HORNBYNo Empty Chairs Big Crowd at Turkey Shoot Urges Alcohol-Free YuIe "Let s ce have rry empty chairs This wekthe safety cutinelds around the Christmas dinner table tri'buted 2,000 smsll tags bearing n~ in your home this yeAr," Milton . imple answer - "No tak W .A-Do ate $5 0 fr Pumbng 1f'm drvng." Originally planssed W .A. Do ates $5 0 for Pumbin~,saftyacourl president Ti- Mi;- may haIfrl riko The HaIton Sporasmen's Associa- lt mas quile a shocls la ail those mas; box for the needy family mas loy pleaded this week as saat for iibutn ta travelling sales. lion's annual turkey shoot held an atteneing. packed and severa banes af clt-sdplc fia anhd Il- men and delivery truck drivers who the tarmn af Mr. Gardon Lee as St. Stasohen's Goild hadl a booth iog mare breaght fer the Children's out driva againt the annoal yole rai oUser ai have ono thek Salurday afleasson, Dacambar 19, aI the shoot. Aid. A deliciaus lunch of frsuit salad, tide menace-the drinkioig drýie. miie " ac"mn ohrsae altrocted s large eroord. Glft for Aleka Christmas cake and vookies mare idrean mnyohsae Thera mere 48 lsaakeys won aI thse The Fiast Ilornhby Coh Pack hald eved hy Mrs. Kes Ella and Mrs. Mr. Milloy and safety officer wearing them, on theia coats or ia shoot. Sonne af the local fellowa did Iheir Christmas paely aitIhe Ang-Saly Constable Bon Rupert notaid Isat lheic haîhands, alrighl this yaar - Haery Pscket, lieao rhurch hasll balt Wednasday Mes, Norman Cramp actai as a hîtssiai te er, Ayn lhn ascnpc Jies Damas,51 BiRsbinson, Donc evening. Thismwastheir last meet- Santa Claus and gaveaearh membar avec 50 par cen t. of the accidenta lhen op al Mari's Restaurant, the U oisn hakam-n fIe eramecn gantergf.bve involved drivers who had Champion office. or the local O.P. RbnoBili Bossnet, Jakrm-igo h ercmecn gi hi it onaomed anything frain a "Christ. P. office. son. ~i lJanaary. The-oys had funde- Bofrildas mas social" drink tasa plat af A mani freen Hassill.,s a h. lacealing the hall and popping ,» M ". Bih T hamoni ose o hta pris'htsclla Csneshvehc eod sotdied ofaheart atlack. Tise cern. o MrBilTopoli-hm fo botesprt atsnthe Cureshveenrcrdg Poiair aulne were called. They presenlad the Ahela mîbh a the Christmas holidays mila bis kind of Christmas spirit me mont," leaffla mevemenla an Higsma> 25 p mulne amaît .tor. Parents. Ha bas heen atlending cl- lhey choaased. at lae nam Hiclsmay 401. wu« 480 loge in P<llsdam, Nem Yack. Mr. -_____---------______________ IViUIfSUUsUU UU' . com5et Ray Archer is home for te hall- Thse Hoanby*Uniledl Charch Son- days. He is attending the Toronto day saheeil beld their conacert on Art Scheol. S December 20 in the rlsoch hall mila s gond attendanae. lu New Hospita 1 ?AIl the ehilsicen ftrasn kinderger- Mes. Tedt Rbainsan sa a patient le Ian ta te senior classes toah part the nem Msilîton District Hospital. an the progcam mitb aengn, radItal- She esspecls telae hahere tra Imo sans and solos. la tbrea eks. Dois Chlstsolm is Everyoee joised in abîman aiso a patient in the baseRtaI. Chaistmas caeln and songs. Santa Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley and Claus arsivdand aveagiftalalfsss visited mith relatives inà Mh the children. Lunch mas ejsyedeldltrlaad river thse weehesd. by ail. Birthday greasinîs tu Darlene, iiy àae en? IIUI ad SMN Donation5 Leslie whe milI hoe Ian ycars aId on The H<rnhy United Chacch Evn- Decembev 20. la Mr. Hosward Brui- ici~~~~~~~~ aslfeanWAht hî ey on December 24. o Jarkie Ru- bIy ISCai.ry join meetinfin he chcch ha beîso oncmer0, o Jmmie , lant meh. Mro. Roy Wilson aisenai TanoDembr3as ri Mcs *ikIlo Io i laqu$er the meeetive and Ms J. Neelasds Rchl n s eon Dcme an tuM cead the minutes.MranMS.Lwam, vs It mas decdcd le fise the Boardite Mc.h as Mies LeiSesepsd er .. vIs- o a of Stewards $15W.0O l tio hl cosier the ...e li fend.1 espensr of1 tte rcectly inslalled Best mssheos taR.ecte Murdîich domt et ÉlIll tie oai plsming Ist cciiîd r s1 itds Mcc. Leashcc. pcccidviit cf tte who Melý-e irnnhbrh Preshytccy W.A..a Cie cselt and u cModay.metrutu hsMt Oaa thachs asd boit she gav e snlcetîviti rti civii Stc wishes for a ieey hap lie ivtalled tte cris ofliccis i Ic Rotaory Gift festive ad Inspiring et ail hafiday teasio a laitf Lunct oas sccî'd. Miltov Riitain tis liee ehtld of yao hse patronage Christmas Laceh Ibrr mcchly niectinge ai ther Mille h 800011 msn ih p0ar. wu valaesa highfy. Stl Stephenvi Guid meti il tteIn lis,. s elese let ici on Tîsdav' thomeîofaMr. and M-s Wsn. Bradlcc!DuIsa tlesotcsessioneouiess on Tucsday eveicii December 15, massdeallmsth butpr"idcv Harld withl15mrumbacs preseot. Kelses preseclcd Hirey Wcbec Y O RK E'S The social evenico brîse milh a mta a gi sappcecialion ft. s i.L N B T ESSO SERVICE few gasrs and cantesta. The Christ- selrvee ie i ts n durisithf ps PLUMBING AND HEATING UL 4-2241 20a/l lhiv fcstive session, we loik bock upon a yar of mceing oid faicado and nsaking ncw unscs. To ail go oua lsrty thanka and happîcco grectings. May cauh asnd c" une oscf you have Use merrest holiday ovec. Hufrris Statienery & Office Supplies Milton St. PuIvirs. Uniited Church James and Main Sis. MILTON ONTARIO Mlalaleas Sec. J. Lamne Graham, B.A. M. C.D. Oneeras Miminaaces Bey Ed. Baker, B.A. B.D. Kseea Orasl andi Choie Leader: Miss Thelma Atkisson A.T.C.M_ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1959 11.00 A.M.-MORNING WORSI4IP Sermon Subjens 'IHEY RETURNED TO WORK" 7.00 P.M.-EVENING WORSHIP THE SERVICE of NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS foc CI4RISTMAS-TIDE Visitors veey Wslcome MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITED I . uuuuussu.uusgusescusssoessuuuuuuuuONssuuEuisgUUUUUONUUUUUU'cssEU~s