tH#TOw MS Concert, Matron's Party, Bus Trip Ca ndlelight Service YuIe A visit. seilli ad frirods fraaa. tisa playci ly Steven Bouse oilh Me. Port Creit-Oassisvjita district for. Salmera splayiasg the piano and tise shed a great irai af pîcasure for Maoor's osto Norman Viagers tise the cesidens of the Masor os Mon-bots day eveoisaf, Dectuar 7, whieas thse wAs anasiag Interlude accorred Sosths Peel Oserai Gcoap crme ta lien Tom Maypsard dressed in a tiseManer ta pceseat their annuel long raIsIn aogist-sirt and nigist Chistmaa sataceet. Tisera cra 20 cap, recitai tise famaus Christmas ladies asti ,gçiceriea ta tise grossp piesn. A vosit froas St. Niebotas. iscludiog-tbe presîdeot, Mca. Go Taoaris the rlome of the progrees. Rail Matlson proeed isof ta tac Mr. Mathesua espcessedl hîs jies. aa ate<ayo. o witty asd capable tias af gaisa out ta saris Sana clssirsan. Claus. In a short white Sasta Clas, who iotard for ail 10e storld luse a Jerry Oalmcra cosducted the lois bra10er ai Mr. Matheson, es- group in his msuai taicsted fashias tcred tise coase and began 10 dis- an4 Mn. J. Coates was the arromis- teibute gifle fruta bis paris. lished pianstforcthechoraalsum- Special giflaawere givea teMr. bers. The progoam, oas a musical a. Howard, Normas Viagers, Mr. one soiti tise asocisters singiaf sev- Ralmers ad Mr. Maysard. white eeai gcoupsfChistamassonsasd ecri resideat eecelved acellsophane carca. Isterspersei amoag tisese bag cotaiaing fruit andcady. The were somne aid-tisse viotis selertios larogeant rame 10 an rndai ahi sa point owith tise gcoup sgisogW ol--- ish you a Merry Chistmlas". Cobes and culd drsis wcee servediducisg asocial boor tisat provideithe resideols mils us op- S patuoty to visitoîthtsese stauaris W irds fesse Souts Peel. (lsndiellgist Service A peogreas et Chrcistms poetey and musicanduacandlcight serie. bo10 of mOich mccc aeey ceeret sndi nspiriag, oec presented es Tuesday eresîso, Dacember O, isy o 12 asnemers ofthlie Eveaosg Ausil- iacy of St. Puul's Cisoc in Mâtos an ud tmo taies from Kilidae. Ta opes tise peugauo tise presidart. Mis. A. Wsoodley brougisl gree5îafs frons tise Auxiliaey. coud a tlle Chistamas parcs und offerai prayer. Tise posfcm uas tises isunic oser 10 SOrs. E. Foster isa taris tise puert oftise leader os thev Chistass worship acrce. Tise thOrst iis yeae sous Tise Baise of Betleîhem andimus prosesîrd on 5sn, prose and îaoetey. Mca. H. Godter of Kil- biscde. areumposîrd by Mes. L. Me- Niel uit tse poas. u ang severul v-erv picoosog solos. Tisee luies Mes W. Weacahopng yoe Casrns, Miss Myctle Field snd Mss. hsave a haidayianaassn J. Gren ed porions ofC sriptre triai druociisci the N.slssly. Miss brsmmisg wsh lfsa1y. Midarro Gomma-l rd. wsish bvu-i silsal eapýsitmssss the oass ut Tiso Keith Durnan A -tipesv ad igt RADIO - TV .s55'5s.5e Issloorsi tias pisosss ssii- Sales end Service ail a Gifta ut Chistmlas". IL o BOB & NORMA BROWN Milton Greenhouses *Events carrei sut ots tise lighitgof sx rasiies ech ceprascstative of a freut spiritual fiel tiset rame int iseiog oi10 the Natîvity. Tisa rasi- les and the gifla fer ohicis thay atari oece iigisted andi icribai isy tise follsmwiag laias Ligisi, Mes. Faits. Mes. E. B. Ciemerta: Hope, E. Foster; Joy, Mca. R. MrKim: Mes. N. Picisatt; Lova. Mes. Don Grigg; Etersal Life. Mca. M. Tret- heocy. Aller a o earious speech of thansis isy Mca. Moud Smiths, cefresismenla of froit bresi dooaled by th isa-iit- arsan socold drinks were serd. Mca. E. Poster made tise social bose especially psasat isy islsyiag sev- rul seiccîjoos os ber vialis. Manie Nilht Weisesday sight, Decemiser 9, osamovieoigslagass wtiMr. Alles shoisos tisee films. Tise first film. Induostrel Caaia, shsow- ai some of tise leaig indoatries tisaI hase maie Casada tisa sinUs greatest isiuseîul nuation in the oli. Tise second fim. sailoca of tisa Qoes, in -besutsfui coter. de- soîrie tise part pîsyci isy aises. sis and sasvaI arcerafi of tise Royal Casadiso Navy ut the Coco- nationof ouc Quecnan sins suis- sequent Naval Rosira. Tise tiis fim. A cosu Aclie Ungava. depict- cd lise fîrst espeitios lu, 5e sere out ucrossa cratain section of Us. gava ottl obJeet of oistaining apeci- mena of mineraIs, soit structure and 010cr natural resourcea. Finit MataGa'. Parl A most delsghtful innation i the lsesofrsatrtaiament ucourred ut the Muaao o Th ursday ttr- sous,' Desesobr 10, whes the lu-st Malcoa's purty ever t0 ha gives at tise Massor oas coniuctei by Mns. lari Mongraw, the Matron. Witit tise aid of a few cioae friasnia. Mns. Mongraw planaed, conductai ais proviird -for the entire Party. The friands olso helped lier ware Mra. Ledwili. tae organst at tise Grace Anuglican Church, who acted aa piaaist. Mca. R. MeCuaig, a mens- ber of Grace charcs choir, wha sang everai aolos anti lad tise sean- moaity aingiaf. Mcas. G. Marley, the preoident of thse afteroos bancs of the Grare Churois W.A. ansd Ms s. Beatty, a ooeber of the osme brasois. Mca. Mongraw had pcovldei a miacrpsoe for the party asi h osed throoghoat tihe afternoon. To opea tise prograns. Mca. MaCuaig lad tisa resideats tsa tise atogingofa a carol and lOies sang a very fie aolo, The Birtisiay ai a King. Thse isreaeolation of a gifi ta Mca. Moa- graw osas made isy Hulda Marey (Cootiaued ona Ifet Page) Ca o ftl L. W. EMMS ELECTRIC 16 IV c Jac 0Ibrnt b $lad idmn8. of grcat lob . of cPuc on SLrts, C-ood Witt to Mena. As thse Star of BelhIcIcs aiso«s ou tisat )1otg MfliSo, msab tise truc. aploit of osine upoi boit and bousa a: thsI s1oiois fiaMni. MARCHAND'S CREDIT JEWELLERS aqqmu««« ----------- - - ------- - ------- - - -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -