510t I) h, al0 illolo IDistrict Hooopo I Il 1964, Aoooo, , l,. ll 1IESPRtI 1,1-o nd, oîîol hoîl N o .oo'o ool R R 2 Gl.oo hollillo 00 r oI 1- l'o .000 lA 0 ooo., 2 1 f,4 S lno fhot lotr litill d 100 SALES' St \î,o SI ROolo- Ste -.1f 0 ..(0 6 lOto aoîîpoooo. otc olol ,,,k W. 1, ;o lt.ltt Oo Cotoolo tot C otoot loo toI finioO 000 C 0,000 ti Oo 1l 0 0 94 Ftîoît .0 ll';> do I.not,,,v 0611 801- t' 35-124 lo o, lOo 00o0 4,0. n09 and (0000,î 000 Spi,n,Iooooîh, o-35413 aooIt otto Bridge, 8000 S.îoo0ttlhoo,,o 1.,0 aflitc Or- 000 (Illatonî chate,îo lI o tIi .o 000 Sti. Conel,, t,î, bl Fto, 9oot, 00000 75t, lot tooto 0o boo, -35_3117 910 IlOtît , S otîto C (ot 1tt C o, - 1.1 il 11 ,ttttî ana ooI and In00, totO, 0.totqutî Haoll, Kott0t oo,,,oCtto Toto,- l,îtatt.. . 1,11, ,n, ,0 loo e01 ito 010 ol o AI[ ioo inoil 00 o O Io I L75 00 000000 0-35 13084 For Sale FOR0 SSII Iîooooo 18 r,;8; ~ c.42-1034 s00 ifSOI Col 35PP 10 019R ' SM11 lOt O looolt 1.1 îltt, 1 R tttî s bo- t28 FOR9 StSl l>Sig,, toI a00 kioooîo lOt latt OR00,0 an 923998 lbo l0 101 oS C , otoî 4271) toto12 1 (Il -. lb. ' 0 0, 10. l0 or,.. l Mtilton Forot t ot 00 59) 20oIt,'0, sistor for JuNdo orol Diane, c-35-31 05 _____________________ IOR SAI I -I'pptoo., Geroton hîphooo. fic,0oOnblC. Phono TO BESERVE A DA FI: IN 82921. c-34-3102 THE C058191 EVLNCS COCCMN ,FOR SALE -Stodio cooh. FOR YOUR FUTURE soitable our 00000,0 lion rotenu. TO ACTIVITIES 8-9288. c-35-3107 FOR SALE-.Hay, iooodîitoood. lo',l and second cubiog: affla oStor .1.05-o scod. TR 8-9496. c-35-3093 FOR SALE -Adding maochines. typprtro for oole or reoto1. Phone TR 8-692, Harris Station- erv. c.36-164-15 FOR SALE -Soootresc klec tic cabintl notroof machine, fir goodi rniro codition. TR 8- 2033. c_35-3121 FOR SALE - Upright vacuumi oleantr, Hoover, converrtiblr, 2 toto', old. fill ocro photogropo- ic a. TR 8-769. c-35-3083 FOR SALE-Apphool Mclntosh. Couo lit4.nd Delicoro,, Gooooring, adSpics,. Bt-iog ciontaineors. Wto. Booîtonld, TR 6.355. b-354-3088 FOR SALE-1959 Meteor oobo- mtobile 2-lool'. 6 o'olinder, siao- dardd, goiod coondtion. Mostci rl. Phone Acoo 853-1775. b-28-702 FOR SALE -Cloto osd uoni- tucailt ' . 25 Highoooo bo_ 1c-er Act."o utod Mitron. Jean., U-.od Furniture Stores. c-34-3-3031 FOR SALE - Mopo, Totwn col Milton or Coooty ot Holtor, 24c each. Availloble ai the Champion ofir, 191 Main Si., Millolo. o-40-336-tl FOR SALE $14.900. 11,506 trevisoil.e lbu',' oeteîd. Incarneîo 1210 oer mentirl. Sirctsvtille TA 6-3428. o-35-3126 Q UALI1T Y F U R N 1IT U R E FACTORY BUY ALI, YOUR FURNITURE AT FABIAN'S Faoro- To -Yoo Sav ttoooookeepers' higlt profits. FABIAN FURNITURE MSNUFACTURING CO. Paooooood Wooobooo Open Eo'rrirgo 1.5 Commerciaol Street ou .aopoitooot TR 8-2051 Milton0 lity. Phone Caotpbellville fIL 4 2232. c-36-171-t0 FOR SALE-Privaitr Mot onul. 1962 Ford Fritilar, Fllke noo; 1957 Volksvagrn; srctiottl ches- îooolield; chair; I,0tps and cofrr tableso. Aono 00,0sona0bI0 ciller onplosd. TO 8-4481. c-35-3094 -FOR SAL.E -Coletman [bor .tyle bornoco, 30,000 .T.U., in perfect condition, w'Ilh atonnai- ic ontrols atnd 200 gai. tank. Prioto S50. Alto 6 Marin, ooîodoooo. 5,cr 28- o 55! ,. Rootoonohîr. Phuncî 827-3114. c-35-3089 FOR SALE -Car, truck and lrco ires. now no d ored, al] sieloto priCes; fiais0 tixed, 75c; nohecîs balonord. $1.00. 50e have otolfloro and batltieor otst1 crt and trocks,. Milton Ti-o and Radiotor Servicr. 191 MilI St., TR 8-2711. c-31-29899-1l NEW TV's $159,95 UP PLUS TAX Couy Guaa.oolod lit DUMONT ti FLEETWOOD STE WART'S gourtd dulies 000 H,0lior Courir, Juoif. Appt * oit poloor boicor 9 amn. and 5 pl.00.0 Juif Office, Milton0, 0on0. No phoneoo'ollî pieuseo. h-5-3077 HELP WANTED-Molo. Fopo,' ou oork on rucks0 on 0,001000 olher eqoipoetr gond wookittg condition.,. Cul] Mo. Chaseo ut 878-9375 beote 5 pro. or 878-2450 aller 6 pot. c-353077 14ELP WANTFD-Feno,0L. Cooo' al irdoîii',ooOOires lo k lor-in- crut1 office dulies. Minimumn Grade 12 cedîoo.olo oooltoo00l. Topriro .oblily essential. Ropît in worirg, g0000 to Pelinetot inf100 fie, o to 44, C.oooodi.oo Chonopioo. c-3531 18 MECHANIC Dire îio -viceoo oooîo oi- CLASS A' CICENSED ME6CH- toNlO CGondo opportnolooolO O p IIl 00000 SERVICE MANAGER T.V. & Radio Milton Motor Sales 340 Ktttgobîih TO 8ý2452 LIMITIt) c-35-2 060f Min, Si. M- tont Help Wanted IIELP WANTED - Farnt belli0. gencral lorio-tig, oîo rilkirg. job. TR 8-6286. c 35-3II5 HELP WANTED Hoosokeep- e0, tu lilo' ir and takloa, tot harge of fa0rt [oterme and 2 ohlldron. Moiher,"oth I r 2 ohildor alltO oooh0ible. Ouoi'lle VI 5-1922 c-34-2-3044 tOFIo WSNTE-D-Femtrol lp lot 0g910 gdirng ololior, toi,,o s, f 05 o' pot, oook. Apîti, lotre yý M,l Lodge F.oonoo, SooLrtoOBramton. ,-3.53119 Wanted or Young Man inîoîooloob in lorning pliooî' nihalching, fecding, t'oising and ail gooto [arm operations. l'o lit', out. Gooto farot located bal oto bet-noen Camipbellnille anda No. 6 Higttory on Camtpbell- ville returd. ReoCrenrerquirrd. Applv jn person or telepitono Footoior 6s9.7039. c-35-2 For Rent FOR RENT - 2 housoboopirg reeu.878-3150. C-35-3113 FOR RENT - Cootbortable roin Milton, TO "-587. c-35-3098 FOR RESOT-5-'ooot lootor ai> unmn n Milton. Aduît,. mîy. 'ro "-995. c-34-3038 FOR RENT-Eleotric bot 0,0100 hers' wth frose srvieo. Phono Milton Hydro, TR 8-2345. o-i FOR OENT-3-bedrooot bunga- lotw. lairge fenood lot, baserotrent, 30I Lhotond Cre,. Rent or ]ae S150 mothly. Tolepîtono 878-863 aoller S pot. c-3 5-3116 FOR RENT - Bi!u.ifo riit lionneî, hoîncoon Rorlirgior and Milton, bas0 roon for one lody, excellnt uoosrer 00t tilleul,.r Pieuse, cah 634-2901. c-35-3099 l'OR RENT- 2 ,oot, second llooio, hodoi and living ',ootr wthl kitchenette, 3-piroos bath, pi it.tIt e 111.tOOo'. ir LooiotiIle. 2559 No. 5 Sideroad rieur public STR 8-9404. Coul before 5 Pot. r-35-SOO72 9,045 CCD -Ski-o ,000 hil 0 SIN E truie] ol00 Coloogoood ski a. S1N Phoe R 8471. c-3-304 SEWING MACHINE WANTED - Ridelo 00Kcclo untd 401. .trtoo.lro 8.30 .. ooîoirg R N A L 4.45 ri T. 08-2268- o-353085 E TS -WANTED-H.t ,,lloll,0 fircler Bn 50m or Month reoi, aol' .oo agol 010.000 Feuler0 PHONO TO 8-961 COokoooilo 277-4119. -9'3579 WANTFD-BoboN it00 le,*Ioîolcý Milton FABRIC Centre l'il .ogool 2 andol 10000 25. 3 Servioes and Ropoin, on n.rtil .1ooOo401. 0703404ý aitlles kof' srOoingotooh000 ,-35-30l95 obIlt CLRANRRS DRCORATING ORNERAL CONTRACTORS 1 MOVINO KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Sat0ifcton Goaranlord " SI, o ot Launderiog Sain dayserviceil reqired * Albor,0iooo, and * Rogo and Drapes oopnrtlp la F000 Piok-up anod Delioeoy * Alltoork donc on proonoîs CALL TR 8-9941 STOPP'S Cleaners & Tailors 1 HOUR CASH & CARRY SERVICE 151', (,oirntrod Dro Clr,0ning la DoIotoo :hirtsevc a Complueoreprp, o&tterirons * lOropes. rogs atnd bol, ptolor- ttîlc.neoood FREE 'ICI, 80F and DELIto'IRY Ail tork donc as proroiord. TR 8i-2972 INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICES Cronnot ltrts avaîlable un la Custoot made drapes la Ooody otade drapes "*Floroncoveings * Veorlion blinds la Windoto shodos e Foonoobirgs train laototmari ol,0oborrs Drapet and Rogo too- -o litîl a $2.30 icoohlv. For in-hom orsaoooo troustoni d Mr. Camtphell. CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON TO 8.6021 228 Main SI, o-47-tf ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC la INDUSTRIAL la COMMERCIAL la DOMIESTIC la 1LECTRIC IIEAriNCo Complote EleCtric Home 66 Cbarles SI, Mollo,, TO 8,9513 cq0 A. C. ANNON Stan Rowe the Mover AA.l or CANNr-N ,00 & SON GCNEOSL CON ORACTOOS Custoot Hootos OoreF Alicrioo Modorn Cupho0Cds Plans anod Fi"o o,looooobo. Yo.r, of e.peienue. TR 8-4424 RAY OLAN BUILDING~ CONTRACT ORS LTD. *i Hbonte Ionproeotol tir 000100000n * Ablosoltio tir Addition, *it Commercial or Indooîoo,0l UL 4-2263 o-il PLUMBING AND HEATING OIL BURNERS JIM MALLON *i C10,0000r, * Oopoooî tir lntlaton 24 bhlooî9000 Motooto htorage WarcouOse 144 -150 Yotk St.. 14,0nollon MILTON OLP. CALL TR 8-6680 c-33-i TV tad RADIO SERVICE DURNAN IV AND3 APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE *i Fbolipo Taope Reordcrs li OC A. Steiooo TV, Appliorceâ *i Rogot,0i,t01 TV * hpooo or TV and Siorro 222 MAIN ST. TO 8-4445 c-Il WRLL DRILLING WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. O. 2, Milton, Ont. Phooto Bonitoogon NE0h00 4-6025 PRINTINO TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING ORNAMENTAL IRON 0000000000,-offitce ,00J TR 8-6797 ustines, clins. Drect iolad, ADVERISINGIS AAILABLE MITON oroosingu. blloton, - on t.t ai' AGVEBTSINO AVAIABLE ILTONti ont' prinîjol yo 0,05 hane. N THI SECTION AT ECON- Ornamental Iron SOVERTISE VOUR BUSINESS Aîoto 800o orook OMICOL RATES. PHONE FO ALIUMINUIM & IRON RAILINGS SERVICE IN THIS HIANDY The Canadian Champion COMPLTE IFORMTIONDILLS PRINTING & PUBLISH. COPLPEINOBOoTIN BILL KELLY TO 8.9827 DIRIORY. RAILS AS 150 CO. LTD. TR 8.2341 s-Il LOW AS $1.80 191 Main SL, Mallo. Cars for Sale FOR SALE JEEP 2-lor Cîtoot 6 orgooto, excellentl 100,0000 0Filialeord tow truck. TR 8-2725 MILTON b-35 For Your Noîct Car . . . TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. TR 86b380 Dead Stock PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITI2D Hi4ghestCasOhPrices for ded or disablod cooo and horses. LiOld H,rîo, 5c Il. Lio.. No 227C63 - 142RP63 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 c-50.Oif YES - Cooi AüL Comnpt. îlot, it the ALPINE! iFREE! ~ front * Brtng the oa l 1 Yooor Choic.o SMALL STEAK igniti pierre Dior ooilh htonte iooooo-ctooand bevraget ~ ,d -or.i *t $1.25 ions. INE FRIED CHICKEN protot Diont-j e crean a'jd boootodoage od ALPINE hoor RESTAURANT lert Phiono 878-648 bcr t 25, Ný I 401, Mollo,. 10in JDICIAL SALE Jamtl Part LoI 23, Concessono 2, Township of Esqutsog Walnut Ranch Ltd. 'Boî0ooo. V. EoMLt 1dand Horoned o w i ' .. l, 24 Hoor Service loo lOo 3o- o l oo Lic. Nos. 133-RP. 208-C-62 Finaol Oooeloi o,, e hol o,d lt ,ilo, ,0aus,lthwi \,flbOIeod Waterdown MU 9-104,d tl sale ho poolo a,,ooo 12t aepaool. Otll [lite 120 o file ood'oooOoo Mu,îo o h J. A. Ebli.11. AIoOloOO l ,t-o l P-moýt,o 00i Ili, To 00010 i Wo Miscellaneous Eoooooiro.o ath, o hau ,- 1010 Mootol,,un flic 27, olot LARGE GLOSSY POINTS Iloooî .ooo pooOolooo, 19 oîo.oo anostaffpoto appeatrg inîThe pn,ooo Cand Coo -,2 Chýampion. 5x7 size 75o. 8xlO SIp vootooîo . oî L oi îl.00 23, Cashioua0o.o pnot'0lr Eon pý-,hip ol ,neooî.. qojre now a,0 TheoCuniionl001000of. 10000j,,,lh0l *00 fbon. ctI irv Office lor fle Coooool ,fI -REIMER Upholoort - rroup ,010 ulnta Ntiîo,îooo 107009o hdlitrng. loonitoolo oioîjihing 110000 t-g iogoloong. Promto Oocoo,i o "lie îooîooopf -o i, ' qoolily marciCs,0'. fioor r o .nooîb:p. Boolry Bo., TR 8-9741. Coîolooo Sl o, aooo N ol _______ -35-2272-Iltiho Sao e ioolooo Caotpoîoî É SWAP-SHOP --loo, oIloo ,I, fi-,t0 i, --:0 Opon 600010 Itl' l,d îi flic Looool,, lo.0 Wedîîood0 and Frid0o ta il Mllo,, Thto p 1ooo 11o olol , loodoe. sell, boy. comille dlow ot oli, vrrlinoo0-l00010000on ltouschald lotis. laon ltl,0hir.fle0 00.00 (Il sale ni. foile Iloi bankrupt stock, cars, trucks, or.elt00000tt00 ando 010.dIpa rt uhol av b o uo. Nooto il. balaopool fi liis ioe No. 6 Hwy. Milîgrove on 30 do,, aller licte o .O e otý iles Noti lttIC.pooo' Aolit.oOnootOto t lie itotode to I MU 5.1051 hall0 cz.ooh flc ile000 i,0 w co 1-.1 oopcnoo' In .01 othotisFcý o,.ndiotg condilotio s toI îlo Royal Conadiaoi Legoon îîo 00,00 .a . a ,otioolf- ho Ille oto't, tOI otloolld h10 Ili Branch 136, Miltont o0lo00oo O, , -lo .fodoolioooî ot 18 EGION. fdik tooltol toto0 singleofuir- NAIRES". 000,00 i oll, ol 00 ily dootoilio out ooo.oî le)0attend cocl, Sotodov, 2.3Ooooooot, plyoitt00100000000000lci tpat.. ai flito Lo0oooî Hall. ope'n q00,00 litopltoo. kîltottOOl 10 làîo ntoobooor o ne oioootoho. hoard. l.cliditoOl, mio lot- c-35 00,000and lut b.ooorooo. -rhero j', ,0lso .00 0,00 c 00.0rag of ,olidi ho10. rs.lîio ohooiplng. nood- NO! NO! NO! NO! isogîthe nodtionCtSh of Mn prrlittootf struoctore of o ec NE VEROborro oi Iroîttord! 004diollltng,l-oft0 brik-to, If vo'rc "a lttie sortt tilt stt-tioon holoOolloot a ool l pao.doov'. conte0 sec 00. We'Ilollo. ted 000 $511 oIo otoikh an i lwl osit ou is47 Fitrtltotpaoto00000soandcloildi cenI. Fstol simple onf00,-t ion Dolo 'ifa î4ooo li hil frlott o nt looo'îd. Ak l'rOaMitLo,0Oai Bailles, Solioitoo',..23 MillSti-t. 181 MAIN ST., Phonto 878-2171. GeOgt'oooot. DATED .00 Molloot ilotît lotî ol, CRESCENT ob Dcceoo i,tooo.o FINANCE o CORPORATION LIMIIL 0,35 -t USE CHAMPIONA CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RESULTS W L A. and o J. A 63 Yi Fin ,,d aI TR 8 'hodooo lt W ni. T 8.980 hclosI store, Fany a0 0,0t0 uy Cairnt NNar A. far FOR %\SII 878.s802 o 353114