184 MAIN ST. MILTON FOR THE CHILDREN 0 Rings, birth stone and 0Wthsfente $795 0Jewelry : Pendants 0 China Miniatures 0Musical Powder boues 0 Gift Certificate hSHOP NOW Watches Diamonds Wedding Rings Compacts Siiverware Crystal Neukiaces Earrings Clucks Lady Sceatter Pes Cigarette Cases Lighters Fearls Brooches China Steak Kives Jereel Boues Dresser Sets Manicure Sets Gift Certificats Watcben Expansion Bracelets Cuff Links Luggage WalleIs Signet Rings Lodge Rings Ligtees Flashs Travel Alarma Cucko dCocks Jeel Cases Cocktail Sets Wedding Rings Bail Point Feus IBaromneters >Electrit Raaurs eDesk Sels b Carvieg Sets t Gift Certiticates Ge Currie, Ce Sinclair Seek Reeve's Job Esquesing Votes Mondlay on Trustees Esquenuetownhipavote a t l M.Seccli dnocetcarcindnainfspptthe inrk tttheinent trkffbte poilnen Mondoy constructinpaogecanoeraeeog of isnailiy. Deembe 7for tbrirfiefemncip;terne basin, ratliner rince epeatet I tcment arieai ibardftruste avote intinrer yeae. Areaiinatie teabenswithlciumranon graneiStanlyJ rownlc cecpaiaed tiatitre lis uiapieg cp (cerfie post cf Ramve roatin. inatia balance chctnrt a inraithyl of the toweshinpiiîith eaort-e Antenberof the Creitrster- pttrer. rit reterce George Carrne. îen- vattonac clicrtr. lce tlid cf the Debrnure liait Cet ieeioRere.rchaiviattd rst :earc.aseCoficfoitatn Parkbot cl c o l-eiatilto','taao Arnmauiment l",ti,heltî \'îttil ttttti1tot' 1,1t [t î..î"f.thu t W itrid Bt d Lce,"et a ci 'l atit Gradter t'nrn'tnsrd lt-e'" i i o i l, t finlac t he potl0ai D ot-Bett'r courcitlat ira teeccd tic',etillc ,o ho zcoilt aithtenmieationmeettingMantiayerdicerorfna i$20,000 gadter. b tiratîtetrîte o ltlejot.lcctai nîghin th e towenhip al ai itte' aLon nîrîn nehe lti gradere ean Icatietihartibren $811ad th ie hoarni Cr11t artocn.cJtolerr100oeere-laor $l)o.and theralacerispay- iracold bacct'and oit-en ent. able ceer tineer yecrn. One cr0 actier a aIci pofîc0Acc.etibenitrc Watrr Linae.Gerge Lesite Inbige Oaaerretail I a ranii c'ttîicaîîe.tiia frlnaftterîîaif andi Wilf i Leltr terrarrlattcrti$4,200 anti ancftrer rreni eta iitntleetboo fa rcri moe LeraatiMarr- [tptrlie saiti. Fautre progtttithe metaniati. Matiiterltnedtta Plaîcngrcolsic-1a.4a, candaî eaetiaoeaiaccitt.eetac.d ace tcîtanat.t)nc $94101 acti oed prayîng $,200iti cr iaircca-sinate îlc h Fb-e for Trustere ci t e, te cew feeîîr-Reevcrueen d. Avotecîîll bc e eittpinthtee nteti fHe as ic.ae'wctne tin suIterestmnt arinciacrues. inacee.Presront hecîineîteenrconservatiocaautî- Mc ltîceî'eictIl,,itallibtetlti 1.r- crleobreR.JCunniha,Sta-c-etîy andtpipcltecitithe ceetioftiiect.tditîlttih aaeokinc 1955 dt da tey f. Biawn anti Carence Caiesnceteofeiceracîc oationea for- lite a ete I,--, c .c tî't i lbgot- .... arericllecgri bynea'cncteMat townsechip. tte'in acteati at.Il,'Ifeed hcta Spîctlaindtt Thoasa J. Hlltî Thete N. City Dumnping attiic. îti,t te titr' avitiebi saseaeegaatifar ttoeaat'e Cercel iLah ,î'cre'rt;taaa ri,eci KCLîtiaernaaetitenrrltiiîoyearc'intn rîcaîl acdtidîic Aletcoacftrceeo f speecesnd acirerpariat oloia'na 00 os ofncgeacel laid ai 65 erati ea' cettot act cbti d ohau thebaherofinatanaocHe rcti a 'tac lis a tatyeri.at.dcti$d.1u c,- iltecadtoirccc, endninOctbcrr31. 1959, sbeanaaîrîitetare ebînîg (ttc1ti1p nrrluseoctire eaoosnaf$ii.23a.I.Agreati'ti'cin ovlsi'It bathl t rtfiitet"o 431 ad ecan'tpae t- artiseaot il eer iLtat;,K elarded Topic k, cdirnîteaf$tiseition>ttac ndta- ratdineAiorinter ta suc surplsof $8.33fîf'ttnt95fsliintiheeci.tiecs bt oe c te ben titeatteti usc t gie he recri fvoabl' t .aCnhaiie t-ct,-L.--ati-tiFirsi Meeting b edlancL.ny .abld g p e iell o ddBru ce St. Group The twipceitreebaih- cad te Nft Lin, 'ciexeplacnie' i ,vt aadtiîls eporett.ete'whthiltlca acnlhe Actaa FrrArtt ea iotii îae.iltttt'ttt B nîttgetet ititat tcîtter nîthtîi'iît thtofîtal l os,,,nha Int tittti i Hoet releteoir ctitae aeattret. $a.nitbofHeaavecrcdt tt - 10 cetoc :laid thertreanueaend boiardtd eaatreeandototretffcsl t e rk c tiietonf'tdi. hali beibnitic. adaaiasi ofitthe prttt ecr.ttoli ti, o'Nikî ir $500 harenth1reergîîtca'eae1 Atfrndancee5>nr Weula Stand cpitît "t"cly the lecy ace miclli ia e oeecan. bot -ici hisii'etn 11uh ,- Me. Lîindayr ittaîc,,t he l9ttia i htncibthe' cet;- in 1l" -t i,,c canei as n acertdingegooeH lbeîtiecîiec. J.e B(ttt,, eî.lr'aandt aerci.ceictoieaoft.ti'ci adtictcghte,Ititieei.i ticit 1 l' nafeti the tîu toltai ahtout 70 riteil a $19.713 ilie tii lartie. 'Xi ' . II I l Cntlu nfrldy -etîtle. lie scuti,.nerofitae' ' l-i fen'eChaîa'iaeeticdt eialti-I- idtilcatilbaieneloiraui..Loi canerintrctatlhreetit'h the ~rilpendianctt'g,, i eantrileti in f tha'cy 401 ihaîcain citibuildicntiii.t' . lte it fie tochip andt he fincîaecg f Sebnat Repor eeral rcctinhethe Ceaaie Ha- N3fNM Cl, t. eeh.e encar - 'Cie idi-te eele.ineticcteat tbeïera'vauti fa ci.i.an tttthtat loCe' ýt,' If RBuBI en rccab.ehi ltaaibeteli dissotiteeionetcîltireaae-bardini eip expectittare. 'lIre-r ccaOe toa-cta The bardctoc-et Iirie' i Il. Regaetiang the CNR. rahît achati ore mt.faretîiath" et t e'tic, of>uý preeennly beig itienedti. e0e hrteaossileifacddite-cfertthe îîcîng deciceel Nf Cieý Res-ce aimacy vorre crtapptianeeaeecn. thaf thry mnette-hri- o -ilth fialcantirdrpacn masnot na ialleti. ahieti t"i-cI braI rîea ea,,ie Lile-tinne no' itati butftheijobiarisntcsiteb - e nt cclo1r sia. sai.HcIet, h IIltit ai" wlfogefaaig-nacfhre nnîheeatcintccenlt toc Sabt ai' ieiteFectlhata dee '-dta yeae. barne ttic cilr. IfneoaeiIi d.il - lard to Sell WîtfiîetLlc-eodbeL(-ted Itel, .al'e'iti c tl tc. Ett1eicgntebetate sctutaeio aaiî Ile lînti .î'îaîtî l"ýi.i Ia c incter tbantc u reanli e niteti beceor clarger mrcactpaherc adth __________________________ hiain tebenicce tichO cerre taking if biard 1r fie cordo ellisus Tl chngon abcý le sidrem-VOTE brseeent aaaoieypaitifor a'u acimnaskîllcitidtina the r * nne aoxaini.alihatoeraehîi2 usal zO O N LA IN G NunZuning epala-Brece Scclar tre,, cd COUNCILLOR is canin an Ciahe cel rcacAlfor ilsiro lca nnacinga adcriert acndAR pi'ingrcecieec 1-HecsaiEs- W R tOc î, aste lyHalle on ia.paitiy c Ch bac cinierfeati on Vuar ente wrel b e appreciatecl a land uscemal) candcoicti. - ________ _____________ IANTA*UG00 t -i tSelect beautiful jewelryaetgrnatnsavlegs brrr. Sncb a brilliant aray of diamurd rings, precisionu raiches, and i - t- a galany ut the other star gifts. St i - -~~fo 1-tC fedýfiM VOTE AUCKLAND FOR COUNCILLOR IN WARD 2 h a er n uie, i a ovil a n a m r ld or rhe cent22 ycare., I arn coIiite î rîeîseupporfor coacati IfleedmeonaDaemer 5iinIrnldoall n my ponel eo render ecccd aned aggrcsaîae reprecen- tbac. GIVE THANKS BV 4hinas tetiot cchatig tin 0 in'CI' 'h of hcarcbroken parents of mentally retarded ehildren Now, for the first ime there is a glinsmer of hope for chese Icss fortunate mothers and fatlhers.- A $1O,OOO.oo GIFTr At Itei i' etfi I c ti i he leînîrcnîaieiiiiMillet it is ors-k iii dai ot o l raic r i0l 000f as a nitikieti fottdoaref aîdiiidîî forlataiiihoMilicn and Gîstîtef A 'ne tetietitfeto îii kd Ciltilî. 'lhite eaioas la îart cf Ilc 19h09 eaîncasn itli ettjlietNcittirHallent Cecttiy. \tîluîiîtecr cîti 'i i tc have tnt eor.lcnfîel iei cauis mil Lie enlitttg oit pita Iiîîday aici Fniay nes-ttteqn, eceeer 3 and 4e. If pou have ntfalieady givn- te thic gi tcase las pisacdg tclwn derep aed gîce a gecerecs donatiîcc. New aemccmodatioilb ded for the Scoshîce Seboci papîls Dp nent prar -... iîep as peres- 10 gtemma hapepy Chrîsinias wih a genantoas gîff t cday, fo inn MILTON AND DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN "DONT LET A RETARDBD CI4ILD BECOME A DISCARDIED CNILD' etatfleccic era. Thisca ha hi a' c irage andti oc ac'eri bytiba lfnr 1953 MtINARt'ItV-n, auo- boedyendtediai .A atoat cittîind aietî clii f-te cecîeeea Pî'îcet, îeali DEMONSTRATOR f939 RenautS ith tehite Wea1 s, ftcit y titcau lahrictirt3500 amiles, l.* a' ries i tifuelTsix mnntlnn gurante MANY MORE TO CHOOSE PROM HALTON MOTOR CAR (Nec o Conoti an Tire) TR 8 2401 tsk forMa Smi t,n Wngrane ruro'ar Ctf 7~r I - ---------------------- - ------------ Hydro' New ruck The Cunadian Chaempion, Thorsday, Dec. 3rd, 1959 3 -Ueenpfpenei igenesTtirIbi Has Hydraulic BoomkW -nmDYetfgrs7 hl district act eceekeet sincreti7f2 Milice Hydra-Efrefrie Poweer PERSONALS ...eking lobe. Tiney nner 427 man Commissinniareeîced delinery O nd65ti e crn c Friday mrcreîg tant -Sf. Jaon W.A., Ccre'pbeffs-iffe. -e orrinanti toe bcd iBprentetiinIa inettianarresnfclrecire Tnrdcy srerie nfcteinCritmasonti- Mr.anti Mes.Ped Pacont cf eeiag. Higb priesenoeMeu. T cans an fîgin tndtardsin cebslry iienerfy cf Mnlton, tere Nadirs' ati F.Cartwrignt, feacef- Mate Sf. cistn in ltfon an Tcecdcy. ling prîaen Blabe Keece anti Mes Btggrnl fectr fceneictrckb Mec ThomeasHenryf108CharesiFn Tnnn conslation prewec . in atil i n crcpienely hino-tiect. Sf., wcnhelinenner cf the Naerc- o JcsnadM.Pwz wiha35 fotfibomandetiinnalalidber dticor tne lweaor e a-af- basin arcgerccauginiteaei'eaatiheaîncntinnpaensîreti h Kin-t an qitineni. pocsntioe titgerel- ,t leubiof Mîlton. antia ackcinealer. Tinetrubkte l'oc iP.d :tti:;h .:'{ T -oiî.: JohFintt at ' DESJARWINE iCi'n. e0onilC.îcadîac C c nsin TOWN 0F MILTON GEORGE CURRIE CAMPBELL SINCLAIR Fraternal Visit Fo susiqRee Fo susiqRee To Hornby LOL1. WR DON'T CLAIM TO SELL THE Th 1int liiyn L.O.C inad tc- e gelaiameean nThuaînti NoEu Buft Toafight Driver is Injured iot ix-b6 i~ thgo ttenan M 0 S i inita tii Nleto«tt.ce le II icei î'c Hateil- BUT WR MARE THE BEST DEALS IN TOWN :11 e carie'tical binict ati Frit- As Car Strikes Tree ren 1lel1ge Niý 19. Theca«nîhîîtii, iC't raIne tl oidthee c 'inPtBeM ai Wcioetb Ceeenta Wcî nd Ditrict A-eocitecie Bee Rc-A oiantan iîl tjlîiiîit Sittte.Mo ev ' cîV'î i ca ti ad Bic.,Manie WýM. Bic AbUt$0.0 i '-de o ' b'IcaeaSttctay in anairi -r13MRti'..Girge Dcci. P M, Bic TRY HALTON MOTOR CAR Aa.ýin Nîo.he t eeh' i a be a ,,ilç ne- di.aCP. ilBrwRbrei-landPM. 157 NORD Cachn 300, 4 1955 NORD 4 dea Country ,Igfurittow rd ILi'odc rtean. oe gnaltac Stian stan ceagac, 9 dideiacfudnext erascation tdaîeed. icareeint cH!c Wr.BieMuni',cave acereain- Ùktael modestai, i r oetmcltcerconti- ceýsdaci GGiAd,,iti oîai [,> ctio thrinka 1Cern etIýtngnali nOecanaaaittireseaeeftiietdi- tionhoncdclaaeiîtocaly .CîteKieoecc Clutbtihndaeigdas-aodiaeto teeacar aec-I rtedrteeehe bibetaOemtni - centbya loal er.riced. 1,caaeiand veaatie'ecac- bhiDI* GEbeet Ceci ddciicî - c aittcrtintgeig th,-Qen utibeacn. tîîhace ea acgdti c ili- Iilelt.Netth toi ab in- nai ehae cr ratianti acîcrati ins' 1955MONARCII Lecaiie'4 1953 AtCTIN ortian.cere :'t (11, alli ' rild inah ki- goîti tanctng tcditbic. p oert' teeing. tires.el hti' et cati iir era' poer