Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 5

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Gray Ron NgyIler, Barry Fletcher, Taw, te hà# P/eg R.pr.sei ( BruceCanteton, Don Crseso Jm Keane Brian Senicar, Ria- I D LII MAI Ih£L fRandeit. Allen Jones, Peter fin, USé wUîî v ori'u uiS eS oul GriwlBruce MuDuife, Thomas uc Mllonmiiiunith d O D G h Pa Carr, tack Keirvin, Bu) icpresentecdin [he basbailwordR cky Row NuitDeviMartyimsCss again ibis veut- as heywer atSclsizTryMcD ualJDrap Downi according I taiiea rlesdBileTrr arsGordHcOdly Pla snulued on the baniam by the officiais o'ta iv as-RogerJhsn u-iS ila:tý I %ibecome members ofthie bal arkaniziiians i ow. WayeBelLnJtvsDntwn Major leugue. Sponor Junors~- Miltoan Ret Su prei LctU Sie.MIlcanua cd taLilil b~~h ~ wie No Coach Yet tor Omagh au club in ii i tîîwî i.Th icliia coi,cu o %,olNewcorners .ry for um %\C -k nd ýlilu l i nW csliItiip1lii iiil I s iIle titili. il s i ihîîîî guiie [iei lstu Iae lui Louabeii,îcqîîîîcil JACLK WILLIAMS - Jack is tiîîkiîgasft a ic uueo oc u hsic t llieîipcning Onuiclîs regulur lit-si bascman Vbasocbci in iiMiltii ucrie.u ll ceic i., fst îpproaciî andlfbis bec-tn n iis position "Aler cii. aiba lci u,,igan ctics ariaboutl i iiinsîcc be pliavefjunior lbail. He liaselbuili pkîeis ac co l ri igihi iiks Ls tlb icîcliîicy bas plivdcilhis bail in Onagb iii Milon",' sici Se.Marcîîî szl iîiîu acoach.i andilscîuîpiuyuai presentibvithc hiiefa necici il lcbs- Mor iii pa shav lhurtBcil Tciupbaiî Cii. Jack h 26 fo fieyersag ad is ou llld it i lien si îvuck la n li uuussîigiiî liandcci. Whili n ios ho l ciclc su bu ics bit. ha avtcc lionîîofithbuRedl ihci"IctkcciiiI isi scar, lie bari lv cwcr siruck- %%i-ih blp uis il,,filie i1itil lîg it Arouaci the Diamiiec: îîîi. Jack lics Ioi isb anîci piav (lut- piasiig slatliin ucais Io cilîic, CIIARLIt GtL.iLIES -(bai lic iiolflieuliceis nul piaying bal. and illi hAril lMcianson)iamd it ui1pais ield acnd îîl iîsi base-tHu eis aneaitlte seadiesi irsi lHaiinanti cîîaciiinli, tics ilil lirsi p fsiloti Traagariice 1iiasuiîuiî ii i lle cgueseen -aîiî>a criairîi'li c iaugbi lii plav1lie c isagî bcîî[lieifast io vi saîs îlîaîglî is 01uliis 2îîdci peurs TWQ DANDIES mre pulied oui o Campbeiiniie pond over the trou? opening meekend, bal \%INas ccîî antIlium," b lcicîl. lie ]lias fleurii willi Oiiîaglî. tie bais l neither mas eligibie for the Champions contes? an the fiermen were not local residenîs. Twu Veto li lii iîaiiiui iiîilii cus11, c Robert Elliaffot Torontlo, lf, nabbed the 23. inch bromu mhich meigbed tour poands, Ihrne Bîi c,îsîîaîiiaîiîîiacsaiic i 5)lkaiua àliMoose Kili Up ounces and had a 12 inch girth. He caughît Sunduy asing marmn. On the rigbî s Gordon Ilic i inid ailîcîcî aiil an [lie c.od ilongîclbail hilîlii. Cf l.îilie - Sumpf of Kitchener, mhose bromu measured 23,34 inoches, meigbad tour pouuds, 12 ounces, andc pori,î elleîîclicîic d lic lailI iiîîî,îful handii,ii, ssiIlciild Eîgnt rer C.ent bad a. 12 inch gith. -e says Ihaemay snIafil. iiakirug îbesalili oi]. i, .523 les ic1 fhfJfAMA-Th[ lcîsarci trencdin il A îîiîîî ochili îîas iipciullaI Nf)RM ilEiMINGlihN -Noini iiiiiiiuic kih l cîng tbe 1959 iii listhelic ilile Lcau.i ýiu Bisuc- NLii.l ii kic %ii fii lic- ccli i liti %Lîiîis ielci cl inibhiscdistictc MitiorBail et UplillAiiiiiîi.iiliîiiiisili lic lui and iiiLt%.i i.iiîs iîiiioi ,iin hsliiigli icr-cent.iiceasc ii ___________Se_________ îiceiiiiucgc Aciîililvbitii îîi s.u smi11 iii l i~u t iciiikii iadil isci miii c î.îcIl igoIli(kcl hifur i- Jîlîî îs i s iiiib u iiplis. 22 (ili25 lici cnt.in (lic bumerc -il aîîisîcîîilleiu euîcîiigci llai- silcvcisloi ii bscrip. Tbercicî N am e Team s, A ssi g n C oaches Inkcli' ii. :ussoiaion, !nL oh cîsi, ibcn:c lowil , 'u:îg2/îuu nIrýhu liithue ca Be Ltssilac. (illl[Ii, n ac lci o( ii'lie a lI bils i all aîi ndîeinluslic Te sîarîof anoîber fine seasan Bob Clilens. Bill Walace. iubiiin Gibsîii, Kun Gîîcîîs, Briall Miliii- sali sIInPoiîcci 10 lc ajil icnillu lickuNi iii hhak\ilic .liei)%%-i lii cs Wiîîîîî s ail îii nîîîîramiiu af basebati suas made Mondas his fini ycua s aco achlin Mitonî JohbnîMci kcis, Gi aam iSiacus c0aliililieu iiuiisuciop ilii iiflic inillîîî.îglî, s ni,îiiuiI ili oi îîcl ci i(oficiiiisn ibis mils rici nigbî suben ibe enecutisu cacd cas- mincir baukev luap \s(în tbe bain- Miku Wînncs. Ricki Giuins, Nîcfiiiiiî lii i - uic a ,icl %% îîîol, blal, idtllsý iAIlIhlîiiilcdIlileucoIii2ccs11,il iîof î un in er rhes ai the Milton Litlc Loague tinmile as ibu Runcgcrs' mentar, ruilur. ilic plait sIlcioclc 110 lc ii l III iooit.\,iai Ilusi,îiiiig i -lin lîîcalliics piiiiibIi uulutibai Buscbail Association meitlaucrais micaO ud heYankccs an ibcii GOGERS-Ciacb Alan P. onIllii lif. %%i ccn i,233\Iiiiiliiiîl miicol iiiliihe cî insunnieidenl op tbe teilams for ibis scimmers \%,ay. -Dan HaIins. Bill Wisiiîi talelu Minors Ouit InForce 1.1 iiici uclicesuis;" idloiimiici sicus ic l iceriaisK opeiolian. Grius andciReci Soaruictilli iiiAlai Luis. tKunîP.îiîîîî. i)ctiiiihi u. Lili iis Ille icctlli. liiti.icilliili andi look11.11k b'ui i îîîîîiuaIiiîc ofamiscuctioin i Claie la 150 appicationussu-vecminas coachbcs batil i s blîpec lIis Ncîl Gibbonis. (iii\ Youngiiu 911liii1ile iýuv îli lliclilaj'ce siii iiie Il, diki. -iiusail luîuîuîî popuîîlationîî, Lnt n sonîcd oui our the wlis-a cgues niibu iakcu care ofihb s is oi lîîîîîsîî.Johnîîî-rtc5. sîcu lad i la liilfIciii l isl, Ilîsi Itlîs îîiîiand ciii susVliicsis llîce ci csas. .ithuriii arims being classifid \ccck. .'utkcbiliî Pailuis. GiiiiI Illepiciiicifastiscîi A idî ___________________ lu the 10-12 vear oiciMajor icague VUse Roary Park Yuungî. Pc1c1iIcili, ied c uc i l i, ul Net and six iu ihe under 10 Port%, - cmu leuî caue uillau BRAViES -Coacb tliîligitcc. f îiuuii îîIiil i i uusilîiuc E IO gte. The Mcjaricgue iis s-ar place in thc Ruuar\ park tlinuicn,-IacilSmîitî.iscsl itip, Kcîuilîiliîu.uuueas lioilIas ýl i replaces tbe American Iccgue mr siîb lîcîlbasublal i iamoulsIîiiisttucsPacul Kiicu. W Auiiu A iii cîîîccoeil. romlail scr anci tbe Pans leu- cîpecîcci luibu insialicci i tbe old.l. Ruuci Mcie.uvuiui )cuîuuuu lic xvia I grepsc hebuNationalicaguc. pul k suib buthencsi ua %,ck,. RîibcîItllius -Keiilu Johnîîsonîî- u (If Iii hil' Tbe iccîmi iis scar uili sport The gamux s wllli kcis laku piacu J.îbiiSpiîîai. Donacîluid iiulul Ilîsl \i l l Nilu i ilT O W lbhe nuis-look %%,en al piaucrs ibrcc nigis a îscck cIl suci as'Gici Yuini. Sicphe lelns aud caps and busc u nuis ounmcsumrmur mauibs ibcrc su% i 1 bc nu)l li kt- McG i Ltaib. i. A l'Ile 11LlltllLiSATURDAY, MAY 7 wi- iibisbib o beculclac iorbte bail piasc fuic ai iasi inolclu. %6uaxui u Dîb, Matiiicu as ii ilciliiif AkTHLEIONBAlROO term. Sucb numes Ls tc Dodgers mauîb. sudsI, Barr\ McTraucb. 7 îuîîîîîîîMc ilts sciîandiili.l\i e Pirates, ReOs, Bruies. Gianis and In the umpiîung eprumunu. Tiach. i. îîîîîuîPuloîîîî Sicîîlîcuî i cii Nusbaii îc1u ATiTHEîîhllî.iii .îîîu Crinuis base iakcn user framn Ja-ck OCnnrautHuîîîbî lbum- K,îîu Maiii ONeîi l l i îusl.ic îîîi 8îîffcu .30 [o 11.45 ibeir couniterparis Lus Angeles, self cn ablc umpi bas icken oulîcuRtik. Ahic u iC sîî.l, sh.gîîuîiiîîlii i îli,î.slcîii Pittsburgh, Cincinutii.MiliNaukee. tc dulies f supphsving umres lian. BuislBîîuus. top îuîuîuuîs lu lu-lu ORCHESTRA Sun Francisco sud S. Louis. fl ac eurgre anO n in u O1u MAJOR LEAGUE ge Illqud pravidu a greal sers icu u wci. 10 ta 12 vas sod Mre Newcamers Same Llneups The scheduies arc cxpecchcd Ioi SNAOSGaab u iesii. SiIlle iuidgeu club liiiiuu Mail piavers are reiarning luta ceuseci nexi wcck for the 1550 -Johbn Scotui. Bihl Maiiuuul lal IiTeen Beats the salme îcam us ibev mere siib icagues îiih the hlliniuig incuipi Coxesu.IRhcî1 Couliuî fîuig [niuloi . whîaii scune. buiî iof tait year. Oniv esccpioans arc- qaifd to date. A ns cmscic rois udcs u s uilleîcî luus idevBiiRh, l ujhiiiiuîac hecul in"hr luukîi ___________________________ ihose suhiil u iii mu a auarc missing hasiîbterurtcuru- ieuRcîîLchar numnîls, KuithiMc- caus Iol intuer candi Ihes uuî ibhrclbe eas fteir ciiscd alc or the picusur iui)(IIiDul Giel. .iiulci icecccandLarri Au lii BOYS MUST WEAR JACKETS uge. and sel be incicudu i n ithebhan- YANKIT.S - CîuachîBil ual i- - %11)wl ivli1- Aso reiurning la the same POS_ iam iiuîp. iface Bobiv bu thc.-ucu ucolulJoui i ini,liu e liuii iiii lu. ilî;i Admission----------------50c ilion are a number i the coaches PONY LEAGUE Fuihcs, Randulî iuiii-auNoi i ii lucsi'uMil"'11, il flic ______________-____ ------_________ wiib Alun Parlan. Muras Hauci undar 10 years af age Whiite. DGuicMcltacliciiîi. W aln i11111 iiIIiuil uii lu5le aliuuîu Bitl McTruch. Herb Higgs and CARINALS - Coauch Liuud Cbarlîuuuu.Bu saili cc Riu lii Sonnv H carn rciurning lui 16e Smith, Russell MauIiiu.Robeîrt Duibu Puny (Natioal) leugue la b eiinuluBu ian Brusb. Maruk Houp- RfIfi SOXN-fîlacl -iilhe i)i joined bp-onu neacucmur n the kins George Masxwc-l. t-auiu( lauiae,.Tom sSargentiui z ,il liii, persan iof Liai-clSmith, sîhufail Pcnsîun, OcriNcuai-ir.GDan Rujv,suCam ,înAluulen. iu.îi s luis peur helpcci in tbe umpîring O- GDonaldci P,sMichael Mullîscu. Wuin (iii i mi h. Fil cLIoi i parimeai us ccli us filing un ai Treini Roberts, Kcnns Cuus, Buian SlDîu- )uug Nîîîui lu 1And% coaching fou. Siefun Dslcuriur. Tuinelli. iWWUf Coaches SiB Needad REGA - Coach Murras filood, RIOLES -fCoach-ii lulil>i ~ IiJli The Major lAmericzini eague is Gale esin, PreO Hamilton, Paul date, Bri,îu Tinîblu. Bîîuîî (hall- B rg haing is troubtes 1600gb wiih Mounluin. Grek Presse, Eric Mc- ian, Micbael Allen. Bll Pic iiiih Beir ai s imo couches sitl necded. Tu ateDuleGfe Ted Hauci. Pete McCuuig, Richacid ithu, Wcîs ic Cassou. Ed Siroud, a seleran ah tbe lin- Juck Flecher, Barrv La-ing, Tru- Gordoîn Hamiltol liniuMu- or hockey leugue coacSiing saff ur Houtan, Ant Wutson, Bernard Clniîck. Michael Wood.uc siho is makung is dehut in base- Ja1u.Aih ccîb.hi iuiu iiiii Wbnî s bue b an a pra n algif ha buLl, iwrking ciib the Senuiors PtRATES-Cucîcb Sun- He,rn Ic i lusMuuchu qîulua fuis (Wshingon) wilb 1he hcip ai - Bah Robsuin. Gruci urnan,ý. criii.ucs Iawhlululcuîcccuîcîl wilii gMom ens umentbu ause i Guug Puser. Dan Heaunu. .im sinccuIl)u i) Illehu, liu W, _15w 1 casesi lierwrktroclh, h va -,o Big Delegation At 0.H.A. Meet Members of the Merchanis' hockey club aiended the unnua h OHA. meeting whihb ms beld in Toronto un Sauuduy. Alunî Pucion, Murray Hao.d Peler Gai- es. Muniy Allen. Lamne Esans aud Nains GuOudli epresenic-c Milton ai 16e meeiing for thc strongusi hawhng ai auy iawn ihere. Many members ai the acg- anization emrked on t6e keun inleeslnbhown by the local chah in being the oniy club la hase presented uny umendmenis I the ssocaion. Big Rule Change The toaa squud mus instrum- entul in huing an addhiion made lu the ruses whicb coulci make a big difference lu hockey in samne centres. This mus 1he roing wbecu al plcyers maxi bec egis- lececi sud okuyed befare ibey may lake prs in a gumne. Nam a manager cas bu suspendecl for usiug uuy payers aibur ibun ibase wich tiss ehecn ukayeci. Anter changc as uceO l- s, in wich un import ptuyer may bc chunged tl avasunuier impout pluper lake hus place in the case where he ix injuruci or decides bc dues nul ani lii play for ibai ow. Fan Interesi Up Geneusi agueement amungsi the ieams epesenied ai the meeting mas ibul ulieudauce mus up as leasi 25 per cent. this year sud gives au ndicaion ai a re- iornslu the npectau sport for the fans.' -The annual open bouse fau parents sud public schual cild- rau WDIbé Itetd tutghi iThurs- day) ut the ibrceapublic ichoaf s. Pupfts' wurk will ha un disptsy &rom 730 I o 00pn FINAL OFFER this ,4V5GREASE GuN FREE or at greatly redluced cost when you buy ESSO MP GREASE H in cartridges An a pecial introductory offer fou Esso MP Gueuse H in cauîridgeu. YOD can ge this $495 gese gun fuee ou at grealy educed cot. This uew method of greasiug aven timansd trouble-eliminates wanîe. Cal iodciy ad ge fou detuilu. E. A. 'Al' HENRY 440 MAIN ST. MILTON TIl 8.2381 alwaya lINk te ImperIaI for the bet CANISTER SETS $s4.98 -CORNINGWARE SAUCE-PAN Reg.S795 pciI 1 .5 ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER n g1 c hîg irîmcli iiiilo is onilie m11 i1chi ui uc i bic s 9 . Sunbeam Electric Can Opener w i îi np k lu illdinsapile i 6 Deluxe Steak Knives Cinderella Casserole iîlsssicel ilailcs 1" $ 'iliduleiaiecml uingcasecoupldicunelitigeib0tmi $ 99e bk c boiï,3 98iiic ............ .........$ 9 9 Se Tino Canadian Champion, Thursday, May Sf6,'1960 Sp <shtdlMeut joyed hy 150 Nesuiy 1501 guesinsast cdown lu a delicioun spagheti napper wilb meut sauce on Saluuday evening wbeu the ladies of the Holy Rus- uuy Caibholle Womnenn League belci ibeiu annuai feasi n te Hoiy Roary schunui. Procecs mece icîrneci on-cm ii the gracîipi WorlO Rufugee Ycur cîummilimeui. Liat Workers Caonucinuis wcc-cluAice Walis, Val Hcndcic k, Joyce Haxicum, Ma- detaine Sunfard and Louait. Peau- non white Juan GOConnor sud* Yo- lande McCann weeboutasses, Chef was G. Mirbetan vwtlbJoe H-endrick ussisting. Sersers weue Mms. A. Paggion, Mci. A. Putoni, Mus. S. -Martint, Mus. M. Aupu, Mms. Maris Zap- pus, Mus. Gunion, Mms. Maruz, Mms. Bannoaund Mms. U. Durante. Their tielpers were Nila Setisîzet, Ada Sutisizzi, Mus. Zulilln, Mus. Lebon, Mus. A. Balermun, Mus. A. Merriîî. Mmi. V. Kovucbik, Mav Booî,bMis. Bcackcr, Mcs. Stuti anduu Mus. ciishus. Wiiressex weegradelususen cliii ciglil girls hrum ithe scbuuuî. Knight's Dry Cleaners FUR STORAGE Fusarea Prec oui Posssson !Protect ihcm [rom smmerhcat mothb fire and hePt Our cold storage I a i ffr uarnted sct piy *Fur Storage ... 211.oli e aluain. *Fur Cleaning ... li pr uriecr icelioîcs. *Fur Restying ... Repairing and i cslviling Fr~c stilaes. PHONE NOWI TR 8-9941 KNIGHTS Dry Cleuners 300 MAIN ST. MILTON MOTHERS DAY Sunday, May Bth Il-,'1/1 -11 ufctfv A GIFT THAT IS SURE TO PLEASE Dfutterfly Nylon Hese The hone that are made inside-out o gine thal smarter duller shenee ook, seamu or eamles n the Spring'n nemen shades S cen 9 to t1t $1.2.5 PAIR OR THREE PAIES FOR $369 216 MAIN ST. MILTON TE 4-9341 FRED MILLS M.n's, Boys", Ladies" Wear 11 Il -- -- mamaini are sonie suggestions: eases tier work througý)out me year. Here are ýonie stjnneqlioný Il

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