Yul. Warning Milton safaty couacil is dli taibating thes tags la dai thia msak ia the isopet the wiii cnt dlona on yuletld dainkiag and daiaiag. Thcyt enailable ta atayone aethI O.P.P. offina. Paper Closed Over Christma~ This senapapants cmplnyeas. %alt anaheas n la mcy otisen slancs. offiae anal laatsatct, fuaa lana day hnliday aima Christas ya, Thc offiae mili te alaceal Chaistmas Day cnd Baatag Day The offiae alosas IL 5.00 p.m. Christmas Ean iThanadayi aad opana Mnaday mai niaI aI the tI itaaad il tha anaulan lima Thurscday. * Price Home Ram Mo e itoSecond 1k hrheadtletkn PlceTie W ith 6-4 ýW in cdearae t the snday.on Oakville Red Ramio nalad miat a in the leagna whea thay dnapped . Toni.gh1 Ratais play C. T. lmprovement Ia bis condition n2nand plane tic in the MiltnIn- an 8-7 tilt ta Cataadian Tire in the Ca nht PLR. mceta Gant ys rea almed ILhe popelar spots dustnial hockey leagan Thursday second gani oftheaaîaht C.T.C. inthe othertilt. . Laga mVaa ct rloctcrtti homttte In- niaght with a 6-4 n theynaaintdad set theapucethtughont the ganna. tuaWednelday nighhlthis waeklt t i otdf keeplsgtlml Lnhst e naen DalartmetintofHighwaysThe haa'aver, and it îasn't untit the ThursdayhaangChîntînan Evend 1 s watorgltlly plarmetd. Rain ana Flow tied wîth Qaina- last paniodthat Gnt'iytlrame aaa publia skatiag hingon forbat i nt knowam t hOmtaatt ston Motors witht14 pnats wlwi th thnegaalb toalmtlanish Christma Evaand NewY%,att'Evt'a PrîIce mi. tl.n .s t.Mltt they haeacquiredntix wins and a tiateanittg tnt waek Wceday Me rst'lt-upas lte tap taa aiea. Qaeenatan has seven natts Harold Tinabers fired the hat wili ha the day fnr tadustatal aat-ý maarcc In lte CetnAe Ontario S-ta data. trink, DataI Blaak a pair, Goady ion ata. ltermedlcle lagee. r DRH O. set the aae in theatana Bell antd Nann Flamtatgta sanglas u g M a s< c g <a W U Y ig cltonnan tokh 2-t lead in fita the Inters white fnr the Red la th opgnnmtaad t te m Rams, Don Pacsctttantted fotur te rame bail;and fd a pairin the limas. Dinh Ready gat tw t th e tecnd pantd tntaLe the teiadsingltes amin frm EddieaKylih n'hiah thay nanan aelianîanthad. D. and Ban Hamlay. HO0. did ttc theanautt amn NOTES: Thena mate otaty ta ad il an't nt 17.35 ia thapealties aad in tha secnad finatlpeaind that theRaBati îanh-ameaaatnet ah tam. Bth wanc ed a vicltry. miroira mith Daug Blaak gsîstg nff Santatg fnr the higha'ays team fnr taipping and the C.T.C.'sl Lamh nainr Bill Allistas wlth tant. Gan- gain tiff faa hotding the paah. as day Mashall and on Filîman with The lcague apeatlc Taesday aand mcat oneapaa. ForatheaRedRainsBobh Wadnesdat' FLta mach and nant ea MnKaytaied a pair.mtth sinlesameek willsec nîy one aightatf tiat cnmna tana Bill Paîne. Bill Oaa, actin Wedseadayl h eaaaa nf the nuth Max Latta and Boid MaKay. Maaahats tahîtg anat Tuesday 1V. eaîetd ofgi eti Only t.na penaltias mena caated htaht fna theta gama mîth Gantes- ta i tha tilt aîth fanantf theta gning toma . . Team managearaa an- te oll out friedt ecd ceghberî. la- tuah Rama. mîîtded ta mahar nate af tha tahe e e dhppsl asya saia data ahanges aI the arana.. otrufnhapoiwt yr ha Gerrys DrcP Clse Entccelr Thaaa at-a lia-a changas, ail ofce c ec as c c on Ganîya' haha clah minad it.s nhinhacomltlae nthe anhdle neradda ols n o chan"a ta Loave mai taîni h fliai- iteaW content lie SW W gt5tt<Wt5tCWCI5 STANDINGS Central Ontario Hockey League 4 i tt in ii ii; i l ta 2 Merchantlin a orint i~~ ~ i Pl t inat a tt t 1 i t 9 i.2 iii i As haeppy femilies eetmhccc gotetolgether le ccllelcr liais mccl festine cf seeisets, mc tle le itace in ecîendisg te peu car hoec Mthel thlie coyt cf Christmes f iii year homc. ROM T14E STAFF OF MILTO N PHARMACY 1iAe isope yoe hmeu a very Milerry Christrii flie ged aid fauhiened kînli wtth cil Frem Ail 0f Us AI ME1 Nt S K NIG H TS W EA R Fliytg laigi are aur iaainm far your lsapptnast durang the Holi- day seasan. Bus deepîy raated as oua appraciatioll ai yuur patrun- age and gnad wili in thea past year. We shall look iarwaad Icu tihe op- partunity of continaing ta serve Vyou throcgiaaut tise îaew year. W. li Bc Cioed Dc. Ij~ 25 and Del 26 le jEn FROM ALL », jey lthe Hol 0F US At JIM BAILEY'S B.A. SERVICE IIATON rUULIKI PRODUCIS PHONE TR 8-4821 ASEL1NE MILTON s t3 .u mesel ~mmm2 ctu.m.m~melmÎs~amammmmÎa3e3mffi t »Iblm»30»11 BM--- j 1 :L 4 4 ,;P FI. 6 2., 4 ;'il' 4 liday.