LEGAL ON22 I The Ontario Municipal Board IN TUE MATER OF Section %la of Theo Planning Act' 195 IN TIRE MATTER 0F an apilSies- son efthlie Corporation of tise Townsip et Trafalgar for aIs- Beva of le Roasiete Aresh dey ef Novonsier. 1959. APPOINIMENT FOR HIEARINO TISE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL 130ARD isecebc appoints Wedses- day. Use Puis day ot Jannacy. t9P0, X lise isoar ni tes aonisoc, alis e ublir Warks Building, Townsip cgiTrafalgar, Ontarso, fac Use iscar- log of ail cachie_. snteresid .in supporting or opposing Usis applie- alioo. DATE) i Toronto, 1kms 14tk day ai Delemiser. 1956. R .VICKERS. Acting Secrelary. TIRE CORPORATION 0F TISE TOWN5SISP OF TRAFALGAR By-Law No. 1959-134 A By-Iaw te, miessd By-taw 1918- 48. WHEREAS lise Land Use Corn- mîittre ai tise Tomwnsip ni Tratal- ghar. bas recommended certain chages in lise Ry-lam Nomiseresi AND WHEREAS on tise 22sd ni Octobr. 1939. tise Planning Board by motion adopted tise Committer's Etepori and recammesded ta Can- cil tisai Use aonoso isy-lam lie am- ended. AND) WREREAS tise Cooncit oi tise Corporation ni tise Tomnsip ni Trafalgnr dcemn tl desîroiste ta amcsd Use zonise isc-ln in an- cordance mush Use revommeodatio cl tise Planning Roard. AND WHEREAS tiss isy-lam han been appravedhby ordr of tise Ontario Municipal Board as tise NOW TR'HEREFO1RE TISE COUN- CIL 0F THSE CORPORATION 0F TISE TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFAL- GAR ENACTS AS FOLLOWR: i . Tisai 5v-tom No. 19.M-48 ise andi tise samne is iseeby amnnded es follotis: 0.5 Sec. 9 E 1 - Permstted Uses detete. *Syothelir dry cleanin s - tablinsmes, Body re air sopo. Fuel. ait and ice dealers, Fse eq ipment dealers, Undeetakîng estaiblisments, add: 'Appliance soles and osevice Reaaty nalons, Barbser shops. Serviceusnns.ibut nOt in- cladini nuo bondy repose nhaps. Prrale cus and iraterna nrgarizaOions Tas, estabishnments". (i) Sec. 7 A 12 -Comme esa Uos for l*A ts PC., suisot1tute "6A ansi PE". 2. Tis Bv.tam shahl esme ist fou force and rflectlopnees is provl y tise Ontario Mosn REAt) a fient, second andI lise ime tisis 30tis day ni Nnvvmises A.D. 1959. F. O. PHfLLf PS. BRese. S. A. FEATI9ERSTONE, Cler NOTICE 0F APPLICA- TION TO THE LEGISLATURE NOTICE IS HEREBY DiV] tisai Use Csorporation ni tise Tow ai Oakoite ansi tise Corpneation th onhpo rfla neta appiy t0 tise Leginlative Asorý bIc ni tise Provinneof Ontariouf en Att: (as Estalailhng a jint poisi utsliies commsnsiun canaîstiof ise memisers ni r.nism twoar ti ibs elecird nI large isy tise nento ai Onhesîle ansi tva tn ise ciect ait large bu' tise clenses osf Testa goc andi tise fîflhisstise ehsseman> ta lie appsintcd hy tise rent imembeen or in defonli ni mes posiment 1:5 le appnsntrd kv t Lseatenant-GonneeOr iu Connesl sis) Estenssina t0 tise Camml oien tise es,ntless and mosnicm ai tise mater penductiond dsi triatn sysîrmu of issis masic oltiîs andi ni tise etentesnity oapp nyntrm ni Ookisvsle anS 0f a part ail ni tliat ni Traalar as mar appeapesate allr a slndy ikerenf the ISydro Electein Psmwer Commi oien ni Ontario. asviog ts lise Con msisson thecsleol and marnai ment ni otiser pssblic nitities Oa lise services in tise twa moninspo ilies misenever ssch mac isee trnnlcd hy kv-toms passe ord renl isy issus msunicipaliMs. ses Penviding merlise poymenl oeeating nnd csot rosis ni ormssson issolor on tisey arr n pnvidei ouni ni tise rates riseg, ycitoand for tise construction future capital moris iy the Cas mssniosand thecprovisiosnof t moneyrceoascedlseeisr kv t imo moninipalitsrs in proportion ticierrespectie onoruosments or osor le utheetiior ogrerd iselme tisem ne ordered isy Tise Ostos -Municipal Huard. (lit Goeenivo lise esînistis ment nf ratcs to he cisarird isy t Comsmission mer tise servines su Pliesi hc il ansi tise application l.reevenou. ansi gnseaty regot ing tise oeations ni tise Comm d n f d of 15 d P. ni hi n( 1 n r 0 h, M ri h h p LEGAL ieontlnued)* LEGAL <Continued) Thse Canadiens Champion newnpoo- -The boys have been enjociol ______________________er. pubished ait the Town of 1I- skating on tise pond this weeo, ton. in the Coasty of Haltos Prso- lonn givisg it the potiers sec- NTI URM OR ic of Ontario. shoit ie good andi ..asta enable iltt0coteol and INicTeE SUvsceaiCOUeTosdWes mnnoor the pubie liilitieo and 0F ONTARIO tufcn Ssr ice ssof tse Detedanrt ather services entrsted ta it ins tise THE LOCAL OAASTER lhn Daneais hereio. onteresi ni tise inhaisants af bats AT MILTON. 2ADI 5FR}E iD sounicîpalîties.FRIDAY, tise 4tk day nio cf 99 ER tisas tise Defendant, John L ~IfE DATEDt) Iis t4tis day o! Decens- BETWEFN: Danetuh. do ester an alspearance IPm, E Z L ber B*ANK 0F MONTREAL to tise said Writ of Sommons ait te I 1 9 . M. CAMM. Milton Brancis Local Regitear's Office ait tise Clerk of tise Toms of Oahvilte. Plaînlifi Toms ofistitaos. sn tise County of S. A. FEATHERSTONE, JOHN DANELUK andi JEAN Haitoo. or or isefoce tise 3tst day Clecis cf tise Twc. ot Trafalgar. DANELUK efnat.of Decemiser. 1959. 'UPON tise application isy Con- Enleced in S.C.O.. No. 2 Folio BUSHEL BASKET NotcetoCre itrs se os beisaif of tise Pis mlii fac 395. Dec. 4, 1959. RWA Noiet rdtr as Order pecmsttisg ser-vice of a W. N. ROBINSON, FUFDYW S AND OTUERS Wit ofiSommnnerein upon lise TiseLocal Manter Milon. FU -DYW S - Defendant. John Dancluk i os- NOTICE: Tise Plaintifs clo m sa Notice la iseceiy fivn, tisai ailio Tiwspae -uls il 95 10 blne Ibs. for $1 io nmeae. uilsie ai t e nalolnndissg on a Promiosory Note creditses havis g daims ngainst tise Toms of Miltn. in lise Couly il madle sy lise Defendans t otie enlale of AMY FINLAY. laie o! Halton. Provnoce of Ontarso. in lis e Plainifi on Aogooi 21 h, f955, and tise Tonshiip of Nassagameya. on presenceof Counnelfor tisePlain- tierenemal oflisesaidnote dad AT tise Counlc o! Halton, Widom. de- isf, npon readia lise Affidavit ni Marcis 2nd. 1959. o 3t1.JA ecs ed, miso died os ne aisout tise Raymond Alesander Mucpsy tisirlielis day ai Assgnsl, 1959. are omors os lise 4tk day of Decemiser,________________ rrssoired la ornd tn lise nnderssgs- 1959, filed. lthe Affidavit of Allan cd Solicitor for tise Eoecnlnr. tiseir Joisn Nichi%swors on lise 41is nnese and tirsnlses ad Eo- Farý anof Siscrîfi, C1959y nillos, Sale FL Ed 5mE eN nomes asd oddhesrs on ml par- ay o!e Afdacvisef r, w 99.iiamd leifes. n hto tisei dms i x p Fprantis Af ff Cni An fr William SIleR QndUerie ecotor wi aite tise day of Ja-sonnth 8 dyf Septem- LUDYADCENR uaoc 2. 1960, distrisne ise asst be 1959, pi n is enrini "FOR A CLEANER and ILUDYADCENR cftise deceasedandmil nt ieon &te Plaintr HEALTHIER HOME" loi min St. 'ise Coche"» fiakir o nny persans, misose clam 1 T IS ORDEREDt) il service isave sol bers filcd asoforesaid fatu oyo h Wril ai EARL POWER 1HOME OF THSE FEESHEST, O'ANCY R. LEE, Q.C Surmn itascioand ni a Sa roite Et. crecp fti Orr by poi- b Mouati Vlew -Miltan CLEANEST CLOTHES IN 63 King Sire West, Isig cei listo,,r 1, M TE 8-2543 11 TOWN Dundas. Ostaro noieoeeo.edre once o $10. CNRISTMAS SPEClAL Salicio laor tise Esecuor efo he w s prrceding1 c-13te3s a of Dembr 1959, sn -e~a'Go Mr Ma4W4 9Mraqe DRAPERIES GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cent. CUSTOM MADE WHITEHALL DRAPES Construction Co. " Delivered ta your home, eisaoy e Eocavating ta bong, in 2 weeks. @ Oroding " Experiiy mode and fisîshesi. * Wide aerac ai pattrns fromt e Roasi Bnildisg eehich 10 choase. Free Estimales CAMPUELLA bRPART9SENT Colt STORE 228 Mois R862 Milton TED BATES s-tt TE 8-26S6 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Sherwood Hume EQUIPMENT RLENTAL Front endi Soader andi bnlldnzer. FsUl jobs a spesilty. Mane iosi- ed. Sandi andi geavel. Ornerai sensking. Timbr bogbt. Froc Esimotea PHONE TE 8-2621 ELECTRICAL SERVICE Milton Appliance Service Fac Prompt onud Efficient Repaies andi Installaions ts aIl malles ni Washces. Decers, Stores andi Ne- figerators, CatI DOUt) REATTIE TE 8-24t4 FLOOR TILINO K. A c A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cnstoin Homes Repole. Altecotians Modern Copboards Plans ansi ifree estimotes, Years of espersence. Also deatrsn for *Jases" alaminssm doarsos andsinows, lise iinesl an tise markset. TR 8-4424 c-if TV and RADIO SERVICE PAINTING SEELEN'S TV. MILTON Roinani ppbaceicvio PAINTER & DECORATOR Radi andAppian Serice Free Estimotes Car Radios a speciaiiy. TCB 8-4851 TV aerlols instols wilis 10 il. M. SCUSSZZI mont $25. Miltas Neigis -5f if yna iis ta instll aeriaî yooe- self, me ginea edncin os ibis priro. SEWING MACHINES CALL TE 8-4T10 or 139 MAIN ST, S IN G ER SEWING MACHINES NICK RADIO - TV SERVICE 180 Ontario Si. TE 8-2413 a 24 hoaeservire ai Freec esîsmatas a 2 mosîho' goaranice as att reposes c-il WHY TAKE A CHANCE REE US FIRST Central Radio, TV and Applia nce Service ___________________ PHONE TE 8-9741 CLEANINO OFFICES Wr fîo misai nîbees rani. Oser 20 Walls andi Ail Types ni Finsses iuoain eurrience. Ouseociensi me-r CaU rire. Astenna instllaion andi Milton Janitor Service K. BAILEY T8-38 c-37-tf, ALY ct ORNAMENTAI. IRON PLASTERINO RAILINGS AND tROIS WORK Milton P LA S TE RIN G (iIp)Gervais O~rfamentl iro ahiîSuco R1L KELY TE 8-9827 ROIS WATKINU îLL TYPES 0F TILE cii! Phono TR 8-6591 Milton FloWl adCiig OVERSEAS TRAVEL SEP-VICE _______________ FLOOR SANDING FOR PITN SANDERS FOR RENT Overseas Travel TOP QUALITY - Fre vsiae OXea or air, NAil COMRILPNTG PrsEtmts- CANADIAN NATIOA COMRILPNTG DAY RAIL WAYS DY EVENINGS B C. Wiseeler Wr design and peint distinctive T 8-3 1TN t-P9ol bis nss ntto ecy, office and isus- R8-31 TR 8-6571 t TE 8-2709 aflr 6 p.m. c ines foaims. Direct mail asiveetis- -_27- ini, bunlletins - in fart, almosi any prîntîi Yoa may have. Alissm ns 8ENERAL CONTRACTORS KET saue s an mch ERACTA TV AND RADIO otTItSCPaRnaTiNn &hPUBLISH- TE R C T A Repoise1 ail malles of lelevision 191 Mass SI., Milton. e-if ONTRCTIO C). L IEt) 217 Mais SItrei TR 8-4445 TR 8-2015 c-sf DIRECTORY For he cnstrctio ofADVERTISING IS AVAILABLE Fowrtse casrcina Uwà~FI2 IN THIS SECTION AT ECON- * Waîermainn OMICAL RATES. PHONE FOR e AIl underground atililses EIIIAM COMPLETE INFORMATION c-29- WANI!AD TR 8-2341.. Newo machines frein $69M5. Reoons ditionesi models train1.0 Wr repaie aIt mahes sewtng mach- Oms a seti Singer for es Site as 91.25 per mes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE 172 Keer St. NM. DOaksilie Vîctar 5-1172 IN MILTON CALL FRED MILLS TR 8-9541 219 Mois St UPHOLSTERINO Reimer Upholstery Malle tisai nId Isrnitore lbah neti ogain. Rng Cîeanisg ansi re- fssishing. S-mecS service. PHONE TR 8-9741 BAILEY BROTHERS s-t Milton Upholstering Chesterfielsi suites, chrome chases, slip ronces etc. Wr rekoild. aond restyte. F ree estinnaten. Fiee pick-up. DAN MALYE TE 8-9094 or colt ai 358 Main St. c-lt VENETIAN BLINOS Venetian Blind MARUrACTURINO COMPANY Oahille VI 5-2191 u'iei Blins Clivncands Reposre Tsssî Qsî,îlty Fee Estîmaleg Allr i pm., TR 8-69929 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. Ri. 2. Milton. Ont. Phone Surlingion NElsos 4-692 ADVERTISE VOUR BUSINESS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY DîRECTORY. RATES AS 10W AS $1.00.