Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 1960, p. 7

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MISIUANIOIJS <ceatlnu.d) 'O.aAitock Service WtIO puy $5 ta $15 per head accord- ing ta0 aize and condition; hac$ee anad cowa. -Lie homes thai Cao watt ge a Lb ai tarn. amn POuLAIM 195 84445 Or Caledoota RO 5-2540 calteet Cars for Sale SPRINGTIME SPECIALS AT HALTON MOTOS CAP, 1909 FORD FAIRLANE 2-dot'.t 6- cyliner, auotiet. pUdded daîoh, 1956 CHEVROLET Bei Ait 4-due,' sedan, 6-eytindnc., This car ia bers a 1-twert. oealyttttttd anddnrycrretly drivtn Ortg. iloolutntand int'yînîtt Must be oren te be apprcicît,. CARS FOR SALE <Contlnumd) M RAL ESTATE (Contnue d) 'MIN- MIOR ~ 85' ACRES MORRISingaceage, about 9 suander $1295 srns temad prl Phee norse, parktand etc. Askire MAX or BOB price 4$20. pec acre. Terms. Cas-ri TR 8-6600e 49tf prce $3009. 40 ACRES Real Estate Greeno pastureo, eartly od. att 1w aea.d Up .for.t na Priced for Fast Sale Omnen tcon'.iered. $92.900. ornls eu t (tPit-c.,3-bedrtons br'ck, t'utîh st'. t' h ,,otitl htut. ttt-d 909h- 323 HIGHSIDE DRIVE TR 8-216:3 a9e 9 ens.m FOR SALE 1955 PLYMOUJTH Pioaa2-door ta t- 1il îtding lot. 15c f9tý x559 nens. ttuoUudo.1 900.tt 99and putht. buseotxto. the' ttot. 1 SPECIALI SPECIALI Full Price $895. 1904 PONTIAC hardtup deittot. oerctttetnsitrage, custom96btti raUdio, polesinUde and1outt el a beaut. Tet drive thit CALL MAL. JOHN OR OSCAR Halton Motor Car Utu,. huto uter 1ts to t. th,,.ut 9t-.c Ceita900 WALTER C. EVES REAL ESTATE ,. INSURANCE R. R. 4. Mtn TR 8-640 , punkgo. 62900e en.ogho ta 9eiOt cectrte. htghetay 401. teeonid 1 Tei tn RIAL ESTATE (Cotnued) A. W1CKËf4ý REAL ESTATE DBROKER 208 Matn Si. Milton, ot. Offitce Phone TR 8-0772 FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACT- ION CONSULT 7.00.Mkoyu ItpBRIA N BEST 10 ACRE LOTS RIEAL ESTATE AND OENERAL ,,. t the t.gtO.V. ,tec' P.teman t ioo MAIN STREET 699 .n tcore i ot, t. t rttmt. 6'6ti122'. 150090, lo ..cotth 60 t tO. 2 apu tttnentt in h,,use gio $10tou n.thly nff nc,' RESALE - KINGSLEIGH COURT ois oniplettît de,t-dvtn.. 1 ztndt.,tmu Mt,.t 9 e '-.tO th,. .c.,tth. P,ctd 9t. ctt.,$13,00.9 WOODWARD AVENUE h og elttttn. cp..tl. fi'-t f- .09 $t3,parnt Lithtlh.,,t 459 Moto St. Miton TR 0-2401 FOR SALE Coffage infthe Woods C-0 C,.utytttoaOI]ga, - lp, l9ttt9tt' tSt,9t0 t"9tiiget't9h Egtutt c tot. , 0 ttt tO tt .il niA... pi t $6.590 CRYDERMAN'S Ercet,ýictutd.gt:ltot l-ptttt FAMLN DOLLAR-SA VER 0utoCtý o ot 0,1 I ' ..';ttCI, ,otth,. 1934 METEOR- Rdeau 4-don t9-ith Ot $.tt9'ît t,*,gv Btty j"t , u,* o,tcnatie traonsission. Potto Ottt'tall. tlttOg Pr t - hoohe,.,t.Oto ptter br.ç96. rad; l . I - 101 500 ltt :l vt 2-9neofinish. Tht oaplîtttt 'Of ottU tcaresct f ,u or ctt-9 C e0 dot-t.Nhott t Lt O u.tt't o, SMALL ACREAGES dos pavmnet t)r . ifa60 Ou tttor ol tmt 3 a!-t,.t. ot ros. N. 10 t,.O.t.~ FREE insutnctrif ,ttcuctt. t.',' andttrtor.,ttttt, 1959 MORRIS 1 .1 Bco ut 3hate hoon dtttn sal F r s$.0 ns e . e W .th e 91 , td-dLt. on h'c . 't',11, 7-rr, - , ao. N.t (t -t Durchteocdu,9h10W O.o .hbal- 100 av.ttt.t.t - , Itt t :,t. 'd ttt..o t aocedfionnced ott 1m.cthit oct . t--'1 4 ttt .~t 4t 1957 PLYMIOUTH, i.ttm ttc l.9-oc.. t1 ,tt N 75 i mitss . todi,,.2-ttt .c ins, t0:1- 2$7,0,059 '90 t'99-o c ' 195.0 PLYMOUTH o' t' t, andctt t o nt sp!,'tt tt -: ,,I- , t tI, 193METEOR. nt. imC ,,ct . tc . 5 kc. 'h pl,, 6 .1 ; tlittt l'- tu et53ndtionil$29Petnonthtu 1 îoa'rtt ,ttc 1 Stt. Pt fOI,,ttot I ,.t.,t ennenredt t-, dedt t..-,l, ado halO $75 In $4.500t. C .ttt.-t.9rdt, 1952 PLYMOUTH. Onit-$1995. Pi'ct $1030tit0. 5 9t"s9tttt' S,u, a- FLASH CRYDERMAN DECLARES $50 DIVIDEND 57-58 stockbn o gcdmietts~u $50 Lst wterb Ctcdetnsn ftnted iaP P e forice1957 oc 958e c.det gotdfsies. Dernod fi., her etud- ets has gteaty excneded the top9tty pine PLUS thi-s $3u09690000n Cose in and test drie te l- DODGE DART at to retieoce Yo ab sreob-tc dei t CRYDERMAN CAR SALES Ontario 0SI .S Mitons Phione TR 8-660 b-.50 Wm. Woods TR 91-6057 WNIt J MCIEROD At 'c 203 Buying or Selling? LitWtfh A. E. LePAGE REALTORS LIMITID Members sf the Toronto anid Ontario Real Estote Rords Tom Bradley "Il-9.r43 ESi 8-4121 Cut Flowers end Arrangements TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ORDER EARLY HENRY GORTER., Florist KILBRIDE TR 8.6213 G. W. GOLDSTRAW REAL ESTATE BROKER Tri 8-992t C tt,.th tt t L 4-25tt5 Ult - utu.4-2473 - it. -2-21t 010 8-6t292 Wanted $500.00 rUI.L DOWN PAYMENT A hutg.uc nt. i tu c"iO Fttlt u"'t', $9.9 M .'.t2-c't.t b,, mzi,% cý ,jvt, "' t . î ro mlagkt t . t ba't fIl t-t h A oM "9 1 REAL ESTATI (Contine)_ LEGAL <Contnued) The Conadian Champion, Thursday, April 28th, 1960 7 -I H OUNT COURT 0F the Defendant, J o DarAlok bore- IPRIVATE SALÊ NOTICR FAPL4ATO TE CNTY0OF HALTON i.ANDO IT 161FU61THER 0610- 3-bedrons briek hun-gatow witi TIhe Lqur Licence Act, 1960 FRIDAY, the 119h day of Aptît, t980 ERED t900 the Deedont. John lott ar gara. t He evae LSV9ISIf4O DISMUCTTNO. n H'ia HanarJadge Raoinson, Dosaetub. doennasapeunee 960 mon esOrs.056N*HA. o insambers. the salit WrttoaiSunseseo t tse .mri P. I. and T. $81. TAXE ROTICE Viai- TruFalgar BETWEEN: Lecat Regiteoro office ol the ns99ntgage,'ns of Mitons.einte Cntnty of TR 8-2170 Golf aod Caantry Ctu.b, oftheSUPERIOR PROPANE LtITED atIon. o o ere the 49isday ç-50 Ttaesi of iTrafalgar, in oneor bei -Cciaaty of Hattan, will ilsae pt-Piaintiff ufMs,. 1969. ration at a Sieriat MeebogaiTh -and - W. N. RORINSON. Judge. c(ir '19ead iOftacia JOHN DANELUK OIE h tiîiseaa HOSME FOR SALE Liqor iec or sk OIE h lonifscaml tu b-hrid aI the Pose Raoons Orendan. tfer909.6fortpropaneesold 10 Rie Privale K'i'69t Hait. 16 Safoard Ave. UPON the oppimetiun by Con- said Orefdoci. c-49-3 South, ie the Cite oi Hasmsiton, onsel on beholi et thr Plaintiff toi, Fined cnon brick bungalow with 1he Utuntyof etW.rt:9.ton onc- an Ot-der penmî.ttnnteserie of a attaclietd garage, 3 bednaenms.4- day the 1899 day triftMay, 1960),ai Wit ci Sueteona hercîn uoootht 1tmc bath antd 2-purne waohceens. the huun ni 10 a'cite (D.S.T.) n Oniendant. Juhn Darn9..bypubQALT ae iiýe eruailen ton 1the Foeteeonor th1e isane of a lintion ia The Canauan Capin TOP U LT Aiste,,ut-t" od creens, large CLUB LICENCE fere 9î-soir ond ne9e;aper, pubtishnd aoth9e Towo~ COMMERCIAL PRINTING landiotattOlut. 60969 cuos therc.Oetton ci iqoec 99999or 'etMilton. ie the Ccttnof Hl t':9...u.t0tcttc.lttcy ttt.cteltintetablishment ton. andlturoine of900.atic.ttn We design and priait distiocive a-,-a clu. l a-.thr',%lt.,u- 1tur'»ýýct"t 'i for'9 IIcIt-,,"th 'O b. CALL TR 8-6675 Co .6Yt'y ,,.ib, . .1 o titLin,.Alto .9. 't ý, ý tt.ttnt Dretimatudcertis '1tt.ttue0.6.hctttn,n0 o il bcFranok. Sheri.Cunty of HýIt,'t. tooooteounyoucetotb. touilietu c9, orepl it 9.th9e ceg- te'..ton'te th 99 of aiAei. 1960. ul as set ou t by the bAue Itied. and uon en tucng Cuuooei tut The Canadian Champion Legal Lcýtnrt Act. the Plitoit:t DILLS PRINTINO & PUBLISR. - - A9't pet'o.n reidetite ieit- 1i IT 10 ORDER7D hot osettie INO CO. LTD. tnncodtittt mao ajettu the oatcte cotyothtte WK'tttos- 191malSt..Milton. r-ai Notice 10 Creditors .itt;lion id ttc cettooo tcoh- en oye tht oieond etott'tte ANDO0T119RS wetttG. C. Gug.. Q.C. te9ep0996ty to .Order ,gther wttl nastieote RA i S H t ttý.ttta'fithe teening dsct,t. ng Rro dtrandOce eteh m In the itteto Rober talde, deoboi 'IlCcm- thteeweetks.o.ecendineithe 4ihdo b Im E 5eoi oieetWatoss d- t','~. ctdtu. 15 King Rtent W..9î i My,1960. an Thn Coodtw,t ceasrd.Hailton,ntario0w. n etot tentdays Champiteon etapoper, pobtished t btorete eeinsg99 Obt h iht'e the Townof cilton, ie the Coooýty All p-toto hut't.gtî.'.nun, gttnt ,fition itttu bc 9'trd. of Hlaitos. Pronince of Ontario, the E. ateof ROBRIT WALDEN ' Duted a Mutn,tt .ths 999h day of ohait 9e good and snofitinteorveice ttr' '.9 te Towun ofiMjltj..inthe.Ap i. 9900 el fth0e satd WriI of Sonsmois uonc E',;t et fHattIl. i, noe,. tk','-a TRAFALGAR 00OLF AND 't o.t'O ,aihIi..tul T..9t't 'oft COUNTRY CLUB, pet: Keith _______________________________ aio,.. uittto4tt9tiaytort T9nI09o. cPt't'Odtt, l300807, Cht. 58, z-9I, ,hy n I.ifi'd Mlito.DcOnt,. c-4-1. ,g firE $71). per__________________ia Cail lo0 9. ', ' 1, 1, 1': i ." I Heslop Roao th'- 1d'-o g ll. K YDICK. Milo et Twa very chic "d s et n ihCr950-3~ lise sîher daoanand Building Lots iaysirisii eie itt'tljoîicas.s tklotl c cciirr l) lîrst ladly: 'Rbcevr'i d on 1, kl. .ng,' 1 i he dooms1alws'oî ly ny- SPECIAL Custom Built Homes J 'tUDOVN 9ct rttri INSURE TO-DAY VO99'U 1 NIAV Et) rýi()IT' n9 ttt tw FIRE - AUTOMOBILE -TRAVEL - LABILITY Fort' tthtr ictt.tetlon .o Brian Beof TR 8-6292 Jim Seeds TR B-6731 Bob Laking TR -2710 DON'T GET CAUGHT IN THE LAST MINUTE RUSH ORDER NO W Sned Gratn 90 practtcally sold ot excepi COMMERCIAL NO. 1 RODNEY AT $1.50 BUSHEL HERTA AND YORK BARLEY AT $210 BUSHIL CaIlinasa to Halton Co-Op Supplies Bronte St. Milton TR 8-239111 Secosndllady: 'lNhss darfing! Vve aimavis o asdered l mhre y ru go( S...ht. tttutt'.tan à omît . ' -o oýlinII IIIw ar m -11*1 llold TI't taibop(toi ,-,11% . ' -' 4 ot'jgla elIW l b l] PROCLAMATION By virtue of the authcrity vested in me artd ai the direction of the Couecil of the Municipal Corporation of the Town cf Milton, 1 hereloy ptoclaim May as Beiutificu7tion 7 Month FOR TH4E TOWN 0F MILTON wih a concenrated ampaign o ceae-uppaintup, ght-Up and placr.up bngtecieg May 15 90 the end cf the month. In96 the terestsocf a more heautiful twcand healthful tom- muc.ry 1 urge the citizens to cc-operate in this program of ccmmuniry bettermeci. S. G. CIIDS, Mayor Town of Milton. DOMINION UU ONT. N.. 1îoIIO USE LONG. GREEN SI ICERS CUCUMBERS1 Adod Vsrkity Io'laur Tales 13ICKS - CR101' SWEET GHERKIIK OsîsIl Z.e% Salsr RICLFIIO - ONI Y AT IC SALAD DRESSIN( Real Value SUNCRI ST UNGRADFD CHOICE PEAS Tender and Sweei TIP TOP - CREAM STYLE CHOICE CORN Values Effective ln Miti Rral Value -MIxein or maîehrnm CORONATION RRAND SWEET GHERIINS-Small SOUR WHITE ONIONS MANZANILLA STUFFED OLIVES 6 oz. Jars 3 FOR 59c Ry Popular Demnand Mis'es and Malehrsm lui. KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ 2 - 29c KRAFT CHEESE SUICES KRAFT Volveetà CHEESE fo. Fkp-. 3 FOR 95c PICKLES 16t oz. jar, ' )OMINION G 6 oz." 29 3 FOR 1.00 Stock up ai îlots Prier IIORSEY - GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED 10t,1.00 ORANGE JUICE 99 .Tin 3 FOR 1.00 6 ~ laOOOUR OUARANTE on t111 Sal ,Apr. 30 100% SAisFATO Esanansicai Sisrrad DELMAR MARGARINE Add Zest tu Your Meai Real Tonmato Fiavaur E. D . SMITH - TOMATO KETCHUP Iîaody - Canvessiessi Cassasian Mald EVAPORATI'D MILK Fresh Paeked Caîlfornia - Scedirss PRIZE RAISINS Real Vaine ROSE - DALE - CHOICE PUMPKIN Bis cuit Feainret LIDO PAMILY MIX COOKIES 4 89C 2 3'ties29c 7 Tin"S 1.00 29w 9 15 (:7 19C 2 Foun o 59C Oneta.da arnCssnin . qne t ms.5N IMDNON FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES NOL1XIC,%N NO. i FIRM RED RIPE TOMATOES 2 Y 35c CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES 111139e 7,-77777 777 7-r,ý , -M Z 7-,;77 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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