When you wsrie amweest cal- Atuarough giiess,lheearecabout uma, and Christneas us apon yaa. 250,000 peuple misa read Ibis est- andI pou are just gehiag avec lise smn. Ata dime eacs fac carda, 'fla, andI ils tua, Isa ta do aay- and tupssence apiece fac siasa il ting sensible except lait tise sacis, maatd cane me $30,000 lu send yoa Satan tariss. «Ais', ho arniris, misy ait a csrd. After csreiat niudy. I duntpoa reprint une fram ast decidedaatteadouil.lIitishalI1 Chsristneas. Tisey'd nover isnum tise danit havo tise muney. Il's junt tisel difierence.' tisaugis ai licising ailt liose staneos. Sisurtly aiter OltI Nicis ias naid Gisviauuip, il's prettp ciseap lu is place and tise niniaier ameet- drap icon $30.000 ta a moere nenuoflthe ideainahaing in, "Merry Cistmasa.tu ose and: anotiser advucate speaiss up. at'la inemy calan. Su 1*11 have Tramo tise bsuttue ai tise niais. ta single' oui a lene. mita tise tise Old Lady nuggeats. '*Wiy hope tisai lisept repeal il ta al don't you repeint an aid Christ- tiseir frienda, and ait liseir ma colunn? Arealtyau ever friendamwittrepeat it ta ait comîag ta ised? Nuisady has lime THEIR frienda. uatîi lise misute tia read il. anymap. around Engliîh-apeakisngmaorid i.n une Cherisas. Sesîden, *îiep'd sever greal hooming "MERRY CHRIST. renieneer thep'd rond il isefure. MAS." Aller al. itus oui exatiy deatis- tesu prose, pou Ssnw.' I am praud ta gay tisaI 1 aent a.ism haIs un siscir muy. Rot tisai il wasn'i a line ides, il I'd hsd il myseli. BotlIlI frequent lise camp. any ai Oid Nîck misen I feel tiSe s fling, nat misen he dues. And I'm tue atuhisuen tu admit lisat my mufe ha ever had agoudîidea, la hec rotire existence. Il's dîffîuli ta meile samelhing siocere and original about Chisit- mias,hbeausrltheee is0oe slarp. eepeated eveey yeae, tisai maisea eoery aliser piece af literature aut Christmas louis feehîr in onmparisas. Sa, liais yeur. im go- isg tamakis simple and 1h51 sap *Merry Chistmau' lu a misale lut ot people. es briglat os lin Wevly leimmilne on your tIon. BAILEY BROS. APPI ANCES Main St. MILTON Tif 8-9741 Sa is "Mrrry Christmas" ta al rny fiîrdo ia tise merisiy ormopap- rr busioess. Joat for- exampie: Frarirsa George Cadogan ai -the Dansons Chranirie and hia wie £Ida; Gene Madoaid ai the Gira- gorry Newes, tise aot ai lthe isig- lime upendero; Prie ansd Leila Hai-ý daimn ut Uxbridge, tise night-omis aha pabish the Timn - Journal; Don MrCag ai the Reoirew Ad- aanre. iggeot isatnlig and tishing :ir nonh ai the Ria Grande; Rer. John MeNuisa and Alisan oi lthe Alitas Hrraid, a rieur rase ai tise palpitas gala biig lise newspiart lusto And all yaa a:isrr chaiiratersý Teal athlie pubiei relatiososys ais aisve oaffred my pie.ec aitis amiaislr. oligisity frozeet amleoeroaon Ju olrrex- ample: Rata Ereroon, auise part- ry is asimpecabileas ismari- nes a itty as isis taiS, a pierrisia ab is ryro; Calin Ha- worts. misase drawings arera sisaggy antd iniereoting as is eyeris. Tommy Lre, tise laot sait-a-paien maor an Cunada; Pil Garmiey, tise mool riaisor- atrly-digaioed iseatniis nonsh ai tise St. Lawrence Seaisay. And uit tise reai ai yaucisaraclero. To tise relired gentlemen misose intters are a areat pleasure la receive. whise rlticiens and encouragement are oaltitry and marmîng. Juot for enampte. Wil- liam Graisam. relirrd raitroader. ai Winnipeg, for is ilstots ai irros air, Huais Ferguo. formésr aras- paperman. ai Flarida. for is rippinga and commenta; Andrean .Gslloway, retied isaniser. ai Tore dfio, far hia tîoety rcaonstruction ai lisinga pool. Tu ailth isodds and ods evey- aisere mîtis mism lavecos_ teolly refuord ta eneisuoge Christmas cueds. Lise Puarisy. aire Engli s lad miso mao in my sqaadronoaveruvas. Gal a oued tram Cornwall lisreyears an a ramuandoroer aiswrrd Lise Tîoy ai Califoie , mîtti auism I sarrd a iiliriaus and isacard- Desî loartiel tram Paund ta lise laarly aigisi of a Canaodîuo tais and rrm. amplete mils Sorel Mqu<Ewgnsoenst tUa~ns<I PICkE1TS DRUG STORE -- I ------ BY BILL SMILEY Caps, on Western Geemaay. And ait tise rut ai yoa cisaaer in Austeatia and Aliserta, Belfasl andI Buawayo. I nover mas mach ai a card-ausmerer. Ta my iseotiser, in Paramarirso, Souts America fleri tise halls saish iougis af muisogany, aid boy." Hacen't gui around ta an- amering yoar tant four letters. Etaveaiît go t arasad ta gelting a preseal aft for yoar non, my dear nepisem. Bat me'It ie lisinhing ai yau, nmeatiag and racised isy lever, as me ait dama lu aur turkey in lise middle of oarcrinp Decemher day. Finaiiy, ta ait of you misa read tis calame: may yaa Sanw pese and jiay un tis Christmas, moy yourememiserwhy you are ceteisratîng tisa day. may 1 asish yuu, mush ait my isenel, a merry Christmas. Superstitions About Mince Pie Many wriiersnsay lise mince pie arîginated la Grrmuny. miit olisees dlaim thils unegînnina is aest on lise ansala of histaey. Nase. thetesb. il mas as rosestiat part ai lise Yuletide eelehraîiao sn eariy Englasd. Oid saperaitios iseld sisal aoy persan retaisgltueat mince pie mîoldhea nlurisyiîr the Comng year. Sisoald ho areepl tise invitai- ius and partais rafatine pie dur- su lise holiday asas, ise moud have lise oume sumisca ut happy manlis daring tise yeur as lise sumiser f bousea s misics ise aie mnepie. SET EXAMPLE Os îîîî asay homo today. lt eacis oftusreiiveitaseta god eampo foe tise es ai lise year. Drive eiorteorusy as me eaprans aur good miii, nul only ta our frienda, isat ta reeyne. Be specially oniderate ai utisn ta ur watkiag and dciv- ing hais. MARTIN ST. lips onlouring sp Cana Lane Wmm's Trei Aulhoat Your osa cane. Christmas pravides une ai lise aicesi ireasa you cao gise ta tise aider lts in itCitien ocros tisa natian pauvîde street spectacles tisai sre iscilliani and festive. Why oui invite tise foisa lac a drive theougs aitier lise shopping or reoidenlisi district ai yaur tamn? It can provida them and yoursell mush more free thriill than a Ro- Colorful lighta embroider homes in jemel-iooes. Elahorate ereches wiih foulie, Siblicai figures con be seo on iawns or garage doors. Or Saots Claua and his reindeer gaiiopiog down chimacys coveed with fise or reai ssow flarries. T res ar e neokisoed aod gar- iaoded with tinool, liglula aod fig- uren. Aod commanities vie mits rarh other ta trangiorn their otreet lampa ino Christmas trer, oiga stars or wresths. sec saris sights and taking ihene aiaag miii maire tiseir Chrisimas season even mare memorasie. MILTON EDGAR HOWDEN AND SONS FEED SERVICE TR 8-6258 Raees ta you. valued friends aasd customers . .. gaad wighea by tihe aleigis full, plus heacly thalnkm for yaoue patronage iheougisoul Ilhe year. May yoss ail enjay a Holidary cici 1n lave. wafnh wiîh fclendmhlp and abaunding la goad Isealil. goad cheer and gsad lellowsip. MILTON MILLING CO. LTD. 1919q«49 le le