- -- ---- --- ~~w.............. ..........S*ffUOOl*OOO9lfll vllaltll.f*llol gllfIt May is bautiicaiiaaMath la Miltas. Thara iii nadasbt ba no ihuaderaus ap- plauseata the suggestiiaa. W'rn ail glaenata bcisq' a ltin oapathctic about thn spccial dapa and mastirs that basai aur yaar. Bei Milice coui ole i saiscme Bgacuils caiaa. Thaelîiel c ulimirad. ir sas ha as big as aur bock yard or os big s tha cammoaity. The tomns btbaen stabusp graiag and kaapiag sp ilh ihat gramlb ihai mn rnaliy hooenat had mach tima for aaythisg cita. Fi- mars as public propcrty ara snry imiind, aur public poîki baehod lttae or no ntta ailr- orlon mith ibe exsaption ai thaeRoary park ihati s caasideablp imprasad. Sama mambars ai the Chambar ai Com- merce mi iha toms aacdad tomaecBaurisa- lias. The isasitabla cammttan mas astablich- "Autasamaus commua tics mithia the British Empira, aquol ia statut, ta no may tub- ardisota osa toaothar ilanyoaspact ai ihaîr damasiic or asiersal affairs, rhough usiiad by o cammas allagrassa ta the Crama, asd ircaly assiated as mambars ai tha Briisb Commonweralaatho atioiss." As ihe isth Commonwealth Prima Miis' trs Casiarenca trace the mar is usdarway i sccms fi'tiag mc hould racail the absveade- uinaso. Thera bas bacstrramaadauscpressura for Cosadias repracsetalisa Prima Mia icr Diefenaker ta s' irga la and dasasaca Sauth Airicas apartheid palîcy ai sagragatios. We basa litia ympathy wih dîscrmina- tinseirbar hara or sn South Afrîsa, asd mc hase i la bth places, bur the defiitias out- insstoma limiationas. 'ta no may cuhordis- aeonotaaihar ilanoy aspactioai heir damastilsor ctrsai chfairs.mc maulel rhisks maansc jecr ba. Dcsatapmaai ai tha Bomarc missite pro- grom i he Uitad Btates bas bacs iolismad iih saryisg dagracsofa inrasi. The irasi la Iis rca bas parhaps bean a sitria marc kaca ihas in arbar proainces. Os Fbruary 20, 1959, Prima Miisiar Difaenbar acaoaced tht ha had kiiicd the Casodoos Arram pragraad trminaaed the jobs ai 1d,000 mothers ai Moiras. The plana, headmrraed.ceas o suseais bat 'il hod bacs "aaeriohea hy cocais". ir mas ta ha raplaccd hy r - Amaricos Bomors B gordaci missileanad basas for laancbag marc is ha cassrrosrad la Cosada. 'Alraadg", heanassus- ccid ro tha Housa ai Cammons,'the U. arr farsa bas decidad sot ta castinuaevirh rhe lurihar deeatapmcsi and prodastioas aiUS. alîcrair haisg ihe ama gcaarai perormassa as the Arro." For AlilJ Young mothars, ider mthars, grad- maihars, al rasalea thiv mach as a spasiat day auimard expressionss of ahat oa alil mci ismordty caary day. Miss Anna Jarais mas the prima masar la astahlishssg Maihrs Day. Durîsg the pariod ai mssraiag fisloiomg bar moiharos daath lant1905, sha ocasived teihadca of asrablishisg a Maîhrs Day lot aoaryhody. rom bar home sn Philadaiphua sha cas- dustad osa ai ihe strosgcstad mosi alias- tisa ltatr-mritiag sampaigas ia hisrsry. Bbc miata toa aspas mih aay influenceanad ta- cised ssch tremaedous rasponssa bat sha ad ta dasata bar ima mhotly ta bar crusada. Har oms hausa mas iso smal is serveaos as offica ta sha basphi the hoosa asai door for addtisnaaispoce. Bbc mas iseirad t isevi arbar chties and speak oh aarisas orgasîza- tios about bar plus. Sha rand aselhiîsh' cd hookicis about bar ideaandoseldorîteel rhamn frac ai charge. The faci that bar isherîr- assa mos dsisslisg amoy oear hosharari Xcv, US. Prsidasi WasdromMilotassigsad the proclamarion mhish rgeel that rhesesaondl Suaday la May, theanaaieartarp ai bar mot- brs dsath, ha ossrsad s Maihrs Day. Bai Iis mas sot aaaagh frc Anna. Sha masiad tha Day ta ha intarnational andi ha masses- casclul. Drisg har ifatima Canada and 42 othar countsIa oprd Maihcr's Day. cd asd sam markis sdarmaas tn omae ai tha public prjets. The c-apratias ihe cammittan bas becsi raoiisg bas bacs tremendaus. rt has raisd- ted a balirirai the muaicîpalsty dosart have a be adledco cah eary poojaci Val- ocicors ara gisg ta h aivsg and pai- mark for eosaras. ta cscry bock yard thra's iag and batifipig the toms. But thra's mark, oas csar tirant thaîn's mark asd asnry imprasament is asathar step la makîsg Mit' tas marc attraction. la the clcos-up, paiaî-sp, plat-p, bright- es-up campaiga rhnrn is a trulp cammoaitp prajactinla hich sot asly ibe cammuaity but caary ladividuai cas basafir. Lais maka Milta'c claasuy camplnta. it ndsiti. Oaa ai the rnasaac the Commonwmcath bs sariiad and lourithad ic thot ius mcm- bars baedasniopad the habit aI c-apar- aias, ai mursal consacionra, oafiecdiy and isiarmal dissusion. 'Tbis daesn ol ssariiy praduca agreamant. i moy pradoca aaly partial agreement, or asas oaiy agreemaat ta dffar. Eut it s almaci crrais ta produca toma measare ai uadcrtaadrsg and ta takeata lc assma ai tha bitiernss oui ai dîllarascas hamasar sharp. Raclis ai the crras r Commonwealth Prima Minstars Cosiarcace may ha disccur- agiag os their lask ai dafiiaso but i choulel ha rcmamberad thlc c s oi a pressura graup ar a summiircosiarasce. r c sas eoshaaga, di scuss,soacultatirasor c.mply raikc bal- macs rapracsertatrees ' uîried by a ommas allagiasca ta tha Crama asd raely accaciaraci as mambarsoaitha Brts Cammrosalrh ai Nations." Tha United Siae sowsaos tha varga ai crappîsg iis mos0lano ader ro buind more P-106 soparcasîs f'ghiero, tha causiear ofa oui CFrittS The suddas rrmîilaiofemloymast ai ibase alorasorbars oiiacrad iis arer as may othrar. Efocs sam, aiihaugb tha racse- erg has haaa barrer ihas aarîvîpaiad, tacre ara thasa mho sasar researad or gassaci nasa amplsymaar. Taday ail Dalasse Moisier Peaorba cas ceg aoutortha scrayyîsg aiofaopos as vehich Casada had hased iv asîrire airrde- lasca pra.yram i. batif.1tha dacîssas s fnal- îaad i wmi ou so in khapmrg mîrh rrasge- mants mdaayaaraga"- Il tha Arroce mas osearrakbhy ceasa ycar 090, ot govaîsmavtis iv aarlothhîse Mothers Scmaoaymaus mriner bas said "Mai- har s isdaad a smaer someanad harrisaso s uiel a haig sac; for os bar honslsara plcel misdis, is ha msidad aimosi ai bar The day set apari as Mohrs Day s lot al moihars. rls a cyncoal day, parbogo thmariad a urnie by cammarcoolosas bot vasa the laso o day lot siecaera appracîatiînasoday for olmard expressionosfai ho mc elainse mardiy eaery day. "Tha chift ai spasdssg iram radiaiduai Casadias mhaprodosa the mharasaiihotlfor thair oms capeadîtrrs ta goacrameat mish pradacas asrhîsg s osa ai tha more aiormuag ai the devessymanssoaithe pasi ibras deacdas," SoartArmoor,Efoasomîr Adossai, The Sisal ComayoaiCanada, Limireel, saiel racesrlg. "Wbaraas la 1949 parsosai aapaadiurao as goodo avd scariesasssarstiad 6h.g pan cast. of ail Casadoas aapasdiisres, os 1959 tha prsasiaga had drappad ta 63.6 par cant. Goarsmaar aayaadîrarac as gaod' ad caressas coas tiarad 13 par ceai. ai ail Casaduas asycadioras la 1949ad 19 per cent.in l1t959. "Ns couairy cas dlaim ta ha raaltg Iras mbs te a raadsm ai ils paople to sped the fruits ai rhasr prodoctisos usthaîr oms muy s bis9 mors and marc circomcrîbad," *R M'IS 01:S lit tire tiait-A .srsrii ri, nd lis', (irsriii ces hasehclauselasialaaho hai Ii t s i,Ocstic5555' gross i istiiiiin ivi ,. rosii î 23l i soi iri * BriN MkStt' trasoigi l illuo srr'O o t"iIss' non police irsrrsrsrg 'irs Nir" stho' usgng uiIiosoel mtii 11-trrot rs si aisUe *eXMUAITi No' hc ors imelIrs ilýhaie corllassilg yools or ceihavk arod <su lentat ai$7 a *tilt ITiIf ISt Ille bi 'rI)o<<ni<nni sou utrv11-e' so'i ai ,,hcrkcc loessv Sosas ,. c i. P>IOrs 55C 010v' -Pasoato caster Taor "First In" * PUSSY LWtti(1 are i rire V ild hil r sco s Sirs' i al a poeseigas <bai Spo erg sibrce livd tr noui it bu li a *MAIL ISatroossseesrrassg t rossei ilriht viil Osle snob relc la i ira l t.ssi iciritsi k',suir Osonslot lie' îsîrcrîrîg Mas . lise otiOlei' liv sosl upoao.huim ri il i, licbe. sirici taudo' isheonlredtlai hie gises a chane o r or , li 's sad oaltitatrucuai] * MOtRE ASt)nmoire [ i pid cenit i ii lie ;,Iiiosgitig siri. tr ago d isillogis. long v il -sic'O ' 'Illev o ii itiii iii i p lal %liaies o int hlys key1 * ('fItilI fNi I' IiEIP rsrir erig (dli, seoh d il Ire iros Smida ooulsdikieos alioi s lo suris hi000 strovo rssi .5555'i 5'ro " asi g, e.. XXe tNneoins let C C Ae gar siit ii lots iicviutii<0 , 'uru v l iti. r oui , il-nu Il, i i vOs .000.0<0va<uslo lle n grils%,ilntsnoglis\onsk hacisto i on hi oril. tut il ' lui s tru Lis lici susit il lc t - Aguico peduc t' publicad gus sruoks'vun'ttoo<(ig nulni.aB ou tlit rrrolvle<as il lunur le du aîra ain toi h Asa reui, <m ro i , loi t<tti o' loi ,r ll [pCvispcd.vliofduigalc tut st 'Iinoss'uirlotrace (sur ilotIlesloe ivl'uts cvi mog MN ci val ssa an.s offand h ices glsuvc ,nsite.M csoou k si oaid lcal teveor nke a sep ol ea t ion eXsocept. Do vueth socs ha i Civil De- crssnstnnirrig oaboutt tiis?Sortir brg. NSshsds Xcv hees aorssd mitX lotisses as, froti offe or ss ca e"eicysandwriches. Nahads Xcvs Cald ,toncl tie scîrs the igînts orners oui osvhtas lriag (ltie Ion gel the powrniors. lionlact, on iot ainustes agir, I1n.,tts'utOttoawa a'nis osko'stfor te ins.ateool rtCivil De- fesse. I ccbed biat a 1cm piaied questions5,055d ftireonsty asaescs bc'd gise nar emre prtis rade ores. 01 Catirse il torst s 1a.and bcd hbees csteep. Bst do yoa thnsh hocren thlan0< sisie 0<55<munitysils ia bias.Xocs, Iitleietuing ki' aurlrnoniieu ,surfs'aunhodritlgsag tordus ohiea the hattiiuoicsessfla it rhneddlnrg aounnd. NoIonin bcis. asru n pol,niot<nlti'<il suisle..< u lisý. Ailt tit iau.s t iru'au de rouis oshiroi In'veboom l ovsirg tour %al'ois ti inse onul rtghi a(eeuvskanad,rt,vhds.uand <'oogter vin i lisi. i, n sorlti Oc . vi <russ iltIle tal't lan c un I llenkse- t , inui s ur<05 ino' i( n ý io si c 0501 o t<ie fa'li. afilibis canialdshscgaalinct v 5550rtrav on. luoI:h ce <s Il la eno sus iko ornons. 1lis or PiO, trsti t 's ur i tI orsovî l n cittulý>ti CIs ,nrsst ilrc ýo] Menu .0<re 'oittoeoCituit O. clos, due lhocasi idoevs ooiaca, <ov- iriol, lfl'e is' .andssimptle vite cypear s lens ilccige. At tlios it f.'or, ie btnieser gev, rnl ite bosscesst'p.sis ,rrrnsrnrst l hioo 'ng tien' ltit, sonstiaiootng lirsotcaw, andstgtorisrg miii set- ton, unbisking oses ai bier prey. Sa maremasre ai is lai1e Ian t ethercd gal, the pros rsosituonttihe t.a, otniurinng ata XaNvvla i ise rus, or il- jing' tritie psrch pototin]tis hip madoers, or daicg canseihisg equalyscasle and orcalîse, I speak fram esperleace. Mn' mile sis terabte la gel autng ors basilng cvsIere sIalsallior tossis. Bei se tbe fit-si fise Satur- dcg aiercoos la spriîrg, the tig- lii io o iis l isgolý 'rosisdg 1tir hLv osi airsrss ont oiisons 1Orsi iite jjý i lsfo,. Seems, soc yssi bosos ohe grisa in lii, i idiom.,g ciai'tisg tiee darss Nosfito urs'ic iloti rroodlirg se aistSintao dhisses. *GEOytRGE.WASIIINGTON 1 Os' i it i iis\ ýIc c ii tiiii oIl le i or . insu u mi reoiri tes a oir elo. * 'tAI'S A F'INE doslvssi (1lo i ni iloiri ii P. L t ' Lifl ilsti',o keiliai pogisn * St lu I XiiR VI I I Ntt is i i , 5 ' 1 31:R W11EN 'O * fiNi TRAVIttîtS r epas ns o iront'AIrles oirs li uris , sits out il ý, h-,uv' roussi i soo' rt i no'c bu[ig] lo. srrumm'.dsone t troui[I ors s tru 11<i' k lleuk'iu tourdl tus BY BILL SMILEY ciuLakeunes. She ctalks aoeeso Oru s' i irus k o I lleino torure, talles sos bath, and huais. la chant, ia k vpriag coiashg lomo'. At cors t (tro uve ,onnusre Psu conrror soilsI', t <inahtiis sprsîg vleasbîg kivck ia tari storrmentaiorii it'v. Il a orna kecyis lier tbos ceias ailleac, n Xc ga inetia lu es a rir le reo- luitss.asos.l trseciospipOs, pies cil ls 't but wv t. ý tOro n'rttc, kirsuis' mes storont <s k'rc o li tigers. Ttrv'li rhot hi oronun uir' 'te ire d . c tltie ,agahosit (ire toy. The seod iv imrpoussibl.to', t rousseIsle sicgv' s on, (i t ll\' hoilý idg i a ed ,andt <cicoi s Andtsv'ci svicrc Civut De- rus' ucontev's'n.ors' inurslgs' trsi rutsonel 'sort îDlt nsu', change ils re tuso'tomc fIe truste sad tptus utus Nok oit suasledllrg esetsd, pseser'chrg Fonds isrrea ls teirg wsuc- wo libct tiiiistintuoirIsitld- <<ig <<i insies s loi' ubai 'Tiese asoridlire tinspie, rusies trioo'es, wmlii esioslibas', billirds ouicsd mn'osancd dhrhrg Jars's'aitu gaitcousscoandi trutt Legiclatias moalil bc passed cltoasbrg asy inca ta ester ces. ail these boctls ltara reO-ai, dusiag Aprit and May, lac as long or short a period as lie rsishad. Hic sais reqeiremneats loir admission sooatd bec amac- ri.tge certit cotte andsIltie porcs- mvoud "Tiger's Lnrase". 3fat"4tPd A Community Project 50 YEARS AGO Taken framt tbe files one ba Cn' adlan Champion, May 5, 1910. lliee%%sil t0ieiceadous dons'1 fi ilin ahi . sFi-id.r orrseg, ,,, hoivac rlrrt iias shiruLIs2 tl-e\as ailssoudhsr ci. Tise cecek lrr hgh ' ironit s roc e', li ýceIand msILI1 olla.ios \l tirrsrtv's. yroisi lriilo i thi.'sisails ccvi viiioi rt ossooso boe liv' u im a soos sire p.socsseoiis andasioulcrrrchosesouXWin. Fsi Iioue\ucracvaricdaii.tN. icai sal.ii, \tssidoniie, oit. Pi irovipol lissaisorîtheli bli ,ciliii xit c, c iir o sir ev i lih i sîsaîl laRe \%lien Ille risse oail, to hcgss Ilacdulies but Ilessor I1iIiitri ors]tirss gitrir \zlsloikIiioshnirs havi,, tisas oiirrrn aclss. 'tire sursis ,svonatire C.P. estil et i stto c\a o ilii toi tii. il ocs ii o ,siv'i risnd ilie i%%as ' as liIoo nJ. S. MokaaIiclV' i i[I l\. 'lic lviicovs c cv' 5 i mrgedt Flai<r\s imor cuir ,su Il.iî ilii'ce ceag'.i a iscSlie sess M(,rrsroTires orles aonrilial ansoi diii osarro il ro -ii' lpun n irsio 'ivvi 'the buildinsucidre C. R. XXg mn Cus. \,Ce etss ld Lt ai t ils(1l\ su a .05v nm l lcnoh r 0555 1tu'îv' tl binus ilrislol(il ý i s' slttiuuc'si rot tus ,uu lrr.ge iii <Il iris' d le<titis.'Il. alipratrildIm The haggage and maol vaveuo <Xce Gi .R. pavesalsgei' riais tries Aliaaslv'ru tImii rouir 0' eede <<lied tact nrigliu .r itttv'sasrtiro 'tassivo. Sa umen%\i,seriaass hart bot ostoaOshîsno %s b tiittIletOias nstoIrle gorou a ndatutlis' andO il .55055 ILiii c. hake'aopy lucre ocre t5 pas- ssOgotiii <lie ti ol toil[,kte i TI.rv's inMssloion rot Iiligcitoatero lus lotît ur hto onio <lot as Arizonsa. here lire \,t( CIelsoni, ,andl iinCoutil oriri Mark %nas snried sICriorsut toussa rinIie sos h nard takc <orble Moira Si. veuse. 'lie per- s'uiilCo t nis o<Illeis' louIs suit vsas Xbc grosse andIrle ios Miss Narre Buvh rut Mit sous os. deu r slLi << treo<<<no ui tIrle ucrs'. Th iivut rtrliton \os osorsis"- urosindlis' protienti isstrttsg ou' oei ss ir e xiec. 20 YEARS AGO Taken tram the filet af the Cao- adian Champion, May 9, 1940. lThe popalatioa ai Canada la 1939 usas 11,315,000f. Ita9luifi usa o rosis07,00.ff tir ous ue brigade echibiteil îis.'s.'ed asd otticieasv tact Finclusis ansserIoasrie a1ioi isi<einsbs ansisp'ctor riosi ohe Fao Csnderoiiers' As- sevs.aaro. Thes.' eparS ndi sl ot be surionou cvi <o tassa vausisut iatuv.eoht bssltaids.'rccoodî iiidterloval i tie ligirs as hanihrg fliretruck ot csd sater tesarg ion he hase ia came- iinndes insu minutes. Succdiiiso vil osas iDrtamgsia (iit. 'l'lie i orksoup 'ecttP woland poaoSes are bebrg drap- liedIo ise agaisndue ceas. Cosse sehasi pepils, tesder the aie in fMr. Merras Htases, \%nopohosrs ai the Mavie Fesird i Gorgeon'. \tiss Lois Wiskssaslf Appiebso nous, a o'oead guesosi 'aiMiss Allinona Rogers. Xteuacrs coaI Hall os cassis vasavd bha<past cnd preseat ans le ccasssesded as the puichae o a 93acre tarasis Nsag.nsc a tow'shbip cvit fait and rIre sahsocluoaitptaat'rag of 3y,ggg rocs ch is the citai- men efi-1940. flu s hopcd thut tii i elires <aliaslain hescrp- aen reuaiea c\%i] rosît ila cgrciter ss ra nifis. caler cuppis. iordea George Pssaov, Reosa Leslie Koras, ocin mas of the ogiicoafaral oomaîbteo of the couroa<co'arlaand roscia eagi- ac.'rRas SmithX sere ag os haad rosctIrlst cod torseol oad flc i, rcoptcsted. Dr. G. A. King, demstc, s'balbas hea cotised ta hic bouse niroorgi itinssc iv, se are oable ta neor. ablo ta hcouietagala. Becs Iessisgs bus hooghi c lai as Marais Si. oan'Xhich lho s preporng ta ececi a diN'elinig. G. C. Hilli bassoghi c lot as Oaoes Si. and is preparisg ta oecu.a titre stseticg iberean. Aslh and Cosse sehoats hava Insuirhoos lososiftoc a fo'soslc' reaueot as epidoasie of meaci- os in the. district. The t iesuls of Patricia Ben- oi iZiarasocacr col ceg'cet uns eau a lironteho u sder tXe dactoucscarecublhas attotck of les or.-on Singles.'no eretae fro r fincrelotf toists biossglrosr thie noiX c a c ga. ... Dodgqing 'Round the District BY ROY DOWNS ACTOS-Sriagainu t bre. Thoefroc Presscsacs the lorvu oser- alixous \iiiiiieisliiie ni ont FairsLako nthlittiisvOtirsof tire s.'.snsi c oss (,nlsiv' outIllseusonsk noens sooe'itg th'sures. Salînals are Soi Blamnd GOl.R(T(WS-TI<e 1960 as r atoerri p fuur anis ta b65 for rosiilo<rsp<ier1<candopttsix<tiitlstI<ol69foit si<.oandsi snirr oral. Os Xcleaccu ago $4,500f asvessaiO5 tho hiko soc as nextra titi on tIle tousbilt tiissoar. kîntikeo' slinos cnntres, srorncilt ssntl tring sshorat oasis trisrire irncasc. hlosas a coetirrgoes' .prosvisionsud' $33,700 cant provisioni Iuavensaioeoi aces ai $26,600,~ Sec Selvectla Future BURLINGTOS Ahoat ggg Bsrlntgn higb swhoal sioidensscasa itroarcelvssinIre ft e lor'tsteeh cobasi tues atiosoloîla careeranight essierthoeoauspices oafichoRotas a Club. Siods.tsdiccossed ibeir nom- trot sote andtoonchoives torc cciecs siib peupleo' cs iarod speori gears in tIre vcatiouns. Win Hockey Mannes Snek Laeraase Facilillea GEDRGETDWS-A groop is trs iag la hase iceracue facilluies for ncxi vear, and eluher a trot snthe tinapark, rcfaciliies la the creca bosse been sggfosied. This acar 23 rin'o'ns ed mensslesated ibeir flime ta îoachirng iacosss.tus h uss, cna cc ne ou er tIreshuple la isciosie ge grouss p ta lb, The Turning Point, BV J. M.STARR James M. Barrie once wratc The God ta mham lutile boys tnp their prayers bas a face very like iheir moihars!" Beautiful tbaugbis like ibese lise an f or centuries, jusi for us ta bring 10 ight on "Maibers Day", f or neyer was a speciai day ta, nobly earnedl One could neyer hope ta tabulate cl the things iaugbt us hy aur mathers. I remember my maiher for masy ihiags, bot especieiîy for the hands sire uscd ta gentis and ta defily. Thcy marc soft asd smaatb, wiih ber widc gatd mcdding band the osis adaraimesi, usicss sbe wcs daisg somcthing vers speci; asd lber liscersaits were alsocys expert- ls tîrameît,olesoislîAlalvl ciii'estpih, andl cru ploslsetecan.'The maivelotu i iiiclit] l o rs, ind li iins i \vatslked'vlliiglbandiis liioid with hei, shemwoald press myypatio zgoisshirooosi ove. My maiher hakcd the masi wvosdertst ratisia scosses, golden hrsws os iheoutocid and smect and ruishîs aide. Hor gonto hasds flded them skiifutîy and farmed îhcm lis thiok, lai rousds. Whcc me kissed "Gaadhye" betoro o holiday sho mould haid aur 11111e faces firmiy ta ber iwo treeci and masi oomforiahie bonds csd ics us safily, irsi os ihe farchead, asd tibm as bath checks!t Hor beari led bier hasds la ihe gardes and she grcw fram seed the mosi glorloos topises I havse eser secsi, is al the omweltolaes from pick t" hoiotropo. lier speialtîraising ic chitdrac's aliments slaad ber ingond sicadmwih seses of*tsstoocareifor, andber gsii ecalisg bands esperty hasdaged sîas asnle jsrcdliir, or esivaoied sdivers o'ith waadrîîus sperd andoldesieitsl. Those came dear hasds .'sesded hscdrcds ai mars asd brokos îtiags, crocheird datis huiss and murbie bags, asd triamphed oseî the mosi osai tisg oaiwarb. You toit sale asd secore whes yoa heiotissmoter'shbad -soroas ilooer raisotin Ms' msthei 's trosds ,irclauietliiove, bat ia mv memors I sec ihem agais hefi el Osun oli1, ssyyaiticg tho maossstoirshooks, cheeîity rshhing soaayosto, soi bd ohitoies, esycrtlo v iag soc mass birihday carkes, ieclri c strking lie hcol rit isi oi ioo dog, asd paitiag cil liv ashines thil camo ei as rniiih a soitr Xtilmie patl sch immcd- sachtillctuit cries,mdse in ii iîini asosýeci, siosotslambei'. Il su arciretioiaic, *saaimolriitc i r NX oua cli. Wius'i gos ici ihisktIii'svssliaisusningypit tsoedne%%, apyrceiaios asd giratitusde loi ilieri Ciolisi nt eîidvL t.iieiOIss?X.lG 0,11isSaiss tiiuha oiirg snrithei liilie %i lu Aie he.uidci iMutr , <t ý.n( THE GOOD OLD DAYSc "In No Way Subordinate" Ahead or Behind The Canad Ian Champion Pshiîsbed eîty Tbssrss ai a Mais St., Mîttîîs Ost., Misher aIthe Auditi Dae,(AilCiiuceila iîîs, 'rie C.W.N.A . asdi the OstaiiioOsjlee Divisios C.NA, Ad %toiisis'ig iues(Ins eqacc . Subscriptionsspayable ai adcasoe, $30in inaCosa,$î,00 nosthe U.S. AAtisiii'ed êaaa~#n as Sovoiid Ctacs Mail, Posi Oltice Dpairîmosi, Ottawv. G. A. Ditis, Edi tori-Chief James A. Dil1, Maaagicg Ediior Pubiisbed lanXheIleari 'ni Halions Publnbnd by the DiIlîn Prlcllng and Pnbllnhlng Co. Lld. BUSINESS AND EDITOR lAI OFFICE TELEPHONE TE 8-234 1 JOTTINGS B Y J 1 M D 1 L L S llç ýS7