1 M - , I RIGHT AROUND HOME e ol* by Shirley di Last week white decurating the sweel chocolale, 'i of a bar ot Raid 'T.4fy hçuue for Christmau, we sat dumn paruffin wax. Melt these tmo iu- 2 caps brumn sagar With the boys lu make up anativ- gredienlu in top af double boiter. One-eighh cap mater ity scene front cardboard cat-oulu. 'Place a toulbpick je centre af One-eigbth cup vinegar Au each pcece was cul and tîtted rbilted casdy. dip ie chocotate, sel Cumbine aIl infredientu and bail int place, me told the buys the on waxed papee, tamn tcutibpick lu mithut tirrinf tilt a drop turne Christmus slury. thc -trip tu Beth- remove il. Add a drop of chuculate very bard in cold walec. Peur im- lehemn, the birth of the Baby Je- lrum end of laotbpick lu fili in ncediately mIn grcaued pan. If de- sus, the anincaî Icho fane Ibele bote. Coul ebocalalcu, tben pack sircd, natnmayble added belure stable, the ubepberdu and the wisc 10cmn je boxes. pauring. AI the end of the utury we sautb-%OUAM ed, "Did yoa tube tha1 story?" The foar.ycar-old eeptied, "Tes. butGeorgetown Ends '59 Chiristmas Trees luuhed ater m e pakedtYcas On Note of Economy Originated in Egypt * * EORGETOWN-Cnancil eeded Legeed Oaa il that the Chcistmas Lunkief throagts Christmus cardu the yeae on an economy note wben lree ariginatesl je Egypt, wfsece the saved from10thepastfew year for parchase ofcuxfraostringsof clo- firtlreesaused were palm teea religsouu pielaren, wr were sue- cd ligOta, tant item of business lu The Germans brougbt the trec le priued le find ety 20. We needed camne befure the ceiring ceanril, Amermca. boweveras 10ey aln in- piclures for Sanday ucholot for the mas eal 10 two utrinfu raben Cc. lroduced il ta Eagtaed. Tise Ger- cbîldrcu 10 maire cards aad Ibought Eru Hyde moutd not support a man Prince Albert, consort nI tOcs woutd bo easy util me start- cesatation le puechase thrce taueeu Victocia, introdaced the cd lookluf. Itle osmasief lsow 1cm stringa tiret brec inle Englaul mmn Oce relyrlgoancards are uued ama- -ier ad a Irce for bis yoang daugister. rcatty reilfl ~ ~ "e'r ending the year with alnLîe sri ebv oeî aitth1e 010cr beaulital cucds. detecîl and $201100 la made up of a Mrugt Luerfirul Cbrilm a e * * lut of $50 items%" said Cr. Hyde. inoors lue destChro istmearsl tee The recipslbhis eek are alor "I Im o n crctl nesît year. 1l6bn tarsfo e. ain a i h cad.Tefrtl u aoie o' pn 5uls ti abso- W6heuoluc raetl ebocolte todîr. The ucol is for latly neceseory.' yaen cec tOc c rna mints to cooatlc. This isOC fin t Wilh Ce. Fred Hfarrison ouf-..mmmrating a centuries - old temp at akin choolats an ge ting uht councit uboald end lus Arabian learnd Ibat relates hum we're very pieased adOh 10eoe rrycae wilhuulaspiit voteoauliouý planblossomednand fimered and sult. Thelast recipe is anolbrcbybcimset and Cr. Anne Cucrce; lceru mcracoiousiy bore ripeurd favorite, bard taIlle. was reduredttetîo stringn andý fruit onthereoftherfirutChrist- Chaelsie Fuige pasncd ueaeimoauly, [mas. 3 caps wOite sufar 2 tobirupuons cocu oyrup 3 tablecpoolsncocou F cup milk 1t 1sp sait Mcx ail iogredcenlu together and. cook titi raIl bail 110fr eccîhout ulrculg. Add t tablespuon ut but 1er. Coul. Brut tilt crcamy. ihe pour in10 greased pan. Let set and cuin quares. . Chnenlates 31las0cin c uceufr 1 Ucn soeelcurd coudsd cuil Ili 1 ct butter 4 îubienpuoo cocu sycap i tsp. nalt Fiaorcngs: mople. butlecscolch, epitermint. vanucha, ramn. Cb:crcreiand nutu -diu tuceiber iccuf sufor. W . ,k* buýter, cure syrup anti sait. Pct 001011 aounu t oftOcs 01.x10reit a 001011 bou'l Add a lictir uf the desircccliavuccof act in ll Kcrp atiicoflacuccof a drcop ai a ticra ulci the teirceti talle bau,>e brou acqcccrcd. Add mrce icc in augac cf the mixtuceccsto 10010. " Shope inle balle. ublongsc squacces Sel 10cm ocn a ru j i' short and place in retccgccaitoc fur Xr'&to you, O5t good about 30 mcnulc-. Furc cbhey chocolat e. c-11 a bct frienda and patrons .. our scere ot thc ficcu micxture aiuct a mar.- appreciation for the privilege of aerving aochcno cherry. Do nul adI aey juice. COcu au abovcc you and* bout wiuhes for a happy holiday aeason. Add ucuinutu ccc prcaou lu macle Ilavaed mixurecc Whcn cb colte MARO, MILT, PAT and RON cuaicd, add o obole nul to the top Chcoae otig 2pgs em- MARG'S RESTAURANT I MILTON cheer pcrvade every home, lighten every heurt, brightcn every lifc. Especially may you and yours partake in full measture of ail the joyn assd blessings of the D)ay. Mcerry Christmas, ail! C4edJ HARDWARE Dan Merclît. Aallsaclaed Dealer. Oweer 136 MAIN ST. MILTON 1hok niqhi May the tis, decp mllanini ef Christms maSlle thesietl brlght teu jeu aed paurs. Milton Fuel Supplies F. W. Rebhina TR 8-6538 ode As' the holiday season glidas merrily in, we would like ta take the appartunity ta express aur appreciatian to ail the gaad peaple who have helped make this year such a wondarful ana for us. Thank you ... and basf wishas for Iaads of Yulatide happiness! Cumnpbells Depurtmnent Store M 1 L T ON L - __ SAE hAPPIEOS DANGER TIMES eun share our bapness with On Christmas Evc live of thc ers durcng titis Christmnas sea-1 eight fatlhîles in 1958 occucrd We con realize ibis by doingý beiccron 6.00 p.m. andi midnight. .ythiug possibeIncreduce traf- On New Year's Day six ccl the accidnt- by waîbing and eit fataitein W59 Ccclcc.cd 'cng Bately. bctcvcru sidnight and 9.0l0 .o. v N'amsi eW50 RUTHERFORD'S GyENERAL STORE TR 8-6396