Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 1960, p. 10

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vend tc0 organize ils onin force fay December of this yeor and va doubt'Acton miii vol lae long delayed. Halton bas pionevred a vumber of in- noataions includling a healîh oeil, Mtoal Aid I le praieciioii and a tomnber of cîhers. Sut ely here is a realm for intelligent study. Tire lwo northere townships, vol presenlly poying police costs direîtll from tanation, cocld surely oblain similar assistance froni the province îiroogh o coonty scheme. Tbis may toc, il would vol be necessary for police frovi o îounly elacirment aI Milon ta trovel le Glen Williams raîher thon police from Georgetowun. Investigation cf incidents aust occi a municipal bouvdary would vol be deloyed mien a more conven ienlly tocoled constabale is on hand. Sarely o coonîy police force milh srote- gically localed rban detocirments is worîhy cf iludy. A popuatoion in Hllon of 00cr 108,000 shoulci vake iî practical. Facis ... Just the Facts Me bave campaiges 10 direct attention ta mental llness, cacer, polie, cippled ciild- tee, cerebral polsy, ireait 'maie and juil about every disease prevaient le oui modern progressive mould. il seems lirougir liai vo ove ias bad tire iclination t0 suggeit a meek t0 direct ,w: ention 10 alcoiroliîm. Tbis is startllng 100 because vair nem day in Ontario eleven nem alcoirollîs are created". Tire oddî are inierestiîg lia. Every persan miro stîried drinkîng as a teenager iad a ove in 12 ciante af becomîîg an alcoirolie. Sirould drinkiîg begin as an aduit lie chance is ave in 17. We mere interesled ta see tirat a graup of teenagers metinv Grimsby la study alcoiral. Tire group mas nol an organizalian and il mas vol spansared by aup gîoup. Il s aur aim t0 have as maey faits as possible re- vealed and la educate teenagers abouitlire effecîs ai alcairal," tire lf-year.old chiarman ,reporled. le a iigily practic ieg trend iaaaard tire Ronald Elîciie,1 Imperial Oil ',)akinie Trustees, suggested tie inenîtable hirîgn machilerir. Il nuit people. He sayî, "Train scirool t0aie iis hanc puate a certain type he graduates ire mi sameting so campl miii bave ta start at t torluous apprenlîceil flexible, stîmulate hi: an unertancling aI Thins s a good iealtby irasis on mincir la analyze a piobletî . . . geiling as many laits as passible. lits really quite astovisir- ieg tirougir iow few people mont lire faits, Thyme are cery fem faits in adnertiîements and commectaIs liraI promote alcoirolîc ben- erîges. We pay more attention toatirasn aur breakfast cereal, Premier Fiait iras been ilifîed for val maning ta irîcaden tire appearance of bîand advertiiing oI aleaoli beverages. Probairly ire las mare faits lrom lire AlcairoliRe- searchr Paundation tiraitire voit ma1arity of supporters lai broader adverlîsing mould care la digest. Vere happy la irear tiat aI voit a group of 100 teenagers mer aI Grimsby durieg lire Eaiter icliday ta gel mare laits. Itis douiri Ici lirai a meek vii ire claimed iry piama. cers a dîg out lire lacis and present lirem for genvial enligirienment. Practical cand-- Impractical cat 00e hem uis a gnoN. la face and yau fi hum aurlire cirangung thieorelucai. marld ire s gauuîg nia.' personnel manager of n e are îon.laniip amazed ai the cianges ig ta he Onario choo ir e nduîlrp miii mhincirme are mail bam- g 10 tre oldariaScrci titan. Ynl ilseemtu rcinare ofren tire same ratofolsrp ncaul inad uvderling princupies inîalîed n împrovnd 'd nai afford aoinîn te pracnvvnv. it s quin Itran riraia sîbool uirosld nal meach lire basic mcaicatal octions tiraI hardy sirnaid faims irai sureiy lieue s a a bin ale o cationat need for same dacns as mell os pionners. Are dvI mnranîîaliy la mani- mn pushung or algeirra ta rire detriment cf e of machinue and mien simple arilirmeluci Are mn pusing aI auto- ay ie onfrcnind mwiii maind tlimoes la lin detiment aI operaling leel idfferevî tirai ir e ichniqaes? ire beircnuing cf aniolier Pcraps car hnadicng plunge tomard rire ip. Traie bus mind taire lireorerucalisi ta lie disadianiage cf our c respanses and guve him praclucai application. Fiexuirilip s culalibut sa lin prairietus hisgocino s piaciual applicatione cf ail tire theorp. Insurance--Not Welfare Wilir 15 moitir. aperaiai meind i, tire Ontario Hospital Insurance plan irai de- monslrated tiraIlire tait aI boîpial tare con be met mitiroul famîltes sufferîng finantiai chaos or iraîpîtais siroiîg large opeîaiîg deficits. bcerp monlir unie il slarted, lire plan irai paîd more thon 80,000 iraspilal bils la- taliig ocer $1 3,000,000 a monlr. MiraIlhins irai meant te peace cf minditaO vni 1,000,- 000 patients aid tliu familles caniat be measureil. Tire introdution aI tire iospilal insuranîn plan iry tire Ontario Hospitl Services Com- mission on Jaeuary t, 1959, mas one cf tire Mail important goîenmentai measures tahen iry Ibis province in maep pyeaus. Tiroughir i, ocer 93%î cf oui resideets are vo langer fearful cf miraI an enforced suap ivniospitai miii toit. Also tiere i. tire faittliaitirhe Com- mission, camposnd cf experts lenlire irspilal field, doctors, and lapmen, is îoeducting Mail intensiue researchr ita Onlarto'. mal iraspîtl needi and aI lire sanie . re guîdîng tire mail active programme aIfiospîtliconstruction Ibis province iai ever eupnrieeîed. Ontario ires ovni 31,500 public iraspitai medi nam (ai- Mail Imite as maey as in 1947) and 6,500 more are itrer aidler construction a. on lire cramîng iroards. Theiretsurante plan iv nol a meifare pro- gramme. As murh otirer inîviance me carry - le, lire, automoile, etc., etc., m e must persoeaily assume t-,rlaie respansiilities ta keep insured. tirese entait sach ir mgi as pro- mpt poymnnt of premîummi, aking lire proper action mires enîerîeg or ieavîng an îesured graup, aid making sure tirai aur chirldren are registered antliu ome mtin 30 days aller lirey meach age 19. Ail insurance premiumi mcvitire prepaîd and Gntario Hospital Inscrance is no excep- lion. Mail readers miii rememirer lirai, mien lire plan slarled, lire Ontario Hospital Servîtes Commission gave limee moitir.' insurance for oie monthis premîum. Thinsmas dane ta set up tire required lirrec monîbi "prepaid cash- tan" mitirout toit 1tire resîdenîs. Ail me bave ta do i. maietain Iis prepayment iyr i mitîllng aur premius reguiauip miren thep are due. As lire Cammnitsion'. iospilal le- sciante 'Guide' sapi -"repaptuent may ire a blessing ta yoa sannie day." County Police Force "Spring Voyage" * n 9ùfd~JOTTINC B Y Ji1M Di1 STIJSE LAST l iicascs li kîckitîgiiitidillinIsîet tcrin h itlut iipimeIlltîeii.ck .iie titi iý" u lie%? e SPIAKING O1F eeaiig up, Ht ien1 McKet iceus tire[la \0cllie putlit le suret vtele týI Il' paie Isblt' vloii lte lii vi [ieltc te'.uit îî. v oit'liilg Le 25 iii trd ii saîîd ant iteluse ditIl lest. nier. irn c xpc-cloetimittnirle Iîîi wiitiptlthtng tliîa trimmiIttr ii Ilite Cirîmirinii Commerîcce iv e WATCiU\FGi coin-v,î mi tif lfîîi Sertît.Inlrie'viv 1pu ci '1v - îî -a trp ttu Miglit I, il iii r t1rTî loii t fO,îîîei X * lXCITEMI -N'F taitiigli as a t iiti o iil tlit t 'dttelpaCt liandi i 'Iii îîe'î vgtc't,'ie'lIle P C \ e icai î lîîitîtîîci tfîîvlsîîlic' Sîtîti titi Fi îîtî,îlî'tlt,'grecîtcst excte, meniti%astntthe parllofIll pateîntîs. lTe kis, thinselîrs x cr i tille tti 'ia, ic' inuit' n'ulaie îand ati t'î întpamres. C'ongîatulaionas ft îîîîctites Il, lie' kîi, tand tII illitîe'%%fil)i uo ît ln t,' hltîtr i tranîd tititrieffots tuigefl tire Iiîli ilt,' lîuaiçn't. a ONE PLACE 1 i ttusbae t iî,îd line ieavî'ngsvernis lit ir ilite Prîîîlîîî.iAicirlîs. Viviiect brite Fi las ant i ideepi tiltn sonne etîpies ut otd Millun nw pîpvrs. Il seas bard tlia eascî Irotut tircm. Scierali issues (ilic C.îîî,di.îv Champicnt strien il anIiîeerîIet lthiretis vicbtie inIle iffce ihtbegie iii 1fr4. 0 * t.INI\i Nit îlm,îîîî,, i ". lit ie ,t eltltl v u F i iit . t îîî'îîîsi.î Higlits 25 andttît Ouvert'îEizaecthî. t-î,lettonî li il Ilie lOtte'i t'. iii No. 27an i-ii tit,,401. loit î, i iqitcqal in od l iin io tN lit,'bFltlit 'î L ituv inli' ccIi tîsc Iluttle l bîtic'ec k a. S~4a~ a*< S~tee~ Sîtîtîrptrple itthi sec Cavîti iaaie tîckîîîp initraditioni. T'l'u cite qtie'itttpWe ti.iir it ions%%elîcî%tit't tiIst cvi tilt-' tuediti. riitei hi rqiestI.II ii Ilit , itiglit of unet,'of ill it. Oin,îtpîîîa lime.,lvii 'w tlr iinverîîs agît. ci Ccitt cîîttîttcoutpie livetin 1 C.%O uihIli liesnî.îii cildîrît. Wl rî thelitevt r miii regîî, rhevu biit eiglitt sialtilin fi il tdit kccpe1 ill-iti ýIl aa\Ilttcilittlttti lstttiii'tiis. ild the- ti ilii'.i its'partia lo it ii lt l ilil i c-il. Nîîîc.itî\%îs pinîg andîîltiîuî sic- lt- ut . 'litec ttitittîtht ilîrsî ut ni Illte ic-ep le-t,-elitlflie l;Ite ko' tiree cît ves gnaweîl ii luks ant taii. 'FiîrMîttirn iti inçttitt litese flicte hîecevvîîlt chileiit it. g.îîtin cîs llit, eri stie-n tît'ilter ctitlittc'matrie. Andîti tîvîlîîe tir le .trî tîke ti Mititet. sîtisci trîkc'î otit1ic corntsloihi mulit. Site-lieuta Ml ociu t)iti irtuttiflite irc na Chitient î. Av forifileite mllcid reit,lbev loak Li sncîp tire calestil thernp.îîrîs evnî'î lime- liii cîmiel pasitlitent. Aîîd tht, vs-til ief longc iece tîtisckenthelireoimnt eltîtî. le kirtet sert ilheu il ire sîinrîl oce, he'dtr bcuteet in, tubrît attî ed up as gîtesi ofii mmi iatawf inr Itltutt a tense situation unît lusit ta take i unieurabie, tire Motler siaîted agitating about tire cîtndition of lire tave. Sire nianird ail tire mines pickcd up and dumpcd oulside, tire sins oit tire bisai shaken out, and tire mîcmmtr's skeetciînîlraggeît ouiside, so sire coutd gel linolie corners and dlean therm. Maietaiuuing an ion icif-c n- trc),the b.Foirer wenita o lit' bei'titi if tli it icot-, as lie ittti ii. anditie %venscvt uttii titi ilop. lt-Hein'it. tnt lt cido ilaas sire vsaVo site .lîîî lîneîl tire tîugi- et lieues c iiitbre itieln liîti Oient,,oiîn.Aliîtsite ni.îîe lte e bot abir-lothedrttt ir vîttiti ru tire eighbailtîtutu. Buîtlte meale aci rsickeiîen vie ittiti m tiiigîtot aunîtget dzecciii Sandtli IlI liti'. bic' itltuit,ek Ile ituttie' Il le mlith il (lite ca.îIl t as a goli dnmîîîîing. lit tirski, \vttid tiing grep en. lie utkitt ldeet' iii, aî q utîrk loouk lie r lii vi (tti tr. tatti tit, ii in i utile-i - an i ts tutti tmtail lit' ia iilitil lire Fluce cier lthe Bigp cts Air. ltui ieri utuce Icietrî lire- lu tii,Mthe îilur vîti*ol tteutodotitiaîîttîiîg uîuutrue Ile ititi'. iuit tice il rtus-su tltme tut gî t utlite Place Wbeuec Iliteigip ues Air» lTheitie mitauit chitîtîre. kniiîutg tbey v ie i'ing tilttutu'tutuet imttue ilodcs ugecili. Itiuli Ilres iiu't trie -a cieirvs Nvts buutteriig lien, tus h i .ttuutdartittt, ceinug Itit. 13v roin, lte cave \vsîcs tiycani Ile Mtir' av lit lui be tieît. Site s.ui iii tir ae ecute ce 1 bhiving ber vals in a conihin- cutitturorîtrage civet icienousness. Irle trec vmati childien veut in tIre suit tue their thcc stual but' toîms, iookieg wvrried. Saîuieniy lire Moîîier reaieed 1 stuc bad chewed iree of lier fingeri rigiri dann ta tire sec- onedjoini. Tbis wouid neyer do. Scudly'vbul rcmvrvetciviy, sire b.-stenucîllier gueothlie iirree 'k. snîlcîi ildrue. Whn tlucy sani .tîh ie 1Lkeîiîî e THE FRA: greettisgunupnie sers plrîsîîîi titi NI ndub Nii %ilh tntîoL *ALL THE discutats lon hi ingi o iii up list Palier rira Ame ira %a Scemi tiratiii cd iii recreiem tris tli-ctee ire Ilittttrî a lieu tlup lit', iput Chlitgrîi tftîîtt th l %l ilo a REMF'MBI a maan vwi , t e'Illa Il tutti itîlitl estl iilei, i. Eýhr Taylor 50 YEARS AGO Taken f rom tire Eles oE tbe Con- adian Champion, April 28, 1910. Tire ltitin cuecil iras bren op- p itolîrd recenili hi' a mon tutti prpssta estoirlisir an inclus' S tc rî-hr la caiîider'aliona fut lei;) 01 $10,000. Sucir hcnusivg i% a gamblin v hich tire manie- 1 I S ilialities ta iitee tise. Milton sirîoid avout il, si ile encouoioag iîîg sotte induistries îs mach as possible. The îoîcn mas havr on tr qutieiicrls'. ppîttaiti souce iiido vainc" tihng inthîsifine viîich sili ho ýSS errlus laire bcih sale oiîd profitoable. For o trisha ew'ornme uir Messrs. Win ond Cii. .eivs andh sm cifihe sboecomparvsihv en d.vsieldoft some ounoille to sappîn tiredermond testv iie Illetiî'- lir tîtir giotis, stiricir baie irdis ireir .tik îeume kmoiîtftr tber higît isniiie. qoaliti friatuftir Atantic Io tire Focilie. At prevent tirri pan cal di scussioîn about invvisges ecriv $2.000 p-ri mutt Ainrirosiit'er but ihev siisirtu oblthehrcap. illifatirbai tîrhe cii' cf urepireit buildinîgs ivused in Nortth andt(0Ioieî ilfor amu.i riag- îiaî'ivf cardy. ci anti mutrsuithie F. 't vs'ta 1i1f85tire Frenchr rteretri ivn atiripaît ofl.lthe loralf Canada failt hum. lhev nia\asîk te curpai- rcîevlî'cm Fiance otitîn ta guarane bonests l iv. Wiien tire stîlel c.intiiiitiiS20,000. givivr' ri J io deeet, tire vri.ssari gooiiiiiee un titis par t. l ]plaicîîîg t,.res Sîtela îpiopoisitittî siould mu ta lietheaieti ctu Ill tepaieti0 scîîîîevcs viren Miss JeanîîDewrv of ciTorontot latie.îîîc' h Itti'e liii ,conte iii Mil tinti iipas Mn-S. tf, pitris. eîd .i A 'i'a,r an,tn tnldiret t lit,'ie itittiti n le-r' rlîtîlet, Attiri.r,ttNe er %Atîieiti,titis eiîîliii f 'or t t"r.B.C. \v]iter l e , ai V vsr le hts vecuteel a Sictipcsitionî. lii cli\l it ITîr Chîîîpiîîîîlias lîen îskeîi fi) dratt îcîtentin of Mil titiaise- ris ut luni andcl crrrs ires 10 FR %%lienî Illic tnt.' flite' ict Iliilit,' iii equtîrs ,ionta i aîtnoved tl ievi Ioikeep suehIt ees licer ci ireptian? fiotutb lack kLitiandti ttti re arpealties lut',îtegleciing ta tit si.Coîîîpilintii nade ttbhrrr cre mvîî'tiers in Milton ftatioai blackrkt taivs uir infect tiers i BY BILL SMILEY îcgiiitt ocet.Tîs sh trisi iiic'clcing titis nie " ll in dagerc'f i eiiig pai'- tîlek up tircut rUe eti rîte ptic' ini t11iti lit'ii , titi (ictel Fi lD. 'îedi'îîîî. lMtP., hai ci v ig îirîîal t'. evdiv't Fretiet iliorMitilitiiii Fîrglîts aii. 'otttî111 itiei îîîtîîilice.îîîiîeîîîeîeelhrtIvî Le lunil. ,îî[c iiiîck \,isîL, stîit Johnî AyîîiNrde 'vastvîcîviater: alt it i titi stîttilitctrme' ii ct'tutaie rNelsaît pîî,îoffice ru'Fe Mît ieîri se arcris' b. it ut, ile' lic-t club i elittdlibt-t lie' tVoil i itfo i ctaiveii[lie tlciiti s - t itile sîîmrtii lcn its litek. 'Andel'li t %o o't k tutu' stlie' put for sit- e cîutîtît i r rel tiiing \%lil,itandcitticiig [ie lub liplitet. Boltlte'kiieti iertiti tit. Juil aivsite sîtîtît. ir leaprit îLe a ticet tatti vie itisseti. (iiîiîîg liticli, ti. utlilpc( rîl hat ho lind i lîteiraîkîtîtîetpiece tlhte, oner ich erciis i i iiei assuranîîcce-(liaîi il \\aseu 515lier ceres, lien meteu a 12 pîtîtîtî tro .Slite wviii ul ni loitilielîtr slite e-vc-îîîlbeîrît. %iiitstîcîvt, and iti: "Got antd hit Ile ite tutu huidei ad ie t1iiltii it"Site coutil ba\cse suît len litecîlli, cas te liresiticiil cid e n tecitin e ctwiii 'i trom heliitîtirîîte sîîi ocsr, tieirtfiîrrvvîîileîîsssquiering tutu tirri r tse snîcîll tetglit- tering. Sîton hin r hicer vnîaii moto îlîre daggiîg on te ground. Anti so Ilien aill ii bappili ci-er cfier. Until nesi inier. Andtitrt', tire story of Open- ing Day of tire [roui meason, and bow il acquired its signiut- rcance in viii Canadian sian cf flFe, rien thotigir il interîFrîs iiti thie hotise-eieaning. 20 VEARS AGO Tairen rom lire files nEflire Cao. adian Chrampion, May 2.1940. Mrs. GeorgLe Bîsman, Miltvn, vai tire prvud silever of tire lueky nuvuber in tire Marshrall spriiefmaître-si cvnhesi ieid ah tire C. R. Turner's iernîture stvre cuit Saiarday. Mus. W. E. Robertson, miro iras bren cisitief relatives in Su' merset, Kentucky, U.S., for ses- erai munths, rcturned ho lber home in Miiiton recen tty. Vîltirtire irer weatber ibis scek, or begin ho hear people îtiriee cabvut spring fever. Did timers sac spriiefles-c isiv usi ploie tazivrîs, but tirci prubabîn bac!dtire sanie feeling iv ubeir it oriring dais. Itltu-s casier tien ho quit anrd go Fising. Tire Christiian Stemardsbip De- partirentuofchtie Momens Mis- siueary Societ', of tire Hamilton Caniference prrsenied Mns. Emi- Pusn ri vf Betirel cirorch irîti a bocok enhitied "Speing's in tire Valey" as tire personal assard for vît utg tire hesi human intereut vichy un Chrristian Stevardsirip. Ciriel Harrcp vas ca lied on Tuevdav niitouassivî in lire lerc ur George Allen, v-ho did uic tuetunt hiis Foirer", home ontut iu.u u. Tire buy sithie 4- sear-ouci son vf Mr. Robert Allen nd evîdes on tire second lune norti of Acton. Anvone' boving tenfire bac- ur keoming of bis vu ierezibvîuîs iv asked ho coni- nîuniraht,-sciti iii parents ur Cirief Hanrop. Arive. Misses Ms rte, Durotiri and Ca- tirtiute Frit ofPaerîmo sîcre Sondteîs ssitars stitir Misses Mat-veneand Freida Gcalbraith of Zimnuernian. Jack, son of Mi. and Mns. Clar- rer Foird af Omagi, v-on tire Volit medtiut thuitHalton Music Festicalaiet Gergecown and ah tIre Port Music Festival aut Brani- filo ir e up 'e ciavi for on- ctî.îîîpotl oices. Jacki s a pupil tut Miss Matrlue Foi. Mr. aenl Mis. G. H. Hume, Mil- Ion, tisileut sittu Mi. and Mis. Siilen vi St rerissilie an Sonday. H,îî tin Antiersuon of Milton licetire piolet nuedat for baritone soloal lite H.tan Muîsic Festil- ail. Dodging 'Rouand the Distrct BY ROY DOWNS ACION-Th r a LBotardtis planning a stuvup-puliing bec ah Itit s Laukr Maii-vI14c' and askrei ibis uîeek for vi untcets sithb hais. ls.tituibe-nllngis ,.uhle andulloths out cibusgrease ho ossisu iviti Itle projueet. A loîcacot'tti paîisu ili puys de flovt lunettes for the laborers, Charge Klds on Wagons WATERDOWN-Poiilicitlae v-.ununuctildrrn tai motorieed wa.gnsttiuiltubc die n itt'dtuaikortvets,ir drivers wiii bc laliiorcharges ai dîi iuîg a teblicl ithoîutaî îlience ... Trahfie on Higlîtu'v ii ttîaîît tuutîtus lîci%, îvltîîîvuiuîs ad.uîedSîîeiîî, voici tire Rt,-u\v unit dutiai tuer ine carusuvct,-atut .1 stevill as lor as ai vile east ai tle irelulagep tutus. Dîscoso Sunday Sports BURLîNGION-Tl oucalt MintvricîtAssociation bas ashued courcilfoia tutceIuiveuts Sundzti v spotis il tire question oua lulc o e hisvissure eetreaniruies rounicit agenda -... Council nttilried ifsitut-m.ttruvntrparkng parvi. Cus. John Scott,.svit flire poîueb.se otutci ncutarsetîtu ricni elenabte hmnta tag as many as1 III lutes ftic' îiîîtilons lie ulacs ui lîtt. lire oruiil figures tire scer r, tuttiltir$375, nul sîuutîtpersloritslvl ivnsxrca parking fines, Protest Stnp nf Service GEORGETDWN-Cîîîuecit seul prutitiou the Board of lTransport Cotemi sviouer's ho cotinue C.N.R. passener se-rtire uiflire Barrie- Hamniltvonine. Miltouniai bren av-citiiîî Geou-getout n's decision befure tottpiîîp i vimitar compiainu ivitir C.N.R. Fnrni Slnglng Chapter ORANGEVILLE-A group of local meut are Forming a cirapter cf tire îrganizaiion trado-markeut hy a barber pote and on abridged alpha- bet, S.P.E.B.S.t.S.A.-Suciet.v for tire Puevers-ation anîd Encouragement ut Barber Sirop Quartette Singing in Americcu,I[ne, Thep miii iing for ncuri, hospitcuiv. aiier scivire clubsoeil tur a ihobby. Aiready. 17 tutti.inîlicateul anutiiiterestiniitire gumup. [nduslry and More Indnelry BRAMPTON-The lowsuicnned a hig indostriai bit tis weck. Thr e nv induîstri'es aneouniced pions lu locale on Holtby Avenue, inctîîdirîg aluinint, ituuionoking and monorailplants, to empiop a total cf about 158 people. Asiieli, aeother indusiry aîînounced plans ho doubtle ils fluor ircu by 16,000 fet, The Turning Point BY J. M. STARR Prne of the happiest sounds in the werld is that of somcebody wbistling. If pour father was anything ike mine, it s a truly joyfui sound, more prevalent in tire pringlime when the absaole joy of living. amidst the miracle of flic unfolding everywhcre, rencws everyone's bappincîs, and we aIl whistle for the sheer joy that's inside os!t Nature bas so many delightfal whistling refrains, especially n the spring of thc ycair, that 1thtink is catching. Tiny brooks whistting soltly, soothing and caressing; and the many beatiful bird tuistie', txhoing lirougb tire moces Io [brillite most jaded souit1 Remerinher the happy itiutcs %ou spent as a chittt tshioninga t W ic iti ati l l itetctUt i slo î i on i iuattiit' ror mor, tOiechIildîcti vi the tiot lithave bren craivg mitis(es out ot hore and clay, as mdll as wooi. fTic curious Orcciav boy-imp, "Pains" crode reed pipes were one of tire firsi references Io musical tuistles ever rccoîded. Tbe lote and lire tiny piccolo, and tbe gîcat nirce toc. arc ail improved forms of wbistles. Il pou bhave ever bang a litile boncb ut bambou wmiistîci ont youî patio, or porcir, yoa know tbc lovely cool and sootbing soond they maire wbcn tbc wind mlots. AnimaIs con bcar soondi to sbilt for buman cars, and many dog owners heriron tbeir pets tuitî thtese seemingly noiseless wbistles. StualI boys baie alwavs bccn said to sebiste in tire darir, and oic' cari easitp onderstand bîttu llis bappy sound would boster tbeir courage and ebase tbcir lcars aîvay. Train wbistles, beard from a distance, sound plaintive and tovely, eand many people can tel] wbetbcr tl witl train or flot, just by tic pitcb of a train ubistele ntbe air. Wisttes play an inmportant part in aIl our daily ies. Busy bappy people svistte as tbey go about ibeir ebores, and tbe big, sbîill actory minute, spetîs '"tuncbtime" for scores, cf moîkers. Tbe policenian's scisîle is une ofatboriîy, and in tbe kitcben tbere s tfelicrist irospitable sebisite of al tbat cf tbe tea kettet Tbe tubistie s lire signal tbat staîts tbe race, and proctaimi tbe turning points of tbe fame. Tbougb we seldum stop tu tbink about ail ibeve se andI cheeri' wlîîsllrs, tic could nver iniafine fle svitbîîut tirent. Wr find lirese fines in Lord BYron's "Don Jiti": "Tîtere's music in tbe sigbing ofaI ed Tlics musicithelctsitviof anIl Thrcrs music invail thîis, il men bail cars!" THE GOOD OLD DAYS Hllon Coavfy bas grown 159 per cent., in the pot decade tuhile growth crots the prociipce bas been 34 per cent. There is little monder Ihen tirat problemns cf acmtiîiiraiion and aperalion, oI municipal bovicLï,riLi aid exteniig services i mia liait of aihers, make for complea imnes. We mere ginen the aIrer day la monder- ing if municipalitici mould ever be broad- minded enougir 10 agree ta lire estoblishrment of a couvly police force. Tire Ontario Provincial Police once ap- proocbed tire idea of a proviece-mide force with delacirmenîts in municipalities lieked for emergvncy by common centres and radio net- morks. Tire Provincial Police nom, iromever, are puillîg delacirments oul of centres milir ovni 5,000 population. Burlieglon, Oakville, Georgetomn and Trafalgar nom bave tliu amy forces miti tire O.P.P. cavering Mit, Aclon, Nossogomeya and fiquesiiig. MilIoe is faced wiir ire The Canadian Champion Pubiisired cvery Tbursday ai Main Si., Milton Ont., Menu-r of tire Audit Breau tut Circulationstire C.W.N.A. and tire Dniario-Ouebe'r Division C.W.N.A. Advrliiing raes on requesi. Suirveriptiîns payable in ad ýiae,.00 n Canada, $4.00 inlire U.S.A. Auitoriceil as Scoîîd Clos. Mail, Posi Office Departine, Ottatua. G. A. Qisi, Edttor-in-ChieF James A. Dilis, Managive Edilvi Publiivied in tire Hearitf Haiton Publiihed by the Dliii Peintinig and Publishing Co. Ltd. B US IN ESS A ND E DlTOR IAL OFFICE TEL EPHON E TR 8-2341 ............ --- ............ . . . . . . . . . . . ýl ïý'A" Wke,,, 4el

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