Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 4

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-' ~ *-a-a-a-$-O-tOa-Ota4-a--OO~n.-.' ...ra-cO~*ê55~~le5eê~a'O'**e5e* **.*~***~ 4- Tho..e nden 0iamplon, Thuo'ay, May 5is, 1960 M aintSisoue[eMOO GARY "DUICE" EI)MUNDSON, nnone fthebets liked Toronnto Mapie Leaf hockey players, wiii bave 300 more fan club membeen nenl wiuier wbeo te tates tate ire once again. Thicsas proven lad Wedtecav sites Dote' wsca speciai fueci ai te sid- tîp banquîeît lrte rniîîîîhotckey cagote andtte etitsctteckitng star wascalled liont igîîolî,t lte stinta ted Io te 1,000 atograptc. "If thet e are 300 boys bei-c loniglil, thîe>,must ract have a brother anti a idtre ai home," te commenttîd ai ter sprodiug somne 35 minutes iging everyting feorn a slip ot paper pstrd ai iefrtrmthe cmaleslt and, in a fineiy bound auingraph abum wict found ilis way t i hlaire. Ai 27, Gary is serluf tic firsi vear of NH.L. hockey tal is since te piayed in trce gantes in the Stanley Ctap finals for Moulerai ai the age of 19. Il sas ai iis age tat te finisbrd nul is Juinr vears itte Kitchener Greencirts mno de- lunc() and inte ame seacon was deafîrd Iote parent Cana- diens sabrer te toot parti n the finals. I tad a reai chansce aite big ime then anti tait tpes of nailiug cdown a regular luen sali thie Canadiens came' te foul camp cason, the Duhe noîrd bteoen aoiograpts, "but a feso days atîr camp opened I biote mns houiler aod ibat tought oeni domute drain." I speisi the cent for ears ai Springfield in the American irague, tad a eason ai Newc Wetminster in te Western circuit and tbm sent tackt o Springfieilsshere Punehtllatch, ntanag- ing coach ofte Laisi picked me p and luni tact ap again." 1 ackrd tirn tom teliited piaiog in the Leal orgauleation. and te piped te aid adage, thal the Montreat Canadien wali ic ion tard lu ceamble andterec sa bhterechance ut getting imb te Naional leagne sitte Lraic. He enjayed a terrifie response frorn the tans ai Mapie Leaf Gardens in tic itst vear and if tey have anytting ti sai about il, te iii deiniteis te tact. At leasi tatis te generai co-c sencus one gattets tc the elar ot appiosai stien hi-c ornes on tbh- ice aI a gainse. Duteccascaiied openn lu peecen t te M.V.P aisards for ttc thre minor hoctke eagîses in Ilsn, anti tetîretltaing so te spote tute yoong triiosas, steessing te tact tal cou dont hase n-ne-a m.nner 1- n-a, --î.t Si le il. t, inedou. the.uea - Io di th fu vi d( w S U! is p ti b k t, i r c Ti Kowo c.Banes Big Bplper ly At Doirt Leaigue Windup Banque Puond lsughtlewos the ordcr rudc" awards somclhing lite wrnl 10 Joch lOver 'Omne)Frost becgu00 lhcy hncw îhcy of the day ou Pridsy evruioz Emirsor Osrs-only worsci ot O.S.P., Andy Graham of Big gel braten. whcu the mnemberes ofthe cighl- 0sm f thc fllôws who sood Boppers toonthIe "spnrtsman" John Cannun, Firecrnn-V tcaco Milonu ldusiriol duel Ira- out in hireprsnal brhaviour rophy, amd Gary Kent plied in sorincind ights and une gar tcld a wiudup banquetino duiug the scoson. Bill Boyd re- the "coin coleceor" priro. unes ton. the Legion Hall. Eveo lhoogh te eeivcd the hiome for arranguf An aided tealure wos the for- No Gevsgue %vsa membre of the winiof andi building the traphies. licd eeetale wih the Fiee- Jico lrelaud, Wildcas-1 teantl(and didn't lei the audience The Grrrudrn' mnens team receis'ed -ls alco- tu everybttdvtfor making it uittget i)Bill Btvd Matie att anti- Bud McDtnatd ot' Rimetts re-ti an,", seas. cteientstet toicerenioties to,îi civfiec tesiiitte'awrtd ifur dihtet Captalus Commento Murray Grente, Micits- he evcîtiand presiciecilui-e ttc g iitther teaîîs Lith his .l i The-cajtttittsctieactt tettîtt ocre veat wetil tbcttostrong IL preseulalions toltomiug a cttmp- ttead, Ken SehultzLi Moontain- caiied uptîn to commet un why We al stomrd for the last tfnc diaere. cerso got the "tooter aîard for thcy lost his year, andicorne ci Marty Capulo, O.S.P.-W Il bhee a wonderful sca- is bnasting, top vocalisi masac ,ners wecclaccics: bollliug ail year for lasi snn aînd mc've bad o luto f aghs Geo. Kinnie, Ac Babenet of Le- Joch McLaoghiin, Legionnaires Braner Seafini, nf them with uitilee ono rd feeling,"ionufol the 'lime' prize for rom- -We erenit gond ennugb. There Big Bopprs-Qoit moani said the MC. AI is orging, tte ing the latesI, tbe orbil" aw.-tet were acoople of contrary playerc grnanting. Corne bath or] clar iraguers gave a big ovation mvent tu Jach McLaught'in tît Le-o the sinnifif leam. and sec if yoo eau brai fo Leinsnl bimnD- gioonairec for iring dauc on Pte oniiRmîî-Tout gtod pinnship lease. ic Roley aod secretsty Bruce higb. Genrge Kedrict mon Ibe be os. Folnmwing the award! Mounaic wb rapblyhonird spreader" awa-ec o isý taies o. Buc Monntain, Mîîntaineerc speeches, the players speil the affaits nf tbe lrogue lhrnugh- larneev the "go homne îtpv Tomrpitycctîd om aevugttIhhl. ouI a bucy season. M. Rowlry sait ihe hnprd In mate the leagne a lte brîler nexl vear. aud Me. Mouniain reporîrd a ontai bal- ance in the Ierasarv. ri Big Boppers Chemps Grant Yaruoid, a heewery rcp- tecenia tise. handed ouI' the cbampionchip îrophv tu eaplaln Beaner Serafini oi Big Bopperc c! and hic teammalec Primno Rigo. Bill Sralini, Sqoerh Rigo0A' t Graham and Bill Bovd. Dettis Ro>sley asartied tbe cottsuaaion prze Io the Ontario Steel teant c.îplained hy Martv Capotit Laugthîghltlght of lthe vening usa the presecta iun ol "Gert- idnlt oin and ther are gond sports. ýSoftball inSwin Ttc gum îtcsoing ctar ale tarestîilito the ycting placers S tanheol the ececu!foi-tiorising ittimtevin tom ttated lim For Hi oh Sch for coning. anti ebc,as assy o tu h sîest. He i s dtiig sortiîe iiîîng and mting sorte perconai appcar.tnies telotelie se tîles Sîtl, gantes are in futl loswn to scoring for a besers in te Turonto arei. wing a Mition District Iligt Sîtool as tîtt bîvs' anti girls' JOBODY KNOWS POR SURE Octsît at ieegotv tise Redi Sîîs teaitîus-ei- r onuts liit tc-inter- .iiiopeate in tticv>eereelblthiLe Stte.hsMaie.iandBeaner teant plat. Seraini when 1 askec tem ttts vtese. lbcqtuestiottas itl .%io lTe gis began Tusa itsih usone or tIwopisiaers stu htaie iottuciplaitice thic veut,. %ou1 sic eatîss aptaincd ts Mats Mo-' ail] hase 1 pin al hgtcr clous iof hall itan cou did ii atcar. soit. eiertlChartntat.V.îlieý isnt tal righlî" Saetîsti. Ausma Verlis. Sharotn I sas reterring It Tom Barreti. a starpeved sitifger uit te Hoîustontt and Maîg Armstroîng. plate anti a fise tielsier siho tas iheurn wii g vitt tecltub Ttc bo%,sc.eansotile. begaîs îheîr, is veut-,and Gerrs Hiîrnioîci. \%hotiaesthis home ut Gflpht sholiliegteast eet andtiite Jonction. Barreli is iairiy nesi-ltote ticebali scenc inîlion Ilîîsîîî toubhle finding tiimpei i- TPD ULRSnrcMlo but tas een considiertale actioîn in ttc Miltoîn lnelitrial hie.- îiOPtî ai Ailtî antinGetheeMilton hey lague. sitere te tas henrtai menther ufthlie P. IL. Roîbertison uchott], tor an al-star tuanti. captaîn Beaner Serafini ond Bil Bc leat foe te pasi lb rce e ar. Huornsud tas plîsed hall vt h B_____ _ill Seafini Primo Rpo and Avdp Campteililie clubs.v Su siîth is statement ifloioks as if te loiîîîp c to \%îthere -1000 tuc tiltss wer- majilci t a banquct aI the Legion Hait it wsas t acrCai this ime. shen nobîttîs necu ltor sure sshi \vas front the ilîssît î,ttiîc ouiTues ! h igh lghtloh ttc gatterîrîg mas il pîaving shat ilass ul bal and ti i tîc is gung itu haie iii te dat - Thesre dtîe Mas% 7. - snginigd'tlalest, bîghshootingst~ on their tocs tu eep atead of the otter teint. Cîmptelilie funks to te stili undccided as to thir deiniti ictereahouls anti te population qustion once agi-in iiita-se tte anssscreci t L #5f ai telad minate. iverciiaflis O ffT to riyiflg Start Homever il looks as if tot Oahviiic and Brampton are inss thc "A"Major suries togeter lsith Campteilsilie pîîcihllitI Drie ~May , iss HaIm;ilto-n ('arI1, join ternl. Aton and Dundas lookto10bt he.tded our"A" bail II ~ 7 J " ' ' ' uniecc Dundas uses a couple of Hamilton boN.s tes a-te eiof The champion Camptetllilr ic tîbie .as bte hiped titietoclu u' and Ibm ngo "A" Maori.Bronteis dtinitein ii -C hbailltitis veau Mchîanlc hball club is uîîhto0un-ite'A' atîîetille. by speciai permticion ofthttc .B.A. anîd rîrîlthi, s ns cied otet hîing ciariiisuî -Tc lie lias hbrn ssortinitoui ye, mt a lch of piltciug tlaent forcing te B rîntcliub heads placers tavee N oîrini t utte Hamîiton Carditna, ofcl 10 lonh oui osetem boundars alco. Alil ut stiîh chapes up itu fur te phd st i, o-ets nîîmand te lnter-i.oouti Seniotr baselsalli anottrr season tf contention uler thi-iariîîus iategot ies ini tc ito a te ail havechbrnîot ta te icîgue lu date anîd il tie stot id, lonp. lousening ap sessions sitt tte catch on trie asi,îespeited. il rHE COMMERCIAL SOFIBALL LEAGUE silh iid ils firt simccl-.ulv exceptioin being Jachie Privie. st iilî ncagain gise Camopbell- ing fte 1960 seacon îonigbî. This icague tas enosed muet Pt ie 5iî5 tht tltic ut marivt a silthett opp oritunivfi)ipiaNi n1 succrcc in ttc paci couple of scasoncsand test iear haildi x hcatcd cîîntesîcol st sa a »l se , chus tu tesite. Pie trams mtin is bourds. uhen manager Len A ncsts s ictiîhug tis. tes îoiîtpcttpi Ontariu Steils entry. one tif ttceltîp cuntende s in re cent sgned ttc agite iniielîler sshîî tns plîseft t nt othe[t 1110 ycars. iv a doubtai starter ibis year hou tte rernaitting Ctuts, lites i n Burlinglun. He then. sittît tiitida.ifa inii tilcisc toeit Canadian Meler, Canadian Tire, Canidian Leion. P. L. Roîbert. nmade entusîunithe bclîtîci ntci.îte pî îl.tîîî"gi t atie te son and Miton Brick taive ail nîîled tir inient tuoretuen - A -B' tiisioîln ohflite Haîi on 1Cîuttînu et tîilir ci v. ucm face may te wcicorned tuu tesettis Ncear in tepervon Baehal i rogue and wlois tiis Sassas Opencr ni an rniry trinthtt Jantes H. Maitiesos Co. Gfficiais of tou t isetl permission il> enter itti5 The Mîîcht.ntv îopenîthescaîsîn ient taie noîrd îisy wouiî cunide r an entes in tise îe.gue tinghbute A'Maoit dîtisiîn ,lin te ruaidtis i/airittdNill Iis ycar. Ttc parent OBA. agrecîl lu the iascMltî ..î.t.Mi2 Last ver Canadian Lcgiîîn roppedte le lite tevsecond item bouundarirs ni Btrintgton Titir oapeuing huome gatîse iii pear ini a rorn. sottî inettîde soîme 32 square te piavcd lin Monîlay. May 23. miles idciii of te oui bîoîni-d. c ill bte hliiiîd hi tecif- /îles. istiîh mas tîtughît iii te liges nnu,îi liîc-sî,rts ieint SPORTOPICS flite case,.cul autîtît te saine lts- Ttc annuai Onario Hochey Assoîciatiton meeing lin Salue- Hlped lu Tille day au ttc Rol York Hotel in Toronto, oas tecei-fiairepeat PrFeeplaîccîlhoches for Mlton JM, éL lu the hlniofdsse cvera-i outhttcgentlemen prescrnt . . . This Mechînîs ntti t n tthr-*1 UinDWu pf es w-oc tce tact tou ttc OHA. iv siumiy el gaciouosy gobai; dosas- mdiate A' ranhs on t ngteu hiff ... Ttc reaoun tue tte discussion aruvefrt îman amreudmneul club inte 1958-59 %cson n iti tNU U iifiUSly saiet mas peoposecdi vttc local Mrchasts thockey club lu dcai at sersas a mcdii, Flaer ORT ARTHR -[,v the îi salt players teing ued lllegally -... lait Rosborougt itf Sintîte, Hu sltised bte o, 15 ithettc cînîg siten mnsinnitt spes tied a former president otte OHA. and a member oflic CAHA. c :,' - iuit nais tetahen ini siuterit reeuîive statoil mas hlgh tinteevrepunigui logeter anti Gnttiif f)ticiats io te Depat t mode surer tou ployer 0as slgucd snd uhapcd teiîre ete ts N vcsEm esn nent uoLlanttds andtiFlrces l parti n a gamc of hokey ... Nom ttc manager utfai leamntc viesEte asn thers -a ct,îîce - Thcitiîiecteîi suspended ifor up tuone yeae lite usine pli yens utove cards taie SeFe1CpG m 3100 stîcclCliitt ggs t cut nol been ohas-ed by Bill Haslcy .U.HA. business manager . . . - re u ane IleSut 1111Riser.60miles vît Bucho McDonaid, ttc Mr. Hockey frunt Stîndridgc fOntario mas Ttc grealesi finish lit a tti tes iiofludsins Bay aîîdlitattitei vutel a ogold nstickamard b hlceecutive utte OH.A. but wst scason ever mac ttc piciore lvr he r t ont l athttcDurionî lishi liai no on tond b rccivc il as is club iceurrentiv sying for "B" Sondai mbcn te niembîrs (it cheti nieur lvre. 'Tleîaire ailI bonors . . . Bg item saiet mas,,di scussc-d iiiail ends aste flie Milton Novice tuaînt sore lîcaoitlîv nttieaîing iititc, Olympie hockey Issue and this 0-av tosscd tact and ti b rutlie g ucvs ult te Torontoî Mapie repot il Ilattlery Maîtaget lite corne tinte . .. Eter tce N.H.L. li te tcgosen ument cbould te L.c.ls bhîckey club ai the Mentor- Atinsîîî. ttc sponsors of suet an underuahing mas titi se couid gater il cup piaicoif gaine beuiveen St. Thetc oîs.6h înies long antI ftuer bhc Kitchene club luvi ihousansu ofoldllsrs on thier ru- Cathaîrines Tee Pees anî Edmîîn- fioivg inm u lltivîîîBasrieur cent trip lu Squawo Valley ole e iinished secoîndt uUnitedto tn ii Kinsugv a .pie Lealt Winivt. iv pîîîtaîlu te test Slalc.s in the Olympie trials . .. Ga-tiens. spechicî trut river in flite sot id.1 * *Arcecpi Ill Oakvllearea i th hoe o a occr lagu intha A rval treutl as tcesai ttc Dahiii arna uc tîmcof srec lcgocn tourta- sîîtng telios, ntonyofw muniiy anddin tePresctun arena coller sksllng iv tfid Iwo i umis iati neyer been fi)itheGres a meh sait dancing une night lite a tonming rrumuer scastnan ciepted il aiicthtgtlc cr aiready undcrmay . . . The Tri.Cuuuy juveule thîchey tourna- - 1ifor St. Catliat in, dnt mntubenecutlue iii meul iis Friday nigbt ftueflic fimaimeeting procu- C, \uet n o1 Iis er . . Diicers arc- ihiy 1to elecied hferseulouears bunttye loararnni -Thejunior bail club iv going lu sient prarlice fibis Monday niti n otnjuniclion sait ttc lnîerrediaîe club, Hou dutgs and pop sa. bti of saiet iii use tcesmc edlsmond ... urdcr iof ttc day brisa priid saihthIbmLeat cut ietrt HOW ABOUT THAT: "Moter, stooid intarry a girloto les lu giing the lads ttc runo h me?" Gardens sit nocspecil ct I "Dan'tecslip Don'tpou e- mownt tugelmar -d? it in. Wiîb 10000 fins tîere 1tbougt, il lefi ]!file spitte lor tem cxcept Up inte Greys scc- 7 Towns, 19 Teams Enter lin Mggs Aranges ~ Hcio M n rB llL S Ttc trip mac orrangc-d hy H H alton ,managerofatheut ean sait Brion Lynch, o gursi ai te Higgc' Svru nos rergcered enr ec aud one îuvcnile andtbbncc Junior homec during te juvenili ottes on Ibemiseronr dvsonofteHl-itram sa ilgo 10fr ber for an- lorsameni doing Ibe paci imo Inn couuly basrtabi lesgur ai a oter icagur pyears, selling bings up sait bbe meeting lad nighl (Wednesdayl Camptebli lei rcprescnied luniToronto orgonization. Lynch, a ix Mltonu Allgeter a totliOf baniosehabl, Aclon in ttcer rncnttcr othbb R.C.M.P., is aist 19 leams enleerd ttc five lonps sarr, boulant and mdgetltonu a Paru tinte scoultfocrtce Leats PLAN YOUR PLANTING ot per sae., baulase, midgel, Ian- in pesace, hauain,ntidgeb audanid conlacteidBfb Dovidsou, NOW enflieand junior junior, Carlisle lu juniar, Bur- ctirf scoultfon Torontu, ta sel fig Seutae Loop linglon in pee mcc taant, mid- the plans. The msencories serreaiizmd gel and junior Adestot honrid- This otter mos inciuded in o In the banlani lcsgu where scv- gel, Dundos lu hantant, Bonîr in letîesahit Me. Higgsrereivud R . S M en leants ili do baIlle.lunte peer, boant aod midgel. lhanhiog tint ton bhe monderful *pec noce qag9ac, fane teacan are Scbrdules arelate bc eleasrd tnnpitlily tererccinedbere lu is 264 MAIN ST. 1. cultedth altfour ibe midgel, nu eek.,ItO Swstos.-______________ Commercial doit ldague mccc te Big Bcppcrs. Sealcd are ngyd, mhilc tte otter memisers on the ream mccc Squeh Ripa, Graham. The leapue mouvd up ils ftest scason Friday night I(mhere games mccc played mcchly ibis minîcri and one te prucentatin ofo"Gertrude" awards rto the shinicot, nnisiest, t, spolîngest ond sporticst leapuers. >rilitas he ayîu t o Fluorescent ight is Aîoid apestroîn. Let us nstal fluorescent ligtts sataravar cear casp-on.îha-eycn illumination s ncadcd . . . cnpe- ciahhp in pour htchen and bthîroont. Cailon us for our re es mate. Our mork s tops and our charges e ~ modest McPHAIL ELECTRUC 66 Charles St. TR 8.513 MILTON IS J U ST A H E AD. PLAN YOUR GARDENING NEEOS NOW AND PLANT SUMMER-LONO B8AUTY TO BE ENJOYED AND ADMIRED. YOULL FIND ALL YOUR GARDENING AND LAWN NEEDS RIGHT HERE. Chance from ttur large selectistn of pactaged seeds and lerlilizer. Ail ty lamous disîriltutors of top qualty. )AMS STORES LTD. m 1IL TQ9N TIt B. 4484 Ivan Ellis Pre> Rural Bail Has Six Entries ,t Ivan Ellis of Palermo was re- Play"r' 1nantesfor Ibis yras eleclrd precidrul at the annual l-am. arr te b. approvrd, 1ai et meeting of te Halton IRural Sof 1- meieliug un May .6 . Piftecm narnun wudbail Leagur hcld Priday. arc subseitrd by Ibis dole and Wol W. C. Eves wss rrîorucd serre- Ihermore .ty ha addcd by Jue isry-î reasorceand Harold Lear- 1.A rnmntilter nf ail leasise- -We hja mont of Horuby is ttc nrmiy- prrenlaitivrs wili paon the usmen. ne tae ccd vice-presideol. replacing "Trafalgar players' naines will Sia Richardaon. liihry cause the mosi debale,' Begin May 24 said one icague officiai, -Thauts The schedoie wiii begin on Ttc regular cchedohe will bc agod Tuecday. May 24 mt six teamc pobiished shîîrlIv attd s expecird ctînttrising the eague. inetodinl Ioiiendi îî uttd itîls8 aI sch -Next Ti atalgtr, Onsagit, IHurnby. Nul- 1to ie ll v oiwil egiit. lC you. son, Palermît anti Ltîwviie. Scvul-1 st gaine. ai games ibis yrar wiiltecpiayed1 Two Go Ou le sacre under the ligts. The aunuai aill SThis yrcar hie Ontario Rural place.g1 star game uitte NH.L, Iernt SoIbai cha.tpionstip wili br o winnin is sel for Saiurday, Joly 9 aiL round robin serirs mththetop ng and Omagb. twa teants in eaet division play- xi ycar There.arr plans la told an an- ing a foor oui of secen final a ctam- nual banquet and amards nigtt aI seties. ,s ndthe endi of thc yrar. To grow more~ wheat iper acre .. op drem wihAeropsIIIm nowl Winterr arr shows increasrc. averaging l0Oto 15 bosheit per acre sahen top drrccrd salt 80 ro 1601 pounds of *Arropnills 33.50%0nirogen fereijeer in rorly nprjng. Acroprilin, thefoot acting nirofen sorc-supplies intrndi- aeely ovailuhir uhrogen ta, promone stooiing, nîlmolter rapid groweh sud high yield. Depend ou Aerrprilis en give poor AEROPRILLS wteoî a bonnestru engrosing conditions arr pane. Ge ecananticol Aenttprilln front yooe ferîij ere dealer today! u ' OTM ntO AST-ACING NITROGEN CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED- THIS PRODUCT AVAILABLE FROM: H AL TO0N CO-OP vAOuum-OLANS YouR LAwMi The New Ttaro Whirlwind culs graueasu no ter rotary dos-wth a new 'Wmnd Tunnel" action that frerses ront blsde of gros@ upright for a criap, clean cut ... then blows clip.. pine into the bagging attachmeneo. And not only doses this revolutionary mower bag 3youc grase clippiugn, but sisu leaves, twigs, lswu litter -sil are sucked up by the Whilwiuda super-vacuumn and deposied in thse bng for eauy disposai. The secret il insid.e te Whirlwind'n unique housing -an exclusive Turc design. It hns noue of the indenta- tions and corners that cause oediuary coteries ta fores clues-clippinge have a clear track lu be lown intu te beg or. diupersed uniformly avec yaue lawnl 3-season norteaveri Ule yaur new Toro Whiclwiud for spring dlean-up, auleaer rnowing, foU leaf disposait Csms lu for a free demonstrationl MITOHROWR OCCIDENTAL LIFE Term Incurance un thc Bect Terms" JOHN M. BRADLEY Local Represeniaive TERM - LIFE - ACC. & SICK. - GROUP- ohM.rdly Mortgage and Partnership Insurance MAlien A govol lncottnte, agent (tocs fot 55R 84674 11itnsurattî, ..he bus t for hi% client 1 F b

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