300 Minor HockeyPtyrsRa SesnA rd Ut eusntba Owampio JMOl VALUABL PLAES of the 16 Milton miner hockey teamos receved trophies for their mork at the annuel bunfeed in the Legion H Il Wednesday evnning of lest week. In front from left are Martin Seedls, Detroit; Eric McDffe, Chicago; Keith Higgs, Leafs; Krry Marshall, Bffalo; Steve Gervais, Canadiens, Gary Neylor, Boston: rear rom, Dick Marshall, Rangers; Harold Wilson, Knights; Ken Desjardine, Pittsburgh; Murray Inglis, Ldwiths; Le cPhail, Ro- chester; Roc Ptteroon, Springfield, and Dave Aselton, Deparîment Store. Three M.V.P.o mere absent for the photo. BROTHERLY FUN Toaýclco: 'isc me a sentence sith the wrd 'ctlipse' je il.' Junior: "When my rother secs a tenn joke ie the paper eclipse it Ot.' Land lordsa... protct rontoî prop.nty Ion Ma*thon ju lre doog- pot.t yonr t.e, lots, ejah RENT INSURANCE and a Now Way te Py- 0 ooeity ofT% Homoe aîwnce Coopony thot lt ces moolys, qaortoaty oooeoy. Di ODERN00, ne@ Rebut F. McCuaig 160 Maln S. Mlton TO 1928 10510 11000 TROPHIES or tee thee mest varuanle prayýers n Miltons miner hockey league mere presenred at then bonfeed Wndnnsday. rom lef r are Brian Le of Hershey in the bantam league. Rchard Rarîdnll of Ledoithu in the midget league, and Martin Seedsocf the pen men Detroit team. O 'Dodgo Dart looks like a million dollarso(!à-yot la prîced down U-7n with the Iowest. It carrdes six pasoongers = ln Cîaoo "A" tyt-yet oporatos for only pennies & par mile You'11 like the money-saving ways of Dodge 0 D OD GE %AU IN 3 DASHING NEW SERIES - SENECA* PIONEER- PHOENIX There arc many pueley practicol rensonce why tIhe Dodge Dort is a wonderfal bey. Low pic ... esceptionol gos mileage ... greatcr room and comfort . . . sold Unibody construction. But the thing tht really mnakes Dort uch a buy ib tis: It is a fine car, smartty tyted and bcautif'aIIy appointed. Whatever it 10 yoa want mort ia a cor, you'il fBcd it ie Dode Dart. Why flot prove ilte yorself ... loday ? j The nem Dodgc y Six-Cytinder cngiec s santcd miles out ol'evcry gallon or gas. SEl YOUR LOCAL DODGE-DE SOTO DEALER TODAY - HORNBY GARAGE HORNBY, ONTARIO -ýASK YOUR DEALR ABOUT THE CIRTIPIRD CAR CAR PLAN A REAL THRILL mas in store for these thrnn lads whnn the miner hockey tnams held their windup bunfnnd et the Legion ast wenk. Duke Edmundson cf the Toronte Mapin Lnaf s mes present t0 hand out the Hlton Motor Car top scoring awards te Dace Aselton, Craig Brush and Paut Kitchen. Tne Leaf sear es smampnd by ever 300 yoeng hocknyists oho de- manded eutographs. CHAMPION SPORTSWRITER, Bruce Hood, who mainrained standings and scoring records and gave tfre Mlton rinor hoc- key veaque iremendous publiciy and coverage over the past winvrss hockey season, recevd an "Oscar" for his work ar he mivor hockey bunfeed Wednesday. Croup presicîvor Hieb Hfqçs, loft, made the award oe Bruce for nis utiîring wc.rk o. behaif of the playersand 00ecuo v mothoers fa ON HER DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 8 A LOVELY LAPEL CARNATION.. A DAINTY ROSE NO OTHER CAN SAY IT HALF AS WIL AS BEAUTIFUL IBLOOMS. SNAPDRAOONS CARNATIONS MUMS CUT FLOWERS POTTED HYDRANGEA POTTRO MUMS W. wi.o Aowers anywhero. Phone today. MÀ/o& Q4eef/u MAIN ST. MILTON 1 Volume 100.-No. 51. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1960 Second Sections. RANGERS TEAM cf the Bentam hockey leaque copped the championship this yer in e come- from-behind effort. E-howv in front are Bill An3erson, coech W. Wellace, Dick Marshalt, Walty Coxe and Warren Charlton. Second rew, Richard Clements, Trevor Heuston, Bon Berube, John Simpson, John Kelty, John Fraser, Jim Keane, Bill Weston, Jim Bates and Brias Senicer. VICIORIOUS LRDWITH TRAM won the midget titte in the recent Miles Minor Hockey play- off s and collncrnd their trophy and crnsts et thn bunfned lest Wadnescdey. In front are1Éreee' Oawevdyk, Richard Randeil, Louis Howitt, John Hepburn, Gary Mason and Paul-Martin. Secondi rom, coach Larry Arbic, Jack Kiervin, Ken ONeil, Don Christensen, Ian Adams, Murray lisqis, Bon Cud, Doug Loomîs, manager Joe Lewin. PEE WEE CHAMPS in Milton miner hockey mere players on the Detroit team. In front are Peut Mcuitain, ,coach Bob Collen, Paul Kîchon, Jackie Fletcher and Peter McCoaig. Second rom, Bohhy Martin, George Maxwuell, Tommy Sargeiit, R. Bouckley, Brion Beany, Steve Keave, Marty Sccis, nobby Henry and Crahami Dredge. We'vo Rounded Up Some Good" VALUE-CHECKEO" - oEiNADsi m.--ANSAVU 1 620 John Deere Tractor with Three Point Hitch Cockshutt Model 40 Tractor Also several used and D reconditioned TRAC- e TORS ready for j.NFA TIAM MOMINMENT spring, bot crawler W 01 and wheel type. M .gel, ONT DSIDON A RAD l J EFOONT FOR LIICE 'RMIMIERE iTDIDNIT WOR PHONE TR 8-9501 1:1OR THE RASSIT. a